"Some folks think The Simpsons have been in on it for sixteen years!"

"Polls have shown that the average income of Trump's voters is above that of Hillary Clinton's supporters."
Donald Trump's victory - political reckoning
(See below for Trump's close links to Soros, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs.)

The Trump campaign appears to have rigged the election.
We are NOT fans of Hillary Clinton, but we think that rigged elections should be exposed.

Anti-Trump supporters.
It looks as if the Likud-Netanyahu-Cheney mob decided to get Trump into power, as Trump is the most pro-Zionist candidate.
In 2016, Trump got fewer votes than Hillary got.
In 2016, the turnout was high, but a lot of Clinton votes seem to have disappeared.
(See details below)
(See details below)

Anti-Trump supporters.
It looks as if the Likud-Netanyahu-Cheney mob decided to get Trump into power, as Trump is the most pro-Zionist candidate.
In order for Trump to win, Clinton votes had to disappear in certain key counties in the swing states.
Michael Collins Piper has explained that the alt-right is a tool of the Zionists.
Jared Taylor's “Zionist-Friendly Nationalism”.
Hillary Clinton has become an enemy of Netanyahu.
Dolly Kyle in her 2016 book, Hillary The Other Woman, wrote that Hillary Clinton often used phrases such as 'Stupid Kike', and 'Fucking Jew Bastard.'
Hillary knows that she is powerless against the Deep State Zionists; she knows what happened to John F Kennedy.

In the November 2016 election, voter turnout was up 4.7% around the country - USA Today
Turnout for the US election was expected to smash records as huge queues built up.
Yet, Donald Trump won one million fewer votes than Mitt Romney in 2012.
And many of Clinton's votes seem to disappear.
Professor Mark Crispin Miller, who dislikes Hillary Clinton, says the 2016 election was stolen from the Democrats in a similar fashion to what happened in 2000 and 2004.
1.1 million people, mainly minorities, were removed from the voting rolls in swing states using a system called 'Cross Check.'

The Democrats?
Barack Obama's 52% approval rating makes him more popular than Ronald Reagan at the end of his second term.
How it happened - The Economist
On the eve of America's presidential election, national surveys gave Hillary Clinton a lead of around four percentage points, which betting markets and statistical models translated into a probability of victory ranging from 70% to 99%.
The polls suggested that Clinton would have easy wins in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
How it happened - The Economist

Protests against Trump
Donald Trump won one million fewer votes than Mitt Romney in 2012.
Exit polls suggest 61% of voters considered Trump unqualified to be president and only 34% said he had the right personality and temperament.
How did the polls get it wrong? | The Economist

Did 5 million votes for Hillary Clinton go missing?
2016 - total votes for all candidates: 125,644,750.
2016 - 131,7000,000 people voted.
Remember Gore and Florida?
The history of 'rigged' US elections: from Bush v Gore to Trump.

Voters in Arizona, November 2016.
In the November 2016 election, voter turnout was up 4.7% around the country - USA Today
Turnout for the US election was expected to smash records as huge queues built up.
Yet, Donald Trump won one million fewer votes than Mitt Romney in 2012.
And many of Clinton's votes seem to disappear.
Professor Mark Crispin Miller, who dislikes Hillary Clinton, says the 2016 election was stolen from the Democrats in a similar fashion to what happened in 2000 and 2004.
1.1 million people, mainly minorities, were removed from the voting rolls in swing states using a system called 'Cross Check.'
Ballot protection software on the new Ohio voting machines was TURNED OFF.

The Democrats?
Barack Obama's 52% approval rating makes him more popular than Ronald Reagan at the end of his second term.
How it happened - The Economist
On the eve of America's presidential election, national surveys gave Hillary Clinton a lead of around four percentage points, which betting markets and statistical models translated into a probability of victory ranging from 70% to 99%.
The polls suggested that Clinton would have easy wins in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
How it happened - The Economist

Protests against Trump
Donald Trump won one million fewer votes than Mitt Romney in 2012.
Exit polls suggest 61% of voters considered Trump unqualified to be president and only 34% said he had the right personality and temperament.
How did the polls get it wrong? | The Economist

Did 5 million votes for Hillary Clinton go missing?
2016 - total votes for all candidates: 125,644,750.
2016 - 131,7000,000 people voted.
Remember Gore and Florida?
The history of 'rigged' US elections: from Bush v Gore to Trump.
No, a Florida whistleblower did not uncover 'massive voter fraud' (and other election hoaxes you might be seeing online)

Donald Trump's campaign paid at least $1.8 million to Nathan Sproul whose companies include several that have been repeatedly investigated for voter fraud.
In a 2012 Florida case, three employees of Sproul's firm pleaded guilty to forging voter registrations.
"In California, Oregon, Nevada and Florida, Nathan Sproul's workers were investigated on suspicion of forging signatures, destroying Democratic voter registrations or changing the addresses of legitimately registered voters without their consent, according to former employees, state investigations and news reports."
Trump, GOP paying consultant dogged by voter fraud charges
Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day. Why do Republican leaders deny what is going on? So naive!
In Pensylvania, the vote was close and easy to rig.
The 2016 election returns in Pennsylvania:
Donald Trump: 2,894,757
Hillary Clinton: 2,822,963
In Pennsylvania, "voters chose Trump while electing three statewide Democrats," said PennLive.
Only 112000 Voters Gave Us President Trump

Clinton: 60,122,876 votes.
Trump: 59,821,874 votes
Other candidates 5,892,512 votes
Total all candidates: 125,644,750 votes
Voter "turnout was128 million by the afternoon" of 11 8 2016
The US Elections Project estimated that 130.8 million Americans cast a ballot in 2016
Turnout update: 131.7 million voted in the 2016 election (56.9%).
2008 election results
Obama: 69,498,516 votes. McCain: 59,948,323 votes.
The US Elections Project estimated that 130.8 million Americans cast a ballot in 2016
Turnout update: 131.7 million voted in the 2016 election (56.9%).
2008 election results
Obama: 69,498,516 votes. McCain: 59,948,323 votes.
Other candidates 1,400,000
Voter turnout was 131 million Americans.
Can anyone explain the apparently odd results for 2016?

In the USA, nationwide protests have erupted against Trump.
There is a belief that the election was rigged.
The final polls showed Clinton in the lead.
How might the election have been rigged?
When looking for possible rigging, one looks at the states which Trump won by a very small margin.
In Florida, Clinton got 48% (4,485,745 votes) of the vote and Trump 49% (4,605,515 votes).
In Pensylvania, Clinton got 48% (2,844,705 votes) Trump got 49% (2,912,941 votes).
Michigan | |
| |
In Colorado, Hillary Clinton got 47% of the vote, and Trump 45%.
You could argue that the Clinton people rigged the vote in Colorado, or, that the Trump people found it too difficult to rig the vote in Colorado.
Colorado voted for Obama in 2008.
However, the voting system in Colorado is not untypical of the voting systems in other states.
On voting day, 11 9 2016, a Denver Elections Officer reported that all the electronic voting systems had crashed across the state of Colorado, a swing state.
All voting systems DOWN in key swing state.
You only have to hack some systems in quiet rural areas, in order to rig the election.
There have been reports of votes being cast in the names of dead voters.
Colorado makes widespread use of mail ballots - 95 percent of votes cast in 2014 were on mail ballots.
Mary Eberle, an election-integrity advocate, says the mail ballot system makes it impossible to know how many times voters fill out ballots that never make it to the clerk's office to be counted.
Eberle was among a majority of Boulder County canvass board members who voted not to certify certain election results in 2012 and 2014.
Colorado's election system
Eberle was among a majority of Boulder County canvass board members who voted not to certify certain election results in 2012 and 2014.
Colorado's election system
"Tens of millions of Americans who descended on the polls Tuesday faced hours-long lines, sporadic equipment failures and confusion about polling places...
"Problems cropped up in Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and other key battleground states...
"A coalition of more than 100 civil rights and voting rights groups running a national election protection hotline reported that 40% of its calls came from African American and Hispanic communities, a possible indication that minority voters were being targeted.
"The majority of complaints came from California, New York, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania and North Carolina, with Florida seeing particularly high levels of voter misinformation...
"In Durham, North Carolina, electronic poll books that are used to check voter registration were down in the morning, forcing voters to wait longer...
"In Durham, North Carolina, electronic poll books that are used to check voter registration were down in the morning, forcing voters to wait longer...
"In Ohio, the eligibility of some black voters was challenged at the polls, according to voting rights groups.
"Karen Hobert Flynn, president of Common Cause, said last-minute polling place changes and other problems in Arizona were 'causing real confusion for many voters.'
"Problems being reported included ...malfunctioning voting machines in Virginia; and confusion with closed or delayed-opening polling places in Georgia and Texas."

"In Maricopa County, Ariz., Democratic officials asked a judge to keep polls open for two more hours following problems with voting machines ...The request, like that in Colorado, was denied.
"In Philadelphia, would-be voter Chris Calvert tweeted that both voting machines were broken at his polling place. 'No one can vote in our district today.'
"In a Detroit precinct in the battleground state of Michigan, the machine that counts ballots was not working from the very beginning of the morning..."
Voters in key states endured long lines, equipment failures.

"Polls have shown that the average income of Trump's voters is above that of Hillary Clinton's supporters."
Donald Trump's victory - political reckoning
So, Trump is secretly supported by Soros?
The Chicago Tribune reported on October 28, 2004, that George Soros was the primary financier of the Chicago Trump Tower.
Trump and Soros in New York are linked to the GM Building.

"Polls have shown that the average income of Trump's voters is above that of Hillary Clinton's supporters."
Donald Trump's victory - political reckoning
So, Trump is secretly supported by Soros?
The Chicago Tribune reported on October 28, 2004, that George Soros was the primary financier of the Chicago Trump Tower.
Trump and Soros in New York are linked to the GM Building.
Nouriel Roubini hosted a party which was attended by George Soros, Donald Trump, and Oliver Stone.
Donald Trump has taken George Soros's Money.
Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s National Finance Chairman and a major economic adviser, worked for George Soros.
Mnuchin is a former partner at Goldman Sachs.
The Trump team is considering JPMorgan's Jamie Dimon for the post of Treasury Secretary.
Donald Trump has taken George Soros's Money.
Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s National Finance Chairman and a major economic adviser, worked for George Soros.
Mnuchin is a former partner at Goldman Sachs.
The Trump team is considering JPMorgan's Jamie Dimon for the post of Treasury Secretary.
Below, is what we wrote earlier:
They may prefer a military man to be in charge, or, to be the power behind the scenes.
2. Gen. David L. Goldfein 'is to be chief of staff of the US Air Force'.
Might he be a friend of the Powers-That-Be?
2. Gen. David L. Goldfein 'is to be chief of staff of the US Air Force'.
Might he be a friend of the Powers-That-Be?
3. Retired Gen. Michael Hayden, who recently led the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency, has said:
"I would be incredibly concerned if a President Trump governed in a way that was consistent with the language that Candidate Trump expressed during the campaign."
Retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler claimed that wealthy businessmen were plotting to to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
In 1935, John L. Spivak published the first of two articles revealing portions of Congressional committee testimony that had been redacted.
Spivak argued that the plot was part of a "conspiracy of Jewish financiers working with fascist groups".
He referred specifically to Felix Warburg, the McCormack–Dickstein Committee, and certain members of the American Jewish Committee in collusion with J. P. Morgan.

"Their guy is retired general James Mattis, former head of Centcom and arguably one of the Marine’s most popular leaders among the troops.
"According to the Times, the plan, while relatively simple, would probably be impossible to pull off unless you owned Congress.
"Fortunately, for the billionaires, they do own Congress."
"Fortunately, for the billionaires, they do own Congress."
Below is what we wrote earlier:

19 MAY 2016
According to the above poll:
Only 11% of Hillary Clinton supporters actually like Clinton.
Only 6% of Trump Supporters actually like Trump.

What about Henry?

Michael Glassner (above) arranged the deal that gave the lease of the World Trade Center to the Larry Silverstein Group.[7] Michael Glassner, formerly of AIPAC, is now Donald Trump's top political planner.
Google and the mainstream media tend to hide the anti-Trump stories about Roy Cohn, Jeffrey Epstein, 'Katie Johnson' and Trump's links to Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission.
Sheldon Adelson supports Trump.
Here is what we wrote on 12 May 2016:
On 6 April 2016, the Australian politician Crispin Rovere pointed out that Donald Trump is a Nixon-Kissinger Realist.
One could say that Kissinger is a realist when it comes to Clinton?

Trump and Kissinger.
Back in 1969, much of the American public was fed up with 'interventionism'.
The Powers-That-Be got Nixon to pretend to be the friend of the non-interventionists.
Nixon got elected as president, in 1969.
In 1969, Nixon delivered a speech in Guam, and summarized what became known as 'the Nixon Doctrine':
"I want to be sure that our policies in the future, all over the world ... reduce American involvement."
To many, 'the Nixon Doctrine' meant Isolationism.
Donald Trump is a Nixon-Kissinger Realist

Donald Trump .
But Nixon, and his mate Kissinger, carried on with the war in Vietnam until 1973.
Trump isn't an isolationist.
He has admitted that he would bomb Syria, and put boots on the ground in Syria and in Iraq.
Trump and Kissinger both have German-Jewish origins, reportedly.
Are we all being conned?

A Los Angeles Times poll from March 2016 found that eight out of 10 Sanders supporters would vote for Clinton - however reluctantly.

What if Kissinger and the Powers-That-Be see Hillary Clinton as being the unpopular Hubert Humphrey and Donald Trump as being the more popular Richard Nixon?
Kissinger, when asked about Trump said: "Well, I like Donald Trump. I know him personally....
"China ... If they challenge our fundamental interests, we're going to confront them."
But Nixon, and his mate Kissinger, carried on with the war in Vietnam until 1973.
Trump isn't an isolationist.
He has admitted that he would bomb Syria, and put boots on the ground in Syria and in Iraq.
Trump and Kissinger both have German-Jewish origins, reportedly.
Are we all being conned?


Kissinger, when asked about Trump said: "Well, I like Donald Trump. I know him personally....
"China ... If they challenge our fundamental interests, we're going to confront them."

BELOW, is what we wrote earlier:

In a 4 May 2016 CNN/ORC Poll Clinton leads Trump 54% to 41%, a 13-point lead, her largest lead since last July 2015.
Clinton is also more trusted than Trump on many issues voters rank as critically important, with one big exception.
Sanders would beat Trump 51-to-38 percent, based on aggregated polling data on the Huffington Post.
"U.S. political analysts say the last quarter century of presidential elections also would seem to favor Clinton.
"One map showed this week that to win the presidency, she would need only to capture 20 of the country's 50 states in November's national election against Trump, the 19 that have voted for Democratic candidates in the past six presidential elections, plus the large southeastern political battleground state of Florida, where one poll shows her ahead of Trump by 13 percentage points."
Below, you see what we wrote earlier:

2 Apr 2016
In recent Trump versus Clinton polls, Trump trails Clinton in every key state, including Florida and Ohio.

2 Apr 2016
In recent Trump versus Clinton polls, Trump trails Clinton in every key state, including Florida and Ohio.
Clinton leads Trump by double digits in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Politics|Electoral Map Is a Reality Check to Trump's Bid
The people who hate Trump the most include large majorities of women, nonwhites, Hispanics, voters under 30 and those with college degrees.

Clinton is not popular with many 'swing voters', but, Trump is unpopular even with lots of republican voters.
Trump could turn otherwise safe Republican states into tight contests.
Politics|Electoral Map Is a Reality Check to Trump's Bid
The people who hate Trump the most include large majorities of women, nonwhites, Hispanics, voters under 30 and those with college degrees.

Among independents, 19 percent have a favorable opinion of Trump, but 57 percent view him unfavorably.
Trump is viewed unfavorably by a majority of whites without college degrees.
With white women, 23 percent view Trump favorably, while 54 percent have an unfavorable opinion of him.
Neil Newhouse, a veteran Republican pollster, says: "In the modern polling era, since around World War II, there hasn't been a more unpopular potential presidential nominee than Donald Trump."
The share of Americans with an unfavorable view of Trump:
68% in the most recent Bloomberg poll,
67% in the CNN/ORC survey,
67% in the ABC/Washington Post poll,
65% from Gallup.
Having a positive view are 23% of women and 36% of men, Gallup found.
Donald Trump Won't Rule Out dropping Nuclear Weapons on Europe.
The Powers-That-Be want to keep the USA as a right-wing state that helps the rich to rob the poor.

You actually think that Capitalism is anything other than a colossal failure everywhere its been tried.
"The world's wealthiest 62 people now own as much as the poorest half of the planet's population."
"The richest 1% now own as much as everyone else put together."
global inequality.

Countries such as Singapore, Norway and Switzerland are part capitalist and part socialist. We are talking about "borderline socialist states, with generous welfare benefits and lots of redistribution of wealth." The World's Happiest Countries - Forbes. All of the above countries are wealthier than the USA.
Many American voters have been brainwashed into thinking that only extremist Capitalism works.
What does moderate socialism mean?
1. Regulation of dodgy banks and dangerous corporations.
2. A social security system that looks after the handicapped.
3. Decent public transport.
In the early 1900s, socialists led the movements for votes for women, child labour laws, consumer protection laws and the progressive income tax.

The UK is mainly Capitalist.
Patricia rents a small flat in a poor area of London London.
Patricia gets up at 3.30am, and then catches the first of three buses to take her to work.
Patricia works seven days a week as a cleaner.
Patricia's last day off was in December 2015.
Patricia has been earning £6.70 an hour.
She works for a cleaning company and cleans toilets, dishes and carpets.
Dawn workers forced to clean toilets seven days a week / UK companies look for loopholes around living wage

Big capitalist corporations receive billions annually from governments "under the guise of stimulating job growth."
Moderate socialism/capitalism is not necessarily problematic.
Support for torture in US grows to 63 percent – poll
Miscarriage of Justice in America - Ivan Teluguz
Donald Trump Foreign Policy Team Member Connected to Offshore Gas Drilling in Israel
The Powers-That-Be want to keep the USA as a right-wing state that helps the rich to rob the poor.

#SignsYoureABernieSupporter - You actually think that socialism is anything other than a colossal failure everywhere its been tried.
You actually think that Capitalism is anything other than a colossal failure everywhere its been tried.
"The world's wealthiest 62 people now own as much as the poorest half of the planet's population."
"The richest 1% now own as much as everyone else put together."
global inequality.

Countries such as Singapore, Norway and Switzerland are part capitalist and part socialist. We are talking about "borderline socialist states, with generous welfare benefits and lots of redistribution of wealth." The World's Happiest Countries - Forbes. All of the above countries are wealthier than the USA.
Many American voters have been brainwashed into thinking that only extremist Capitalism works.
What does moderate socialism mean?
1. Regulation of dodgy banks and dangerous corporations.
2. A social security system that looks after the handicapped.
3. Decent public transport.
In the early 1900s, socialists led the movements for votes for women, child labour laws, consumer protection laws and the progressive income tax.

The UK is mainly Capitalist.
Patricia rents a small flat in a poor area of London London.
Patricia gets up at 3.30am, and then catches the first of three buses to take her to work.
Patricia works seven days a week as a cleaner.
Patricia's last day off was in December 2015.
Patricia has been earning £6.70 an hour.
She works for a cleaning company and cleans toilets, dishes and carpets.
Dawn workers forced to clean toilets seven days a week / UK companies look for loopholes around living wage
Big capitalist corporations receive billions annually from governments "under the guise of stimulating job growth."
Moderate socialism/capitalism is not necessarily problematic.
Support for torture in US grows to 63 percent – poll
Miscarriage of Justice in America - Ivan Teluguz
Donald Trump Foreign Policy Team Member Connected to Offshore Gas Drilling in Israel
Labels: 1969, capitalism, Clinton, isolationist, Israel, Ivan Teleguz, Kissinger, nuclear weapons, oil, poll, realist, Rothschild, Sanders, socialism, torture, Trump, win
Please can we be spared Watson's face? Looking at him makes me feel sick.
For the first time in my life I'm reading Sinclair Lewis's 'It Can't Happen Here'; and every page or two I'm gobsmacked. With the exception of some archaic language and plot devices, Lewis could writing this novel today about Trump and America's fascination with accepting out and out fascism as the path to a new tomorrow. If you haven't read the book, there's no better time than now.
Oh and have others seen this petition? I signed it because if I were locked in a convention hall with American neocons and israel supporters I'd want to be armed to the teeth, too:
'May you live in interesting times' goes the quote. Well, one man's 'interesting' is another man's 'insane'.
'The UK is mainly capitalist', and they say the US is too. But I reckon without all the right wing propaganda, which the 00.1% have pumped loads of money into, most of the conservative support would collapse.
There will always be some hard-core working class dickheads who support the Conservatives because they are fascists and not very intelligent (they are what the ruling class have always used as canon fodder). And there will always be some hard-core middleclass Conservatives supporters too. But the majority of people would gravitate towards the moderate centre left if the media were able to present the facts more evenly so people could make an informed choice.
No freaking way, she won't, the world can't afford that.
Trump's been exposing the TPTB all the way and his role will be clear at the big finish.
BTW your assessment has been faulty at times, most glaring example is believing these blatant, pathetic Polish hasbara propaganda supporting current judeo-anglo-atlantist traitorous government. Shame on you.
My take is, the Republicans have been out of power for(two terms) eights years. The pattern has been now, for more then thirty years, each political party gets to stay in office for two terms(8years). Then, the convenient switch. Switch time is nie, Obama was the false hope for the poor Democrats. Now, Trump is the false hope of the poor Republicans. Predictable, no?
And who could possibly have a favorable view of Hillary Clinton. Support for here only indicates the percentage of the population that has been reduced to a level one could be hard pressed to even call human.
Yes. Clinton's only hope was an opponent even more unelectable than she is. This will end very badly. I found this article rather compelling.
& not by accident of course - 'Reversal Of Reality' is a known propaganda technique -
Herman and Chomsky exposed these deceitful right-wing distortions in Manufacturing of Consent -
From 'Propaganda' by Edward Bernays -
"Undoubtedly the public is becoming aware of the methods which are being used to mold its opinions and habits. If the public is better informed about the processes of its own life, it will be so much the more receptive to reasonable appeals to its own interests. No matter how sophisticated, how cynical the public may become about publicity methods, it must respond to the basic appeals, because it will always need food, crave amusement, long for beauty, respond to leadership.
If the public becomes more intelligent in its commercial demands, commercial firms will meet the new standards. If it becomes weary of the old methods used to persuade it to accept a given idea or commodity, its leaders will present their appeals more intelligently.
Propaganda will never die out. Intelligent men must realize that propaganda is the modern instrument by which they can fight for productive ends and help to bring order out of chaos. "
Ordo Ab Chao is the motto of the 33rd Degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
It reflects Problem/Reaction/Solution and 'Thesis/Antithesis/Synthesis' of the Hegelian Dialectic developed by the Frankfurt School and absorbed into the economic philosophies of leading psychopaths. It has been adopted as a tool for conformity in everything from going to war to writing your essays -
"For the purposes of writing MCAT essays, the dialectic describes the progression of ideas in a critical thought process that is the force driving your argument. A good dialectical progression propels your arguments in a way that is satisfying to the reader.
The thesis is an intellectual proposition.
The antithesis is a critical perspective on the thesis.
The synthesis solves the conflict between the thesis and antithesis by reconciling their common truths, and forming a new proposition."
IMO this is a method for the psychopath to rationalise and control a world where they can't understand the motivations of the other 99%. They get what they want and we get the bare minimum to suvive so they can keep leeching off us.
And we're so uneducated in propaganda and our trust of eachother has been so eroded by it that instead of hanging them in the square we end up letting them control the world.
Seconded.....vile racist
Regime Change - Clinton Syria complicity ? Unlawful arms dealing divert from intended destination on end user cert' a "Blue Lantern" fail.
US embassy cable - 09STATE79547
Identifier: 09STATE79547
Wikileaks: View 09STATE79547 at
Origin: Secretary of State
Created: 2009-07-30 16:02:00
Classification: SECRET
Redacted: This cable was not redacted by Wikileaks.
DE RUEHC #9547 2111619
R 301602Z JUL 09
S E C R E T STATE 079547
E.O. 12958: DECL: 07/29/2034
ON LICENSE 050180371
REF: A. IIR 7 100 0572 09 OF 1 JULY 2009
B. TD-314/085344-08 OF 24 NOVEMBER 2008
What do you know about the arms trafficking of previous years, and who was involved?
First, I can prove each word of what I will say here, as I have the documents. One of them is signed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. I don’t just throw words in the air.
According to my information, the arms trafficking began in 2007. Then-defence minister Davit Kezerahsvili spent 50 million dollars on defence systems from Ukraine, including specialist weapons systems, enough to equip a total of 9 divisions. These sales were mediated by Bel Trading and Ukrsexport.
However Georgia received only 2 divisions of weapons, which were not part of the 9 agreed. The weapons delivered were completely different to the ones Georgia thought it had bought. In many cases the items delivered were unusable or so old that things were growing out of them.
How did this become known?
Ukraine was also supposed to send instructors with the weapons, who would train our troops in how to use them. They arrived at Poti from Ilichevsk. The Georgian defence staff gave them a supra, traditional dinners and so on and so forth, but finally the instructors reminded them that they had a job to do.
When they saw what had been sent they were shocked, as they were expecting to see the weapons Georgia had bought.
What happened to the weapons purchased with Georgian money?
They went to Syria. Members of our previous government earned a lot of money from them. This was not the only case either.
Google images for
Saakashvili clinton party
Thick as thieves :)
Lookalikes - Escobar & Saakashvili COCAINE
Proven solutions through collaboration
Heroin Arms Cocaine Sedition Terrorism ?
Mikheil Saakashvili, President of Georgia and U.S. President George Bush at a NATO meeting. (Photo credit: NATO)Georgian Government Upset with Poroshenko's “Presidential Advisor ...
Mikheil Saakashvili, of all people, has become a “presidential advisor” to Ukraine's new incumbent, Petro Poroshenko.
Saakashvili John McCain
Clinton McCain Kerry - ON THE SAME TEAM ?
Nice work tea! you provide hard evidence where previously, we only had gut instinct. Clear proof of right wing left wing being the one and the same bird.
The Purity Myth:
The Purity Myth takes aim at a resurgent right-wing movement that is using fears around women’s sexuality to roll back women’s rights. Based on the international bestseller by pioneering feminist blogger Jessica Valenti, the film examines how an alliance of evangelical Christians, reactionary politicians, and conservative policy intellectuals has been pushing a pro-virginity “purity agenda” that is undermining women’s health and women’s autonomy.
From dad-and-daughter "purity balls" and abstinence-only school programs to recent attempts by legislators to de-fund women's reproductive health care and narrow the legal definition of rape, the film identifies a single, unifying assumption: the myth that the worth of a woman depends on what she does -- or does not do -- sexually.
Clinton's rallies attract very few attendees- probably sayanim contacted by ODIGO to attend. Trump with his finger on the button? - should horrify any sensate person into a coma- but for a site pointing out vote fraud, should you not also make a great deal of the fallibility/corruptibility of polls, how they are used in the aftermath of a fraudulent "election" as a self-fulfilling prophecy? This "election" cycle is designed to accomplish two major goals- protect the pedophile "elite" by quashing the Epstein connection to Trump, Bush, and Clinton-( it won't be used reciprocally by two equally guilty parties ) and to give the illusion that the "jews" don't control the "election" process from township to White House, which they do- this is why we don't see Adelson, Saban, Brabant, Singer etc on a daily basis as we did in 2012- nor mention of the fact that all the major candidates are themselves some form of (crypto-) jew- with a "jew" president, "jew" Garland on the (hah!)"Supreme Court" giving a "jew" majority in a country less tha 2% jew, it's a perfect time to spring their trap- which will of course legalise pedophilia and child-sacrifice to Moloch etc etc etc as the Sanhedrin are free to add any laws to the central seven noahide laws as they see fit-- and they have been waiting a long time to set up their world gov't and venge themselves upon the goyim
Killary will almost certainly "win" (or has already been set up to have her claws on the throne). But the issue isn't whether or not we give credence to socialism or capitalism, left or right, since both labels have long since been ponerized to the extent that neither ideology/belief bears any resemblance to the original.
In that sense, Killary or Trump are just puppets for institutionalized psychopathy - anything else is just window dressing until those pathological systems collapse - as they eventually will. Yet, it still seems a lot of folks still don't get that the candidates are merely symptoms of a psychologically compromised social system that will continue to produce such people in the same way a processing plant's sludge continues to exit the outlet pipe. But instead of being siphoned off away from society it's continually pumped back through feedback loop of ignorance and denial. This vast vast factory of awareness consumption is essentially what we have masquerading as as Western democracy.
Polls are the predictive programming tool in the fraud toolbox- none of them are worth a good goddamn; all are corrupted to reach a fore-gone conclusion and those who cite them are part of the problem. This "election" is designed to do two things; protect and promote the pedophile agenda of the baby-raping cannibal "elite"; and give the totally false impression that israel does not control US politics from the townships up, which they do
I'm sure you're right about this Noahide thing but I just can't find any reference in federal law to any 'Public Law 102-114.' Any links to the actual statute?
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The 1930s USA 'business plot' or 'bankers' attempted coup' that was 'exposed' by retired USA Marine General Smedley Butler -
That may have been a hoax run by the bankers themselves, with Smedley Butler a useful idiot, the 'Plot' story helping destroy more serious USA socialist alternatives in favour of banker-friendly Roosevelt
Intel agencies call this game 'sheep-dipping', you pretend hostility to your hired tool
It is easy to believe the 'official story' about Marine General Smedley Butler 'War is a Racket' stopping the attempted coup by Bushes bankers etc in the 1930s, despite the strange aspect that no one was prosecuted
The 'Plot' story fits so well with the fascist-Nazi Bush family we know
But apparently the story is not true - as rebel Jew Henry Makow indicates, because
- FDR was always the banker choice, from elite families, groomed by bankers and controlled by his banker & significantly Jewish 'Brain Trust'
- Smedley Butler was a loose cannon for months before the plot, denouncing bankers, Wall Street, 'War is a Racket' etc ... he was in fact the last general, whom genuine coup-makers would have asked ... the official story is not plausible
Apparently Gen. Butler was a useful idiot who fell into this fake story created by the Hearst newspapers & the FDR team, to try to save FDR's reputation given that a lot of American leftists had figured out FDR was the banker's boy
Under US President Hoover, before Hitler was in power, Butler spoke loudly against Mussolini & the fascist danger from Europe ... Hoover fired Butler, and then - like David Stockman & so many others - Butler became a 'truther' about the mil-industrty-banker complex once he was no longer in the job
FDR was in big trouble early in his reign - Leftists in the USA were starting to turn to more real reformers like Huey Long of 'Share the Wealth'
FDR was disliked by socialists, pacificists, isolationists, people who didn't like their gold being confiscated...
So wild-mouth Smedley Butler was obviously the guy to 'reveal' a fictional non-existent plot ... the programme worked perfectly, & the socialist movement that was independent of FDR collapsed ... people in general afterwards supported their 'brave anti-fascist' President FDR ... who then continued the Depression, & helped stoke WW2 with enormous profits for the banking-industrial oligarchy
"the myth that the worth of a woman depends on what she does -- or does not do -- sexually"
It is no myth. Women are the controllers of life/reproduction. Men are the providers. If you want a man to provide for you and your future children. Your best bet was to be a virgin at marriage and never cuckold him or even give a hint of it. No man wants to raise another man's children unless it increases his social standing in a reputable manner (widows with children, foundlings)
Cuckolding is a woman raping a man, of his time, sweat and most of all, his love to the child and his self worth as a father. I know I would rather lose my anal virginity in a violent rape, than the innocent of my soul. A heart shattered, destroyed, loyalty betrayed, often with a sneer as she then proceeds to divorce-rape him for everything he has AND have the family courts garnish him for child support.
A woman who cuckolds deserves the same sort of punishment as a man who rapes.
Vote Punch!
No, vote Judy!
Punch! No, Judy! No, Punch! Judy!
How I pity the American people. Forced to participate in a surrealist puppet show, now complete with Soros-funded agents provocateurs, just like any other Third World nation.
He's an odd one, Mr Soros. A cynical, power-obsessed, nihilist atheist who thinks he's God. As proclaimed vicariously by his pert-breasted Pussy Rioters when they desecrate churches.
Evidently he's unfamiliar with the concept of logical paradox: atheist who thinks he's God.
Yes, funnily enough, the puppet masters, like Mr Soros, believe they themselves are not puppets on the stage of this world. Probably neither do you. Not yet.
"But like all puppets, you think you're actually human; it's the puppet's dream, being human."
It's really quite astonishing Trump's got this far. He might even win the puppet beauty pageant. Even more frightening is that he is still far preferable to Hillary, li'l darlin o' Wall Street.
Not that it makes that much difference which puppet becomes President, but I did think the puppet Rubio would do better since a) the incumbent party tends to get ditched when times are bad, and b) Trump, are you serious?! So much for that prediction.
America seems immune to logic, poetry and prophecy. Only God knows the fate of America.
Fiery the Angels rose, and as they rose deep thunder roll’d
Around their shores, indignant burning with the fires of Orc
Judging by past actions, Sanders is probably the least worse option but has slim odds. Even if he were elected, he'd either play ball or be JFKed by the plutocrat mafia, who get rich from war.
Puzzling place, US and A.
A society run by deranged warmongering plutocrats.
Run by insane people for insane objectives.
Run by maniacs for maniacal ends.
So no matter which puppet wins, America will wage insane pointless wars for money, for madmen who, in defiance of all reason, still believe they are untouchable.
And "boots on the ground"? What does the even mean? Yet another euphemism for mass murder. War.
War is clean and easy for the madmen; the blood on their hands and fangs is only figurative. It's the lowly soldier, doing their bidding, who smells the blood of his brothers in arms, spilled on the earth.
Syria is part of a wider very dangerous game: Threaten Russia and it will escalate out of all control.
Then American mothers will know how Syrian mothers feel. They will bury their children, sent to kill and be killed, for the sake of madmen.
"Even Aunt Jessie and Momma will come to celebrate your coming home. Granny and Dad are trying to get enough money to get you a car, but don't tell them because that's our secret."
"According to the above poll: Only 11% of Hillary Clinton supporters actually like Clinton. Only 6% of Trump Supporters actually like Trump."
Yes, but liberals compete and utter morons.
I get the feeling this site supports Bernie Sanders?
Are these anti-American comments Brits? "Oh, I pity the Americans"..."So whoever wins, America will wage insane pointless wars"..."America seems immune to logic"...
Western Europeans always make me laugh. You actually think your governments aren't exactly the same and aren't killing innocents in war just the same. In fact, because of that, I've always thought that you're more indoctrinated and ignorant that the American masses.
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