Friday 8 June 2018


Geordie Greig with his friend Ed Victor, the son of Russian Jewish immigrant parents.

The new Daily Mail editor is to be Geordie Greig, taking over from Paul Dacre.

Dacre has championed Brexit and Theresa May.

Greig is a 'Remainer'.

Whisper it, but is Geordie Greig about to change the tone of Brexit


Geordie Greig has written about the life of Lucian Freud.

According to his publishers Jonathan Cape: "As one of a few close friends who regularly had breakfast with the painter during the last years of his life Breakfast with Lucian tells an insider's account..." [9]

Geordie Greig has been the editor of the Mail on Sunday.

Geordie Greig is the son of the late Sir Carron Greig, who was in military intelligence, and Monica Stourton, granddaughter of Lord Mowbray

Members the family have been royal courtiers for three generations.

Greig is married to Kathryn Terry, who is originally from Texas.


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At 8 June 2018 at 01:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 8 June 2018 at 01:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any relationship with Holly Greig?

At 8 June 2018 at 02:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

words are useless

At 8 June 2018 at 03:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 8 June 2018 at 03:28 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 8 June 2018 at 03:39 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 8 June 2018 at 03:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 8 June 2018 at 03:55 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 8 June 2018 at 03:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

xpect smth to happen in France pretty soon

At 8 June 2018 at 04:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 8 June 2018 at 04:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 8 June 2018 at 10:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well....kind of, sort of ish. The rules of the F.A were drawn up a little over a 150 years ago.

The iniator being an Ebenezer Morley and the The Grand Connaught Rooms near Holborn Station in central London, formerly the site of the Freemason's Tavern where The FA was founded in 1863 being the venue.

Perhaps I'm seeing/looking for things that are not there. However, the connection from its inception and the current crop of Freemasons running it and patrons to it - I would go as far to say it has always been an Illuminatis plaything. Today, it being a little more obvious being the only difference.

Why stop at football though. You could add almost any professional sport and chuck in the current incarnation of the Olympics.

We/you can't have too many false dieties and idols to worship. Sport has an almost fanatical following that puts some people in a state of idolatry. Others just merely wasting their valuable freetime (I include myself in the latter).

Never mind. The World Cup is upon us and Russia being the host. Do watch out for false flags (not on the pitch I hasten to add) and other events. I also include soccer violence perpetrated by fake fans.

I understand that the US/Isisrael have dumped their ISIS abominations around Pakistan/Afghanistan and are mobilised to infiltrate Russia.

As for the fake fans. I have seen credible evidence that such an attack happened in Marseille during French Euros.

Peace to the humans.

At 20 June 2018 at 06:37 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, interesting, obvious...

But i just came from France today, stayed in Spain for half a month, and two days in Italy.

In all these beautiful countries situation is ...tense, but still lovely weather, beautiful nature, sunshine.

BUT what you mean about fake fans, fake russian supporters ???
Interesting...but i saw russian and brit fans there two yrs ago during euro2016 in Marseille, as stupid and savage they were but haven t seen any pretenders :
however, could you pls deliver some more on this topic ? Thanks.


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