On 2 November 2017, Donald Trump nominated Jerome Powell to serve as the Chair of the Federal Reserve. [4]
From 1997 to 2005, Jerome Powell was a partner at The Carlyle Group.
He founded and led the Industrial Group within the Carlyle U.S. Buyout Fund.
The bin Laden family have had investments in the Carlyle Group.

Jerome Powell would be the first Fed chief in 40 years without an economics degree.
Jerome Powell would be the richest fed chief ever.
Powell is likely to keep US interest rates low, which could mean higher inflation.
Powell is likely to go easier on regulating banks.
Trump ran on a platform of Wall Street deregulation.
Jerome 'Jay' Powell
The bin Laden family have had investments in the Carlyle Group.

Jerome Powell would be the first Fed chief in 40 years without an economics degree.
Jerome Powell would be the richest fed chief ever.
Powell is likely to keep US interest rates low, which could mean higher inflation.
Powell is likely to go easier on regulating banks.
Trump ran on a platform of Wall Street deregulation.
Jerome 'Jay' Powell
Labels: bin Laden, Carlyle, Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, Trump
Curiously, Jerome Powell will be the first USA central bank chief in over 30 years, who is not Jewish
Is Powell maybe going to be the man in charge when it all blows up?
There is a good case that those with economics degrees do not understand what is going on ... or else pretend they do not understand, in order to serve the cabal
Jeffrey Snider of Alhambra is I think the most on-target economics writer out there, but his writings are not easy to digest ... once, a Chinese central bank chief blurted out views similar to Snider's
Snider points out that the world's central banks are in a terrible trap they themselves built ... if they raise interest rates, global debt becomes unpayable & there can be a big collapse
But if they do not raise interest rates, pension funds, retirees & even insurance companies are starved of income, & eventually a big collapse can happen this way as well
QE quantitative easing, printing money, has kept the system going ... but there is a point where the money printing, becomes raw inflation, as Aangirfan suggests ... it too has a limit
Snider says that the world monetary system began dying in 2007, & it cannot be fixed ... the world is in fact being starved of 'money' despite trillions of central bank money printing
The reason is that most 'money' is actually organic 'credit' ... and the biggest form of credit, tens of trillions, was in inter-bank activity, building a credit pyramid on top of the US dollar plus UK pound, euro, yen etc as they exist outside of their home countries, often called for short the 'eurodollar'
It's hard to grasp, but 'credit' is far more complex than 'banks making loans' ... much of it comes from things like derivatives which expand bank balance sheets, 're-purchase agreements' of bonds which substitute for loans ... all sorts of exotic opaque items ... but tens of trillions of credit globally, were in this Ponzi-like international pyramid ... which funded the growth of China
In August 2007 the pyramid stopped being trusted, credit began dying ... the trillions printed by governments, cannot fill the black hole of much bigger tens of trillions of credit which disappeared & no longer circulate ... they only help the old system to limp along ... a global crash will come, debt-addled China included, maybe soon
There will be a new system of 'money' in international trade ... the IMF unit, its 'SDR', rather than gold? ... a lot of debt will need to disappear ... and we may have the New World Order installed amidst the crash
During a discussion of 'terrorism' & Charlie Hebdo ...
Man walks on screen in back of reporter in live CNN broadcast shouting 'CNN is Fake News! ... CNN is Fake News!' ... Anderson Cooper is Fake News!"
Bravo! ... video above 21 seconds
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