Stone at Trump Tower in December 2016 - with lesions on his face (above)
Donald Trump's friend Roger Stone is the 'dirty trickster' who allegedly invented PizzaGate.
Stone has been accused by the Obama administration of having prior knowledge that Putin was planning to hack the US election.
Roger Stone now claims that he was poisoned by members of the Deep State who wanted to kill him.
Stone says they wanted to kill him so that he could not 'debunk' their 'lie' that he knew Russians would hack the US election.
Stone claims that doctors have told him that a mysterious virus he was had in December 2016 was probably polonium poisoning.
On Alex Jones's Info Wars, he said: "I had lesions on my chest and my face..."
During a visit to Trump Tower on 6 December 2016, Stone had several small cuts to his face and neck.
Read more: dailymail.
Roger Stone is currently trying to promote his latest book.
Donald Trump's friend Roger Stone is the 'dirty trickster' who allegedly invented PizzaGate.
Stone has been accused by the Obama administration of having prior knowledge that Putin was planning to hack the US election.
Roger Stone now claims that he was poisoned by members of the Deep State who wanted to kill him.
Stone says they wanted to kill him so that he could not 'debunk' their 'lie' that he knew Russians would hack the US election.
Stone claims that doctors have told him that a mysterious virus he was had in December 2016 was probably polonium poisoning.
On Alex Jones's Info Wars, he said: "I had lesions on my chest and my face..."
During a visit to Trump Tower on 6 December 2016, Stone had several small cuts to his face and neck.
Read more: dailymail.
Roger Stone is currently trying to promote his latest book.

Roger Stone's friends Trump and Nixon.
Donald Trump is a Deep State actor.
The Donald and The Deep State
Trump's team is made up of Bankers, Bilderbergers and other Deep State actors.
Trump's team includes: Steven Mnuchin (Goldman Sachs), Gary Cohn (Goldman Sachs), Steve Bannon (Goldman sachs), Dina Powell (Goldman Sachs), Wilbur Ross (Rothschilds), Betsy DeVos (Blackwater/XE), Rex Tillerson (Kissinger), K. T. McFarland (Kissinger) , James Mattis (Kissinger)...

Roger Stone, the man who invented PizzaGate?
The very Jewish ROGER STONE had the job of concocting Pizzagate for Trump?
According to Timothy Fizpatrick:
Concocting Pizzagate for Trump
1. Pizzagate was designed to distract people from Trump's promises reversal, and, his Zionist manoeuvrings.

Katie Johnson.
2. In October 2016, John Podesta's emails were published on Wikileaks, a suspected CIA/Mossad front.
Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta told reporters that Republican dirty trickster Roger Stone may have had advanced knowledge of the breach and the subsequent publishing of the emails on Wikileaks.[i]
Podesta referred to an August 21, 2016 tweet by Stone in which he wrote: "Trust me, it will soon be Podesta’s time in the barrel."

Stone and Cohn (left)
According to Timothy Fizpatrick:
3. A lot of Roger Stone's skills were learned from his mentor, Roy Cohn.
Retired New York Police Department detective James Rothstein claims that Stone was part of Cohn’s pedophile entrapment ring.

According to Timothy Fizpatrick:
4. Roger Stone and Donald Trump work together [vi].
Stone implicated Ted Cruz's family in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
5. In 1972, Stone went to work for Nixon and entrapped Richard Nixon's opponent for the Republican nomination Paul McCloskey.
Using the fake name 'Jason Rainier', Stone donated funds to McCloskey pretending it was on behalf of the Young Socialist Alliance.
Stone then told the press that McCloskey had accepted the funds, implying that McCloskey was an undercover socialist.

In 1996, Roger Stone was exposed.

Roger Stone was the top Dole aide.
According to Timothy Fizpatrick:
"Pizzagate, like the Jade Helm, flat Earth, and Jesuit conspiracy theories, could be part of a Cass Sunstein-like attempt to discredit legitimate conspiracies by flooding the truth movement with plausible yet ultimately false and fake conspiracy theories."
Concocting Pizzagate for Trump

Labels: Cruz, Deep State, Nixon, Pizza Gate, Podesta, Roger Stone, Trump, Wikileaks
Good expose - Abby Martin Exposes John Podesta (Empire Files): has offered a $25,000 reward for anyone who can DEBUNK their investigation ...
thats a good joke, one of the best actually
I've been calling this the "Roy Cohn coup"...
...Also I may have detected Roger Stone's involvement in originating the "pizza" lingo which indeed is probably spurious... ...having originated with a Jared Wyand tweet (account now deleted) coming less than an hour after the WikiLeaks Podesta emails release it hashtagged on Nov. 3. 4chan and reddit threads were contemporaneously also making the connection.
Seems the pizza-pedo connection began with this Nov. 2 4chan thread: but the code ...and the CP code is discussed in the Nov. 3 thread as already having been in use at 4chan: ...though not as it had been developed in the Jared Wyland tweet. Did Stone or some other operative suggest the false code as a diversionary tactic? (in as much as Republicans could be implicated as well). It's a question.
Also, I suspect that the intermediary between Stone and Assange could be WBAI's Randy Credico...
Long-missing Clinton Foundation ex-CEO Eric Braverman has been found ... he is going to work for the gangsters of Google Inc
Hasbara Fellowships are offered for those wishing to troll on the internet for Israel & Mossad -
<< Eric Braverman, the former CEO of the Clinton Foundation, has been hired to oversee the non-investment side of the family office of Alphabet Inc. {Google Inc} Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt and his wife, Wendy.
Braverman will be in charge of the philanthropic arm of the Menlo Park-based Eric and Wendy Schmidt Group, an official with the organization told the Silicon Valley Business Journal. The group has given away hundreds of millions of dollars for environmental and other causes.
Braverman ran the non-profit foundation of former President Bill Clinton and unsuccessful Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton between 2013 and 2015. It’s a $395,000-plus job he reportedly got on the recommendation of their daughter, Chelsea, whom he became friends with when they both worked at McKinsey & Co >>
I've been calling this the "Roy Cohn coup"...
...Also I may have detected Roger Stone's involvement in originating the "pizza" lingo which indeed is probably spurious... ...having originated with a Jared Wyand tweet (account now deleted) coming less than an hour after the WikiLeaks Podesta emails release it hashtagged on Nov. 3. 4chan and reddit threads were contemporaneously also making the connection.
Seems the pizza-pedo connection began with this Nov. 2 4chan thread: but the code ...and the CP code is discussed in the Nov. 3 thread as already having been in use at 4chan: ...though not as it had been developed in the Jared Wyland tweet. Did Stone or some other operative suggest the false code as a diversionary tactic? (in as much as Republicans could be implicated as well). It's a question.
Also, I suspect that the intermediary between Stone and Assange could be WBAI's Randy Credico...
Pizzagate could not have grown so exponentially out of a vacuum.
Why would Roger Stone concoct pizzagate when it it is completely obvious he leads right back to Roy Cohn and his networks, risking the exposure of the whole plot? The plot being, another obviosity, that the Clinton and Trump camp are ultimately still both in collusion.
Purporting that stone had foreknowledge of the Wikileak circumvents actual planning of the leak.
Chilling evidence of organized child sex abuse revealed in survey
Odette and her sisters Rosemary and Lucy are among the victims of what a new survey by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection suggests is a widespread tragedy — child exploitation rings led by parents of the abused.
If false then please explain the group that stole Johnny Gosch and others, the Bush group that was heavily involved in the pedo ring and the child auctions held in Houston.
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