Field Marshal Edwin Bramall, Lord Bramall, died on 12 November 2019.

Bramall and his friend Edward Heath.
The child abuse whistleblower Carl Beech named Brammal as being a child abuser.

Carl Beech (Nick) said that, as a young boy, he was sexually abused by Edwin Bramall, at Dolphin Square, which has been linked to child abuse rings.
Edwin Bramall's brother was a Trust member at Dolphin Square, a block of flats in London.

Cressida Dick (right) who confirmed that she has been in a same-sex relationship with a colleague.
Britain's top cop is Cressida Dick.
Cressida Dick had key role in Nick probe.

Britain's top cop is Cressida Dick.
Cressida Dick had a key role in the probe into Carl Beech, aka Nick, the child abuse ring whistleblower.
The members of the alleged child abuse ring were not prosecuted.

Jean Charles de Menezes
Cressida Dick had a key role in the events which led to the murder, by the authorities, of the innocent Brazilian plumber Jean Charles de Menezes, whom the authorities wished to label as being a terrorist.
London's new police chief Dick led operation.
London's new police chief Dick led operation.

Dick and the Chief Rabbi.
Cressida Dick is a member of 'Common Purpose'.
Common Purpose is said to be linked to the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Tavistock Institute. (Commander Dick ordered: “Do not let surveillance intervene”)
Child abuse whistleblower Carl Beech (Nick) says that in the 1970s he received a number of injuries due to child abuse.

Dr Jennifer Bolton, a Home Office pathologist, confirms to the NickTrial that she was provided with body maps created by ‘Nick’ to show many injuries that he said were caused by abuse (and previously shown to jury).

Bruises and superficial burns would heal totally, Dr Jennifer Bolton tells #NickTrial.

Asked whether an X-ray can show that a bone was fractured or broken years past, Dr Jennifer Bolton tells #NickTrial: “Sometimes.”

Dr Jennifer Bolton tells #NickTrial that a scan and X-rays showed “no radiographical evidence of any healed, historical fracture.”

Cross-examined by defence counsel Collingwood Thompson, Dr Jennifer Bolton confirms to #NickTrial that she made no use of ultra-violet light to detect any after-effects of injuries even though a colleague had suggested that it might be necessary.

Dr Jennifer Bolton confirms to #NickTrial that grazes, burns and bone fractures may show no sign after so many years.

Asked whether “many of the injuries fell in the category of bruises” and that these would not be expected to show up so many years later, Dr Jennifer Bolton confirms to #NickTrial this to be so.

Carl Beech as a child.
In 2019, Carl Beech was found guilty of possessing child porn.
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick says that 'we probably all know somebody' who 'views indecent images of children'.
There was a 258% increase in the number of websites dedicated to the distribution of child sexual abuse imagery between 2015 and 2016, according to the Internet Watch Foundation.

Retired policeman Ian Bennet confirms to #NickTrial a still taken from a video, which was recovered and showed a child, ‘Child E’, urinating in the downstairs toilet of the defendant’s home.

Ian Bennet confirms to #NickTrial that 28 unique indecent images of children in Category A (the most serious) were found on a Cloudbook recovered from defendant’s home, as were 116 in Cat B, 189 Cat C and 316 “indicative” or “borderline”.

Above, we see child abuse organiser Sir Jimmy Savile with American secret servicemen, at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, where children were repeatedly raped.
Child abuse whistleblower Carl Beech named Sir Jimmy Savile as being one of the people who sexually abused him.
Rothschild worked closely with convicted child abusing doctor from Stoke Mandeville.
Lord Victor Rothschild got his close friend Edward Heath to appoint Michael Hanley as boss of the security service MI5.

Carl Beech.
Carl Beech named Edward Heath and Michael Hanley as people who sexually abused him.
Carl Beech named as 'child abusers' - Edward Heath, Raymond Beech, and Greville Janner, all of whom were in the Royal Artillery.

Carl Beech.
Carl Beech named Edward Heath and Michael Hanley as people who sexually abused him.
Carl Beech named as 'child abusers' - Edward Heath, Raymond Beech, and Greville Janner, all of whom were in the Royal Artillery.

Miriam Rothschild
"Miriam Rothschild, now deceased, was a central figure in -
"(1) Britain's shadowy Tavistock program.
"(2) The OSS (CIA precursor).
"(3) The Stoke Mandeville VIP set (ie Tony Blair, Thatcher cabinet ministers, Savile)."
Rothschild worked closely with convicted child abusing doctor from Stoke Mandeville.

Drawings by Carl Beech.
Miriam Rothschild's friend Dr Michael Salmon took sick Stoke Mandeville children to Disney World.
The star-studded launch event included Cliff Richard.
Miriam Rothschild's intro to Michael Salmon's book:
"A PINNED butterfly is a terrible and fascinating thing: a skewered moment of beauty, science and cruelty."
Rothschild worked closely with convicted child abusing doctor from Stoke Mandeville.
Butterflies are used in 'mind control' operations.

There is a belief that Miriam Rothschild and the Tavistock clinic are linked to the mind-control of children.
"Valerie Sinason, considered one of the world experts on Serialized Ritual Abuse, spoke to one of Jimmy Savile's victims about her abuse at Stoke Mandeville.
"The rituals appear to be congruent with rumors of state-mandated, trauma-based mind control...
"The art therapy program at Tavistock is actually based on the SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH FUND that was funded and started by Miriam Rothschild."
Rothschild worked closely with convicted child abusing doctor from Stoke Mandeville.
"Miriam Rothschild, now deceased, was a central figure in -
"(1) Britain's shadowy Tavistock program.
"(2) The OSS (CIA precursor).
"(3) The Stoke Mandeville VIP set (ie Tony Blair, Thatcher cabinet ministers, Savile)."
Rothschild worked closely with convicted child abusing doctor from Stoke Mandeville.

Drawings by Carl Beech.
Miriam Rothschild's friend Dr Michael Salmon took sick Stoke Mandeville children to Disney World.
The star-studded launch event included Cliff Richard.
Miriam Rothschild's intro to Michael Salmon's book:
"A PINNED butterfly is a terrible and fascinating thing: a skewered moment of beauty, science and cruelty."
Rothschild worked closely with convicted child abusing doctor from Stoke Mandeville.
Butterflies are used in 'mind control' operations.

There is a belief that Miriam Rothschild and the Tavistock clinic are linked to the mind-control of children.
"Valerie Sinason, considered one of the world experts on Serialized Ritual Abuse, spoke to one of Jimmy Savile's victims about her abuse at Stoke Mandeville.
"The rituals appear to be congruent with rumors of state-mandated, trauma-based mind control...
"The art therapy program at Tavistock is actually based on the SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH FUND that was funded and started by Miriam Rothschild."
Rothschild worked closely with convicted child abusing doctor from Stoke Mandeville.

In May 2019, Carl Beech (Nick) was put on trial after alleging that he had been sexually abused by Harvie Proctor, Jimmy Savile, and others, at places such as Dolphin Square.
Proctor denies ever having met Carl Beech, and denies ever meeting Savile one-on-one
Jimmy Savile's grave looks onto Harvie Proctor's old school in Scarborough.

Harvey Proctor admits, at the NickTrial, that he had been to Dolphin Square 'on a handful of occasions'.
On Jimmy Savile, Harvey Proctor told the NickTrial that he went to Young Conservative garden parties in Scarborough and Whitby.
When he was around 19, he saw Savile at these garden parties, but did not really meet him one-on-one.

"Barry Haddon told us that for two years he supplied young lads to the MP he knew as ... Proctor...
"Harvie proctor would stretch the boys out on his bed and handcuff them by their hands and sometimes their feet. Then he’d really let them have it...
"And in March, a naked Arab youth seen by a security guard sneaking into Proctor’s ground floor room at a hotel in Agadir, Morocco, was found hiding under his bed...
"18-year-old David Jackson revealed how Proctor had: SHOWED him sickening videos of young boys indulging in homosexual acts..."
Harvey Proctor

Mark Watts @MarkWatts_1 3m3 minutes ago
"Harvey Proctor tells NickTrial that he was not aware of ever having met Edwin Bramall."

JR @JamesRusbridger 11h11 hours ago
HARVEY PROCTOR been 'wronged' by his accusers - according to the Daily Mail.
Has the Mail forgotten its discovery of Proctor raping a young boy?
"The [Daily] Mail goes back to the hotel where 28 years ago Harvey Proctor was found with an underage boy in his hotel room whilst on holiday in Morocco.
JR @JamesRusbridger 11h11 hours ago
"Inside room 101, at what is now the Odyssey Park Hotel but was [then] the Ali Baba in Agadir, Morocco."
JR @JamesRusbridger 11h11 hours ago
TWO separate victims have stated that they saw Mr PROCTOR take part in child sexual abuse gatherings in the United Kingdom.
The Sunday Mirror 20 July 2014
The Sunday Mirror 20 July 2014

Gay Arabs like London, and sometimes become violent?
Carl Beech (Nick) told police that Saudi diplomats were among 'The Group' of top politicians and foreigners who sexually abused him and other young boys in the 1970s and 80s.
Carl Beech made the claim to Metropolitan (London) Police Detective Constable Derek Young in April 2016.
This was one month after the police's investigation into the Westminster paedophile ring was dropped.
Reportedly, the police and security services protected the Dutroux gang.
In May 2019, Carl was put on trial for allegedly inventing stories of abuse by top people.
The 'Nick Trial' jury has heard that Carl Beech (Nick) had a Facebook conversation about Culture Club's video for the song Do You Really Want To Hurt Me.
Carl Beech said that this video was filmed at Dolphin Square, London, which is reported to be a location of massive child abuse.

- Field Marshall Bramall (left)
Carl Beech (Nick) said that, as a young boy, he was sexually abused by Edwin Bramall, at Dolphin Square, which has been linked to child abuse rings.
Edwin Bramall's brother was a Trust member at Dolphin Square, a block of flats in London.
"What could Field Marshall Bramall possibly know about Dolphin Square's connection via Sir Rodney Brooke, former Chairman of the Dolphin Square Trust, to the creepy Tavistock Institute with its links to Zionism and clinical obsession with the effects of sexual abuse on children's minds and personality development?" …

- Field Marshall Edwin Brammall said to the police:
- "I find it incredible that anybody should believe that someone of my career standing, integrity, should be capable of any of these things, including things like torture. Unbelievable."


"Told that Michael Hanley was alleged to be at child abuse Christmas parties, Lord Bramall said that he did not know Michael Hanley."
Edwin Bramall was made General Officer Commanding the 1st Division in1972,[14] with the rank of major general from 6 April 1972,[15]
He went on to be Commander-in-Chief, UK Land Forces on 15 May 1976[18] and was promoted to full general on 25 June 1976.[19]
He was appointed Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff (Personnel and Logistics) on 20 March 1978,[20]

Baha Mousa, a civilian tortured to death by UK soldiers.
Lord Bramall told police officers that he did not know Greville Janner.
Dame Alun Roberts @ciabaudo 17h17 hours ago
A 2006 article in the Standard tells us that Bramall physically struck fellow peer Greville Janner in an incident in one of the rooms close to the Lord's chamber.
Police officers raised “pool parties”, where he and Harvey Proctor and Leon Brittan allegedly sexually abused ‘Nick’ and other boys.
- Lord Bramall denied knowing Proctor or ever speaking to Brittan, only passing him in the House of Lords.

The police asked Carl Beech (Nick) to describe the appearance of people he knew as an 11 year old boy, about 40 years ago.
Carl Beech said that the gang who sexually abused him apparently included a doctor, a bishop, a policeman, and a military man.
When Aangirfan got mugged by two teenagers, Aangirfan told the police that the muggers were of average height and appearance.
I cannot remember what they looked like.
I cannot describe the appearance of my best friend at school, other than to say - average height, average appearance, brown hair, average clothing.
Carl Beech, 51, was interviewed by Met (London) Police detectives in January 2016.

Video interview of 11.01.2016 played to NickTrial: how did he know that one of the abusers was a bishop?
'Nick' said that he assumed it from his clerical shirt.
Video interview of 11.01.16 played to NickTrial: “They tried to use handcuffs, but my hands were too small, my wrists were too small,” 'Nick' told DC Derek Young.
Video interview of 11.01.16 played to #NickTrial: DC Derek Young pointed out that the list referred to police, a bishop and others. How did he know it was a police officer? 'Nick' said that he assumed it because he had handcuffs.

Video interview of 11.01.16 played to #NickTrial: 'Nick' said that “the doctor” would be present at various places where he was abused, including in London but also outside London.
Video interview of 11.01.16 played to #NickTrial: DC Derek Young asked about “the doctor in the group”. 'Nick' replied: “I don't know if I ever knew for sure that he was a doctor.” He would treat injuries, and seemed to know what he was doing, 'Nick' added.

Video interview of 11.01.16 played to #NickTrial: 'Nick' told DC Derek Young that “it was easier” to tell his counsellor that his step-father was abusing him on specific occasions when it was really a senior military figure because he had not yet “got to that stage”.
Video interview of 11.01.16 played to #NickTrial: DC Derek Young asked “exactly when and how you became aware of names of your abusers”. 'Nick' said that he was introduced to “General Beach”, “General Gibbs”, and “General Bramall” by title and surname by his step-father.
Video interview of 11.01.16 played to #NickTrial: on Peter Hayman, Harvey Proctor and Leon Brittan, 'Nick' said that he knew their names. He did not know who Greville Janner was until he later saw a photograph of him in a newspaper.
Video interview of 11.01.16 played to #NickTrial: on Edward Heath, 'Nick' said that he realised who he was in his “early 20's”.
Video interview of 11.01.16 played to #NickTrial: on Michael Hanley and Maurice Oldfield, 'Nick' said that he only knew them as “Michael and Maurice”. Mark Conrad of Exaro News told him their surnames, he said.
Video interview of 11.01.16 played to #NickTrial: DC Derek Young put it to 'Nick' that he had told Wiltshire Police that he did not know these names.
He replied: “I wasn't prepared to give them names... It wasn't the right time... I thought they would just find it all out.”

The very respectable David Rockefeller. USA'S TOP FAMILIES.
Video interview of 11.01.16 played to #NickTrial: so why did he name these names to the Met? 'Nick': “I think I was in a better place myself, I felt safer in myself, also the reassurance that I could talk about some but not others... And you guys had come to me.”
Video interview of 11.01.16 played to #NickTrial: DC Derek Young asked whether a lieutenant-colonel, officer A, as 'Nick' had called him to Wilshire Police, was General Bramall. 'Nick' said: “I can't remember all the details I said in the Wiltshire one.”

Vincent S. aged 10 yrs, from Grafton Children's Home, was taken toElm Guest House (above) and to a house in Bexhill, in Sussex. BISHOP BALL, SAVILE, ELM GUEST HOUSE ... / Aangirfan: THE CHILD ABUSE NETWORK - TOP NAMES - PART ONE / Aangirfan: THE CHILD ABUSE NETWORK - TOP NAMES - PART TWO
Carl Beech was asked by the police to describe 'Scott' who he said attended his primary school in Kingston upon Thames in as much detail as he could.
Beech replied: 'Erm yeah he was about my height. Dark hair, erm and he always had worry lines. He was little... I suppose he was the same as me really so... and .. yeah, that is about it really.'
He was asked to describe, in as much detail as he could, the house where he saw Harvey Proctor stab and beat a boy to death with another man. He answered 'It was quite a big house.
'It was empty I don't remember any startling features. I don't remember much about it really, I couldn't tell you anything about it really. It was empty, bare, I don't know where it is.'

Carl Beech (Nick), whistleblower of alleged child sexual abuse by top people, such as Harvey Proctor.
Carl Beech ('Nick') e-mailed Detective Sergeant Danny Chatfield about seeing Harvey Proctor on the news, the officer confirmed to the #NickTrial.
'Nick' also noted in the e-mail that Harvey Proctor denied being at any parties with generals even though no ranks had been mentioned publicly, DS Danny Chatfield confirmed to the #NickTrial.
Carl Beech ('Nick') e-mailed Detective Sergeant Danny Chatfield about seeing Harvey Proctor on the news, the officer confirmed to the #NickTrial.
'Nick' also noted in the e-mail that Harvey Proctor denied being at any parties with generals even though no ranks had been mentioned publicly, DS Danny Chatfield confirmed to the #NickTrial.
Why did Harvey Proctor mention generals?

Blue Boy Club. It has being reported that a young boy was murdered during a torture session filmed at Amsterdam's Blue Boy club. There is evidence that a UK Member of Parliament was present when the boy was killed. MP 'was at snuff film lad's murder' . This child murder is linked to Warwick Spinks who is linked to the Elm Guest House boy brothel in London which is linked to the UK security services.
"He was involved in sadistic sex sessions with boy prostitutes."

Whistleblowers can have psychological problems?
"Is it surprising that after such truly horrendous experiences as children they should come out of it all not unscathed?
" Is it little wonder that during an early life when all the adults they knew put them through physical and mental torture, sometimes from the age of six or seven, that they should emerge with deep-rooted psychological problems?"
Scallywag - pervert policeman gets off the hook

Jimmy Savile’s nephew, Guy Marsden (above), says that a 14-year-old friend of his was sexually abused by Sir Edward Heath.
Sir Edward Heath abused boy of 14 at London party, says Jimmy Savile nephew. / EDWARD HEATH - THE BIGGER PICTURE It has been reported that a number of top Conservative Members of the UK parliament took young boys to Holland for the purpose of child sexual abuse.
Conservative Party child abuse ring

According to the Daily Mail, on 7 August 2015, brothel keeper Myra Ling Ling Forde (above) now says that politicians and police DID try to buy her silence. dailymail
"Police intimidation runs like a red thread through the Child Sexual Abuse inquiry.
"Witness 'GB' recounts a chilling and unexpected encounter with an unknown 'Supt RCS' in a local pub."

"Justice James Goss received £25,205 over two years to cover travel, rent and bills for gas, electricity, water and internet after he moved from Newcastle to the High Court in London in 2014." "Charlton Harris was sentenced to 5 years in prison by Judge James Goss as a result of false evidence given at his trial by policemen." murder / judges
In the trial of the 'whistleblower' Carl Beech, the judge is 'Bent' Judge James Goss who is descended from Yvonne Samuelson.

Around 1990, Carl Beech wrote to his mother to say that he had been sexually abused by his step father.
"The marriage guidance counsellor encouraged me to tell my wife the reason so she could understand and help me work through things. So I did."
Carl Beech's wife Dawn said: 'Carl showed me the letter, I can’t remember exactly what it said, but it basically said his step father had abused him as a child.'
Why Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse Don't Disclose abuse ...

Dawn Beech
In 2011, Beech's now ex-wife, Dawn, calculated their debts at £70,000.
The average UK household debt (including mortgages) was nearly £60,000 in June 2018, according to financial charity The Money Charity.
Overall in the UK, people owed nearly £1.6 trillion at the end of June 2018.
Carl Beech had a £45,000-a-year job as an assessor with the NHS's Care Quality Commission.
In 2012, Carl Beech began seeing marriage guidance counsellor Victoria Paterson.
He told her he had been abused by a gang that included royalty.

In 2012, Carl Beech went to the police and told them that at the age of 9 or 10, at various army bases, he had been raped by a number of top military men, and others, including his stepfather Major Raymond Beech, and Sir Jimmy Savile, a close friend of the military.
In 2015, Carl Beech was awarded £22,000 by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA).
Wiltshire Police told the CICA there was 'clearly a significant degree of psychological suffering' exhibited in his interviews.
Nick wrote: "I first disclosed that I had been abused 6 years after it had finished.
"15 years or so after it ended, I was able to say that I had been raped, but on both occasions I kept everything else to myself.
"30 years after the abuse stopped, I finally disclosed everything."
Why Operation Midland Should Have Interviewed Nick’s Ex-Wife.
Beech said that at first, "I didn’t tell anyone because my stepfather made it very clear if I did I would disappear and nobody would care."
In 2012, Carl Beech began seeing marriage guidance counsellor Victoria Paterson.
He told her he had been abused by a gang that included royalty.

In 2012, Carl Beech went to the police and told them that at the age of 9 or 10, at various army bases, he had been raped by a number of top military men, and others, including his stepfather Major Raymond Beech, and Sir Jimmy Savile, a close friend of the military.
In 2015, Carl Beech was awarded £22,000 by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA).
Wiltshire Police told the CICA there was 'clearly a significant degree of psychological suffering' exhibited in his interviews.
Nick wrote: "I first disclosed that I had been abused 6 years after it had finished.
"15 years or so after it ended, I was able to say that I had been raped, but on both occasions I kept everything else to myself.
"30 years after the abuse stopped, I finally disclosed everything."
Why Operation Midland Should Have Interviewed Nick’s Ex-Wife.
Beech said that at first, "I didn’t tell anyone because my stepfather made it very clear if I did I would disappear and nobody would care."
Carl Beech told a Scotland Yard detective that a group of top people people murdered his friend 'Scott', by running into him with a car.

Did Retired Detective Inspector Derek Barrett or Operation Midland carry out house-to-house enquiries near the location of the alleged killing?

Derek Barrett tells NickTrial "there would have been no point whatsoever" in house-to-house enquiries.

Above, we see Edward Heath

Statement of Graham Moody, re Morning Cloud 4 and 5, read to NickTrial: "There were never any children on either of Heath's boats except at initial launch."
Mark Watts @MarkWatts_1
Statement of Christopher Moody read to NickTrial: "In the time I knew Ted, he never showed any interest in taking kids sailing."

'Eleven boys went on Edward Heath's yacht but I counted only 10 who left his boat' claims Linda Corby (left)
Linda Corby says that she watched as 11 children got onto Heath's yacht, the 'Morning Cloud'.
Later that day she travelled to Bouley Bay and watched the youngsters get off again.
She said that only ten returned.
Linda Corby says that she watched as 11 children got onto Heath's yacht, the 'Morning Cloud'.
Later that day she travelled to Bouley Bay and watched the youngsters get off again.
She said that only ten returned.

Anthony Daly
Is the UK military involved in running child abuse rings?
Is Carl Beech being got at by the military?
"Anthony Daly was taken to parties attended by well-known MPs, captains of industry and the super-wealthy where he was forced to have sex and perform sex acts...."
Anthony says: "Our house was raided by the army.
"Afterwards, the officer in charge called me over and said, 'This is a calling card from your friends in London'.
"I knew they were trying to intimidate me.
"I’d been used by MPs and very important people – they needed to be sure I'd be too scared to tell my story."
'I was raped and pimped out to VIP sex parties'

Andy Woodward has detailed his child abuse experiences as a boy in Crewe Alexandra's youth soccer system."I knew they were trying to intimidate me.
"I’d been used by MPs and very important people – they needed to be sure I'd be too scared to tell my story."

In the world of child abuse in UK youth football, there have been 300 suspects identified, 849 victims and 340 clubs named.
As of December 2015 there were 2,228 suspects under investigation, of whom 302 were classified as people of "public prominence", (including 99 politicians).

The UK military has a history of crucifying people. THE BRITISH MILITARY - SEX AND MASSACRES - Aangirfan
Carl Beech wrote: "In one military building there were still the hooks on the wall where I had been tied and all I could do is stand and stare at them and let the tears flow."
Operation Midland: Imber Village ‘Military Premises’

General Sir Roland Gibbs, third from left
Carl Beech (Nick) says that General Sir Roland Gibbs and Lord Bramall were part of the VIP child abuse ring which assaulted him.
"Newcastle Crown Court heard from retired General Sir Garry Johnson, who worked for both Lord Bramall and Sir Roland Gibbs as a military assistant at Erskine between 1974 and 1976.
"Johnson, who went on to serve as Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces in Northern Europe, said he never had any cause for concerns about either of his superiors."

Carl Beech told a Scotland Yard detective that a group of top people people murdered his childhood friend 'Scott', by running into him with a car.
Presumably, the murderers made sure that there were no witnesses, other than Carl Beech.
Presumably Carl Beech was scared to speak out.
Beech tearfully told the Scotland Yard detective how, in the summer of 1979, the child abuse gang killed Scott for being his friend.

Beech said that Scott, a dimpled, freckled boy, was hit by a car in Kingston and left in a pool of blood.
Beech was then dragged away into a vehicle, he claimed.
Beech said he had ignored a warning by a former head of MI5, Michael Hanley, not to have friends. "They warned me a number of times but I was selfish, I didn’t listen," he told the detective.
Not surprisingly, Steven White, who attended school with Beech from the age of 11, said he had no memory of any boy being knocked down and killed.
On 4 June 2019, White told jurors at Newcastle crown court that he and Beech attended the Rivermead school, in Kingston-upon-Thames, south-west London.
Carl Beech schoolmate says he cannot recall any hit-and-run attack ...

Right - Greville Janner, who is accused by Nick aka Carl Beech.
Nick (Carl Beech) also mentions Edward Heath.

The Brexit Party's Ann Widdecombe says there is no evidence against Ted Heath
But, there is plenty of evidence that massive child abuse takes place.

Duterte, President of the Philippines.
Douglas Slade was a founder of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) in the UK.
In the 1970s Slade fled to Angeles City in the Philippines, after being exposed as a sex predator.

Phiippines - Murdered street child.
Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has recently said of himself: "I am gay."

Boris Johnson
"20 former pupils at Ashdown House where Boris Johnson was a boarder have come forward with complaints about extreme cruelty and sex offences committed on them as young boys. A number of teachers are being investigated."
Dame Alun Roberts @ciabaudo May 30

In the UK, the whistleblower called 'Nick' said that Sir Michael Hanley (above) was a child abuser, and part of a top child abuse ring.
Lord Victor Rothschild's friend Sir Michael Hanley was the boss of MI5 from 1972 - 1978.
Rothschild got his friend Edward Heath to give the top job at MI5 to Hanley.
Hanley was involved in the smear campaign against the Labour prime minister, Harold Wilson, organised by a group of MI5 officers.
In February 2016, Sir Michael Hanley's family said that the police had not spoken to them about any alleged child abuse by Hanley.
The police's Operation Midland, set up in 2014, was supposed to be inquiring into Hanley and other members of an alleged child abuse ring.
According to Hanley's family, the police say that Operation Midland does not exist.
In February 2016, Sir Michael Hanley's family said that the police had not spoken to them about any alleged child abuse by Hanley.
The police's Operation Midland, set up in 2014, was supposed to be inquiring into Hanley and other members of an alleged child abuse ring.
According to Hanley's family, the police say that Operation Midland does not exist.

In May 2019, Carl Beech (above) was put on trial after suggesting that Sir Leon Brittan, a top Jewish politician, was a child abuser.

"The late SIR LEON BRITTAN, the former home secretary, has been accused of attempting to smuggle child pornography through UK customs, raping a student, and burying a dossier of evidence supplied to him by Geoffrey Dickens MP that detailed parliamentarians and members of the royal household who abused children at the Elm and elsewhere."
Who runs the child abuse rings?
Some allegations
The BBC's Panorama produced a report in which a child abuse victim called 'David' referred to Leon Brittan.
"It is understood that David is not the same person as Carl Beech (Nick)."

Peter Hatton-Bornshin (left) of Grafton Close children's home, was repeatedly raped, and later died, apparently aged 28, in mysterious circumstances.
Carl Beech (Nick) referred to Elm Guest House.
The Elm Guest House boy brothel (above) was supplied with boys, such as Peter, from Grafton Close childrens home, and from elsewhere. dailymail.
Carl Beech (Nick) referred to Elm Guest House.
The Elm Guest House boy brothel (above) was supplied with boys, such as Peter, from Grafton Close childrens home, and from elsewhere. dailymail.

Above is an e-fit that Carl Beech and the police produced.
It shows a boy that Carl Beech said was murdered.

Manuel Schadwald who went missing in 1993.
Reportedly, a top politician from Holland was present when a young boy was murdered.
Reportedly there are photos of the top politician, in the nude, with the boy.
Reportedly, a top politician from Holland was present when a young boy was murdered.
Reportedly there are photos of the top politician, in the nude, with the boy.

Green for broken bones - some of which Carl Beech said required surgery. Yellow for bruises, red for burns, blue for needles and pins 'stabbed' into him, purple for snake bites, black for wasp stings, and pink for 'various objects' being inserted in him.
In 2012, Carl Beech began seeing counsellor Victoria Paterson.
In 2013, he told her he had been abused by a gang that included a Saudi prince and royalty.
In 2013, he told her he had been abused by a gang that included a Saudi prince and royalty.
When Carl was a child, why was no action taken by Carl's family and acquaintances?
The pianist James Rhodes, over a period of many years, was buggered by a teacher at his school, Arnold House, near Hampstead.
James was very seriously physically injured and eventually needed an operation.
James Rhodes writes:
"Family members are often the worst people to speak to.
James Rhodes writes:
"Family members are often the worst people to speak to.
"In many cases they are the perpetrators, or they are aware of what is happening and are doing nothing...
"We live in a country where a primary school teacher can walk into a classroom, see another teacher raping a seven-year-old girl, quietly close the door and leave them to it...
UK's child abuse

The funeral of Peter Lee, the well-connected abuser of James Rhodes.
Alexander, who attended the same school as James Rhodes, writes:
"How did no one notice the injuries caused by an adult male raping a three foot tall, forty pound child?"
James Rhodes and Arnold House School - Xander's blog
Blake Morrison writes:
"It seems astonishing that no adult noticed what was going on, especially when the boy was found sobbing, with blood on his legs, begging to be let off gym..."
Instrumental: A Memoir of Madness, Medication and Music. Review of James Rhodes's memoir by Blake Morrison
Arnold House, where parents have included Rifkinds, Levys, Rothschilds and Chataways.
In May 2015, "Peter Lee was arrested and charged, but died before he could be brought to trial."
Pianist James Rhodes wins right to publish autobiography.
To be more accurate, Peter Lee got his name in newspapers in the mid-1980s after he was accused of child abuse in another part of London.

Sir Michael Hanley, former boss of MI5, was reportedly a key figure in the child abuse ring that tortured and killed children. Hanley's family say that the police have not spoken to them about any alleged child abuse by Hanley. dailymail. The police's Operation Midland is supposed to be inquiring into Hanley and other members of an alleged child abuse ring. According to Hanley's family, the police say that Operation Midland does not exist. dailymail. It has been alleged that Lord Victor Rothschild headed the spy ring which reportedly included Michael Hanley, Kim Philby, Anthony Blunt, Guy Burgess, Guy Liddell, Roger Hollis and others.
"We live in a country where a primary school teacher can walk into a classroom, see another teacher raping a seven-year-old girl, quietly close the door and leave them to it...
UK's child abuse

The funeral of Peter Lee, the well-connected abuser of James Rhodes.
Alexander, who attended the same school as James Rhodes, writes:
"How did no one notice the injuries caused by an adult male raping a three foot tall, forty pound child?"
James Rhodes and Arnold House School - Xander's blog
Blake Morrison writes:
"It seems astonishing that no adult noticed what was going on, especially when the boy was found sobbing, with blood on his legs, begging to be let off gym..."
Instrumental: A Memoir of Madness, Medication and Music. Review of James Rhodes's memoir by Blake Morrison

Arnold House, where parents have included Rifkinds, Levys, Rothschilds and Chataways.
In May 2015, "Peter Lee was arrested and charged, but died before he could be brought to trial."
Pianist James Rhodes wins right to publish autobiography.
To be more accurate, Peter Lee got his name in newspapers in the mid-1980s after he was accused of child abuse in another part of London.

Sir Michael Hanley, former boss of MI5, was reportedly a key figure in the child abuse ring that tortured and killed children. Hanley's family say that the police have not spoken to them about any alleged child abuse by Hanley. dailymail. The police's Operation Midland is supposed to be inquiring into Hanley and other members of an alleged child abuse ring. According to Hanley's family, the police say that Operation Midland does not exist. dailymail. It has been alleged that Lord Victor Rothschild headed the spy ring which reportedly included Michael Hanley, Kim Philby, Anthony Blunt, Guy Burgess, Guy Liddell, Roger Hollis and others.
Carl Beech wrote: "My bruises, my injuries were there for all to see. My teachers, my doctors, my mum didn’t help me."

In our own personal experience the vast majority of people turn a blind eye to child abuse.
Kevin Allen, 51, whose brother Martin Allen went missing in London in 1979
In 2014, Carl Beech (Nick) helped the police draw e-fits of boys he had seen being murdered.
Nick helped police artist draw e-fits of boys

On the left is the same e-fit produced by Carl Beech. On the right is a photo of Martin Allan who was allegedly murdered by the child abuse ring accused by Carl Beech of murder.

Whitby, near Scarborough.
Carl Beech (Nick) named as child abusers a number of people linked to Scarborough, and nearby Whitby, in the UK.
These include Sir Jimmy Savile, Sir Edward Heath, Sir Leon Brittan and Harvey Proctor.

The GCHQ Scarborough spy base in Scarborough
GCHQ is the largest UK spy agency.
GCHQ Scarborough's job includes 'preventing' human trafficking and child sexual exploitation.
GCHQ Scarborough - Wikipedia

Sir Jimmy Savile lived in Scarborough.
Sir Jimmy Savile organised a number of child abuse rings, supplying top people.
"Sir Jimmy Saville was seen by the witness, victim, taking young boys on board Heath's yacht the morning cloud..."[2011] JERSEY: Children were loaned to rich paedophile yachtsmen
"Sir Jimmy Saville was seen by the witness, victim, taking young boys on board Heath's yacht the morning cloud..."[2011] JERSEY: Children were loaned to rich paedophile yachtsmen

Sir Jimmy Savile in Israel in 1975. There is a belief that Savile's many child abuse rings were being used to help the Kosher Nostra to control the UK spy services. "Savile had dinner with ... Admiral Sir Michael Boyce (Chief of the Defence Staff)..." (
'GCHQ Scarborough hosted the first ever week-long placement for a group of eight 15 to 17-year-olds from Scarborough TEC college and secondary schools in the town'.
See inside Scarborough's secret GCHQ spy base - Yorkshire Post

Robert Hannigan (right)
A former head of GCHQ, Robert Hannigan, 'resigned from his post after it emerged he gave a character reference to a paedophile priest who went on to reoffend'.

Above, we see former UK Prime Minister Edward Heath (left) meeting Peter Jaconelli who was part of a child abuse ring in Scarborough, Whitby, and the surrounding area.
Jimmy Savile; Jaconelli; Dr Who; Elm Guest ..
Jimmy Savile operated his child abuse activities openly in Scarborough and Whitby with Peter Jaconelli the Mayor.
Savile - North Yorks Enquirer
"Witnesses have spoken of an extended child abuse ring capitalising on their connections to Savile and Jaconelli, plying young girls with money, alcohol and drugs before renting them out to pre-booked clients in motor-homes that travelled to Middlesbrough, York and further afield.
"Including to a hidden location convenient to Queen Elizabeth II Barracks, Strensall, where they were reportedly clandestinely filmed in a caravan, with the resultant hard-core pornography exported to Holland and beyond."
North Yorks Enquirer Savile/Jaconelli.

Sir Jimmy Savile claimed that he had never visited Haut de la Garenne childrens home on the island of Jersey. BUT, above, we see Savile at Haut de la Garenne.
"One witness has stated that Police cars were provided to convey Jaconelli to County Hall in Northallerton, then on to Leeds for casual liaisons..."
"The ring that Conservative Councillor Peter Jaconelli led in Scarborough was known to North Yorkshire Police from at least the 1970’s, some sources say since the 1950’s and was involved in trafficking..."
North Yorks Enquirer Savile/Jaconelli.

Above, we see "Leon Brittan at a staff party at Larpool Orphanage, Whitby in 1955. His family were staff."
Leon Brittan became the Member of Parliament for Whitby in 1974.
Private Eye alleged that Leon Brittan was the unnamed senior member of the Thatcher government said to have sexually abused two teenage boys.
One of the victims was said to be from the North East, which would appear to indicate Scarborough or Whitby.

"The police once raided Leon Brittan's home after a young boy staggered in to the street half naked, and, when police asked what happened, he told them about Brittan and his friends, and took them to the house.
"When they called in to report what happened, they were ordered to take everyone in, and when they got there there were 2 officers from the security service waiting.
"The boys were paid off, and a short time later, Leon Britton was summoned to meet his fellow MP, William Hague on the beach in Brighton at 5.45 in the morning, where he was told that he was to be made EU Commissioner for the UK..."
leon brittan named.

Leon Brittan (right) was the government minister responsible for the spy service MI5.
Leon Brittan is said to have frequented the Elm Guest House boy brothel.

According to police intelligence reports, Savile took 'girls of all ages' to his Scarborough flat.

Jaconelli and Savile were known to cruise over to Whitby in Savile's pink Rolls Royce in the early 1970’s and to pick up youths of both sexes from the burger bar in full view of Whitby Police Station, then take them away to be abused and paid off.
Savile - North Yorks Enquirer.

Harvey Proctor is a former pupil of Scarborough High School for Boys.
The Lord Fox was an illegal drinking den with a room where punters could be strung up from a metal frame chained to a wall.
Terry Dwyer, who ran the den, "happily boasted about his time in London supplying rent boys to Harvey Proctor."
Read more: hulldailymail.
"Barry Haddon, a pimp, told us that for two years he supplied young lads to the MP he knew as Keith Proctor...
"Harvie proctor would stretch the boys out on his bed and handcuff them by their hands and sometimes their feet. Then he’d really let them have it...
"And in March, a naked Arab youth seen by a security guard sneaking into Proctor’s ground floor room at a hotel in Agadir, Morocco, was found hiding under his bed...
Harvey Proctor

John Allen (Mr X), who ran children's care homes in Wales, and who supplied young boys to top child abusers in London and in Holland.
Certain police officers and certain VIPs were part of a child abuse ring sexually abusing children from care homes in Wales.
"At least 12 children formerly in care homes covered by the inquiry are dead.
"One witness, who alleged that policemen used him for sex, has complained of a campaign of intimidation, including the destruction of his home and repeated harassment."
- The Times 4th October 1997

Carl Beech says that he was sexually abused by Sir Jimmy Savile.

Carl Beech
Reportedly, Sir Jimmy Savile's child abuse ring was smuggling child abuse images out of Yorkshire to the Netherlands, for onward sale in the Dutch sex industry..
"It is obvious that they were completely protected by Scarborough and Whitby Police.
" The BBC Investigation brought this out perfectly."
MI5, Special Branch, Prominent Paedophiles Cover-up

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was the first president of the Bilderberg Group. Reportedly, as a child, Regina Louf visited Prince Bernhard's yacht Jumbo VI. Regina Louf was one of the child victims of the murderous Dutroux child abuse gang. Regina Louf witnessed the murders of children. guardian.2002/dutroux
MI5, Special Branch, Prominent Paedophiles Cover-up

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was the first president of the Bilderberg Group. Reportedly, as a child, Regina Louf visited Prince Bernhard's yacht Jumbo VI. Regina Louf was one of the child victims of the murderous Dutroux child abuse gang. Regina Louf witnessed the murders of children. guardian.2002/dutroux
The English police are said to be somewhat corrupt.
"Two former detectives have been jailed for sabotaging child abuse investigations.
"Sharon Patterson, 49, and Lee Pollard, 47, forged documents, concealed evidence and lied about investigations."
Essex Police child abuse officers jailed for misconduct
Commander Wally Virgo accepted bribes from Soho gangster Bernie Silver.
Kenneth Drury, commander of the Flying Squad, was the chief bent copper.
Corrupt cop who was paid a fortune in bribes

Northumbria police shooting |Martin McGartland "It was Northumbria police, the CPS and MI5 who setup Martin McGartland to be murderd by the IRA after they took the 1997 malicious prosecution against him."
Northumbria Police were asked to investigate Carl Beech.
Commander Wally Virgo accepted bribes from Soho gangster Bernie Silver.
Kenneth Drury, commander of the Flying Squad, was the chief bent copper.
Corrupt cop who was paid a fortune in bribes

Northumbria police shooting |Martin McGartland "It was Northumbria police, the CPS and MI5 who setup Martin McGartland to be murderd by the IRA after they took the 1997 malicious prosecution against him."
Northumbria Police were asked to investigate Carl Beech.
The allegedly corrupt Northumbria Police found Carl Beech's story to be 'totally unfounded'.
1. Northumbria Police deputy chief constable David Warcup was given the job of investigating the child abuse on the island of Jersey.
There then appears to have been a massive cover-up.
2. In Northumbria "Seventeen police employees are suspended on full pay for allegations including assault, burglary, deception and being drunk and disorderly...
3. Northumbria Police ran Operation Rose which saw more than 200 people investigated but in the end only six convicted.
"There were 558 claims of assault, rape and other sexual abuse from 277 residents or former residents of 61 child care homes.
Cached How Operation Rose began / cover-up-of-child-sexual-abuse

Operation Yewtree - Locations of child abuse linked to Jimmy Savile and friends
"How many masons I wonder were involved in the child abuse cases at Witherwack Estate, Sunderland.
2. In Northumbria "Seventeen police employees are suspended on full pay for allegations including assault, burglary, deception and being drunk and disorderly...
3. Northumbria Police ran Operation Rose which saw more than 200 people investigated but in the end only six convicted.
"There were 558 claims of assault, rape and other sexual abuse from 277 residents or former residents of 61 child care homes.
Cached How Operation Rose began / cover-up-of-child-sexual-abuse

Operation Yewtree - Locations of child abuse linked to Jimmy Savile and friends
"How many masons I wonder were involved in the child abuse cases at Witherwack Estate, Sunderland.
"Why were masons at the Sunderland Civic Centre trying to hush the whole thing up?"
"The forms of punishment employed by the staff at Witherwack House included restraint techniques...
"The forms of punishment employed by the staff at Witherwack House included restraint techniques...
"I often heard screams of other residents being abused. Indeed I witnessed a rape of a girl who was eight or nine at the time - I tried to intervene but I was beaten senseless for my trouble - it was the best kicking of my life."

Above, we see some innocent people. However, "during the past three years, the UK's Ministry of Defence has paid more than £2 million, in out-of-court settlements, following the sexual abuse of cadets." Child sexual abuse in the UK military

"Big fancy cars (sometimes chauffeur driven and displaying pennants, and badges of office) would arrive with well known faces of politicians, judges and other celebrities ...
"These people were 'Friends of QVS' who were taking certain boys out for a treat."
Sir Fixed it for Jim

Mark Norbury, aide-de-camp to General Sir Hugh Beach, who has been accused by Carl Beech of involvement in child sexual abuse.
Carl Beech claims that, as a child, he was driven into Erskine Barracks in Wiltshire by his step-father Major Raymond Beech and handed over to Sir Edwin Bramall, Commander-in-Chief of the British Armed Forces at the time.
Carl Beech claims he was sexually abused by Lord Bramall.
In May 2019, Carl Beech appeared in court accused of inventing stories of abuse.
At Newcastle Crown Court former army officer Mark Norbury said that children would never have been allowed onto the military site.

Lord Edwin Bramall and Sir Edward Heath.
Among those that Carl Beech (Nick) has accused of child sexual abuse are Lord Edwin Bramall, Sir Greville Janner, Sir Jimmy Savile, and Sir Edward Heath.

In May 2019, Carl Beech (above) was put on trial for allegedly making false accusations.

Sir Greville Janner (left) and Uri Geller, who has been linked to Mossad.
Lord Bramall said of Sir Greville Janner: 'We are very old friends'.
In 1991, Frank Beck accused Lord Greville Janner of child abuse with a teenager.

In May 2019, Carl Beech (above) was put on trial for allegedly making false accusations.

Sir Greville Janner (left) and Uri Geller, who has been linked to Mossad.
Lord Bramall said of Sir Greville Janner: 'We are very old friends'.
In 1991, Frank Beck accused Lord Greville Janner of child abuse with a teenager.
Frank Beck was arrested and charged with the sexual and physical abuse of children in his care over a thirteen-year period.
At his trial Beck stated that: "One child has been buggered and abused for two solid years by Greville Janner".
Lord Bramall's brother Ashley Bramall is a trustee of Dolphin Square, home to child abuse rings, reportedly.
Queen Elizabeth welcomes Bramall
At his trial Beck stated that: "One child has been buggered and abused for two solid years by Greville Janner".
Lord Bramall's brother Ashley Bramall is a trustee of Dolphin Square, home to child abuse rings, reportedly.
Queen Elizabeth welcomes Bramall

(Left) Sir Jimmy Savile, who allegedly worked for the security services. (Right) Sir Edward Heath.
Carl Beech (Nick) claimed that Edward Heath sexually assaulted him aboard his Morning Cloud yacht, when it was moored off the south coast of England in the 1970s or 1980s.
This claim is one of a number of allegations, by various people, relating to Edward Heath's years as a racing yacht skipper .
More than 40 allegations were examined by Wiltshire Police, including claims that abuse took place when Edward Heath was sailing to Guernsey and Jersey.
"Seven complaints against Sir Edward were serious enough for him to have been questioned by police under caution, if he were still alive."

Edward Heath and Uri Geller.
Carl Beech (Nick) told police that when he was a youngster he was taken aboard a sailing boat moored at a marina in Southampton.
He claimed he was then sexually assaulted by a man he later identified as Sir Edward Heath.
A source close to the investigation said police initially took the complaint seriously because Nick described seeing a cooking stove on board Morning Cloud, which tilted when the vessel bobbed around on the water.
'Nick' accused Sir Edward Heath of abusing him aboard his sailing yacht

He claimed he was then sexually assaulted by a man he later identified as Sir Edward Heath.
A source close to the investigation said police initially took the complaint seriously because Nick described seeing a cooking stove on board Morning Cloud, which tilted when the vessel bobbed around on the water.
'Nick' accused Sir Edward Heath of abusing him aboard his sailing yacht

Waters Edge Hotel, on the 'child abuse island' of Jersey
Former members of the Morning Cloud crew insist Edward Heath never took the yacht to Guernsey and Jersey.
In fact, Edward Heath did have a secret Jersey hideaway - a penthouse at the Waters Edge hotel.
Edward Heath's secret Jersey hideaway ...
Heath used to moor his yacht near the hotel, off the cliffs of Bouley Bay, on Jersey.
The Waters Edge hotel was owned by Heath's pal Mike Wavell, who controlled the police force on Jersey.
Seven police forces in the UK investigated Heath

'Eleven boys went on Edward Heath's yacht but I counted only 10 who left his boat' claims Linda Corby (left)
Jimmy Savile was a regular visitor to Jersey and there are claims he took youngsters from a children’s home to the yachts of rich child abusers.
Linda Corby says that she watched as 11 children got onto Heath's yacht, the 'Morning Cloud'.
Later that day she travelled to Bouley Bay and watched the youngsters get off again.
She said that only ten returned.

Haut de la Garenne children's home, on Jersey. "The expert in the UK who had examined the first bones we sent (which included a piece of child's tibia) said that they were very likely the bones of a juvenile human, they had been burnt shortly after death and buried shortly after burning."
When it comes to boy brothels, let us remember Elm Guest House.
Clients of the Elm Guest house boy brothel included members of the UK security services, UK government ministers and people linked to the Royal Family.

Words scrawled on the walls of a torture chamber at Haut de la Garenne.
"Edward Heath, Prime Minister from 1970-74 ... was a frequent visitor to the Haute de la Garrene childrens care home on Jersey."
Former Prime Minister in Jersey child abuse
Jimmy Savile was a regular visitor to Jersey and there are claims he took youngsters from a children’s home to the yachts of rich child abusers.
Linda Corby says that she watched as 11 children got onto Heath's yacht, the 'Morning Cloud'.
Later that day she travelled to Bouley Bay and watched the youngsters get off again.
She said that only ten returned.

Haut de la Garenne children's home, on Jersey. "The expert in the UK who had examined the first bones we sent (which included a piece of child's tibia) said that they were very likely the bones of a juvenile human, they had been burnt shortly after death and buried shortly after burning."
When it comes to boy brothels, let us remember Elm Guest House.
Clients of the Elm Guest house boy brothel included members of the UK security services, UK government ministers and people linked to the Royal Family.

Words scrawled on the walls of a torture chamber at Haut de la Garenne.
"Edward Heath, Prime Minister from 1970-74 ... was a frequent visitor to the Haute de la Garrene childrens care home on Jersey."
Former Prime Minister in Jersey child abuse
Edward Heath is linked to Dolphin Square.

Carl Beech
In May 2019, Carl Beech (Nick) was put on trial in the UK, accused of inventing child abuse allegations.

#CarlBeech Beech: I didn’t tell anyone because my stepfather made it very clear if I did I would disappear and nobody would care. That was my first introduction to the group.
Carl disclosed physical abuse around 1990.
Carl disclosed sexual abuse around 1999.
Around 1999, Carl told his wife that he had been abused.
Carl wrote: "She had already suspected that it was the case.
"The marriage guidance counsellor encouraged me to tell my wife the reason so she could understand and help me work through things. So I did."
Why Operation Midland Should Have Interviewed Nick’s Ex-Wife.
Carl Beech named Lord Bramall as a child abuser.
The Met (London police) announced there was "insufficient evidence" to proceed against Bramall over allegations of historical child sex abuse.
BBC Radio 4 broadcast an episode of The Report entitled Lord Bramall: a failure to investigate.
'The programme highlighted some extraordinary shortcomings of the Operation Midland investigation, not least the failure of the 27 detectives to interview Carl Beech's ex-wife.'
Why Operation Midland Should Have Interviewed Nick’s Ex-Wife.

Carl Beech (NICK)
'In one of Nick's own blog posts published 4th May 2014, which have since all been removed, he gives us a timeline of disclosure.
Nick wrote: "I first disclosed that I had been abused 6 years after it had finished, and this was just to acknowledge that I had been hurt.
"15 years or so after it ended, I was able to say that I had been raped but on both occasions I kept everything else to myself.
"30 years after the abuse stopped, I finally disclosed everything."
Why Operation Midland Should Have Interviewed Nick’s Ex-Wife.
In 1978, one of the alleged VIP gang, MI6 deputy boss Sir Peter Hayman, left a package of child abuse related materials on a London bus. In Hayman’s apartment, police found 45 diaries describing sexual activities with children children, activities with prostitutes, articles of female clothing and obscene literature. How-Establishment-hid-monster
Carl Beech's stepfather was Major Ray Beech.
Official Army records show that Ray Beech had a drink problem, a history of domestic violence and a record stated he had a 'personality disorder which led to him being dangerously explosive'.
Nick was allowed to apply for compensation ...
#CarlBeech In police video interview Beech says after he moved house one of his abusers found him and showed him naked pictures of him taken during an abuse session. He said ‘they’ knew where he was now living, his new school, his mum’s workplace.

Deepcut: Pte Geoff Gray's mother claims son 'murdered' - BBC News
Lord Bramall lives in Crondall a small village near the Deepcut military base

JR on Twitter: "MYSTERIOUS LORD BRAMALL ...and the #Kincora ...

Gay, Zionist boss of MI6 Maurice Oldfield, who was Britain's top spy in Washington at the time of the Kennedy assassination.
Carl Beech named Maurice Oldfield as one of his abusers.
According to The Biggest Secret of World War II: during World war II, "Maurice Oldfield was arrested with the Duke of Kent and his boyfriend Sir Anthony Blunt.
"A policeman rounded up what he thought were 3 drunken street whores, only to find they were ... the HIGHEST in the land...
"Maurice Oldfield and the Duke of Kent and Sir Anthony Blunt ... had links to Victor Rothschild.
"Rothschild was Churchill’s mentor; he made Churchill's decisions."
Carl Beech named Maurice Oldfield as one of his abusers.
According to The Biggest Secret of World War II: during World war II, "Maurice Oldfield was arrested with the Duke of Kent and his boyfriend Sir Anthony Blunt.
"A policeman rounded up what he thought were 3 drunken street whores, only to find they were ... the HIGHEST in the land...
"Maurice Oldfield and the Duke of Kent and Sir Anthony Blunt ... had links to Victor Rothschild.
"Rothschild was Churchill’s mentor; he made Churchill's decisions."

Richard Kerr
According to Village Magazine: Richard Kerr, at the age of 8, was placed into care and he was then sexually abused by large numbers of top people.
As a child Richard Kerr would not have been able to recognise the top people who abused him in various parts of the UK.

Carl Beech.
When he first went to the police, in 2012, Carl Beech said that at the age of 9 or 10, at various army bases, he had been raped by a number of top military men, and others, including his stepfather Major Raymond Beech, and Sir Jimmy Savile, a close friend of the military.
Carl Beech did not know the names of the people who abused him, other than Raymond Beech and Savile.
Carl Beech didn't mention lots of names.
The police took no action.
Later, Carl Beech did some research on the internet and apparently began to recognise some of his alleged abusers.

Sir Jimmy Savile had warm and close relations with the UK military, and with Israel.
As a child, Carl Beech lived with his parents in officers' accomodation in Wilton, near Salisbury, in Wiltshire.
The headquarters of Land Forces was at Erskine Barracks, just northeast of Wilton.

The funeral of Sir Jimmy Savile who reportedly supplied boys and girls to top people.
When Beech was asked, in the first police interviews, whether he knew the names of any of the other people involved he said: 'A lot of them just blur into one really, I don't know which bits go with which.'
Beech claims that his step-father took him to other senior military figures at unnamed army bases for them to abuse him.
Edward Heath.
Edward Heath had a home in Salisbury in Wiltshire and Edward Heath is named as a child abuser by Carl Beech.
Reportedly, former UK Prime Minister Edward Heath 'sometimes used his car when he set out to abuse boys.'
It has been claimed by certain top people that Edward Heath did not have a car.
But, pictures have emerged of Heath driving his car.
Richard Kerr lived at the Kincora children's home, in Belfast.
Carl Beech mentions alleged abuse by Sir Maurice Oldfield, who was the boss of MI6.
Oldfield is alleged to have been involved with boys at Kincora.
According to Village Magazine:
Sir Peter Hayman, deputy boss of MI6, was one of Richard Kerr's abusers.
Kincora boys home
The Kincora Boys Home in Belfast apparently became part of an international child abuse network.
This network has been linked to Buckingham palace, Amsterdam, various Americans, MI5, MI6, Dolphin Square, Elm Guest House, Cyril Smith, Jimmy Savile and others.
Kincora Survivor | Village Magazine
Maurice Oldfield
The former head of Britain's MI6, Sir Maurice Oldfield, was reportedly observed by his Special Branch guards partaking of Kincora's facilities.
(The troubles: Google Books Result)
Allegedly, Oldfield shared boys with Lord Victor Rothschild's friend Sir Anthony Blunt.
According to The Biggest Secret of World War II: "Maurice Oldfield ... had links to Victor Rothschild."

Above, we see the Mossad-linked Uri Geller with former UK prime minister Edward Heath, who reportedly visited Kincora.
As a child, Carl Beech lived with his parents in officers' accomodation in Wilton, near Salisbury, in Wiltshire.
The headquarters of Land Forces was at Erskine Barracks, just northeast of Wilton.

The funeral of Sir Jimmy Savile who reportedly supplied boys and girls to top people.
When Beech was asked, in the first police interviews, whether he knew the names of any of the other people involved he said: 'A lot of them just blur into one really, I don't know which bits go with which.'
Beech claims that his step-father took him to other senior military figures at unnamed army bases for them to abuse him.

Edward Heath.
Edward Heath had a home in Salisbury in Wiltshire and Edward Heath is named as a child abuser by Carl Beech.
Reportedly, former UK Prime Minister Edward Heath 'sometimes used his car when he set out to abuse boys.'
It has been claimed by certain top people that Edward Heath did not have a car.
But, pictures have emerged of Heath driving his car.
Richard Kerr lived at the Kincora children's home, in Belfast.
Carl Beech mentions alleged abuse by Sir Maurice Oldfield, who was the boss of MI6.
Oldfield is alleged to have been involved with boys at Kincora.
Sir Peter Hayman, deputy boss of MI6, was one of Richard Kerr's abusers.

The Kincora Boys Home in Belfast apparently became part of an international child abuse network.
This network has been linked to Buckingham palace, Amsterdam, various Americans, MI5, MI6, Dolphin Square, Elm Guest House, Cyril Smith, Jimmy Savile and others.
Kincora Survivor | Village Magazine
The former head of Britain's MI6, Sir Maurice Oldfield, was reportedly observed by his Special Branch guards partaking of Kincora's facilities.
(The troubles: Google Books Result)
Allegedly, Oldfield shared boys with Lord Victor Rothschild's friend Sir Anthony Blunt.
According to The Biggest Secret of World War II: "Maurice Oldfield ... had links to Victor Rothschild."

Nick': A fuck up of epic proportions.
'Whistleblower' Carl Beech, above right, has been accused of being a fantasist and a 'boy lover'.
Whistleblowers, whether genuine or fake, tend to be 'got at'.

Justin Fashanu, 'who has been linked to the Westminster child abuse ring'.
In 1998, Justin Fashanu was found hanged.
"Fashanu gave us the names of two cabinet ministers he claimed he had sex with," said Phil Taylor, a journalist with the People newspaper.
Justin Fashanu, dribbling round ...

Stephen Milligan
"It was alleged by Scallywag magazine that Stephen Milligan, who reportedly worked for MI6, was asked by the security services to dissuade a well-known footballer from continuing to hawk his story of gay sex sessions with two then serving cabinet ministers around Fleet Street."
"Stephen Milligan MP and Justin Fashanu Murders".
"Milligan then allegedly threatened the security services that, if anything happened to the footballer, he would tell the whole story to The Sunday Times."
"Stephen Milligan MP and Justin Fashanu Murders".
"Milligan then allegedly threatened the security services that, if anything happened to the footballer, he would tell the whole story to The Sunday Times."
Soon after, in 1994, Stephen Milligan was found dead.
He had a black bin liner over his head and he was wearing stockings and suspenders.
Milligan also had a satsuma stuffed into his mouth.

Former MI5 spy David Shayler suggested on television that 9 11 was probably the work of people within the security services.
YouTube - David Shayler speaks on 911
Then he dressed up as a woman and revealed himself as 'the Messiah'.
Shayler is a disinformation agent, used to discredit conspiracy theories?

Bradley Manning (above) was a whistleblower on Pentagon 'war crimes'.
Bradley then became Chelsea Manning.

Gareth Williams (above) worked for GCHQ and MI6.
He was found dead in a flat full of women’s clothing.

Former MI6 man James Rusbridger (above) discovered that a group within MI6 appeared to have helped Hitler both before and during the war.
In 1994 James Rusbridger, was found hanged at his house in Cornwall.
Chris Fay
Chris Fay says he was threatened with a gun to his head to stop him investigating the London boy brothel known as Elm Guest House, which has been linked to the security services.
'Police gunman told me to ignore paedophiles', says ex-child protection officer.
The Bryn Estyn home (above) in Wrexham was the scene of massive child abuse, 'involving top people'.
During the Bryn Estyn scandal, a fire in Hove, near Brighton, killed five alleged victims of the abuse.
He had a black bin liner over his head and he was wearing stockings and suspenders.
Milligan also had a satsuma stuffed into his mouth.

Former MI5 spy David Shayler suggested on television that 9 11 was probably the work of people within the security services.
YouTube - David Shayler speaks on 911
Then he dressed up as a woman and revealed himself as 'the Messiah'.
Shayler is a disinformation agent, used to discredit conspiracy theories?

Bradley Manning (above) was a whistleblower on Pentagon 'war crimes'.
Bradley then became Chelsea Manning.

Gareth Williams (above) worked for GCHQ and MI6.
He was found dead in a flat full of women’s clothing.

Former MI6 man James Rusbridger (above) discovered that a group within MI6 appeared to have helped Hitler both before and during the war.
In 1994 James Rusbridger, was found hanged at his house in Cornwall.

Chris Fay says he was threatened with a gun to his head to stop him investigating the London boy brothel known as Elm Guest House, which has been linked to the security services.
'Police gunman told me to ignore paedophiles', says ex-child protection officer.

During the Bryn Estyn scandal, a fire in Hove, near Brighton, killed five alleged victims of the abuse.
In the Thorpe affair , it became clear that neither Jeremy Thorpe (accused of murder) nor Norman Scott (the alleged victim) were saintly characters.
Carl Beech accused Harvey Proctor of sexual abuse.
At a recent trial, Carl Beech (Nick) pleaded guilty to possessing "indecent images of young boys".
Beech gave police the name of a boy he claimed had been abused along with him - Aubrey.
"Police discovered he had a childhood friend of that name but the boy had not been abused."
Beech "invented a witness with the codename 'Fred' and produced a string of bogus emails to support his false claims."
"Police discovered he had a childhood friend of that name but the boy had not been abused."
Beech "invented a witness with the codename 'Fred' and produced a string of bogus emails to support his false claims."
VIP paedophile ring 'fantasist' known as Nick bought a Mustang with his compensation
Harvey Proctor once pleaded guilty to four charges 'relating to rent boy activity' and was fined.
In 1986, it was reported that Harvey Proctor was involved with male prostitutes (rent boys) aged between 17 and 21.
The legal age of consent for gay men at the time was 21 and Proctor was charged with gross indecency.
He resigned as an MP shortly before his trial in May 1987, where he pleaded guilty and was fined £1,450.
Harvey Proctor once pleaded guilty to four charges 'relating to rent boy activity' and was fined.
In 1986, it was reported that Harvey Proctor was involved with male prostitutes (rent boys) aged between 17 and 21.
The legal age of consent for gay men at the time was 21 and Proctor was charged with gross indecency.
He resigned as an MP shortly before his trial in May 1987, where he pleaded guilty and was fined £1,450.

It is possible that Carl Beech has invented some stories?
If Carl Beech is believed to be less than a totally reliable character, that does not mean that Sir Jimmy Savile is innocent.

Carl Beech (aka Nick) 'at the time when the abuse began.'
In 2012, Carl Beech went to the Wiltshire police to tell them about how, as a child, he had been sexually abused by his stepfather, and by Sir Jimmy Savile, and by others.
Wiltshire Police took no action.

In 2014, Carl Beech gave the Metropolitan (London) Police a list of his abusers.
Carl Beech's list of his abusers included the name of Sir Greville Janner.

Mossad-linked Uri Geller and Greville Janner, former President of the Board of British Jews, vice president of the World Jewish Congress, and member of the Boy Scouts Association. Greville Janner, VIP child abuse, mysterious death
By 2015, the police in Leicester supplied the Crown Prosecution Service with the evidence to prosecute Janner on 22 counts of sexually abusing nine boys – six of buggery and 16 of indecent assault.
Twenty five victims made witness statements about Janner.
The UK government's Crown Prosecution Service, led by Alison Saunders, decided not to take Janner to court.
Anger about Lord Janner

Michael Hirst - Chief Constable of Leicestershire for much of the 1980s. He became a director of the private security company Group 4.
Reportedly, according to a legal dossier which has been uncovered:
Janner was protected by his local police chief Michael Hirts, a fellow Freemason.
Police detectives falsified criminal evidence in an effort to protect Janner.
Janner sent thugs to the homes of witnesses, to scare them.
Janner got officials in his city of Leicester to shred documents relating to his alleged child abuse.
The police chief organised a campaign to destroy the reputation of a whistle-blower.
The above information comes from a legal dossier containing letters, affidavits, witness statements and court papers.

Greville Janner, Paul Boateng, David Blane and Michael Jackson.

In 2014, Carl Beech gave the Metropolitan (London) Police a list of his abusers.
Carl Beech's allegations were described by the police as 'credible and true' after the police saw Carl's sketches of the crime scenes.

Mossad-linked Uri Geller and Greville Janner, former President of the Board of British Jews, vice president of the World Jewish Congress, and member of the Boy Scouts Association. Greville Janner, VIP child abuse, mysterious death
By 2015, the police in Leicester supplied the Crown Prosecution Service with the evidence to prosecute Janner on 22 counts of sexually abusing nine boys – six of buggery and 16 of indecent assault.
Twenty five victims made witness statements about Janner.
The UK government's Crown Prosecution Service, led by Alison Saunders, decided not to take Janner to court.
Anger about Lord Janner

Michael Hirst - Chief Constable of Leicestershire for much of the 1980s. He became a director of the private security company Group 4.
Reportedly, according to a legal dossier which has been uncovered:
Janner was protected by his local police chief Michael Hirts, a fellow Freemason.
Police detectives falsified criminal evidence in an effort to protect Janner.
Janner sent thugs to the homes of witnesses, to scare them.
Janner got officials in his city of Leicester to shred documents relating to his alleged child abuse.
The police chief organised a campaign to destroy the reputation of a whistle-blower.
The above information comes from a legal dossier containing letters, affidavits, witness statements and court papers.

Greville Janner, Paul Boateng, David Blane and Michael Jackson.

Leopold de Rothschild and Lord Janner. Lord Janner is Jewish. The Criminal Justice System in England is increasingly run by Jews.
Carl Beech alleged that he and others were sexually abused by Sir Michael Hanley.
Sir Michael Hanley was chosen by Lord Victor Rothschild to be the boss of the spy service MI5.
Sir Michael Hanley was chosen by Lord Victor Rothschild to be the boss of the spy service MI5.

Nick made accusations against his stepfather Raymond Beech, Jimmy Savile, MP Harvey Proctor, Edward Heath, Leon Brittan (above), Field Marshal Lord Bramall, and former MP Greville Janner.
Nick was one of the main sources for the UK's Operation Midland - the investigation into a murderous, VIP child abuse ring at Westminster, linked to the Lithuanaian Jew Leon Brittan.
Operation Midland has been closed down.
There is a 'cover-up' of the crimes of the Kosher Nostra?
Will the police investigate Leon Brittan's alleged link to a place of entertainment in Port au Prince?

Field Marshall Bramall was acquainted with Sir Peter Hayman and Sir Anthony Blunt, both 'dangerous child abusers'.
Bramall has been linked to VISHAL MEHROTRA who has been linked to MICHAEL MATES and ASIL NADIR

Nick, who is in his 40s, told police that he had been sexually abused by his late stepfather, Major Raymond Beech.
The stepfather was a military man.
Nick told police that his stepfather had passed him to a VIP child abuse ring.
Nick says that this child abuse ring included Lord Bramall, the former head of the UK military.
The stepfather's ex-wife may well have known what was going on.
One might expect her to try to defend her late husband.
One might expect her to be afraid of military intelligence.
The stepfather's ex-wife told the Daily Telegraph that although Nick's stepfather was 'not a particularly good husband,' he was a 'very proper man' and said his family could not believe Nick's 'ridiculous' claims.

In 2014, Nick was interviewed by the police.
And Nick (Carl Beech) is on trial.
VIP paedophile ring - high-profile political figures
Westminster abuse ring: accuser charged over child sex images.
VIP paedophile ring - high-profile political figures
Westminster abuse ring: accuser charged over child sex images.
Will the police investigate Leon Brittan's alleged link to a place of entertainment in Port au Prince?

'Nick' accused Lord Bramall, the former head of the UK military, of being part of a child abuse ring.

Field Marshall Bramall was acquainted with Sir Peter Hayman and Sir Anthony Blunt, both 'dangerous child abusers'.
Bramall has been linked to VISHAL MEHROTRA who has been linked to MICHAEL MATES and ASIL NADIR

General Bramall 1973.
Nick, who is in his 40s, told police that he had been sexually abused by his late stepfather, Major Raymond Beech.
The stepfather was a military man.
Nick told police that his stepfather had passed him to a VIP child abuse ring.
Nick says that this child abuse ring included Lord Bramall, the former head of the UK military.
The stepfather's ex-wife may well have known what was going on.
One might expect her to try to defend her late husband.
One might expect her to be afraid of military intelligence.
The stepfather's ex-wife told the Daily Telegraph that although Nick's stepfather was 'not a particularly good husband,' he was a 'very proper man' and said his family could not believe Nick's 'ridiculous' claims.

In 1987, one of the alleged VIP gang, top Conservative Harvey Proctor, pled guilty to having sex with boys below the age of consent.
In 2014, Nick was interviewed by the police.
Nick is described as being a well-spoken, middle-aged man.
Detective Superintendent Kenny McDonald said:
"Nick has been spoken to by experienced officers from child abuse teams and experienced officers from murder investigations.
"They and I believe what Nick is saying is credible and true."
Nick named as members of the child abuse ring:
Another former top general, General Sir Hugh Beach
The former head of MI5, Sir Michael Hanley
The former head of MI6, Sir Maurice Oldfield

Nick says that, at the Dolphin Square flats in London, Harvey Proctor strangled a boy to death.
"Nick has been spoken to by experienced officers from child abuse teams and experienced officers from murder investigations.
"They and I believe what Nick is saying is credible and true."
Nick says that he was aged about seven when his stepfather first abused him.

In 1978, one of the alleged VIP gang, MI6 deputy boss Sir Peter Hayman, left a package of child abuse related materials on a London bus. In Hayman's apartment, police found 45 diaries describing sexual activities with children children, activities with prostitutes, articles of female clothing and obscene literature.
Nick says that he was aged about seven when his stepfather first abused him.

Among the many children reported to have been murdered by the VIP gang is Martin Allen (above).
Nick named as members of the child abuse ring:
Former Prime Minister Edward Heath,
Former Home Secretary Leon Brittan
Former Conservative member of Parliament Harvey Proctor
Former Chief of the Defence Staff Lord Bramall
Former Chief of the Defence Staff Lord Bramall

In 2015, brothel madam Myra Forde stated that she had supplied Edward Heath with young lads.
'Another boy was killed in the presence of a Conservative minister.
'A third was deliberately run over by a car in Kingston upon Thames, Surrey.'

Bramall and Thatcher.
Some of the abuse and torture 'took place at the Carlton Club in St James’s Street' and at Elm Guest House.
Nick says that he was flown to Paris in a private plane and then sexually abused in France by members of the Saudi Royal family.
'A third was deliberately run over by a car in Kingston upon Thames, Surrey.'

Bramall and Thatcher.
Some of the abuse and torture 'took place at the Carlton Club in St James’s Street' and at Elm Guest House.
Nick says that he was flown to Paris in a private plane and then sexually abused in France by members of the Saudi Royal family.
Child abuse rings operate worldwide, reportedly protected by the police and security services.

Here we see Lieutenant Edwin Bramall receiving his MC from Field Marshal Montgomery in 1945.

Admiral of the Fleet Louis Mountbatten (above) liked boys in their early teens.
Field Marshal Edwin Bramall served on Lord Mountbatten's staff in 1963. [7]

In testimony to Australia's royal commission into child abuse, one former victim, Bob Stevens, says Viscount Slim arrived at the school and 'the next minute we were sitting on his knee and he's got his hands up our trousers'.
65 'victims of abuse' have taken action against Fairbridge Farm School, of which Viscount Slim was patron.
Britain's 'finest WWII general' accused of child sex abuse in Australia - Telegraph

My Sweet Landlord @MySweetLandlord · Mar 8 @Snowfaked
Edwin Bramall lives at Bathurst House, Crondall, 20 miles from Dursford Abbey Farm, where Vishal Mehrotra's remains were found.
Vishal's father says that the UK police covered up evidence that Vishal's murder was carried out by top people in the UK government.
Father says police covered up son's murder by top government child abuse ring. / 'CHILD ABUSE'; IDAHO, LONDON, CRIMEA, GERMANY.....

In 1981, eight-year-old Vishal Mehrotra was kidnapped near the Elm Guest House boy brothel in London.
In 1982, Vishal's skull and several rib bones were discovered by pigeon shooters in remote marshland at Durford Abbey Farm, at Rogate, close to the Hampshire-West Sussex border.

Adrian and Lee Johns and siblings. Adrian Johns died in a mysterious fire in Brighton/Hove.
"Diana Princess of Wales opposed the whole culture to which Laud aligns himself and challenged arms dealing with which Julian Lewis is closely linked.
"Deceased investigative journalist Simon Regan challenged both Laud and Lewis frequently and died 'after a short illness' soon after his final tirade against Laud and Lewis.
"The alleged victims of VIP abuse who died in the fire in Palmeira Avenue Hove (Brighton) in 1991 had also linked Laud, Lewis, and Greer, to the circumstances of the abuse they said they had suffered in care."

There have been allegations of a large child abuse ring, involving top people, in the Portsmouth/Hampshire area.
Police announced on 25 February 2008 that they were investigating claims that the Jersey child abuse case was linked to abuse at the Children’s Cottage Home in Portsmouth.
Policed reopen Hampshire child home investigation
Fort Monckton, adjacent to Portsmouth, is used for the training of MI6 agents.
(Sacked spy's blog takes on MI6).

The New Forest is near Portsmouth.
Former child actor Ben Fellows refers to a party in a house in the New Forest attended by the founder of a child protection charity.

Esther Rantzen and Sir Jimmy Savile.
Ben was around sixteen.
At the party Ben was given drugs, alcohol and was propositioned by men and women all night.
Ben ended up passed out in the garden.
The New Forest is close to a major base of MI6.

Derek Laud, who is gay, became the first and only black master of foxhounds when he took that role with New Forest Foxhounds in 1999. Derek Laud with Anne (left) and Cicely Meehan, the spinster sisters who gave Derek Laud a home. Cicely Meehan was a child psychologist. One Saturday, Anne drove young Derek to the house of 'a very grand lady ... who bore a striking resemblance to Mrs Thatcher'.
Derek Laud is a long standing family friend of Samantha Cameron's family and a personal friend of David Cameron and attended their wedding at Ginge, in Oxfordshire.
The list of Tory friends with whom he is known to go on holiday and socialise with includes Lord McAlpine, Peter Lilley and Michael Portillo.
Derek Laud, who is gay, became the first and only black master of foxhounds when he took that role with New Forest Foxhounds in 1999. (New Forest, MI6)
Derek is an acquaintance of Camilla Parker Bowles.
"He's a friend of royalty, advises Ministers and was the most cultured contestant on Big Brother - but those are the least surprising things about Derek Laud.
Scallywag magazine made some allegations against Derek Laud.
From Scallywag magazine:
"Derek Laud... ran a Pimlico PR agency called Ludgate Communications...
"(He was) in cahoots with Ian Greer Associates...
"Ludgate Communications was at the very hub of our investigation into .... allegations.
"At his Pimlico flat, and selected addresses in Dolphin Square nearby, Laud threw ......... parties."
Allegedly Ludgate Communications supplied children from children's care homes to top Members of Parliament.

Dolphin Square in Pimlico in London.
Former child actor Ben Fellows says that at the age of 13 he was sent, by publicist Max Clifford, to a night club called Stringfellows, along with other children.
Ben Fellows also talks about private parties in hotel rooms and about being sent to Dolphin Square.

Rideout was cleared of three indecent assaults by a court martial in 1972. One of Rideout's victims, June Potter said: "We went out of our way to write statements and everything. I gave them names."
Canon Gordon Rideout went on to sexually abuse young girls and boys across the south of England.
Rideout was chairman of governors at St Mary's special school in Bexhill until 2009.

Vincent S. aged 10 yrs, from Grafton Children's Home, was taken to Elm Guest House (above) and to a house in Bexhill.
Reportedly, pedophile rings use children's care homes throughout the UK and Northern Ireland.

Elm Guest House in London, reportedly used by a man responsible for supervising the UK security service MI5.
Rideout abused kids at a Barnardo's home, at Ifield Hall in Crawley, West Sussex

Police searched the home of Lord Bramall as part of their VIP child sex abuse inquiry
The police carried out raids on the home of Harvey Proctor, the homes of Leon Brittan and the home of Lord Bramall which is in Crondall, near Farnham, Surrey.
Child abuse rings operate worldwide, reportedly protected by the police and security services.

Here we see Lieutenant Edwin Bramall receiving his MC from Field Marshal Montgomery in 1945.

Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery (above) had "romantic friendships with young boys" including the 12-year-old Swiss lad Lucien Trueb.
The third sex that sustained the Empire - Telegraph
The third sex that sustained the Empire - Telegraph

Admiral of the Fleet Louis Mountbatten (above) liked boys in their early teens.

Field Marshal William Slim (above), the former Governor General of Australia, reportedly molested young boys.

Fairbridge Farm School, Australia
Field Marshal Viscount William Slim reportedly molested young boys as they sat in his Rolls-Royce.
Reportedly Slim molested boys at the Fairbridge Farm School, in Australia.In testimony to Australia's royal commission into child abuse, one former victim, Bob Stevens, says Viscount Slim arrived at the school and 'the next minute we were sitting on his knee and he's got his hands up our trousers'.
65 'victims of abuse' have taken action against Fairbridge Farm School, of which Viscount Slim was patron.
Britain's 'finest WWII general' accused of child sex abuse in Australia - Telegraph

Field Marshal Horatio Kitchener (above) was reportedly a pedophile.

Sir Jimmy Savile is known to have had dinner with Admiral Sir Michael Boyce, Chief of the UK Defence Staff at the time of 9 11. (
There is no suggestion that Boyce has done anything improper.

Field Marshal Douglas Haig (above), who was reportedly gay, liked to have young lads around him.

Admiral Sir Michael Boyce and General Tommy Franks
Sir Jimmy Savile is known to have had dinner with Admiral Sir Michael Boyce, Chief of the UK Defence Staff at the time of 9 11. (
There is no suggestion that Boyce has done anything improper.

General Bramall 1973.
In 2014, Nick reported to the police that, as a boy in the 1970s, he had been sexually assaulted by Edwin Bramall.
Nick had been under 16 at the time of Field Marshall Bramall's supposed assault on him.
In 2014, Nick reported to the police that, as a boy in the 1970s, he had been sexually assaulted by Edwin Bramall.
Nick had been under 16 at the time of Field Marshall Bramall's supposed assault on him.
Nick is not a former soldier.
The name of Sir Peter Hayman (Hayman has been linked to child abuse) features in Bramall's visitors' book, when both men were serving in Germany in the 1970s.

Lt Col Edwin Bramall and members of 2nd Battalion, The Royal Green Jackets Air Platoon in Penang, in Malaysia in1966. Seated (L to R clockwise round the table):Cpl P. Patrick RGJ, Rfn K. Richards RGJ, Cpl Wordingham RGJ.
Corporal Peter Patrick died on 7 September 1967, aged 24, after being crushed between two armoured personnel carriers in Oxford Barracks, Münster, in Germany.

Lt Col Edwin Bramall and members of 2nd Battalion, The Royal Green Jackets Air Platoon in Penang, in Malaysia in1966. Seated (L to R clockwise round the table):Cpl P. Patrick RGJ, Rfn K. Richards RGJ, Cpl Wordingham RGJ.
Corporal Peter Patrick died on 7 September 1967, aged 24, after being crushed between two armoured personnel carriers in Oxford Barracks, Münster, in Germany.
Bramall was also acquainted with Sir Anthony Blunt, a child abuser.

My Sweet Landlord @MySweetLandlord · Mar 8 @Snowfaked
Edwin Bramall lives at Bathurst House, Crondall, 20 miles from Dursford Abbey Farm, where Vishal Mehrotra's remains were found.
Vishal's father says that the UK police covered up evidence that Vishal's murder was carried out by top people in the UK government.
Father says police covered up son's murder by top government child abuse ring. / 'CHILD ABUSE'; IDAHO, LONDON, CRIMEA, GERMANY.....

In 1981, eight-year-old Vishal Mehrotra was kidnapped near the Elm Guest House boy brothel in London.
In 1982, Vishal's skull and several rib bones were discovered by pigeon shooters in remote marshland at Durford Abbey Farm, at Rogate, close to the Hampshire-West Sussex border.

Tangley House (red dot top left), Crondall (red dot top right), Rogate and Brighton.
"There have been many allegations that Hampshire County Council, through the influence of Derek Laud and his friend Julian Lewis, is a central player in a national paedophile ring supplying young boys from care systems to VIP's."
In 2000, Michael Colvin died in a mysterious fire at his Tangley House mansion, in Hampshire.

According to Scallywag magazine:
"Colvin had been speaking to Derek Laud days, if not hours, previously.
"There have been many allegations that Hampshire County Council, through the influence of Derek Laud and his friend Julian Lewis, is a central player in a national paedophile ring supplying young boys from care systems to VIP's."

Adrian and Lee Johns and siblings. Adrian Johns died in a mysterious fire in Brighton/Hove.
"Deceased investigative journalist Simon Regan challenged both Laud and Lewis frequently and died 'after a short illness' soon after his final tirade against Laud and Lewis.
"The alleged victims of VIP abuse who died in the fire in Palmeira Avenue Hove (Brighton) in 1991 had also linked Laud, Lewis, and Greer, to the circumstances of the abuse they said they had suffered in care."

There have been allegations of a large child abuse ring, involving top people, in the Portsmouth/Hampshire area.
Police announced on 25 February 2008 that they were investigating claims that the Jersey child abuse case was linked to abuse at the Children’s Cottage Home in Portsmouth.
Policed reopen Hampshire child home investigation
Fort Monckton, adjacent to Portsmouth, is used for the training of MI6 agents.
(Sacked spy's blog takes on MI6).

The New Forest is near Portsmouth.

Former child actor Ben Fellows refers to a party in a house in the New Forest attended by the founder of a child protection charity.

Esther Rantzen and Sir Jimmy Savile.
Ben was around sixteen.
At the party Ben was given drugs, alcohol and was propositioned by men and women all night.
Ben ended up passed out in the garden.
The New Forest is close to a major base of MI6.

Derek Laud, who is gay, became the first and only black master of foxhounds when he took that role with New Forest Foxhounds in 1999. Derek Laud with Anne (left) and Cicely Meehan, the spinster sisters who gave Derek Laud a home. Cicely Meehan was a child psychologist. One Saturday, Anne drove young Derek to the house of 'a very grand lady ... who bore a striking resemblance to Mrs Thatcher'.
Derek Laud is a long standing family friend of Samantha Cameron's family and a personal friend of David Cameron and attended their wedding at Ginge, in Oxfordshire.
The list of Tory friends with whom he is known to go on holiday and socialise with includes Lord McAlpine, Peter Lilley and Michael Portillo.
Derek Laud, who is gay, became the first and only black master of foxhounds when he took that role with New Forest Foxhounds in 1999. (New Forest, MI6)
Derek is an acquaintance of Camilla Parker Bowles.
"He's a friend of royalty, advises Ministers and was the most cultured contestant on Big Brother - but those are the least surprising things about Derek Laud.
Scallywag magazine made some allegations against Derek Laud.
From Scallywag magazine:
"Derek Laud... ran a Pimlico PR agency called Ludgate Communications...
"(He was) in cahoots with Ian Greer Associates...
"Ludgate Communications was at the very hub of our investigation into .... allegations.
"At his Pimlico flat, and selected addresses in Dolphin Square nearby, Laud threw ......... parties."
Allegedly Ludgate Communications supplied children from children's care homes to top Members of Parliament.

Dolphin Square in Pimlico in London.
Former child actor Ben Fellows says that at the age of 13 he was sent, by publicist Max Clifford, to a night club called Stringfellows, along with other children.
Ben Fellows also talks about private parties in hotel rooms and about being sent to Dolphin Square.

Gordon Rideout.
Canon Gordon Rideout was chaplain on a military base in Middle Wallop, Hampshire, in the UK.
Canon Gordon Rideout was chaplain on a military base in Middle Wallop, Hampshire, in the UK.
In the 1970s Canon Gordon Rideout was taken to a military court on child sex-abuse charges.

He was cleared by the military hearing.

Rideout was cleared of three indecent assaults by a court martial in 1972. One of Rideout's victims, June Potter said: "We went out of our way to write statements and everything. I gave them names."
Rideout was chairman of governors at St Mary's special school in Bexhill until 2009.

Vincent S. aged 10 yrs, from Grafton Children's Home, was taken to Elm Guest House (above) and to a house in Bexhill.
Reportedly, pedophile rings use children's care homes throughout the UK and Northern Ireland.

Elm Guest House in London, reportedly used by a man responsible for supervising the UK security service MI5.
Rideout abused kids at a Barnardo's home, at Ifield Hall in Crawley, West Sussex
He savagely beat the kids who tried to speak out.
Barnardo's is a children's charity associated with child abuse.
Prince Charles's wife Camilla became president of Barnardo's in 2007, replacing Cherie Blair.
Prince Charles's wife Camilla became president of Barnardo's in 2007, replacing Cherie Blair.

The police carried out raids on the home of Harvey Proctor, the homes of Leon Brittan and the home of Lord Bramall which is in Crondall, near Farnham, Surrey.
The police's Operation Midland is examining the deaths of three boys.
Field Marshal Edwin Noel Westby Bramall, Baron Bramall served as Chief of the General Staff, the professional head of the British Army, between 1979 and 1982, and as Chief of the Defence Staff, professional head of the British Armed Forces, from 1982 to 1985.
He served on Lord Mountbatten's staff in 1963. [7]
He was made ADC General to the Queen in 1979. [21]

The 1980 Bologna Bombing was blamed on agents of the CIA and NATO, working for Operation Gladio.
He was Colonel Commandant of the Special Air Service Regiment from May 1985. [27]
Field Marshall Edwin Bramall's brother is Ashley Bramall.
MP Ashley Bramall was the governor of a school in Pimlico, a school which was under the governorship of Jack Straw.
Field Marshall Bramall was acquainted with Sir Peter Hayman and Sir Anthony Blunt, both 'dangerous child abusers'.
Field Marshal Edwin Noel Westby Bramall, Baron Bramall served as Chief of the General Staff, the professional head of the British Army, between 1979 and 1982, and as Chief of the Defence Staff, professional head of the British Armed Forces, from 1982 to 1985.
He served on Lord Mountbatten's staff in 1963. [7]

The 1980 Bologna Bombing was blamed on agents of the CIA and NATO, working for Operation Gladio.
He was Colonel Commandant of the Special Air Service Regiment from May 1985. [27]
Field Marshall Edwin Bramall's brother is Ashley Bramall.
MP Ashley Bramall was the governor of a school in Pimlico, a school which was under the governorship of Jack Straw.
Field Marshall Bramall was acquainted with Sir Peter Hayman and Sir Anthony Blunt, both 'dangerous child abusers'.
Labels: Beech, Bramall, Brittan, Colvin, ELM, Geller, Hanley, Hayman, Heath, Jackson, Janner, JERSEY, Laud, Mehrotra, Oldfield, Proctor, Rantzen, Rideout, Rothschild, Savile
He was on the radio this morning bleating about his case. And of course he can do that, safe in the knowledge that our military-funded government and their propaganda organs like the BBC and the Telegraph will protect him. How many leading establishment figures is that now who, we are supposed to believe, have been targeted by malicious smears years after leaving public life? And all by individuals who are never themselves brought to justice. What a joke this country is where child abuse is only a crime for the lower orders.
...Bramall, Hayman and Blunt being members of the Travellers Club. Ashley Bramall had a flat at Dolphin Square.
On the basis that the Ray Beech who died in 1995(Brighton), was born in 1935, I believe the most likely candidate for Ray Beech is Major Raymond Beech (443394), graduated Sandhurst 1955(Royal Artillery), retired 1977. No other information is available about him online.
Nick seems therefore to have implicated 2 Field Marshalls (Bramall, Roland Gibbs); 1 General (Beach) and 1 Major. Proctor outed 3, Max Hastings 1.
Thanks for continuing to cover this...&Just noticed that the 1980's film Dance Craze -a filmed concert featuring all the top 2 Tone Ska bands of the UK like The Specials,The Beat ,Madness& The Selector etc- is dedicated to Martin Allen who disappeared from Kings Cross...
Evil Harvey Proctor & his elite supporters must not be allowed to get away with this...
"Edwin Bramall lives at Bathurst House, CRONDALL, 20 miles from Dursford Abbey Farm, where Vishal Mehrotra's remains were found."
In respect of the Westminster paedophile ring Scallywag named LORD TENBY (William Lloyd George, 3rd Viscount Tenby) and son.
Where does Lord Tenby live? CRONDALL (source: Who's Who 2016).
Since engineering the successfully-staged Exaro News "discrediting" and shutdown, THEY have been hugely busy "discrediting" and threatening survivors of elite paedophiles...
- "Discrediting" & threatening Ben Fellows
- "Discrediting" & dismissing Richard Kerr
- "Discrediting" & threatening Lord Janner's accusers
- "Discrediting" & threatening Esther Baker
- And now "discrediting" & threatening "Nick"
Jolly well done, boys & girls of the dark arts!
By deceiving, undermining, misleading, misreporting, betraying, intimidating and threatening survivors of child sexual abuse, you have covered up one of the sickest secret's of the post-war British governing class.
But make no mistake, retired and serving government paedophiles and their powerful allies: In this long war for justice, your shallow victories will prove fleeting.
We know who you are and we have the evidence. Soon the whole world will know you for who you really are.
Nick wanted his day in court. Good news if he gets it, no?
Great comment
In 1987, homosexuals could only have sex over 21, whereas heterosexuals could be married at 18. I have no problems with Harvey Proctor having consensual sex with young men over the age of legal consent for heterosexuals. Every ass-like law has been broken and mostly those law breakers are honoured in history. Votes for women and Suffragettes, anyon?
It is not a crime to live somewhere near where crimes were committed. If it were, every resident of Soho was abusing boys because the Meat Rack existed there.
Was Nick a setup to discredit rather than reveal
Carl Beech was the Head of PALS and Complaints and the
Hospitals’ Expert on the application of Languages. On Mrs
Brook’s instruction at the end of January 2010, he suspended
Dr Corascendea Cathar, a Slovak linguist and voluntary
hospital link worker for the Czech and Slovak communities.
While they were aware that a cessation of her work will put
lives, including of children, at risk, they incorrectly
maintained that she does not have a CRB.
Both Bramall and Tenby have been linked by allegations to the North Wales-London trafficking and paedophilia circuit.
The population of Crondall in Hampshire is about 1,770.
The population of the UK is 66,907,355 (UN estimate).
For 2 UK residents chosen at random, the statistical likelihood that they would both live in Crondall is 0.000007%
Poland cracks down on child sex abuse as priest film goes viral
The Travellers Club is included on the list of Britain's 120 secret societies and front organisations, here:
Doubtless, other organisations and institutions mentioned in Aanirfan's article belong on the same list, too - e.g. the M.O.D., especially with respect to Fort Monckton.
The powers that be are protesting a little too much for Nick to be a crank. And I don't get what motive the accusers would have for lying about being abused.
Jeremy Kyle is in the news.
Who is Jeremy Kyle?
Jeremy Kyle attended the Reading Blue Coat School, a boys' independent school in SONNING in Berkshire.
Jeremy Kyle's father was personal secretary to the QUEEN MOTHER.
Jeremy Kyle's first job was at MARKS & SPENCER.
Jeremy Kyle has one sibling, Nick, "who Kyle said later became a DRUG ADDICT".
Jeremy Kyle is or has been a Monarch programming subject?
Is the Jeremy Kyle Show itself a form of MK Ultra programming?
Is the Jeremy Kyle Show designed to encourage and promote psychopathologies in the viewing public and the studio guests?
Is the Jeremy Kyle Show designed to popularise 'degenerate' opinions, attitudes, and behaviours in British society -- to 'manufacture consent' for new ways of thinking and behaving?
Are the studio guests being programmed?
Are the viewers being programmed?
Is the programme from the Tavistock school?
The late Queen Mother:
Marks & Spencer:
Still stinks... i believe
A commenter on the Tap Blog wrote:
"I was told that [Lord X] and his wife ritually abused their (adopted) son. When I met their son he told me that he had "a story". I have sent this info to Sonia Poulton and Bill Maloney but I don't expect they will be able to act on what is, effectively, gossip.
His son has a little boy. He is also a film maker. I am gossiping here because if it is true the moral imperative is for this man to blow the whistle and tell his story, just like all the other brave men (and women) who have talked about the atrocities that were perpetrated upon them, not lurk in the shadows (or is he still in the cult?). This is what he should be making films about.
His name is [Y] and he lives in Highgate, London."
The identity of the person who wrote this comment is unknown.
I remember seeing an actor on it I liked so watched for a bit, within a minute they were all slagging off poor people. I couldn't believe what I was watching, it was so far right it was like satire but real. I guess the up side was we got to know which of our favourite celebs is a right-wing cnut, because they've been on the show. Sad to think it's all deliberate mental programming just to generate people who'll buy the Express and vote Tory.
Private eye is baws deep in thiu , something to do with an e x editor being on the RAINS list .. they are more institutional than gchq
A total mess:
"[Richard] Ingrams vacated the editor's chair at the Eye in 1986, with Ian Hislop taking over. In 1992 Ingrams created and became editor of The Oldie .... Shortly after the death of Jimmy Savile ... Ingrams' The Oldie was the first publication to break the story of Savile's history of child abuse."
Tell that to the Hoaxtead trolls, who say Jon Wedger exposes child abuse to boost his online profile..
Wot? Ian Hislop establishment stooge? You do surprise me
Political Ponerology: A Psychological Anatomy of Evil, Politics and Public Trauma
Tony Blair D noticed the nene report which documented homosexual abuse of boys in 16 london care homes, the UK column described this as being on an " Industrial scale"
I never met nick although i was connected to some boys who knew him, i belive every word he said
Sonning resident Jimmy Page, neighbour to Boris Johnson, Theresa May, Uri Geller et al.
From Wikipedia:
"[Jimmy Page's] interest in the occult started when he was fifteen ...
"In the early 1970s Page owned an occult bookshop and publishing house, The Equinox Booksellers and Publishers, at 4 Holland Street in Kensington, London, named after Crowley's biannual magazine, The Equinox. The design of the interior incorporated Egyptian and Art Deco motifs, with Crowley's birth chart affixed to a wall ...
"Page has maintained a strong interest in Crowley for many years. In 1978, he explained ...
"'My studies have been quite intensive ...' ...
"Page was commissioned to write the soundtrack music for the film Lucifer Rising by Crowley admirer and underground movie director Kenneth Anger ['his films variously merge surrealism with homoeroticism and the occult' ..."
This is a very strong piece, thanks. Just a pity that the combination of corruption, cowardice and fealty to "superiors" mean that there is almost no chance of any of them being made to account for their evil. In this life at least.
Catch him if u can!
Another one silenced
Sir Nigel Broackes was the ultimate owner of Cunard shipping company.
Broackes was friends with Cunard's greatest fan and frequent Cunard sailer, Sir Jimmy Savile (see Aangirfan's 2013 post below).
Broackes was born in Wakefield, not far from Savile County (Savile's primary residence being in Roundhay, the heart of Leeds' Jewish community).
Sir Nigel Broackes died less than five months before the publication of the Waterhouse Report.
He lived in Sonning,
Sonning residents
Pls read, its extremely important:
Makes u wonder why Peter Jaconelli has no Wiki entry....
No, just no words....
To be balanced. It wasn't just the response that was stage managed. The attack was 100% false flag tripe, with more holes in the story than Swiss cheese.
*** Comment 1 of 2 ***
Superb article. Thanks, Aang.
Apart from the more "obvious" institutions such as the police and police stations; MOD; the judiciary and the legal profession; Parliament, municipal government and the political class; NGOs and charities (especially children's charities, but also many other types); the civil service; and the Intelligence and Security services; the article describes the scores of OTHER "institutions" which the paedophilia and child trafficking networks tend to infiltrate and use for cover.
To summarise for your readers, these are some of the other institutions most highly susceptible to infiltration by paedophiles and their networks - especially those of the "VIP" variety:
1. Children's group homes and institutions for young offenders/so-called reform schools. Youth prisons/detention centres.
2. Children's hospital wards, and hospitals and health clinics with patients incapacitated or otherwise vulnerable by virtue of young age, disability, injury or disorientated state.
3. Psychiatry, psychotherapy and mental health clinics and practices (including gender identity disorder treatment clinics, and gender reassignment clinics and practices).
4. Magicians' and illusionists' fraternities.
5. Youth clubs and youth-focused organisations (especially for disadvantaged youths, but also "mainstream" organisations like the Scouts and those linked to royal patrons, in particular).
6. Youth sports clubs and teams: especially football/soccer and gymnastics clubs - although ALL youth sports clubs and teams are susceptible to infiltration.
7. Hotels, guesthouses and B&Bs.
8. The royal palaces and estates.
9. Controlled-entry apartment buildings and residential complexes, and other "closed"/"anonymous" apartment buildings or gated communities.
10. "XXX entertainment" businesses: strip bars, sex clubs, gay clubs, brothels, "escort" businesses, pornography businesses.
11. The priesthood and church hierarchies; other religious, spiritual and esoteric/mystical organisations (including "cults" but also "legitimate" spiritual groups).
12. Secret societies, fraternal orders and private/"members-only" dining clubs.
13. Shipping companies, marinas, yacht clubs, yachts, and the sailing fraternity. (The oceans are private and anonymous, away from prying eyes).
14. Chauffeuring and private taxi companies. Private airlines for executives and private jets in general. (The skies are private and anonymous, away from prying eyes. Child trafficking rings require organised transport systems).
15. Boarding schools, religious schools, private schools (i.e. public schools in British English parlance), and other selective schools, including single-sex schools.
16. Military bases and soldiers' barracks.
17. "Popular entertainment" businesses: The British Broadcasting Cooperation (BBC), major record companies, TV and film production companies, talent agencies/management companies, fashion houses and modelling agencies. Fashion and model photographers and their businesses.
*** Comment 2 of 2 ***
As the article makes clear, we also frequently find paedophiles (especially serial/"professional" paedophiles) clustering together in geographic hotspots.
Often these hotspots surround one or more of the institutions listed above (for example, a military base, an army barracks', a public school, a football club, a TV company, a municipal council, an "escort" service, a controlled-entry apartment building, or a marina or yacht club).
Some geographic locales are absolutely INFESTED with paedophiles
and paedophile-enablers. The paedophiles and their enablers operate within and through the institutions in these locales like letters through a stick of moldy rock. The networks control the institutions, and, thus, what goes on in the local vicinity.
For example:
(1) Tthe New Forest and surrounds.
(2) The southern coastal corridor from the New Forest to Brighton.
(3) Sonning.
(4) The London Borough of Westminster.
(5) Jersey and the Channel Islands.
(6) Hampstead.
(7) The Whitby-Scarborough coastal corridor and surrounds.
(8) The London Borough of Islington.
(9) Dunblane..
(10) Wherever the royal family live and own land.
(11) Wherever the espionage agencies and the MOD own land, etc.
(There are may other hotspot locations, including international ones like Amsterdam, Morocco, and Thailand.)
To conclude, we should all be particularly watchful of the specific INSTITUTIONS and LOCATIONS that are cited TIME AND TIME AGAIN in Aangirfan's articles as locational "danger points" where professional and VIP paedophiles and child traffickers are known to congregate and proliferate, recruit, groom, abuse, and traffic.
Considering Jaconelli's closeness to Savile, national media profile and level of fame/infamy, this is curious indeed.
Lionel Blair -- friend of the late Sir Jimmy Savile, Sir Cliff Richard, Frank Bruno, Harvey Proctor and the late Cilla Black -- was identified by Operation Fairbanks officers "as possibly having been connected with the Elm Guest House"
Please see these:
"Bramall has been linked to VISHAL MEHROTRA who has been linked to MICHAEL MATES and ASIL NADIR"
In addition, Michael Mates was previously campaign manager to Tory paedophile Patrick Rock. This is according to Twitter's @ciabaudo.
As another intriguing aside, Michael Mates MP once declared:
"The pro-Israel lobby ... is the most powerful political lobby ... There's nothing to touch them."
Labour suspends NEC member over antisemitism claims: Pete Willsman was recorded claiming an Israeli agent had infiltrated the party
"In a recording first disclosed by the radio station LBC, Willsman said ...
"'[...] They caught somebody in the Labour party who it turns out is an agent in the embassy.'
"'[...] The people that are in the Labour party doing it are people who are linked. One of them works indirectly with the embassy ...'
"Labour has been asked if it had identified an Israeli agent who had worked inside the party ..."
"In a recording first disclosed by the radio station LBC ..."
LBC, which went nationwide in 2014, is perhaps Britain's closest equivalent to America's Fox News Channel, albeit LBC primarily broadcasts via radio rather than TV.
LBC is very closely associated with Harvey Proctor's good friend and outspoken supporter, Iain Dale. Indeed, Mr Dale is one of LBC's best known 'brands'/star presenters.
LBC is owned by Global Media & Entertainment Limited, a.k.a. Global Radio Services Limited, a.k.a. Global Charities.
Global's Founder and President is the "openly gay" Jewish businessman, Ashley Tabor.
Ashley Tabor previously worked for Simon Cowell.
Ashley Tabor remains close friends with Cowell, and is also friends with Sir Philip Green.
It may be safe to assume Tabors Junior and Senior are 'Friends of Israel'.
Ashley's financial backer is his father Michael Tabor, reputedly a multi-billionaire.
In 2013, Ashley Tabor "faced awkward questions over his company’s tax affairs, when it was reported that Global Radio had not paid corporation tax for five years after sending more than £200 million offshore."
"Eerily, the police had scheduled a community workshop for Saturday morning on how to prepare for a mass shooting"
Yeah, u bet....
No justice
Iain Dale: The Curious Case of Harvey Proctor - Why Do the Police Agree With "Nick"?
Iain Dale: The injustice Harvey Proctor suffered at the hands of the police - and how you can help
Iain Dale: We've raised £11,140 to help Harvey Proctor recover from his traumatic and life-altering experience
'Justice stretched to breaking point' in Lord Janner case
"Lord Campbell-Savours said that 'justice had been stretched to breaking point' in the case of Lord Janner, who had been accused of child sexual abuse 'by a man with a grudge' against him.
"The peer said that the root of Lord Janner's determination to help children wherever he could lay in his work with traumatised child Holocaust survivors in Belsen at the end of the war ...
"Lord Campbell-Savours described Lord Janner as 'an easy target' for his accusers ... and said he almost perceived in the late peer 'a gentle naivety' ...
"Lord Finkelstein, who sits as a Conservative peer, said he had known Lord Janner and 'I know and love his family' ...
"Speaking after the debate, Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner described the allegations against her father as 'a modern blood libel ...'"
"Bright's director, Marion Janner, has BPD [Bipolar Disorder]"
"Environmental risk factors include a history of childhood abuse"
Pls see that:
"[Ann Widdecombe] says she has always loved returning home after a long day ... to 'my own space, apart from the odd tail to pull through my hands'. I tell her I agree, that after a 14-hour day I never want to speak to a soul, but I could do with a wife.
"'I have a wife!' she trills...
"So, the lesbian rumours are true, and just in time for Cameron's latest wheeze to disaffect his own party.
"'Her name is Sarah, and she lives just up the road. She has a husband and a family. She sorts out all the work, takes responsibility for the house when I’m not here.'
"Dash it! As Ann would say. But she does write in her book: 'I never had a lesbian instinct in my life.'"
"I'd go further than that and say she positively dislikes women, thinks them pathetic, bleating creatures."
"[If] expression of sexuality is thwarted, the human psyche tends to grow twisted into grotesque, enraged perversions of desire.
"Unfortunately, the distorted rage resulting from sexual repression rarely takes the form of rebellion against the people and institutions behind the repression. (If it did, perhaps we'd be reading of abused priests rather than priests as abusers.)
"Instead, the rage is generally directed at helpless victims who are sacrificed to the sick gods of guilt, shame, and ignorant pride."
"Gay, conservative, Catholic author Andrew Sullivan has written that 'the suppression of these core emotions and the denial of their resolution in love always always leads to personal distortion and compulsion and loss of perspective.'
"Of course, it's not just a question of repressing homosexuality, but of all sexuality ..."
Please share
Former Kincora resident sues for damages over sex abuse trafficking claims
"One night, Greville Janner, then a Labour MP, 'came up behind me and started talking to me'. A short while later, he escorted Alan to the bar in Dolphin Square. Alan slept with Janner each night during the week that followed. 'I was desperate for somewhere to live at the time. I wanted accommodation, food and security'.
"Janner would throw him back on the street in the morning and then hook up with him at night. Janner made no attempt to hide who he was or what he did. One morning Janner warned him he had 'a late sitting' that night but that he was to wait for him. This, presumably, was a reference to a late sitting in the Commons.
"During the course of the week, Janner invited him to go to a show in Earl's Court ... Janner then told him that he had to submit his – Alan's – name for security clearance as they would be on Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson's guest list. Alan obliged by providing his full name and his sister's address. Janner subsequently told him that everything was 'fine' with the security people.
"Shortly afterwards, they attended The Prince and the Pauper at Earl's Court's Olympia with the Royals. Janner and Alan sat directly behind the Royal couple who were in the front row, or very close to it. While they were waiting for the show to begin, Alan and Prince Andrew conversed. They also chatted during the intermission. 'I had a good conversation with him ... Janner let me do the talking. They seemed to know each other quite well. That's why I was able to talk to him. Sarah Ferguson didn't speak much. She really just ignored us'.
"The guest list and the vetting records relating to this performance should still exist in an archive somewhere.
"Janner obviously knew Alan was from Belfast and that his name would be run by MI5 and the RUC Special Branch during the security vetting process. It must have occurred to him that Alan could easily have had one or more convictions for male prostitution under his belt. And Alan did indeed have a number of convictions. He believes – but is not certain – that he incurred some of them before he met the Prince. So, why was Janner prepared to submit his name to the officials responsible for protecting the Royals? Had he reason to believe he had nothing to fear from MI5 and the police?
"If the tabloid media in the UK had discovered that Prince Andrew had enjoyed a social interaction – however fleeting and innocuous – with the brother of a Kincora boy, that fact alone could have generated waves of negative publicity for him, especially with the unrelenting reports about Kincora which the heavyweight campaigning journalist Paul Foot was publishing in Private Eye and the Daily Mirror.
"Janner knew that Alan occasionally got into trouble with the law. When Alan found himself up before the magistrates at Bow Street on another charge later on, he informed the MP – with whom he had now become quite friendly – about his looming appearance. Janner, who was also a barrister and friendly with a number of judges, penned a letter for him. Janner attended the hearing but didn't have to move from his seat during the hearing. In the event, Alan was found not guilty.
"Alan is aware that at least one of the magistrates Janner knew also visited the Dilly to procure sex from the rent boys at it.
"Janner was later made a member of the House of Lords ..."
This amazingly interesting site referred me to another amazingly interesting site: The Akamai Tree. It is an amazing reference with lots of information. has closed it down for, it says, breaking terms of use. Sheer nonsense. Where, anybody, can I be an archive of this site? Does anyone know what has happened?
Dispatches - Inside Britain's Israel Lobby
"My Lords, the initiative of the noble Lord, LORD LEXDEN, gives us the opportunity to again express our concerns at the handling of sexual offences and the role of police and crime commissioners. In my view, far too often the guilty go free, the innocent go to prison and reputations are trashed, as in the HEATH case. This is all a reflection of a crisis in the criminal justice system, with the screening out of offences by police forces due to resource limitations. That brings me to the concerns of the commissioner for Wiltshire, whose mistake was to have to put Wiltshire's funding problems before justice for the falsely accused HEATH.
"The problem with many of these cases is that they are characterised by, first, the consideration of the availability of compensation under the criminal injuries compensation scheme; and, secondly, the criminal background of many complainants, who see an opportunity to milk the system. There can be no better indicator of this than the JANNER case, where any list of complainants is riddled with the names of convicted criminals. I hope that IICSA keeps that in mind as it proceeds with its inquiries.
"I turn to this debate. It would be helpful if Britain's police and crime commissioners were collectively to organise a study on the handling of sexual offences by the various police authorities. I hope they are following some of the more important work being done by IICSA. Concerns over the issues now run deep, so much so that an organisation called FAIR—the Falsely Accused Individuals for Reform—has recently been established to campaign on the issue of anonymity in the handling of sexual offences. Our main supporters include DANIEL JANNER QC, the son of the late GREVILLE JANNER, SIR CLIFF RICHARD, a legend in the world of music, STEPHEN FRY, the entertainer, ROS BURNETT, a leading academic, PAUL GAMBACCINI, the broadcaster, and HARVEY PROCTOR, a former Member of Parliament. At the beginning of July, we intend to launch a national petition and call for a debate in the Commons. This is a struggle that we have to win."
"[Sigmund] Freud believed that Victorian men should be allowed indulge in forbidden sex (indeed he thought that incest was important to civilisation) ...
"It was a word, with all of its dark undertones, that seemed to echo down the ages ... with the revelation that Clement Freud, grandson of Sigmund, had sexually abused girls, including one whom he brought up as a daughter ...
"Whether art, media, politics, fashion or high finance, the Freuds have their fingers in every pie.
"For renown though, none of them quite eclipsed the patriarch of the family. Clement, was, in his own account, in awe of his grandfather ... 'He took me for a walk once,' Clement told an American TV anchor before he died. 'I must have been seven or eight years old and a man had an epileptic fit in the street ... But my grandfather stood there with me watching the man have an epileptic fit. And the man was writhing on the pavement and foaming at the mouth and his hat had fallen off and people were watching and some people with sympathy put some money in his hat.'
"Did Sigmund follow suit, the interviewer asked. 'He didn't, and we walked away and I said, "Why didn't you put money in his hat?", Clement recalled. 'And my grandfather said, "He didn't do it well enough."'
"Born in Berlin, [Clement] became a naturalised British citizen four days before the outbreak of World War II and after the War ended worked as an officer in the Nuremburg trials ...
"[While] still in his twenties [Clement] ran his own restaurant and club in Sloane Square, where he gave a young Rolf Harris his first break ...
"[Clement] parleyed his media work into a career in politics ... While an MP he shared an office with Cyril Smith, the Liberal MP for Rochdale ...
"Clement's son, Matthew Freud, was formerly married to Caroline Hutton, who became the second wife of Earl Spencer, brother of Princess Diana; Matthew then married media mogul Rupert Murdoch's daughter Elisabeth. While married to Elisabeth, with whom he has a son and a daughter, he had another child with one of her close friends ...
"Clement had a villa in the Algarve resort where Madeleine disappeared nine years ago ...
"When the McCanns were named as suspects in the disappearance of their daughter, he joked with them about the ineptitude of the Portuguese investigators. Offering Kate a brandy, he also teased her about the press coverage, saying: 'So, Kate, which of the devout Catholic, alcoholic, depressed, nymphomaniac parts is correct?' she wrote in her book, Madeleine ...
"[The allegations of paedophilia] have all fed into speculation about how much Jill Freud knew about her husband's predilections ...
"Clement's many friends - including the luminaries who attended his funeral - Stephen Fry, Bono and Gordon Brown amongst them - have thus far stayed silent on the scandal.
"Whether the scandal has repercussions for the wider Freud dynasty remains to be seen. Across the generations they might look back to Sigmund, the patriarch, for guidance on how to deal with this catastrophe.
"In his revised theory of neurosis and sexual abuse, discerned mostly from private letters, the elder Freud wrote that fantasy and 'impulse control' in victims, rather than shame, were the cause of psychological pain in sexual abuse survivors ..."
#BritainsIsraelLobby #Freud #Tavistock #Paedophilia #ControlFiles
La Luz del Mundo church leader charged with child rape in US
Check it pls:
Catherine Roper, Commander, Metropolitan Police Service directorate of Professional Standards:
"I am a Commander with the Metropolitan Police Service ('MPS') with responsibility for Professional Standards ...
"The allegations which were investigated were as follows:
"(i) That the prosecution of a young MP who was arrested for procuring was suppressed because the young MP was romantically involved with Leon Brittan;
"(ii) That a police file, recording a complaint against police action, may have been suppressed because of a connection with Leon Brittan;
"(iii) That an operation targeting male prostitutes at Piccadilly Circus was stopped because of the involvement of high-profile people, and that Leon Brittan had been trying to stop the operation;
"(iv) That police failed to properly investigate information they received in 2014, which suggested that pornographic videos of children were seized from Leon Brittan in 1982;
"(v) That incriminating photographs of Leon Brittan had been suppressed by police, and a police investigation into Leon Brittan had been shut down;
"(vi) That an internal 'Specialist Operations' department within the MPS had shut down and taken investigation papers away from an investigation into paedophilia by Jimmy Savile and Cyril Smith;
"(vii) That an investigation was closed down, upon the orders of senior police officers, when the MP Cyril Smith was implicated.
"(viii) That an investigation into child sex abuse at the Liberal Club in London by prominent people had been shut down due preto ssure from the then Prime Minister;
"(ix) That police obstructed an investigation into the sexual abuse of a young boy at an exclusive address in London, because the suspect was the son of a prominent establishment figure;
"(x) That evidence of potentially improper relations between a politician and children was suppressed by police, and that this included one police officer making threats against two others not to give evidence at a trial;
"(xi) That an investigation into a paedophile ring was closed because of involvement by two members of the Royal Family;
"(xii) That reports of child sexual abuse at sex parties attended by prominent politicians were not investigated properly by police when complaints were made, and that on one occasion this resulted in a young boy going missing;
"(xiii) That police did nothing when informed that flats in Dolphin Square in London were used for sexual encounters with young boys, and that a boy had been murdered there;
"(xiv) That a person had made three complaints to police stating that, between 1976 and 1980, he had been sexually abused by prominent persons but, because of police inaction, his abusers had escaped justice;
"(xv) That an officer discovered a paedophile ring operating from Kensington Town Hall, but was not believed by her superiors;
"(xvi) That there were files in a walk-in safe at New Scotland Yard that would suggest that Special Branch officers had suppressed investigations into child sex abuse by politicians; and
"(xvii) That MPS officers avoided investigating prostitution in certain public lavatories, in order to avoid finding politicians there."
"Leon Brittan was named in connection with six of the investigations.
"Cyril Smith was named in connection with three of the investigations.
"Two former or serving Prime Ministers were named in connection with three of the investigations.
"An anonymous letter was passed to the MPS's DPS in 2015. The letter purported to be from a person who had worked opposite the Dolphin Square flats in 1969/70. He named the two people he had worked for (father and son).
"The author claimed that prominent politicians had kept flats there, and that were often limousines and chauffeurs coming and going from the flats.
"He reported that there were awful screams that could be heard coming from the buildings, and rumours of 'violent rape and debauchery, by MP's, Judges, senior police and celebrities'.
"He also reported that he 'was told by several lads that one of their mates had been thrown off a roof, and died. His body was taken away in a black van... I know these lads contacted CID and nothing was done' ...
"Operation Midland contacted one of the people who had been named as working opposite Dolphin Square ...
"[He] reported that he had not witnessed anything criminal taking place. Operation Midland declared that they had no further interest in the matter ...
"[The interviewed witness from the garage] does not provide any evidence of any criminal activity at Dolphin Square ... Had an incident like that described in the letter taken place it is inconceivable that [the witness] would have been unaware of it."
A former officer who had made disclosures to a journalist "claimed that ... she had seen a quantity of photographs which were 'possibly [police] surveillance photos', which included photographs of Jimmy Savile and Leon Brittan.
"She said that both men were photographed separately, but that the background of the photographs appeared to feature 'the same house'. Although she had not established the identity of the building at the time, in c.2013 the informant had seen a property called 'EGH' on national television, which had prompted her to believe that this was the same property as in the photographs. 'EGH' was 'Elm Guest House' ... where it has been suggested that prominent members of society attended and sexually abused children ...
"The former officer ... claimed that, in August 1986, she had been invited to visit the then Deputy Assistant Commissioner, John Smith (Sir John Smith QPM) at New Scotland Yard.
"Whilst there, she overheard a conversation from his office, in which somebody asked: 'Has Sydney Cook [sic] been sorted? You sure they won't say anything?' and somebody replied: 'Yes, it's alright, the deal has been done, he knows what is happening, it's sorted', followed by: 'her indoors is sorting Leon out and this is going no further'.
"The officer said that she thought that 'Leon' had been a reference to Leon Brittan, and 'her upstairs' a reference to Margaret Thatcher (the then Prime Minister).
"CN alleged that she then saw 'Willie Whitelaw' leave the office, at which point Sir John Smith QPM asked why she was there and asked her to leave. William Whitelaw was leader of the House of Lords from 1983-1988 ...
"Sir John Smith QPM was interviewed, and stated that he had never met Lord Whitelaw on police premises ... He also stated that he had never discussed Brittan in the context of paedophilia or wider sexual conduct.
"... The allegations made by the officer were some 32 years old, and were uncorroborated, inconsistent, and ... partly conjecture and assumptions on her part ...
"No evidence of the suppression of evidence by MPS officers was identified."
"C stated that, sometime between 1970 and 1973, as a Merseyside Police officer, he had met a boy who was about 14 years old, who had been reported as missing by his father.
"Investigating, he discovered that:
"(a) The boy had met a man named Malcolm Raywood in a cafe in John Lewis, who had paid for his fare to London;
"(b) The boy had been directed by Malcolm Raywood to go to an address in London, to meet a man named Roddam Twiss;
"(c) At the address in London, the boy had been sexually abused and photographed in a state of undress by Roddam Twiss;
"(d) Roddam Twiss was the son of Sir Frank Twiss, the Navy Admiral and Parliament Black Rod;
"(e) Malcolm Raywood and another man, 'Novack' (Andre Prichodsky) were known to police at the time, as pimps;
"The investigation concluded that the investigation should be closed ... Merseyside Police no longer held any relevant records, and the identity of the victim was unknown."
"The wife of a now deceased former police officer contacted police. She was interviewed, and said that her husband had worked at the West End Central Police Station between 1987-93.
"She claimed that she had been told that Cyril Smith and Jimmy Savile had been investigated in relation to child sex abuse, but that an internal 'Specialist Operations' department within the MPS had shut down (and taken investigation papers away from) the investigation ...
"The witness also recalled having had a conversation with a 'reliable source' (whose identity she was not prepared to reveal), who had spoken with Jimmy Savile's doorman. According to her 'reliable source', the doorman had said that Jimmy Savile used to bring children back to his home near Regents Park ...
"... The information provided by the witness could not be corroborated ... The investigation found no evidence that any MPS officers had suppressed an investigation into Jimmy Savile."
"A social worker ('C') made contact with police. He claimed that:
"(a) He knew of a person who had been sexually abused by two members of the Royal Family; and
"(b) He had been in contact with a journalist, who claimed that a police source had told him that an investigation in the 1970s had been shut down because of the involvement of a member of the Royal Family. The journalist in question had written an article in the Daily Mirror in 2015, headlined 'Ex-Cop claims a Royal was in paedophile ring but inquiry was closed to shield Buckingham Palace from scandal'
"C provided the investigation with the contact details of the person ('S') who, he claimed, had been sexually abused by two members of the Royal Family ...
"... The investigation was unable to identify the journalist's police source in relation to his claims that investigations into a paedophile ring involving a member of the Royal Family had been suppressed, in order to protect Buckingham Palace from embarrassment.
"The allegation by the journalist was - without more information - incapable of any meaningful or proportionate examination.
"... C's claims that S had been abused by a member of the Royal Family were examined ...
"The allegations by C and S were ... without more information - incapable of any meaningful or proportionate examination.
"No evidence was found to support claims of MPS officers suppressing evidence or an investigation because of involvement by members of the Royal Family."
"The Customs Officer stated that on one occasion he had stopped Leon Brittan at Customs, having viewed pornographic videos which featured children who were apparently under the age of 12 ...
"The account given by the Customs Officer ... was consistent ...
"[No] material was ever found. As there was no active investigation, the matter was concluded."
"[A retired musician] was interviewed by MPS Operation Yewtree officers in 2012. He said that he had been told by CC that The Liberal Club had been raided, where Cyril Smith had been caught sodomising a young boy who was tied up, and waiting in a queue for 'their turn' were two prominent celebrities.
"CC had said that all three were arrested, but the Prime Minister, hearing of the news, had stated that this could not happen 'as one political sexual scandal at the time was enough'. Because of this involvement, CC said the matter was dropped.
"CC, one of the sources of the allegations, was deceased ... Numerous information checks and enquiries were carried out, but no records could be found in relation to Cyril Smith, the two prominent celebrities, or The Liberal Club, which supported the musician's allegations.
"... No evidence was found to support the musician's allegations."
"Investigations into Scallywag magazine were carried out online, and at the British Library. The six main staff members who had worked at the magazine were identified. Two were deceased, two could not be traced, and one no longer resided in the UK.
"Only one of the six writers could be contacted ..."
[N.B.: former Scallywag writer Andrea Davison says she was NOT approached by police, despite it being easy to locate her online contact details with a 60 second search. See Andrea's response here:
and her comment here: ]
"TM was a police officer working in the Child Protection Team (CPT) at Notting Hill in the early-mid 1990s. In 1996, TM (who was suffering from Bipolar Affective Disorder) committed suicide.
"JF was a police officer who knew TM before she died. JF reported a conversation she had with TM in the 1990s. She recalled TM saying something along the lines of: 'I've discovered something, a paedophile ring, the people included go up to the highest levels. I've reported it but they don't believe me. They are making me ill.'
"TM's partner at the time was also interviewed. He said that he recalled a conversation with TM concerning a paedophile ring inside Kensington Town Hall which TM had, apparently, uncovered in 1994-95 ...
"The Detective Inspector for Hammersmith and Kensington's Borough CPT, who supervised TM, was interviewed ... In relation to claims TM had uncovered a paedophile ring, he said: 'I will categorically state that no allegation was received by my department concerning any paedophile ring in Westminster nor anyone else'.
"The Detective Superintendent for Kensington & Chelsea CPT said that '... the allegations of [TM] uncovering a paedophile ring in Westminster is something I have never heard of ...'
"The Detective Chief Inspector became responsible for the Westminster Police CPTs in 1995. When interviewed, he said that he had never heard of such an allegation of a paedophile ring operating in Westminster in 1995, nor had he dealt with any child abuse allegation involving any high-profile members of the public.
"When interviewed, the Detective Inspector who was, in the 1990s, responsible for CPT matters for Westminster Borough, said that he was not aware of an allegation of a paedophile ring operating in Westminster in 1995 either, or any allegations involving any high-profile members of the public."
As Andrea Davison says, "[the Metropolitan Police Service] have investigated themselves and found in every case they are innocent of covering up child abuse.
"Jimmy Savile, Cyril Smith and Leon Brittan are innocent and elephants have wings.
"The reason it matters is because they are now so intolerably arrogant they think that all the public are idiots."
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
That photo of Heath with a boy is quite significant because - just like another significant photo you've featured previously, of Heath at the steering wheel of a car - it dispels a myth promoted by Heath's defenders.
Yes, Heath DID drive. Yes, he DID take boys out in his sailboats. No, he was NOT 'asexual'.
Please keep showing such photos, as the cognitive dissonance some will feel upon seeing them can challenge the false image they may have of Heath.
"In the trial of the 'whistleblower' Carl Beech, the judge is 'Bent' Judge James Goss who is descended from Yvonne Samuelson."
Meanwhile, Harvey Proctor is being represented by barristers Adam Wagner and Geoffrey Robertson QC of Doughty Street Chambers, and solicitor Mark Stephens.
Doughty Street is the chambers of Amal Clooney, who lives in Sonning, and also of Helena Kennedy QC, who represented the late Myra Hindley and is a close friend of Cherie Blair. Doughty Street is also the former chambers of Ben Emmerson QC, who was suspended from his role as Counsel to the UK's 'Independent' 'Inquiry' into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) over an allegation of sexual assault.
Barrister Adam Wagner has written a multitude of articles insisting that the Labour party is "institutionally antisemitic". In a recent newspaper article on this subject he added: "Full disclosure: I have been instructed by the Campaign Against Antisemitism [CAA]..." Margaret Hodge is an Honorary Patron of the CAA.
Geoffrey Robertson QC is the former boyfriend of Nigella Lawson and an outspoken supporter of alleged paedophiles Cliff Richard and Paul Gambuccini. Robertson is on the author roster of Biteback Publishing, the publishing company jointly owned by Harvey Proctor's close friend Iain Dale and Michael Ashcroft, the founder of the sinister Crimestoppers, and a major financial backer of the notorious opinion 'polling' company, YouGov.
Solicitor Mark Stephens is a Patron of the NGO International Alert. Margaret Hodge's sister, Ines Newman nee Oppenheimer, is an advisor to International Alert. Another of Mark Stephens' clients is none other than Keith Vaz MP.
Aardvark child abuser denial boy PARIS has a track record?
sorry to hear you were attacked Aangirfan
hope you are doing ok now?
Hi dognamed blue,
I am very well. I was mugged in London in the late 1980s. No damage. The police said they would not investigate, as cabinet minister Michael Howard had told the police only to deal with very serious cases. I enjoy your TWITTER stuff!
7 June 2019 at 22:47
Reportedly, "Paul Boating introduced Derek Laud into the west Lynn childrens home.
"This was near a Krays house used for " boys" parties, and a favourite of Jimmy Saville and xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx.
"xxxxxxxx xxxxer would have boys sent on the train to victoria station liecester where his driver/bodyguard would collect them.
"The problem is that all files of this nature go to the Home secretary who oversees the police and MI5 - run now by Mossad.
"One boy from West lynn Adam Pierce now aged about 45
said social workers used to have boys out themselves from the home and at parties would get them drunk for sex.
"The Krays had boys out from several homes to blackmail high flyers."
15 June 2019 at 18:47
Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
Brian Altman QC: "Between 1983 and 1985, am I right in thinking that Peter Morrison was a minister?"
Susan Hogg, who worked for Peter Morrison as his diary secretary in the Dept of Employment: "That's correct, Minister of State for Employment."
Brian Altman QC: "You, say ... that he moved in very high circles?"
Susan Hogg: "Yes."
Brian Altman QC: "The Duke of Westminster, Prince Charles among his friends?"
Susan Hogg: "Yes."
Brian Altman QC: "And his sister was lady-in-waiting to the Queen?"
Susan Hogg: "Yes, she still is."
Brian Altman QC: "Now, during your time working for him, did you discover that he had a friendship with Eliza Manningham-Buller, who was to become director-general of MI5?"
Susan Hogg: "Yes. It was actually phone calls that - he used to phone us [his staff working late in the office] when he got home at night, and regularly I would hear him saying – and there would be giggling in the background, and he'd be saying, 'Stop it, Eliza, stop it'. Well, I didn't know who Eliza was until she actually visited the department ..."
Elizabeth Manningham-Buller: "Peter Morrison was a friend of mine, our fathers were friends, we had known each other in politics, and he was a friend of mine for much of the '80s."
Brian Altman QC: "Had you ever stayed at the family home in Islay?"
Elizabeth Manningham-Buller: "Yes, I did once."
Brian Altman Qc: "So, on average ... how regularly do you think you saw [Peter Morrison] a year during that period?"
Elizabeth Manningham-Buller: "... I'm guessing about once a month, twice a month possibly."
Brian Altman QC: "... At this stage, did anybody sit you down and say, 'Well, Eliza, what's your view about all of this? You're a friend of his. Do you think these allegations might be true?'"
Elizabeth Manningham-Buller: "I don't recall them doing so."
15 June 2019 at 18:58
Margaret Jervis
Sat, May 27, 2017, 11:28 PM
to me
I've been alerted to your comment about me and its (mis) interpretation by Anna Raccoon.
I had no 'involvement'in Cleveland other than as journalist in retrospect as did hundreds of others. I am not and have never been a social worker.
Please could you correct this on your blog and also advise your contact accordingly.
Can you explain this comment? - Aangirfan.
"Edwin Bramall's brother was a Trust member at Dolphin Square, a block of flats in London."
The Director of the Dolphin Square Trust from 1987-2011 (and also a trustee of the Dolphin Square Charitable Foundation for the latter part of that period) was SIR RODNEY BROOKE.
Sir Rodney Brooke was the Chief Executive of Westminster City Council from 1984-1989 when devoted Zionist Shirley Porter was Leader of Westminster Council.
It was in the period of Sir Rodney-and-Shirley-Porter's-leadership that Dolphin Square -- of which Westminster Council was then the ultimate landlord -- was the site of regular paedophile parties. Paedophile parties which *allegedly* saw boys trafficked to Dolphin Square from children's homes, then raped by Shirley Porter's Westminster City Councilmen, as well as MPs, peers, politicos and members of the Military Establishment.
Sir Rodney Brooke was made a Deputy Lieutenant of Her Majesty the Queen in 1989.
Moreover, Sir Rodney is also a Member of the Council of the TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE, and was the first permanent Chairman of THE GENERAL SOCIAL CARE COUNCIL.
Shirley Porter --- who SURELY cannot have known about the allegedly regular 'paedophile parties' involving children in the social care system, her Tory Councillors, her Tory colleagues in Parliament, and members of the Military Establishment, REPEATEDLY taking place on her Council's 'CROWN JEWEL' property, the notorious MI5/MI6 hub Dolphin Square --- has an influential son named John R. Porter.
Billionaire John Porter, quite coincidentally, "has strong links to the Israeli military establishment," according to investigative journalist and former Scallywag researcher, Pete Sawyer.
"[A] key plank in John Porter's empire is the fortune he has made out of a mysterious US computer company called Telos, based in Virginia, which has close ties to the Pentagon ...
"One of [Telos's directors], Fred Ikle, served as Ronald Reagan's under-secretary of defence for policy. He ... is on the board of the US National Commission on Terrorism and has connections to the Israeli government ...
"Another Telos board member, Stephen Bryen, served as Reagan's deputy under-secretary for trade security policy. He also set up the US Department of Defence's defence technology security administration, whose job it is to monitor arms sales. During the late Seventies, while working for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bryen was suspected of passing Pentagon Secrets to the Israelis ...
"[Bryen] quietly left the Senate Committee and set up as a lobbyist, founding, along with his wife, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs - a hard-line lobbying group which allegedly has ties to Israel's arms industry ...
"The US government does not usually allow foreign nationals [such as John R. Porter] to have direct control over such strategically important companies."
Good grief.
What could Field Marshall Bramall possibly know about Dolphin Square's connection via Sir Rodney Brooke, former Chairman of the Dolphin Square Trust, to the creepy Tavistock Institute with its links to Zionism and clinical obsession with the effects of sexual abuse on children's minds and personality development?
Or, indeed, Dolphin's Square connection, again via Sir Rodney Brooke, to the former regulatory body for UK social workers, the General Social Care Council?
And what might Field Marshall Bramall know about Dolphin Square's apparent link, via Zionist Tory operative Shirley Porter and her influential Zionist offspring, to the "national security" of Israel... and indeed to the Secret Security Agencies of Israel, the U.S., and the U.K.?
my apologies, I thought it was more recent, north of the border
"Detectives investigating child sex abuse claims at the Dolphin Square apartment complex in London have questioned TRUSTEES"
- Daily Express, 16 August 2015
If, as per the Daily Express article, detectives from Operation Midland in 2015 questioned TRUSTEES of Dolphin Square -- including former Westminster Tory Councilman ALAN BRADLEY -- it seems reasonable to infer that coppers must have been similarly interested in former Dolphin Square TRUSTEE Sir Rodney Brooke (unless, of course, Op Midland was every bit as fake as it appeared to be ... in which case detectives probably stayed home watching Jeremy Kyle).
Furthermore, had Ashley Bramall, brother of Edwin, still been alive in 2015, surely he too would have been in detectives' crosshairs for questioning. (Because, after all, Ashley Bramall had also been a TRUSTEE of the complex).
Perhaps Met detectives should now make haste to interview FORMER DOLPHIN SQUARE RESIDENT Lord Steel, who just recently gave 'evidence' (or something) to Professor Jay’s so-called Independent Inquiry. We wouldn't want the aging Lord Steel to suddenly and unexpectedly go the same way as McAlpine, Brittan and Janner... Now would we?
Met detectives have certainly 'interviewed' Harvey Proctor (though they might have spared us all the charade). They've even 'investigated' a VIP whom we know to have been a regular user of the Dolphin Square swimming pool - Sir Cliff Richard (although that was another sham police investigation, as we all know).
Detectives must now have on their radar Westminster Council's former deputy leader, Robert Davis?
The notoriously corrupt Davis (an "independent investigation by Sir Stephen Lamport, which reported in October 2018, found that Davis had 'breached the code of conduct' and that his 'acceptance of gifts and hospitality from developers before or after a planning decision may ... have placed him in a position in which people might seek to influence him in the performance of his duties'") would surely be delighted to help detectives understand the historical nexus between Westminster City Council and the serial rape of underage boys from children's homes on its flagship property.
But, above all, isn't it now past time for detectives to question one of the 'Queen Bees' herself?
Retired Queen Bee of the Dolphin Square-Westminster City Council hive... former Westminster Council Leader, Dame Shirley Porter.
C'mon Shirley. If Alan Bradley, Harvey Proctor, Cliff Richard and Lord Steel can answer questions, isn't it only right that you should join them in telling the world what you know about organised VIP paedophilia?
I got that from her when Anna Racoon was spilling the beans about Cleavland that Savile had been there , this triggered her....I know you did a great bit about Cleveland but couldnae find it soz AF
- Aangirfan
No prob boss
"Scotland Yard said Michael Rudetsky, 27, a songwriter and electronic-keyboard player, was found dead shortly before dawn in a rambling Gothic-style house owned by Boy George in the affluent Hampstead district of north London."
Shock as Sir Cliff Richard tours with Boy George
"Boy George is the latest musician getting the movie treatment. MGM is developing an untitled film based on the life of the Culture Club singer ... George and JESSICA DE ROTHSCHILD will executive produce."
Jessica de Rothschild is the daughter of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, who appears in the black book of convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Sir Evelyn was introduced to his wife by Henry Kissinger at a Bilderberg conference - she owns the Manhattan property, close to Jeffrey Epstein's mansion, in which Ghislaine Maxwell was living.
aanirfan wrote...
"Above, we see child abuse organiser Sir Jimmy Savile with American secret servicemen, at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, where children were repeatedly raped"
What annirfan did not reveal was that the American secret service were there because of the visiting Barbara Bush, the wife of president G Bush Sn.
The bushes resided at Washington DC. USA, which was also the residence of the Finders cult led by Marion Pettie.
Group leader Marion Pettie spoke in an interview in Steamshovel Press in 1998, noting that in World War II he kept house maintly to intelligence people in Washington and OSS people passing through.
Official US Customs investigation reports which have been completely authenticated by the investigating officers who wrote them and by a well respected investigator who personally knows these Customs officials are irrefutable evidence that:
A case of obvious child neglect/abuse involving child pedophile sexual abuse/child pornography/Satanic cult ritualistic abuse wherein the perpetrators were caught directly in the act by law enforcement, arrested on the basis of irrefutable evidence at the scene, and faced serious charges which typically bring sentences of decades in prison.
Search warrants were obtained for the "Finders" cult office in Washington, DC and a complete search was enacted by law enforcement which provided irrefutable pictures, movies and documents of such abuse/neglect evidence and access to the confidential arrest reports on the "Finders" cult from the arrests in Tallahassee which occurred only a day earlier (suggesting very high level connections to US intelligence in and of itself.)
All investigation of the "Finders" cult by the FBI, US Customs and local law enforcement was ordered stopped by the US Justice Department on the grounds of "national security" and the matter of the "Finders" cult was turned over to the Central Intelligence Agency as an "internal security matter," since the "Finders" is and has been a domestic and international covert operation of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Any and all investigation of the "Finders" was immediately stopped, all evidence was supressed and denied, and the abused children were released back to the adult perpetrators who had been arrested "in the act" and the CIA resumed its ongoing covert operation of the "Finders" cult which is used to procure and produce.
The many unanswered questions about the Finders case now have Democratic Rep. Charlie Rose of North Carolina, chairman of the House Administration Committee, and Florida's Rep. Tom Lewis, a Republican, more than a little exercised. "Could our own government have something to do with this Finders organization and turned their backs on these children? That's what all the evidence points to," says Lewis. "And there is a lot of evidence. I can tell you this: We've got a lot of people scrambling, and that wouldn't be happening if there was nothing here."
The story of the Finders cult is the story of the development of child/assets to be used to entrap politicians, diplomats; corporate and law enforcement officials; to sell child/victims to wealthy perverts to raise money for covert operations, to train some of the child/victims to be professional operatives and assassins of a totally cold, multiple personality, mind control nature.
Well perhaps the Satanist Peodphile Savile regarded himself an actual vampire?
With his grave at the 45 degree angle overlooking the bay, further on being WHITBY - of Stoker's Dracula fame.
So you have Savile, effectively rising out of his coffin overlooking Whitby bay?
No coincidences when it comes to these monsters.
For a supposed "fantasist" (as nearly every UK mainstream media organ insists), it's remarkable how major components of Carl Beech's account are compatible with *demonstrable facts* ..... facts largely unknown to 99.999% of the general public.
If Carl Beech is a "fantasist" (and I personally don't believe that he is - although he may have misremembered a few minor details), can anyone explain how it was possible for him to name so many VIPs whose alleged links -- to organised paediphilia, to paedophilia sites, and to each other -- have only become known to the public very recently?
Certainly the concept of vampirism has historically been popular among the nobility, and perhaps other elites also. The theory being that consuming the "life-force" of humans (symbolically blood - but perhaps also extreme emotions like fear or terror) will strenghthen one, empower one, and indeed extend one's life. Savile was certainly very, very active into his old age. As was the Queen Mother. As are others members of the royal family. This may be coincidental.
"There was a 258% increase in the number of websites dedicated to the distribution of child sexual abuse imagery between 2015 and 2016, according to the Internet Watch Foundation."
This statistic may well be valid/correct. However, it should be borne in mind that the Internet Watch Foundation *may* be a compromised institution. It *may* have been infiltrated by paedophiles, and/or the spooks, or indeed be a front organisation.
Dolphin Square's Sir Rodney Brooke (of Dolphin Square Trust / the Tavistock Institute / the General Social Care Council) has also been a non executive director of... The Internet Watch Foundation.
Tragically, organisations that campaign for children's welfare, and against child exploitation, are often honeypots for paedophiles.
Children's charities/NGOs are also of great *strategic interest* to the Higher-Ups. Those being the individuals who are not only active paedophiles themselves, but are also involved in paedophile rings' procurement, trafficking, coordination, blackmailing and cover-up activities. The 'paedophilia elites', if you like.
The paedophilia elites position themselves as pivotal figures in these charities and NGOs. They do so in order to monitor the names that children & whistle-blowers are reporting, and then to ensure that police, CPS and court actions are either fake, doomed to failure, or both.
The NSPCC, Childline, Save the Children, UNICEF, Barnardos... Treat all of them with huge caution.
kitchenor and haig were both freemasons i was looking round the freemason "head office" in Covent Garden a few weeks ago as it is now open to the public and they have haig and kitchenor photos proudly on the wall. i worked of freemasons all my working life and they were a very unpleasant lot pedophiles, homosexuals and dishonest many of them.
Because theyve been infiltrated too.
just read carré's spy who cme in from the cold.interesting that dolphin square is featured in the story.does this mean it is a well known spook + establishment secure residence?the character that has an apartment there is stasi for what it matters..or would you construct a paedo scandal story involving dolphin sq to seem believable in light of the carré book(a work of fiction which people assumed contained more insider knowledge than admitted.., we think)..tricky ground.sexual blackmail of politicians is probably routine while the big scandals are probably just fake news to turn us off the the reports in the uk in the 90s of satanic ritual abuse.the story was buried.they invented terms like "false memory syndrome" and people went back to sleep for half a generation..we always have to remember that the perpetrators both want to cover up paedo scandals and reveal them at the same time.that is the role of the blackmailor
"Died" or "vanished" AFTER allegations were disclosed but BEFORE they could serve out jail sentences:
1 Peter Ball
2 Lord Bramall
3 Lord Brittan
4 Max Clifford
5 Jeffrey Epstein
6 Ian Greer
7 Lord Janner
8 Ghislaine Maxwell
9 Lord McAlpine
10 Jimmy Savile
11 John Stingemore
12 Maybe also Cyril Smith...
13 Maybe also Clement Freud...
Any more I've ovelooked?
Gosh, haven't there been a lot of deaths and vanishing acts since Jimmy Savile snuffed it?
This stinks to high heaven. OK, the guy was 95 but what a coincidence that a few weeks after Nick is sentenced he pops his clogs. Just like Brittan. is a website with interesting information on the depth and breadth of Jewish power....and the utter corruption of these fiends from hell.
Ted Irwin
12 November 2019 at 18:37
Cardinal Pell High Court approved his pedo appeal 13.11.19.
Now Field McConnell, former US military arrested. Field's Inmate Number 673806 Pierce county Jail in Wisconsin. Bank took his house, no bail - flight risk. Excerpt: The VIP pedos are fighting back. Is the FBI both enabling and abetting the multi-decade crime wave originating in that notorious southeast Florida county?
Fort Lauderdale, the true epicenter of Broward County intrigues and conspiracies. Broward County is a unique melting pot of wealthy liberal Jews, rich Saudi sheikhs, Jeffrey Epstein wannabes, offshore Financiers, Muslim moneymen, ex-Special Forces mercenaries, Sayanim politicos ...
James Le Mesurier accidentally fell from his balcony
nothing to see hear move on
The White helmets were a lovely group of people that help victims of the war in Syria The UK Government help fund them.
The white helmets friends in Syria hobbies included chopping off heads but nobody's perfect
Thank you for posting that link, it was a revelation.
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