In some recent false flag operations, the killers have been white men, trained by military.
The patsies who end up being killed are usually Moslem petty criminals.

Near the Cafe La Belle Equipe at the Rue de Charonne in Paris
In the 13 November 2015 Paris Attack, one of the targets was La Belle Equipe café.
A witness, Mr Admo, 26, described the shooter.
Paris attack witness says black Mercedes pulled up and ...
"He was white, clean shaven and had dark hair neatly trimmed.
"He was dressed all in black accept for a red scarf.
"The shooter was aged about 35 and had an extremely muscular build, which you could tell from the size of his arms...
"The driver had ... a machine gun rested on the roof of the car. He stood there ... acting as a lookout.
"I would describe him as tall, with dark hair and also quite muscular.
"They looked like soldiers or mercenaries and carried the whole thing out like a military operation."
On 13 November, various friends, some of whom worked at the nearby Café des Anges, were in La Belle Equipe celebrating the 35th birthday of Cafe des Anges waitress Houda Saadi.
In the 13 November 2015 Paris Attack, one of the targets was La Belle Equipe café.
A witness, Mr Admo, 26, described the shooter.
Paris attack witness says black Mercedes pulled up and ...
"He was white, clean shaven and had dark hair neatly trimmed.
"He was dressed all in black accept for a red scarf.
"The shooter was aged about 35 and had an extremely muscular build, which you could tell from the size of his arms...
"The driver had ... a machine gun rested on the roof of the car. He stood there ... acting as a lookout.
"I would describe him as tall, with dark hair and also quite muscular.
"They looked like soldiers or mercenaries and carried the whole thing out like a military operation."

Eleven of these friends were gunned down when La Belle Equipe was attacked by two gunmen.
Houda Saadi is Tunisian.
She was in La belle Equipe with her sister Halima, and her two brothers Khaled and Bashir.
Both Houda and Halima were killed.
The majority of the 19 victims at the La Belle Equipe café were from the birthday celebrations.

Psychotherapist Mark Colclough, a 43-year-old British-Danish dual citizen, was with a colleague on Rue de la Fontaine when he witnessed a gunman attack a cafe
The gunman was "a man in military uniform, black jumper, black trousers, black shoes or boots and a machine gun."
Paris attack witness: 'he was dressed in black, professional ....
She was in La belle Equipe with her sister Halima, and her two brothers Khaled and Bashir.
Both Houda and Halima were killed.
The majority of the 19 victims at the La Belle Equipe café were from the birthday celebrations.

Near the Cafe La Belle Equipe at the Rue de Charonne in Paris
The gunman was "a man in military uniform, black jumper, black trousers, black shoes or boots and a machine gun."
Paris attack witness: 'he was dressed in black, professional ....
Labels: Café des Anges, false flag, La Belle Equipe, mercenaries, military, Paris Attack, pmc
Great work, Aang.
France is taking countermeasures in case of future chemical attack !!!
Page by devout Muslim Dr Kaasem Khaleel (Dr K), pointing out how the 'dead people' in the Parisian concert theatre appear to be mannequins - dummies - with blood or fake blood smeared around the floor by a mop or similar:
Blackwater, now Xe, is one such mercenary outfit that could resemble these types of paramilitaries.
Of course this is not to say that it is so, but for the purpose of conversation, there could be some parallels drawn.
For one thing, Eric Prince has been described elsewhere as a Knight of Malta, which is kind of interesting since this order took part in the Crusades in older times, and are today very well established in intelligence circles internationally.
Also of interest, the Knights of Malta hold similar views to those of ISIS regarding modern culture, republicanism, and women's rights.
They are also very antisemitic historically, and yet they are a form of Zionism themselves. They are the founders of the Teutonic Knights who share their black and white heraldry, along with ISIS coincidentally.
Last week EU changes policy on products from israel: MADE IN ISRAEL labels should be enacted... some days pass and europe is under constant attack.
A group of 11 friends and colleagues were brutally wiped out in one fell swoop when two ISIS gunmen unleashed a hail of bullets at the La Belle Equipe café on Friday night.
"They had gathered together for the 35th birthday party of a waitress called Houda Saadi, who worked at the nearby Café des Anges – meaning Café of Angels.
The Tunisian woman was joined by her 36-year-old sister Halima, a mother of two young boys, and her two brothers Khaled and Bashir.
Michelli Gil Jaimez, a 27-year-old Mexican woman who had lived in Paris for three years and worked at La Belle Equipe.
Others who spent their final moments celebrating with Houda were the hero Ludovic Boumbas, who died sacrificing himself to save his friend Chloe Clement; Romanian Lacrimioava Pop, known as Lacri, and her partner Ciprian Calciu; Hyacinthe Koma; Djamila Houd, 41; Guillaume Le Dramp, 33; Romain Feuillade, 31; and René Bichon."
EXCLUSIVE: The 35th birthday party that became the Café of Angels massacre - how ELEVEN friends who worked together at Paris eaterie were gunned down side by side
There is that ubiquitous 11. Furthermore, the way that witnesses describe it and the way that you have collated it through all of the MSM garbage, makes this look like a professional hit amongst all the chaos...
...those poor people that were massacred must be important somehow in this play.
Cafe' of Angels? (hand slaps forehead) ...more and more and more sneaky metaphor.
Terror attacks allegedly foiled at German soccer match – Gladio Strategy of Tension against Europe continues
Eagles of Death Metal
Eagles of Death Metal is an American rock band from Palm Desert, California, formed in 1998 by Jesse Hughes and Josh Homme, who are the only permanent members of the band. The band is not 'death metal', but a 'progressive' interplay between the soft rock of The Eagles and Death Metal, but with songs like "Kiss the Devil" who knows where the boundaries of their personal beliefs and behaviors lie between satire and real life.
Jesse "The Devil" Hughes (born September 24, 1972) is an American musician from Greenville, South Carolina.
The Eagles of Death Metal, the band performing at the theater when the attacks began, played in Tel Aviv’s Barby club in July.
The attacker's started shooting as EDM began their song "Kiss the Devil".
The band performed at the Barby Club in Tel Aviv, Israel on July 12, 2015 in spite of pressure from anti-Israeli Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activists. Roger Waters sent a letter to the band which reportedly demanded that they boycott Israel. Hughes publicly commented on Waters' letter at the Tel Aviv concert, saying "I would never boycott a place like this ... You know what I wrote back? Two words ... Never waste your time worrying about what an asshole thinks about you." Hughes repeated the obvious two-word profanity to the cheering crowd in Tel Aviv. During the show he said, "I've never felt more at home in my life."[19]
Hughes' statement against Waters was captured in the posted video of the Barby Club performance.[18]
Hughes graduated from the Greenville Technical College with a degree in journalism.
Hughes has also said "I wanted to be a Republican politician, for God sakes. I’m a conservative, dude"
On December 6, 2012 Jesse Hughes became an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church.
According to one church website ULC boasts members such as Stephen Colbert, Conan O’Brien, Lady Gaga, all four of the Beatles, George Takei, Sammy Davis Jr., Hugh Hefner, and Vanilla Ice.
Band mate Josh Homme gave him "The Devil" nickname when he was thirteen. "I used to get picked on a lot by Karl Doyle" says Hughes, "And when I would get picked on severely, or if it really made a point to me, I would get vengeance, but I would get vengeance in the way that I could, which was mostly clever and all consuming. Joshua once witnessed me in the moment I was about to enact vengeance upon someone, and he just said, 'You're the fucking devil dude,' and it stuck."
According to the website of Le Bataclan, the venue was run until its sale in September by Jules Frutos and Olivier Poubelle for Laloux, whose father, Elie Touitou, bought the venue in 1976. He owned most or all of the theater until September, when the media group of the billionaire Arnaud Lagardère bought a 70 percent stake. Lalloux told Israel’s Channel 2 that he sold the Le Bataclan because he recently immigrated to Israel.
Homme, the other permanent member of Eagles of Death Metal, seems rather tame and has described himself as "very conservative politically" and "very socially liberal", considering himself a "fallen libertarian".[46] He owns several guns, including a classic Winchester rifle, a sawed-off shotgun, and a Beretta 9mm target pistol.[46] He has only ever owned one car, a silver 1967 Chevrolet Camaro, which he has driven since he was 14 years old.[47]
This ones a stretch, but with the addition of that Tel Aviv info?
2. AD ASSERTS THAT SERCO'S 'EAGLES OF DEATH' VISAS give punk-rock special-effect technicians and transport crews the alibis they need to move 8(a) killers and weapons through crime scenes such as NYC 9/11 (Massive Attack) and the Pickton pig farm (D.O.A.).
Abel Danger
#2508: Obama's Fabian Networks of 8(a) Killers – Serco's Eagles of Death Visas – Dunford's Arc of Nine Eyes Intranets
A good, articulate and intelligently astute man, James Corbett.
Published in 2010, yet timeless.
When False Flags Don't Fly
former officer of French security service claiming, that French government gave basically a stand down order concerning actions against returning anti-Assad combatants from ME
I am sure it was noted in the comments previously that the Le Bataclan was sold on 11th Sept this year. That's the same date that Duran Duran released their last album, Paper Gods. The Eagles of Death were playing Kiss the Devil as the gunman began shooting, their prior song being a cover of Duran's Save a Prayer. Today's BBC reports that Duran Duran were in fact in Paris last weekend, I did a quick google and it appears that they were part of an Al Gore, Climate Change event which included Elton John:
“24 Hours of Reality and Live Earth: The World Is Watching is about making sure the people of the world are informed and engaged so that they can make their voices heard in their capitals and at the negotiating table in Paris,” said Vice President Al Gore. “The UN climate talks can be a breakthrough moment to change the dangerous course we’ve set for our planet. We want the world’s leaders to know the world is watching, and its time for them to act."
Meanwhile, for those interested in the Knights Templar connection, it's interesting to note that three ancient skeletons which were unearthed during the renovation works at Rosslyn Chapel (allegedly "twinned" with Paris via the Da Vinci Code) were reburied on Monday, three days after Friday's events.
I think you supplied the Vigilant Citizen link prior, with the Economist front cover with "Da Vinci" and the numerical arrows.
Yes. Even Pepe Escobar has noticed this. Certainly one of the first questions I had. Were these people specifically targeted? Was there a specific 'hit' hidden amongst the apparently random carnage?
And from
'...Molins says the police launched the raid after gathering information from tapped telephone conversations, surveillance and witness accounts..'
Not so 'blind' after all?
THis "Band" is a joke. A former famous guy and his old friends, going around for what purpose? They really seem below average local bands.
St. Denis in France under Martial Law for 7 hours, like Boston when the yong patsy was searched.
I didn't look at it. But there are some strange things running in that image.
Great work, Aang. "He was dressed all in black accept for a red scarf.
Yes Yes, I forget to include the date at which it was sold which was part of the entire debacle.
This incident is so rife with numerological symbology that it is difficult to keep track of so many of them, I'm sure we will see a video or article shortly listing these many symbols by some intrepid Youtuber.
11/13/15 attack happened on the 11th month in the 11nth aggrandisement on Friday the 13nth.
Bataclan sold on the 11nth.
11 victims at the La Belle Equipe, next to where they worked which is the French version of the Cafe' of Angels.
The 11's on the cover of the Economist.
Other themes that have run rampant through this disaster were the words 'death' and 'eagles'. Of course, Eagles of Death Metal, of course America is symbolised by the eagle, and in one of those shooting video taken by a pedestrian he pans upon another restaurant called Death by Burrito.
Of course I missed a ton of these various symbols in and throughout this incident I only wanted to illustrate just a few as an example, but this entire incident is heavily steeped in the occult.
Yeah, duh, I 'get' the joke, and it really isn't that savvy of a 'joke'. I'm not really sure you get the meaning of some of the people we are dealing with here. Yeah, California, yeah, 'progressive'... c'mon... these guys are just as much a freak in this world as any other Hollywood production and these are the same kind of chameleon that hung with the likes of Dave Grohl from Nirvana, then Courtney Love by extension. As much as you might want to continue this charade that the Eagles of Death Metal are just some mellow contemporary progressive rock and aren't into some freaky shit then ok. There's nothing I can show you to convince you of how I think unless you have experienced the kind of vibe from some of those west coast types yourself. It's a mixed bag between totally kind and completely psychotic.
I had to re-read your statement and I believe I read too much into it or read it the wrong way, please excuse me for going off half cocked lol.
Josh Homme, josh = joking, kidding, teasing, homme = man, French, joking man, joker.
Bataclan sold on the 11nth.
Aye, on 911.
La Belle Equipe's owner Grégory Reibenberg is (Ashkenazi) Jewish. His non-Jewish wife Djamila Houd was named as one of the victims. She allegedly died in his arms.
Notice Reibenberg's complete lack of emotion – odd, no?
Paris Attacks: victims' relatives gather at La Belle Équipe, a restaurant hit by terrorists
Grégory Reibenberg interviewed by France's TV5 (save this footage)
Le Digital selon Groupama Assistance Voyage – Grégory is/was also director of operations for Groupama Travel Assistance (Groupama is a huge insurance company that employs other Reibenberg's too)
Check out the trauma psychologist's bio:
Everyone on here needs to do Ayahuasca! If they haven't done so already... absolutely amazing... was I wrong about soooo many things!
One thing I wasn't wrong about was France! (90% certain on this)
They used a unit of The French Foreign Legion (I've stated they used the Legion to train Ukrainian Neo-Nazis for takeover of Kiev)
Multiple co-ordinated attacks around Paris, carried out by an elite military outfit (blamed on Muslim patsys)... obviously elements of Paris Police, French Security Services where in on it.
Head of French Security, Former MI6 Chief John Sawers, CIA Chief John Brennan and head of Israeli Security, meet outside of Paris (Lylle?) prior to attacks.
Weapons theft from a depot in Southern France, months prior. The group is operating in France, unhindered and protected, months prior to attacks.
The French used elements of their own military for this (much like the UK using 'The Increment' Unit of the SAS for the 7/7 attacks). Israel and UK may give the order, but the French will use their own to ensure it goes to plan, to be in control of the operation at a street level... they won't want CIA/Mossad or private military contractor running loose on Paris...
Their using The Legion. Made up of mainly foreigners, still kind of unnacountable to French Government... and it's the perfect recruiting ground for a cold blooded psychopathic killer who has no-where else to go...
Again... Ayafuckinghuasca! AMAZING! Seriously Aan, Irfan... get to Peru and do Ayahuasca! I'm going to live out there and train to be a Shaman (3/4 years)... amazing
Eagles of Death Metal have a song recorded on You Tube called San Bernardino Sunburn. Palm Dessert is very near to San Bernardino.
Also the Bataclan dead body picture has smears of blood. The smears are in the shape of a mammalian heart with bodies in the four chambers. Could be homage to Mars, the God of war. I can dig up links. Peekay22 onYou Tube found the San Berdoo Sunburn song and Jim Stones website has the picture of the smears but he didn't see the pattern they drew.
The staged photo taken inside the Bataclan was first tweeted by Israel Hatzolah, an emergency responders organization. (Hmmm.) Were people actually killed at the Bataclan? Some witness testimony is very convincing (not the crisis actors' "testimony", though), so YES, it's very likely that people were actually killed there. But you won't see that real carnage on the psy-op photo-souvenir:
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