Saturday 3 September 2016



Who will win in the case of Melania Trump versus The Daily Mail?

(And Melania Trump versus Webster Tarpley.)

If a publisher knows that something they print is false, then they are showing 'malice', and could lose in a court case.

But, if the publisher has made an innocent mistake, the publisher is likely to win in a court case.

Can Melania Trump Win Her Libel Lawsuit?

The key case is 'New York Times versus Sullivan'.

In the famous case, New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, Justice William Brennan noted that factual errors are 'inevitable in free debate.'

Brennan stated that negligence or carelessness by publishers does not mean 'malice'.

Can Melania Trump Win Her Libel Lawsuit?

"In the four decades since it was handed down, Sullivan protected American journalists from the risk that an errant mistake or 'inevitable falsehood,' as Brennan put it, could lead to legal and financial ruin."

Can Melania Trump Win Her Libel Lawsuit?


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At 4 September 2016 at 10:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been looking for any information on the UK TV documentary The Big Story presented by Dermot Murnaghan about the Clinton Whitewater issue that was pulled from broadcast at the last minute back in the 1990's - but it seems to have been scrubbed from the net.

Any help appreciated.


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