Wednesday 14 June 2017


Aqeel Zakria (@anunnaki123) | Twitter

In the UK general election of 2017, the wisest people tended not to vote for the Conservatives?

The most poorly educated tend to vote Conservative. University graduates tend not to vote Conservative.

After the 2017 UK general election, YouGov interviewed over 50,000 British adults to study in detail how British people voted in the 2017 general election.

1. Amongst those with low educational qualifications (GCSE or below) the Conservatives beat Labour by 22%. 

Amongst those with high level educational qualifications (degree-level or above) Labour led by 17%. 

Aqeel Zakria (@anunnaki123) | Twitter

Labour are 45 points ahead amongst full-time students.

It can be argued that the poorly educated are more likely to be influenced by false flag terror incidents, and are less likely to get their news from 'alternative news' blogs.

2. The poorest people (C2DE) were slightly more likely to vote Conservative rather than Labour.

It can be argued that the poorest people are more likely to be influenced by false flag terror incidents, and are less likely to get their news from 'alternative news' blogs.

3.  Men were more likely to vote Conservatives (45% to 39%).

It can be argued that certain types of male are more likely to want strong right-wing policies after the occurrence of false flag terror incidents.

4. People over 50 years of age tended to vote Conservative. 

People under 50 tended to vote Labour.

It can be argued that the over 50's are more likely to be influenced by false flag terror incidents, and are less likely to get their news from 'alternative news' blogs.

5. Only 57% of 18 and 19 year-olds voted.

 84% of those aged 70+ voted.

It can be argued that the 18 and 19 year-olds are more likely to get their news from 'alternative news' blogs, and are more likely to be cynical about 'democracy'.

In 2017, Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party came second in the general election having gained 40% of the vote.

In 2005, Tony Blair's Labour Party won the UK general election having gained only  35.2% of the vote.

In 2005, Blair was helped by the fact that 

(1) 22% of the voters voted for the Liberal Democrats, rather than the Conservatives, and 

(2) the Conservative Party was led by Michael Howard, a Jewish gentleman who has been accused of being linked to organised crime. 


The former newspaper editor Udo Ulfkotte claims that German Politicians are US Puppets. CIA CONTROL OF GERMANY?

The UK's Liberal Democrats have been linked to child abuse rings and to the CIA and its friends.

There is a view that the UK is run by the CIA and its friends much in the same way as Italy is run by the CIA and its friends.


Peter Robinson of the Democratic Unionist Party, part of the UK's planned coalition government.

The top politicians are secretly supporting the terrorists?

1. Duterte's police 'smuggled guns to Philippines ISIS jihadists' 

2. Trump's Indonesian allies are in bed with ISIS

3. Theresa May's UK Conservatives are forming a coalition with the DUP,  a party backed by terrorists

The UK Conservatives are joining up with the extremist Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) to form a government.

The DUP is the political party in Northern Ireland founded by Ian Paisley.

The DUP is backed by the Ulster Defence Association (UDA).

The UDA  murdered Northern Irish Catholics during 'the Troubles'.

The UDA is a violent paramilitary group.

Just weeks ago, it murdered a man in broad daylight in Northern Ireland.

The man was shot dead in a Sainsbury's car park in front of horrified shoppers and the man's three-year-old son.

The DUP's leader Arlene Foster met with the UDA's chief during the election campaign, just 48 hours after the murder of the man in the supermarket car park.

McGrath 'of MI5'.

The DUP was founded by Ian Paisley, who has been linked to a child abuse ring, said to be run by William McGrath and MI5.

Ian Paisley (right) a top Protestant pastor and politician.

Ian Paisley officiated at the weddings of two of McGrath’s children. Kincora, Bryn Estyn in Wales, London's Elm Guest House, Jersey's Haut de la Garenne and many other 'boy brothels' are said to have been used by top people, including spooks.

Ian Paisley's close friend William McGrath ran the child abuse ring at the Kincora children's home in Belfast.

In 1996, ex-BBC journalist Chris Moore wrote that William McGrath was an agent of MI5.


Margaret Thatcher's friend Sir Jimmy Savile in Belfast, the location of the Kincora children's home. Northern Ireland Police didn't treat Jimmy Savile abuse claim properly

The UK Conservative party has links to the spooks.

Above, we see Ruth Davidson (left) and her girlfriend Jen Wilson.

Ruth Davidson, as leader of the successful Scottish Conservatives, has saved the UK Conservatives.

Back in 2011, we did not foresee that Ruth Davidson was going to revive the Conservatives in Scotland.


The spooky Ruth Davidson is a former journalist with the spooky BBC.

She is a former member of the spooky Territorial Army.

Reportedly, she has been helped into power by top MI6 spook Andrew Fulton.

(Top Scots Tories fire broadside at MI6 Spy and Glasgow University)

The Conservatives gained seats in Scotland, partly as a protest against the centralising policies of the Scottish National Party.

The leader of the Scottish Conservatives is Ruth Davidson, a Kickboxing lesbian.

"Davidson has spent the last five years banishing the party's squirearchy and rebuilding it in her image: modern, urbane and liberal."

Ruth Davidson provides inspiration for the Conservatives' future.


UK election 2017: Conservatives lose majority

Trump wants to weaken all rival states?

Theresa May's Conservative Party has performed badly in the neglected parts of England.

Nicola Sturgeon's Scottish National Party (SNP) has performed badly in the neglected parts of Scotland.

The Conservatives may have helped the wealthy parts of London, but they have not helped the poorer people in London.

The SNP's policy of 'Centralisation' may have helped Edinburgh, but it has not helped the 'Borders' or the 'North East'.

Dumfries and Galloway, in South West ScotlandDUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY

In the 8 June 2017 General election, the Scottish National Party lost Dumfries and Galloway.

"CRIME rates in the region rocketed by a fifth in the last year, with vandalism and drug offences mainly to blame for the rise."


South West Scotland has lost railway lines, town councils, factories, primary schools, bank branches and police stations.

"I can't remember the last time I saw a policeman on the street, day or night."


24.3% of children in Dumfries and Galloway are living in poverty.

More than 200,000 children growing up 'in poverty'.

'The losers' - Nicola Sturgeon of the SNP and Theresa May of the Conservative Party.

The parties which have lost most seats are the Conservatives (in England) and the Scottish National Party SNP (in Scotland).

UK vote share after 645 of 650 seats

Conservative 42.4%
Labour 40.1%

Conservative 314 seats (so far)
Net change in seats -12

Labour 261 seats
Net change in seats +29 

Scottish National Party 35 
Net change in seats -21

Liberal Democrat 12 
Net change in seats +4

Democratic Unionist Party 10 
Net change in seats +2 

Below is what we wrote earlier:

Going home on the bus.

A poll conducted by London research company Qriously gives Labour a three-point lead over the Conservatives in the 2017 UK general election 2017.

The survey puts Labour on 41.3 per cent of the vote and the Conservatives at 38.5 per cent, making the final result too close to call because the difference falls within the 3.2 per cent margin of error.

Final election polls give Jeremy Corbyn the lead over Theresa May.

Above we see a YouGov prediction for the 8 June 2017 General Election in the UK.

According to the YouGov poll, UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd will be defeated in her constituency of Hastings and Rye


According to the YouGov poll:

The Conservatives (blue) will win 302 seats, and will not have a majority over all the other parties.

The opposition Labour Party (red) will win 269 seats.

Jeremy Corbyn's surge.

YouGov polling at the start of the general election campaign suggests 53% of people with no qualifications plan to vote Conservative.


The better educated people are less likely to trust the ruling Conservatives on the subject of 'terrorism'.


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At 7 June 2017 at 10:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 8 June 2017 at 19:13 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems strange if all this were real that David Cameron called for brexit vote then had to resign, effectively losing his job as PM. Now Theresa may calls for general election and could certainly lose, also losing her job as PM. Why would conservatives help with their own destruction? And in Scotland where most people will usually vote any party other than conservatives we are seeing more conservative seats won. It's all a bit strange, but no doubt all planned from the 'masters' at the top.

At 8 June 2017 at 22:53 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's wishful thinking, but the 'masters' seem to be losing their grip.

At 9 June 2017 at 00:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 9 June 2017 at 01:11 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They just seem. We stay the same slaves/sheeple.

At 9 June 2017 at 01:20 , Anonymous Brabantian said...

Aang has it perhaps right above, in the suggestion the current oligarch plan is to weaken all non-US nations, even the 'core allies'

That will prop up the US dollar a little longer, & allow the oligarchs to maintain the US military fortress as their base for a time further


The USA is possibly getting Britain, Europe & the Middle East countries to all sabotage themselves

It has been suggested that Trump's recent huge 'weapons sales to Saudi Arabia' were a deception, there were merely weak 'letters of intent' etc

And that the real Trump - US - Israel strategy is to incite the Muslim nations to kill each other in the Middle East ... The strongest Near East nation is Iran with its nearly 80 million people ... So what is needed to start a huge war, is to embolden the weaker, mercentary-dependent Saudis & others ... exactly what Trump did

So we have the Saudi-led Sunnis - Iran & the Shia - the Muslim Brotherhood group of Turkey & Qatar - the secular authoritarians of Syria & Egypt - the Kurds - all in belligerent tension, with Israeli tentacles throughout


Possibly time soon to re-post Aangirfan's important pieces on the Rothschild-connected Jeremy Corbyn, who may be the UK Prime Minister by autumn if not sooner

Which would put Rothschild people at the head of both British & French governments

Jeremy Corbyn who was a child neighbour of the Rothschilds in Wiltshire ... whose father worked for the very powerful Victor Rothschild during the war ... Jeremy Corbyn who as MP, refused to act on evidence of child abuse crimes at the children's homes in his district, despite the pleading of advocates earnestly supplying Corbyn with heart-wrenching information

At 9 June 2017 at 01:54 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 9 June 2017 at 01:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 9 June 2017 at 03:11 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sir Greg Knight MP East Yorkshire (Conservative) see correspondence to Sir Greg in the comments

not strong & stable, try silent with secrets

At 9 June 2017 at 06:46 , Blogger Hell Jay said...

At 9 June 2017 at 07:50 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rupert Murdoch not a happy bunny?

At 9 June 2017 at 08:14 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The UK now has the highest proportion of "out" lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender MPs in the world at 7% (45 out of 650 MPs self-identifying as LTBQ).

At 9 June 2017 at 08:20 , Blogger Vincenzo Ferraro said...

At 9 June 2017 at 10:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


"10 questions prompted by a seemingly unfathomable election"

1. Were the Conservative administration -- its major decisions --- the policy content of its manifesto -- and the Tory election campaign itself -- all deliberately set up and intended to fail?

2. In other words, were the Conservatives secretly and illicitly sabotaged by those operating under cover of shadows whose modus operandi is masking their true agenda with deceit?

3. If so, to which part of the Tory establishment or their overlords do the saboteurs belong, and what was/is their agenda?

4. Was/is Theresa May either aware of the notional conspiracy to sabotage, or indeed part of it herself (actively or passively)?

5. Was/is the faction's ultimate goal, in weakening and destabilising the existing UK administration, to reverse Brexit?

6. Or, was/is the faction's ultimate goal, in weakening and destabilising the existing UK administration, to ensure that the meaning of Brexit continues to be watered down to the point of "harmlessness"? (Bremain in effect if not in policy.)

7. Do the notional saboteurs now plan to put Jeremy Corbyn in Number 10 after x months? Or John McDonnell? Perhaps Boris Johnson? Michael Fallon? Zac Goldsmith? Or Ruth Davidson? Someone else?

8. Perhaps the plan is simply to have a PM in Number who is as pliable as possible?

9. Is there huge treasure to be obtained from the inevitable slide of sterling and/or other election-related investment "gambles"?

10. Have the people who plot and carry out such charades and offences against democracy no consciences whatsoever?

*N.B. question 10 is rhetorical.

At 9 June 2017 at 11:15 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 9 June 2017 at 11:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 9 June 2017 at 13:51 , Blogger Kaivey said...

Labour won Kensington a Tory safe seat. Hooray! Theresa May must be right in it now.


Washington has decided to spread Daesh to the Philippines because over the last year the president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterti, has been moving away from Washington and turning towards China. Duterti refuses for the Philippines to be a vassal state of the US, which is unforgivable to Washington, while spoiling its plans for a confrontation between the Philippines and China. This absolutely evil, Satan needs to be stopped. I bet all the governments and the MSM of Europe say and do nothing, despite the fact that must know this evil is going on.

At 9 June 2017 at 15:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The head-line of the Times piece on the Philippines -'Duterte's police sold guns to militants'- is misleading as even the story is that corrupt police(are there others in PI?) sold guns , but no direct link yo the Pres.
My own view and not an ouncommon one, it that certain Phlip elite groups are working with deep -state US interests to get rid of Duterte

At 9 June 2017 at 15:54 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Election is all about sabotaging Brexit. Best the Tories could come up with was free hospital parking?! Do me a favour.

At 9 June 2017 at 16:33 , Blogger Hell Jay said...
in the autumn of 86 invitations were sent out by the DUP and the Ulster Clubs for a rally on 10 november
Paisley and his DUP colleagues shared the stage with Alan Wright Loyalists by Alan Taylor Bloomsbury Publishing p185

At 9 June 2017 at 17:22 , Blogger Hell Jay said...

At 10 June 2017 at 00:06 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was always obvious the Tories under the weak and unpleasant May did not have a 20% lead over Corbyn's Labour. The key questions are: a) Why were the pollsters giving a false sense of public opinion? b) Who advised May to call an election based on these polls?
My sense is that this was a con trick that went wrong, where the media would present May as the unassailable next Thatcher, and portray anyone who disagreed as a minority of 'losers' and 'terrorist sympathisers'. In fact all it did was create a band of 'shy Labour' voters and alienated many people who might have thought of voting Tory.
Clearly the truth was known to many people in high places, though. I believe the terrorist attacks during the campaign were orchestrated by shadowy international sympathisers of the Tories who realised May wasn't doing as well as was officially being reported and wanted to try to boost her popularity in a despicable way.
We now seem to have a Conservative Party and client media hoisted by their own petard - unable to disown a fake and a loser who they were lavishing praise on just a few days ago. And until they do, the government is powerless to act on any of their pet international projects, whether over Brexit, Syria or anything else.
Couldn't have happened to nastier people!

At 10 June 2017 at 04:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deep state = another expression for "shadow govnmt"

At 10 June 2017 at 04:23 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly. They threw it away. Polls always to back up a created narrative. Even the rainbow was generated. So fakery everywhere

At 10 June 2017 at 09:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always a good sign! :D

At 11 June 2017 at 04:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take a look at this blog / Facebook site -

Look up his articles -

ERYC Con Charged With Sex Offences - Posted 30/8/2016

Pam Allen ERYC Mystery Solved - Posted 26/5/2017

ERYC Rotherham Three - Missing Report - Posted 19/5/2017

Grimsby Telegraph - Two former NELC Chiefs embroiled in child abuse scandals that hit national headlines - Posted 4/3/2015

It would appear that wherever Jim Lievers lays his head child abuse follows him!!!!

Believe his wife was called Jayne Lievers - may of been a Social Worker within East Yorkshire County Council remit.

Is this the same Jim Lievers who used to live in Lockington, Driffield, East Yorkshire?

Not forgetting the child sex scandals nationally reported that beset Headlands School, Bridlington, East Yorkshire - look up Ian Bott, teacher charged with sexual offences on the UK Data Base - he lived in Thwing, Driffield, East Yorkshire.

At 11 June 2017 at 09:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

CONGO - never heard such evil:

At 11 June 2017 at 09:52 , Blogger Kaivey said...

Labour now at 46% in recent polls.

At 11 June 2017 at 13:31 , Blogger Unknown said...

You will get world gov wether you like it or not. Warburg to US Senate.
And if I remember correctly Isi RA ELl got 3 billion a year payout from Obama Barrack totaling 15 increase next 4 years.
So who loves ya Baby?

At 11 June 2017 at 13:39 , Anonymous sovereigntea said...

Then as now the control mechanism is ?

Listen carefully from about 1 min 30s.


Boothby was a British delegate to the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe from 1949 until 1957 and advocated the United Kingdom's entry into the European Economic Community, which later evolved into the European Union. He was a prominent commentator on public affairs on radio and television, often taking part in the long-running BBC radio programme Any Questions.


Lord Boothby, who incidentally was very close to Winston Churchill, liked masochistic sex with rent boys and would often be known to use the Krays for the procurement of young boys

On notepaper carrying his address in Eaton Square, Belgravia, Lord Boothby wrote to Kray on June 6, 1963: ”Thank you for your postcard. I very nearly went to Jersey myself, as I have never been there, and hear from so many people that it is quite delightful.”

In 1963 Jimmy Savile was also in Jersey. Is it just a coincidence that a massive paedophile ring was in operation centered around Haut de la Garenne childrens home at that very time ?

Daily Telegraph

A "kinky" Conservative peer prompted fears of a Government downfall over revelations he hunted for rent boys with crime lord Ronnie Kray, MI5 files hidden for 50 years reveal.

Robert Boothby, a hedonistic bisexual who also had a long-running affair with the wife of former Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, struck up a friendship with the gangster in the 1960s over their shared taste for young men.

"Boothby is a kinky fellow and likes to meet odd people, and Ronnie obviously wants to meet people of good social standing"
MI5 file

At 12 June 2017 at 00:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 12 June 2017 at 01:42 , Anonymous Brabantian said...

Rothschild party sweeps into control of France ... with support of only 16% of French voters

From the 1st stage of the French Parliament election yesterday, the party of Rothschild banker French Président Macron, 'En Marche', is estimated to be taking perhaps 400 of the 577 Parliament seats, to be confirmed next Sunday

By they are winning this with votes of only 16% of the French voters, taking advantage of French voter despair

France has a variant of Britain's voting system, the parliament member is chosen by district, tho in 2 stages, the weaker candidates eliminated in the 1st round

Half the French did not vote, they have given up on the idea their votes can achieve anything

So the 32% of ballots for 'En Marche', are really only about 16% of French voters

Controlling two-thirds of Parliament, they will be able to enact all of the neo-liberalising legislation, changing the labour laws, supporting the globalist agendas

But then when things do not improve for the average French person ... there may be a Hollande-like collapse in public support for Macron, perhaps only about 6 months from now

And with the fissures in French sentiment, the strong leanings towards far right & far left, plus the issues of extremism & integration amongst the largest Muslim population in Europe - 10%+ of the total in France - things can be exposive

Macron has all the tools though for security-state domination of France when matters press in upon him

At 12 June 2017 at 04:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

BRIDLINGTON, EAST YORKSHIRE - BLott on the landscape

DI Nigel Sawyer - "We have had a lot of high profile sex abuse cases within the Bridlington area in the past 4/5 years but we shouldn't take things out of context"

At 14 June 2017 at 01:41 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

While we are thinking about false flags and fake elite narratives, has anybody noticed that the towerblock burning for hours in London did not collapse due to fire, yet we are told that both of the World Trade Centre twin towers did in next to no time?

Perhaps the fires are colder in London...

At 14 June 2017 at 02:26 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 14 June 2017 at 02:28 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 14 June 2017 at 02:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 14 June 2017 at 02:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

UAE paid $3bn to finance coup attempt in Turkey: Report

At 14 June 2017 at 03:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 14 June 2017 at 03:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 14 June 2017 at 12:48 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can say is if you live in Scotland and want away from Westminster's machinations, vote SNP.

At 14 June 2017 at 12:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grenfell Tower

The surname Grenfell derives from the Norman place name Granville/Grainville. Granville on the Normandy coast, population 13,021, is situated less than 40 miles from Jersey, with only the Chausey Islands (also geographically part of the Channel Islands) lying between them. Pagan traditions reportedly 'were' strong throughout the Norman Channel Islands.

In Jersey, Grainville School is where the island's education former director of education, Mario Lundy, served for many years as head teacher, a decade after he oversaw the sexual torture and murder of children at Haut de la Garenne just across from the Faldouet dolmen.

Separately, Granville in New South Wales was the site of the worst rail disaster in Australian history. 84 people met violent deaths 18 January 1977.

At 14 June 2017 at 14:31 , Blogger Matthew Love said...

Perhaps indeed.

Something very weird going on in this country at the moment.

At 14 June 2017 at 14:35 , Blogger Matthew Love said...

Dont pay any attention to him.

SNP and their Murdoch backed dreams of independence are a mere sideshow, a establishment Trojan horse to split the left vote.

At 14 June 2017 at 15:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I asked Sir Simon Stevens today,14 June 2017, at the York Festival of Ideas
Can you comment on the footprint of organised criminal activity in NHS England.
I do not recognise that- was the response.
Advised him former East Yorkshire GP who's concerns were dismissed- lost faith & left general practice

At 15 June 2017 at 00:04 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


To: Councillor Stephen Parnaby OBE
I request that ERYC with Humberside Police review historical child sexual abuse in East Yorkshire.

Why is this important?
As a former GP whistle- blower, who has listened to the stories of abuse of many East Yorkshire residents I requested a review focusing on what GPs know. The Clinical Commissioning Group is deaf to this idea. Why?

At 15 June 2017 at 11:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Murdoch is anti-SNP.

Scottish independence is anything but a sideshow, it's a necessity for Scots. Ask yourself why Westminster is so desperate to hold onto Scotland, when the Westminster and media constantly claim, Scotland is too wee and too poor.

Wouldn't it be in Westminster's interests to jettison Scotland and save money?

At 18 June 2017 at 12:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...



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