Monday 2 April 2018

Israelis attack Christians celebrating Palm Sunday

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At 27 March 2018 at 03:10 , Blogger Mark Jesus said...

Intolerant of openness and justice Jewish-people feel threatened by their own jumping ship. Are ok about 'others' but ne'er 'our lot' with need for some legal muscle for assistance. Not healthy and leading to all that 'cult' infers. (Should note, the Russian Orthodox Ch. have a not too dissimilar attitude -- those in the homeland and not 'abroad'). Israel-first-ers like to brag up the nation's compared freedoms and neighbours. Pop. perception is all held up by Christian Zionism c/o the US. Requiring Muslim = all and ever hostile. Tension comes in calls for evangelical "support us" but "don't dare suggest we aren't the chosen". No needs here -- so bog-off etc. But C. Zionism is about the conversion of Jewish people. 'First to...' There's a wing say-otherwise and suggest they've their own don't-touch covenant but not in the main. In all proponents of mind-mapped futurist theology, revival and Israel coming, sure as the sunrise. Until then, all about hearts in a changing back and forth battle. Reflected in their laws and state attitudes. Wars around and about. How soon 'that day'? Behind the curtain, expect the elite Is. squad mocks. Smiles and grateful for dollars and political cover. Internal battles with their Jewish orthodoxy and keep any challenges on mute. Yep, go to Israel stand on a street and shout Yeshua or what have you... to the clink. Never a sign of confidence and honest strength. Hey though, ain't it all-but bunkum or metaphor? The need to restrain in Israel is symbolic. Because it counters-back to embolden and foster intrigue. Easy to say and not living somewhere you have to shut-up. Where worldwide, many parts, can't even get together. Lock down and down... Oh for some breakout.

At 27 March 2018 at 03:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 27 March 2018 at 05:26 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ADL Slams Chief Rabbi of Israel for Calling Black People 'Monkeys'

Over 20,000 rally in Tel Aviv in support of asylum seekers

At 27 March 2018 at 12:02 , Blogger Kaivey said...

BBC documentary on mind control which is not available on YouTube.

At 27 March 2018 at 16:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

UK votes against UN resolution seeking to help Palestinian women

At 27 March 2018 at 16:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Easter question: Is this what Christ died for?

"The 'usual suspects' have again tried to destabilise Jeremy Corbyn's leadership of the UK Labour party and damage his prospects of becoming prime minister by firing another anti-Semitism broadside"

At 27 March 2018 at 21:21 , Blogger Cynthia Bashar Al Zawi MacKenzie Rumplestilskin said...

At least one man was said to have learned the techniques, now captured after an investigation that began 10.12.2012

At 30 March 2018 at 22:05 , Blogger El Roy 13 said...

^^^ where's your blog? After reading your info, I need more!


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