Monday 11 June 2018


Richard Kerr, who was sexually abused by top people in the UK.

"Eric Witchell is currently living in London aged 70, safe in the knowledge that a succession of senior MI5 figures have gone to extraordinary lengths to cover-up what he and his associates did in Belfast, London, Manchester, Liverpool and elsewhere..." 

Suffer little children by Joseph de Búrca7 June, 2018

Eric Witchell

"The UK security service MI5 benefited from the existence of a child abuse network of which Eric Witchell was a key member. 

"In Northern Ireland, MI5 exploited the network to gain leverage over influential politicians."

Sir Michael Hanley, the former head of MI5. Hanley was reportedly picked by Lord Victor Rothschild to be the head of MI5. SIR MICHAEL HANLEY, ROTHSCHILD, SEX

Sir Michael Hanley was Director-General of MI5 from 1972-1978.

Ian Cameron ran MI5 operations on the ground in Northern Ireland for Hanley.

Kincora, the Belfast children's home, one of several run as child brothels.

Eric Witchell looked after boys at Williamson House, in Belfast.

"The small boys Witchell abused were abandoned, vulnerable and powerless waifs.

"A select few were later sent to the notorious Kincora Boys Home where they were used as bait in MI5 ‘honey trap’ blackmail operations."

ENOCH POWELL linked to Satanic abuse.

"Witchell's sordid branch of the Anglo-Irish Vice Ring supplied very young children to VIPs including Enoch Powell, the Conservative Party MP."

Suffer little children by Joseph de Búrca7 June, 2018

"The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) was set up to investigate allegations of child abuse by VIPs including Westminster MPs.

"There is no indication yet that Witchell will be questioned by IICSA which is based in London despite the fact that Witchell is one of the most important living witness to the existence of a VIP vice ring and lives in London."

"At least three of Witchell's victims would never recover from the assaults he and his associates perpetrated, and committed suicide; another two attempted to kill themselves.

"Stephen Waring, was also sent to the UK from Kincora. He committed suicide in 1977 by jumping into the sea at night from the Belfast-Liverpool ferry rather than face any more torment."


 The list of care homes in Northern Ireland where it is known abuse took place includes:

Nazareth Lodge Children’s Home in South Belfast;

Bawnmore Boys Home, Newtownabbey, which was opened by Belfast Welfare Authority;

Palmerstown Reception and Assessment Centre, Belfast;

De La Salle Boys’ Home, Rubane House Kircubbin, Co Down;

Barnardo’s Sharonmore Project;

Manor House Home, Co Antrim.

Mountbatten (back row, centre) uncle of Prince Philip.

"Boys from Portora Royal, Northern Ireland's elite private school, located in Enniskillen, were abused by members of the Anglo-Irish Vice Ring.

"The Portora boys were in demand by abusers such as Lord Louis Mountbatten whose appetite extended to working class children too."

Richard Kerr was a resident at Williamson House  and at Kincora.

Suffer little children by Joseph de Búrca7 June, 2018

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At 11 June 2018 at 15:37 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

BREAKING: Rebels, US forces preparing ANOTHER false flag chemical attack in Syria
June 11, 2018

At 12 June 2018 at 04:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Portora Royal pupil Paul Maxwell was killed when the IRA bombed a boat owned by Lord Mountbatten

The Portora Royal pupil had taken a summer job as a crew member on Mountbatten’s boat Shadow V and was saving his pay to buy a bicycle.

At 17 June 2018 at 12:05 , Anonymous Gabreal Jones said...

Check out:



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