Sigrid Kaag is attending the Bilderberg meeting in Turin.
Kaag is the Netherlands Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation.
Her boss, until February 2018, was the very pro-Israel Minister of Foreign Affairs Halbe Zijlstra.
Kaag studied at The American University in Cairo.
She got a degree in International Relations from the spooky St Antony's College, University of Oxford in 1987.
Kaag worked as analyst[9] for Royal Dutch Shell.[10]
Kaag worked as analyst[9] for Royal Dutch Shell.[10]
Later she worked for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Beirut, Vienna and Khartoum.[9]
In 1994, Kaag started working for the United Nations.
In 1994, Kaag started working for the United Nations.
In 2016 she was awarded the Wateler Peace Prize by the spooky Carnegie Foundation[16]
Kaag is married to Anis al-Qaq, a deputy minister under Yasser Arafat in the 1990s.
Kaag is married to Anis al-Qaq, a deputy minister under Yasser Arafat in the 1990s.
Labels: Bilderberg, Carnegie, Shell, Sigrid Kaag, St Antony's
Key Bilderbergers in the various public opinion manufacturing sectors are this week strategising the Project to Rectify the Erroneous Result of the 2016 UK Brexit Referendum (Project Rectify).
Project Rectify is a complex 4-6 month undertaking, which will demand careful choreographing of 'spontaneous' events, 'crisis developments', and 'background music' throughout the coming period... all to culminate in the dramatic result of the Second Brexit Referendum scheduled for this coming autumn.
The revised decision of the UK public to "Remain" in the European Union, when it is announced sometime late this year, must be fully embraced and accepted by at least the majority of the British electorate.
The revised decision to "Remain" must not be perceived by Joe Public to have been preordained or pre-scripted, but rather to be democratically and morally legitimate, as well as sensible and viable in practical implementation terms.
Four-to-six months of highly-coordinated and tremendously complex preparations are being choreographed, with numerous crises presentations being planned and developed. The manufacturing of social, political, cultural and economic conditions and circumstances on such a scale, to facilitate the desired modification of public opinion during the time frame, will be quite something to observe.
(Almost impossible for the public to influence, much less derail, however.)
She is an ideal double agent for the jews.
Pretending to be against the jews. If she was, she was dead r not allowed at the jew bilderberg meeting. irfan should also investigate her husband, Anis Al-qaq. Who is he? What is he doing now? Betrayed arafat? Changed side? Everything is possible when the jews, children of god, are involved. Think the unthinkable.
How strange, a Mossad agent marrying an Arafat aide, very spooky.
Your understanding of the complex dynamic required to further dupe the public is commendable and equally credible.
Your assertions would appear to be 'spot on' the money and the 3 ringed circus is sure to start unfolding with various scenarios being presented in the usual crisis managed underhand way.
No doubt economic false flags will be mixed in with the usual terror related false flags and notwithstanding that the 'Russians are coming too'.
Another pile of clandestine tripe to influence the masses to change their mind. That said, if the usual Gladio style subtleties fail they can always rely on the 'voting-machines' to do the trick.
Peace to the humans
BRITISH MONSTERS OF PARLIAMENT - The article below is published in full in the new June 2018 edition of Village Magazine Ireland
"Eric Witchell is a serial paedophile. In the 1970s he ran Williamson House where he preyed on pre-pubescent boys and young teenagers. He and his accomplices drove at least three of them to commit suicide; and another two to attempt it.
"One of his charges was supplied to Enoch Powell MP for abuse.
"A select few were transferred to the notorious Kincora Boys Home when they reached 14 years of age. At Kincora they became fodder for MI5 'honey trap' blackmail operations."
"[Richard Kerr] recalls that two men, one of whom used the name 'David' took him out of Williamson House and ferried him to his abusers. They were in their late 20s or early 30s. Both had NI accents ... It was they who ferried Kerr to Enoch Powell.
"Kerr recalls that 'David' and his accomplice came to take him away to be abused by Powell on a summer's day in either 1973 or 1974 when Powell was 61 or 62 ... Kerr was taken to Barry's Amusements in the seaside resort of Portrush, Co Antrim ... Kerr was either 12 or 13 at the time of the trip ... The children at Barry's provided the perfect cover for what was about to happen: the handover to Powell.
"When Powell made his rendez-vous with the group, he was in the company of another two men. Powell spirited Kerr away on his own to a guest house near Portrush where he had booked a bedroom. Inside it, he sat him on a chair and then lifted him onto the bed and placed his head on the pillow. Next, he undid his shorts. After this he threw him on top of his chest and started to abuse him. Kerr wasn't shocked at what was happening since he had been violated by countless men by this stage; nor was he unduly surprised when Powell began to beat him with a leather belt and buckle. The abuse involved a variety of other acts of degradation including oral sex and masturbation but no penetration. Powell smiled a lot during the encounter, he recalls.
"One night at around 10:45 pm, a man approached Kerr while he was behind the concierge's desk. Powell was with a group of men inside the bar. The man who approached him was a friend of Powell. He 'definitely did not have a Northern Ireland accident', Kerr recalls. He told him that he had a 'gentleman' he wanted him to meet upstairs. 'Can you go up to see him', the man asked, but it was more an order than a request. He gave him the room number and told him to go up half an hour after the bar had closed. Meanwhile, Powell remained in the bar with his associates.
"At the designated time, Kerr went upstairs to the room and found Powell waiting for him in it. He recognised him as the individual who had abused him in Portrush. He says he had the same distinctive accent and smiled a lot. On this occasion he wanted masturbation and oral sex."
BRITISH MONSTERS OF PARLIAMENT - The article below is published in full in the new June 2018 edition of Village Magazine Ireland
"[Boys] from Portora Royal, NI's elite public school, located in Enniskillen, were abused by members of the Anglo-Irish Vice Ring.
"The Portora boys were in demand by abusers such as Lord Louis Mountbatten whose appetite extended to working class children too.
"Mountbatten's connection to the Anglo-Irish Vice Ring also merits a thorough investigation by IICSA [the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse].
"Meanwhile, Mountbatten's reputation remains intact, enhanced by the most recent arrival in the British Royal Family, Prince Louis, being named in his honour."
BRITISH MONSTERS OF PARLIAMENT - The article below is published in full in the new June 2018 edition of Village Magazine Ireland
"Another abuser was Dr Morris Fraser, a child psychiatrist. He abused boys in Ireland, the UK and the US. He now lives in Holland.
"Thus far, IICSA has displayed no interest in questioning him either. He did not assist the Hart Inquiry, yet another reason for its failure to establish the truth."
"NEXT MONTH ... Richard Kerr's account of the abuse he suffered at the hands of a refined Englishman who he is certain was Sir Anthony Blunt, the infamous MI5 traitor and Keeper of the Queen's Pictures."
she has worked for rothschild and rothschild institutions all along
Popular Jewish CNN travelling television chef Anthony Michael Bourdain (1956-2018) has been suicided by hanging in Haut-Rhin, France
Born of a French Catholic father and Jewish mother, famous and popular Bourdain had become increasingly critical of Israel
Visiting Palestine in 2013, Bourdain had expressed affection for the Palestians, and support and compassion for Palestinian suffering under Israeli brutality
Bourdain had also expressed warmth for the people of Iran
A few weeks ago Bourdain had tweeted against Israeli private intel organisation Black Cube
Bourdain had been involved in controversy against Hillary and Bill Clinton
Bourdain's girlfriend Asia Argento had made a rape complaint against Harvey Weinstein
Bourdain was apparently having a cheery holiday in a hotel with a friend, where Bourdain also knew the restaurant chef ... Bourdain had been a drug addict and it seems that, if depressed, Bourdain likely would have lapsed back into the drugs that his wealth made easily accessible, and not 'suddenly hanging himself' whilst his friends were downstairs
Anthony Bourdain: Suicide or Suicided?
The former israeli ninister Tzipi Livni as a former spy mossad kind of admitted having slept or was suspected for sleeping with the palestinian officials Saed Erekat and yasser abed rabbo.
Yes, and their mixed offsprings being used by Mossad
It's obvious. She is a dedicated sp00k spouse, with many abilities, currently Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development. People should understand that Dutch Prime Minister Rutte was forced to admit he is following advice and implements the agenda of large global corporations, in particular Royal Dutch Shell plc. without taking the Dutch voter into consideration. This came to light recently (apr 24, 2018) when a questions were raised in Parliament why it was not made known last year that a secret memo existed where a request by Shell and Unilever was made that exemption and/or dispensation for dividend tax should be granted for global corporations located in the Netherlands.
An agent for the City of London?
Another puppet for the House of Orange?
Just like Yasser Arafat...
Who received the Nobel Prize in 1994 and attended the 1999 Bilderberg conference in Portugal as a reward for stabbing the Palestinians in the back.
The (fake) stories to make us afraid that “they” will sabotage Brexit keep on piling up.
Very difficult to find out that Brexit was orchestrated by the same SCL Group (Cambridge Analytica) that made President Donald a reality. And that all of these stories blatantly support Brexit.
Even Bullingdon Boy Boris Johnson supported Brexit!
A personal note about me, myself & I in relation to Kaag
Her boss - mossad little helper / whore - Zijlstra quited as minister of foreign affairs in febr. about a matter he raised in the Dutch parliament. He consistently lied he had been in a meeting with (proven putain juif) Putin about it.
I am quite a well known persona non grata for mossad, cia, aivd (the Dujtch secret service) which vidrebel / horse 237 apparently did not know yet.
It happened to be 11 sept. 2017 that my passport and bankcard got stolen in Spain. Phoned trillion times to the ING bank and the Dutch Embassy.
The ING had send a new bankcard to my postadress in Holland. But that postadress was not authorised to send my bankcard to where I stayed in Spain.
Eventually the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (under Zijlstra) had given permission to my postadress to let my bankcard be send to my adress in Spain. But after another trillion times phoning to the Embassy the bankcard could not be found (?!).
The week before Zijlstra´s exit I found myself in the Dutch consulate in Barcelona got a passport for a single journey to get to Holland. Where another new bankcard was send to my postadress.
Kaag another mossad whore? De das om doet ze zichzelf dan. Than she would tie herself with her mossad scarf. She would be faking pity and all the rest (13 millio euro) about Palestinian kids.
It could very well be that Kaag is contropo controlled opposition. In my ora@laboratorium I had images of her and her husband. He was a man whom I had seen in an Amsterdam University restaurant. I did not talk to him but I knew he was a Palestinian working for their cause. Quite a sympathetic guy.
Her actual husband - I just googled- a guy Anis al Qaq (a creep) is not the same.
Btw noticed today that google has a new logo after mentioning their ceo yesterday at Goon Squad.
For the latest on Kaag and me, myself & I:
Check out:
`Valencia’s city council condemned Israel’s illegal assassinations and declared that the third-largest Spanish city would be an “Israeli apartheid-free zone” from now on.
Valencia’s condemnation of disproportionate violence against Palestinians and the decision to refrain from any contact with Tel Aviv was supported by other Spanish cities, including Madrid, Barcelona and Andalusia, which decided to distance themselves from Israel in an expression of solidarity with the “boycott Israel“ movement´.
Ciao, ciao, from Valencia a city with murals & balls
Hola, you are still living in Spain? I hope so and hope you are alright. I don't know you. Just read your postings here under the Kaag thread. 2021 and her party is second one in NL. Very strange. I like to live in Spain as well. ;-)) groetjes.
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