Abu Hamza and Haroon Aswat
"Court documents, seen by The Sunday Times, reveal that Abu Hamza was an agent for MI5 and Special Branch, going by the code name Damson Berry."
'So Abu Hamza was definitely working for MI5, under the codename 'Damson Berry'.
http://www.911forum.org.uk/board/viewtopic.php?p=176786#176786 … - Tony Gosling
21 alleged bombers and Richard Reid and Zacarias Moussaoui.
/10/give_me_your_po.html · http://www.mathaba.net/data/sis/mi6-terrorism.html. Abu Hamza al-Masri presided over the Finsbury Park Mosque. In 1998, the President of Yemen demanded from Tony Blair that Abu Hamza ...
aangirfan: LONDON BOMBS .
23 Jun 2017 - Abu Hamza 'secretly worked for MI5' - telegraph.uk. The Finsbury Park mosque, in Islington in London, appears to be a major base for MI5 and its friends? The Finsbury Park mosque has been linked to the 7/7 alleged bombers, the failed 7/Aangirfan: BODY DOUBLES, LOOKALIKES
1 Jan 2018 - BODY DOUBLES, LOOKALIKES. Above, we see Nelson Mandela who died in prison in the 1980s, and we see Nelson Mandela's body double. Abu Hamza and his body double have different ears. Abu Hamza was married to British citizen Valerie Fleming, a Roman Catholic. In 2014, in the USA, Hamza, ...aangirfan: Terrorists working for MI6?
8 Feb 2006 - The following is taken from: http://obsidianwings.blogs.com/obsidian_wings/2004aangirfan: Khan is working for the security services?
http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2002413851_london01.html. Khan is reported to have frequented the Finsbury Park Mosque in north London. ~~ The imam of the Finsbury Park Mosque, Abu Hamza, is suspected by some of being linked to the British security services. Hamza's assistant was Haroon Aswataangirfan: MI5 SPY; PEDOPHILE SPY
9 Feb 2014 - In Britain the Moroccan met the preacher Abu Hamza, who is believed to work for MI5. Hamza's followers sent the Moroccan to Georgia and then to Chechnya. The UK security services have been accused of causing trouble in Georgia and in Chechnya. When the Moroccan returned to the UK, in 2000, ...aangirfan: THE TERRORISTS BEHIND WOOLWICH...
1 Jun 2013 - At one time Bakri was friends with London-based Sheikh Abu Hamza al-Masri, a former nightclub bouncer. Bakri Mohammed helped develop the 'Al Muhajiroun' organisation in the UK said to be run by the spooks. The Woolwich 'terrorist' Michael Adebolajo joined Al-Muhajiroun in 2003. Former Justice ...aangirfan: ASWAT OF MI6?
Abu Hamza and Haroon Aswat According to The Sunday Herald, by 1999, Haroon Rashid Aswat was calling himself a "hit man" for bin Laden. ("Brains behind terror plot may be Brit the security services thought") In the late 1990s, British Intelligence did not stop Aswat from recruiting for Al-Qaeda in London Aswat's passport ...aangirfan: TREVOR FORREST & THE LONDON TUBE BOMBS
12 Oct 2010 - In 1991, he became the imam at the Brixton Mosque in South London. In 1993, he was ejected by Brixton Mosque's Salafi administration who objected to his radical preaching. Forrest was an associate of Abu Hamza al-Masri, the Egyptian ousted from the Finsbury Park mosque. Abu Hamza is suspected of ...aangirfan: LONDON BOMBS .
Labels: 7 7 London bombs, Abu Hamza, Damson Berry, Finsbury Park
I remember the newspapers years ago asking why is this man allowed to stay in Britain. Now we know, he was a British agent. Britain supports international terrorism. Britain exports intentional terrorism.
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