Wednesday 17 May 2017

Mossad man: Tump will be impeached; Conservative Conference.

Mossad agent Juval Aviv predicts that President Trump will be impeached on grounds of treason.

Maybe Mossad thinks that Mike Pence will be less accident prone.


Conservatives are funny.

Above we see a gay party at the royal palace in Saudi Arabia. The Saudis are mainly gay.



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At 18 May 2017 at 01:24 , Blogger Anon said...

Trump is a total conman.

He was trying to deceive the gullible and naive in that speach.

Remember he said he was going to declare China a currency speculator and he was going to put Hillary on trial.

He was going to give us the truth on 9 11.

Trump supporters are beyond hope.

At 18 May 2017 at 13:07 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So right, Anon !

Here in France politics promised sooo much but b4 elections, of course haha...obviously, they must do that to charm voters - same with Donald "the addict?"
and - excuse me for this expression, but Site calls him - wait for it - yes, pussy White House !

And ppl are still so damestupid to believe.
Programmed by tv, seduced by political marketing.

Of course, from spiritual poit of view, there is NO absolute evil, no one main edevil like in naive pseudo Christian version of Bible.

But there are many demons : and those BEHIND Donald and his official counsellors are much, much darker that him.

But this gang will fall. Earth will kick them out, one day for sure...

At 18 May 2017 at 13:13 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very naive of you, Brabantian...

Donald is NOT an eastern sage, sadhu,
he is - most likely - just drugged marionette,
and buzz about impeachment is also only a smoke and mirrors, attention distractions etc.

"transcended all his own sins & crimes & foibles"
Not on this level, there sick minds were trained to forget what heart is.

So you also fell victim of this "political porn" and public opinion engineering ?



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