Tuesday 1 August 2017


According to a July 2017 survey from Gallup:

Vermont residents give Trump the lowest approval rating of any state, at just 26 percent.

Trump Country: President's Approval Ratings Show He's Less Popular in Election Swing States

Massachusetts 29 percent approval.

California and Maryland 30 percent approval. 

Trump's home state, New York, 31 percent approval.

In the swing states:

Ohio, 48 disapproval and 47 approval.

Pennsylvania (52-43), 

Wisconsin (52-43), 

Michigan (52-42), 

North Carolina (53-42) .

Trump's approval rating in the reliably Republican state of Texas is just 42 percent.

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At 31 July 2017 at 05:45 , Anonymous Brabantian said...

Top 15 internet news outlets of the world in online traffic, July 2017

yahoo news
google news
huffingtonpost com
cnn com
nytimes com

foxnews com
nbcnews com
dailymail co uk
washingtonpost com
theguardian com

wsj com
abcnews go com
bbc co uk
usatoday com
latimes com

aanirfan blogspot co uk (just kidding)


30 biggest media owners of the world by revenue

Alphabet - Google
Walt Disney
21st Century Fox - Sky

Bertelsmann - Germany, UK
Baidu - China
News Corp

Advance - Condé Nast
iHeart - formerly Clear Channel
Grupo Globo - Brazil

Time Warner
Asahi Shimbun - Japan
CCTV - China Central TeleVision

JC Decaux - outdoor advertising, based in France
Axel Springer - Germany - Bild, Die Welt
Mediaset - Italy, also Spain
ITV - UK television
Fuji Media - Japan

Hubert Burda Media - Germany
Gannett - USA Today
ProSiebenSat - Germany, Austria Switzerland
Yomiuru Shimbun - Japan



At 1 August 2017 at 13:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It nauseates me to hear, see, or even peripherally sense the word, the name, the being... called TRUMP. And, in conjunction with your Chuckie picture above Aang, that in some way ALL of this angst for DJT is 100% very intentional, a fact even known to himself (even though the end game has certainly not been revealed to him). So what is this ultimate psychological game of hate and blame going to matriculate into? It's obvious that he has incensed and alienated the entire country, but what is the end goal and/or catalyst for something bigger? False flags are in semi-decline, Isis and Syria are being usurped by trump's cabinet turmoil and the russia memes are being slowly turned.

I've had my gauge on the pulse of the conspiracy zone and it seems everyone is in this exponentially expanding realm of anticipation, agitation and anxiety. Usually when this amount of tension builds the dam is expected to break.

Like JFK in Dallas, it feels like something big is going to happen.


At 1 August 2017 at 14:00 , Anonymous Brabantian said...

'As Trump's Ratings Hit Record Low, New Poll Shows He's Still More Popular Than Hillary Clinton'


Macron's popularity sinking like a rock in France as well

Greeks are just totally in despair after the Syriza sell-out the other year, they have no desire or energy left to trust the promises of any politicians at all anymore

Though UK people have the 'hope' bug again with Jeremy Corbyn ... who, curiously enough, says he would go Hard Brexit, because cheap immigrants are destroying UK working class wages

Corbyn is doing classic Marxism actually, Marx & Engels themselves talked about 'induced migration' as an oligarch tool against the workers ... in the 1800s UK factory owners were importing Belgians


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