Sir James Savile in naval uniform, 1990. Website for this image.
Sir Jimmy Savile was close to the leaders of the UK military, the leaders of Israel, the British and other Royal Families and top UK politicians.

According to the North Yorks Enquirer:
Savile "had different groups of friends in different places".
"They were his 'teams', he called them."
The teams included:
The child abuse Team/Ring in Scarborough.
The Satanist Team/Ring in Whitby.
The Satanist Team/Ring in Stoke Mandeville Hospital, in Buckinghamshire.
The Team/Ring in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, led by the Satanist Michael Horgan, who was closely associated with Cyril Smith.
According to The North Yorks Enquirer:
The UK police are investigating five Westminster (London based) paedophile rings
One of the Westminster rings was run by the London gangsters Ronnie and Reggie Kray.
Ronnie Kray was intimate with Winston Churchill's close friend Lord Boothby.
"Apparently Kray had access to many London care homes and would have boys delivered to parties at DJ Alan 'fluff' Freeman’s large flat over a music shop in East London.
"There they would meet with show biz types and DJs including Jimmy Saville, Joe Meeks and on occasion Beatles manager Brian Epstein."
Death of a Showman: Jimmy Saville 1926-2011 / JIMMY SAVILE, THE KRAY TWINS, CLIFF ...
The Krays had protection from certain top police officers.
Jimmy Savile was also involved in a second ring that used a London brothel in Battersea Bridge Road staffed by underage children.
The police discovered this in 1964 and linked Savile to it. But no action was taken.
Jimmy Savile is linked to the child abuse ring operating on the island of Jersey.
Jimmy Savile was a frequent visitor to Belfast, the site of the Kincora boy brothel, said to be run by MI5 and MI6.

Edward Heath and Peter Jaconelli.
According to the North Yorks Enquirer:

Edward Heath and Peter Jaconelli.
According to the North Yorks Enquirer:
Jimmy Savile had close relationships with:
1. Alan Franey, General Manager at Broadmoor mental hospital.
2. Peter Jaconelli, former Mayor of Scarborough.
3. Jimmy Corrigan, a Scarborough businessman.
4. Cyril Smith MP.

Jimmy Savile,Woodlands Special School, Scarborough, 1967
1. Alan Franey, General Manager at Broadmoor mental hospital.
2. Peter Jaconelli, former Mayor of Scarborough.
3. Jimmy Corrigan, a Scarborough businessman.
4. Cyril Smith MP.

Jimmy Savile,Woodlands Special School, Scarborough, 1967
Franey, Jaconelli, Corrigan and Savile frequented 'Michael's/The Penthouse Club', a night-club in Scarborough.
The owner of the property in Whitby that had Satanist paraphernalia in a room called 'the chamber', also used the 'Michael's/The Penthouse Club' and it seems to have been central to their operating.
Corrigan knew the owner of the property in Whitby containing 'the chamber', which was visited regularly by Savile and Jaconelli.
The description of 'the room' used by Savile in Stoke Mandeville hospital is strikingly similar to the description of 'the chamber' in Whitby, and the description of rape is similar to the description of rape that occurred in Rochdale.

Michael Horgan
According to The Mirror, Cyril Smith was connected to Michael Horgan who was also involved in the Satanic and sado-masochistic abuse of children.
The article states: "The shock revelation over the satanist and MP's friendship raises questions over any role Smith and Jimmy Savile may have played in Horgan’s paedo ring.
"Horgan organised a series of satanic-themed orgies for like-minded paedos.
" In one of them he raped little Michael and an even younger female child before watching on as others did the same.
"The monster, whose youngest victim was only two, also hung up his stepson and the girl on hooks.
"In further horrendous episodes he stripped the children naked, blindfolded them and tied them to a cross next to a black magic altar so that his 'disciples' could use them for sex.
"Youngsters from two to 13 were drugged, tortured and sexually abused during the satanic 'ceremonies'."

Jimmy Savile
North Yorkshire Police did not disrupt the longest running and most successful paedophile-ring in British history that was operating openly for over fifty years in small seaside towns (Scarborough and Whitby) where they were well known locally for their activities.
The Express
Savile had regular Friday morning meetings with nine police officers in his flat in Leeds.
Savile is alleged to have routinely bribed Police Officers.
One serving Police officer acted as his driver and bodyguard.
Another officer 'Inspector 5', who was the West Yorkshire Police Force Incident Manager based in their control room, acted as Savile’s PA when Surrey Police asked to interview Savile under caution as part of a criminal investigation.

Reportedly, Cyril Smith MP was protected by MI5 and by the police.
Yorkshire / enough evidence to arrest Smith / investigation
Reportedly, Jeremy Thorpe was protected by MI5 and the Police Special Branch.
Sir Peter Hayman, Deputy Director of MI6, has been revealed as a child abuser.

The homes of former Whitby MP Leon Brittan were searched recently by the police.
As a member of Scarborough and Whitby Conservative Association in the 1970’s, and then its MP, Lord Brittan would certainly have known Peter Jaconelli, who was a Conservative Scarborough Borough Councillor, a North Yorkshire County Councillor, Mayor of Scarborough and a local wealthy businessman.
Mr Brittan went on to be Home Secretary and in this capacity, to have operational control over MI5.

The home of the former MP Harvey Proctor was searched recently by the police.
Harvey Proctor is a former pupil of Scarborough High School for Boys.
Jaconelli was a Governor of a number of schools in the area.
Proctor was a member of the Scarborough Young Conservatives eventually becoming its Leader. He will no doubt have known Peter Jaconelli, who was a prominent member of Scarborough Conservatives.

Proctor admitted having sex with males 'who were under the age of consent'.

Sir William Armstrong.
The owner of the property in Whitby that had Satanist paraphernalia in a room called 'the chamber', also used the 'Michael's/The Penthouse Club' and it seems to have been central to their operating.
Corrigan knew the owner of the property in Whitby containing 'the chamber', which was visited regularly by Savile and Jaconelli.
The description of 'the room' used by Savile in Stoke Mandeville hospital is strikingly similar to the description of 'the chamber' in Whitby, and the description of rape is similar to the description of rape that occurred in Rochdale.

Michael Horgan
According to The Mirror, Cyril Smith was connected to Michael Horgan who was also involved in the Satanic and sado-masochistic abuse of children.
The article states: "The shock revelation over the satanist and MP's friendship raises questions over any role Smith and Jimmy Savile may have played in Horgan’s paedo ring.
"Horgan organised a series of satanic-themed orgies for like-minded paedos.
" In one of them he raped little Michael and an even younger female child before watching on as others did the same.
"The monster, whose youngest victim was only two, also hung up his stepson and the girl on hooks.
"In further horrendous episodes he stripped the children naked, blindfolded them and tied them to a cross next to a black magic altar so that his 'disciples' could use them for sex.
"Youngsters from two to 13 were drugged, tortured and sexually abused during the satanic 'ceremonies'."

Jimmy Savile
North Yorkshire Police did not disrupt the longest running and most successful paedophile-ring in British history that was operating openly for over fifty years in small seaside towns (Scarborough and Whitby) where they were well known locally for their activities.
The Express
Savile had regular Friday morning meetings with nine police officers in his flat in Leeds.
Savile is alleged to have routinely bribed Police Officers.
One serving Police officer acted as his driver and bodyguard.
Another officer 'Inspector 5', who was the West Yorkshire Police Force Incident Manager based in their control room, acted as Savile’s PA when Surrey Police asked to interview Savile under caution as part of a criminal investigation.
Reportedly, Cyril Smith MP was protected by MI5 and by the police.
Yorkshire / enough evidence to arrest Smith / investigation
Reportedly, Jeremy Thorpe was protected by MI5 and the Police Special Branch.
Sir Peter Hayman, Deputy Director of MI6, has been revealed as a child abuser.
As a member of Scarborough and Whitby Conservative Association in the 1970’s, and then its MP, Lord Brittan would certainly have known Peter Jaconelli, who was a Conservative Scarborough Borough Councillor, a North Yorkshire County Councillor, Mayor of Scarborough and a local wealthy businessman.
Mr Brittan went on to be Home Secretary and in this capacity, to have operational control over MI5.
Harvey Proctor is a former pupil of Scarborough High School for Boys.
Jaconelli was a Governor of a number of schools in the area.
Proctor was a member of the Scarborough Young Conservatives eventually becoming its Leader. He will no doubt have known Peter Jaconelli, who was a prominent member of Scarborough Conservatives.
Proctor admitted having sex with males 'who were under the age of consent'.

"Britain's top civil servant ‘cracked up’ and lay on a floor at 10 Downing Street talking incoherently in the final days of Ted Heath’s Conservative Government.
"According to a new book about No10, Sir William Armstrong, Heath’s Permanent Secretary of the Civil Service Department and his most senior mandarin, was taken to hospital after telling colleagues the world was coming to an end.
"Last night, Whitehall insiders revealed Armstrong had, in fact, been naked while lying on the floor at No10, and that after hospital treatment he was sent by the then Lord Rothschild - a fellow senior civil servant - to recover at Lord Rothschild’s villa in Barbados for a month.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.
Labels: Edward Heath, Harvey Proctor, Israel, JACONELLI, JERSEY, Jimmy Savile, Kray Twins, Leon Brittan, Lord Rothschild, MI5, MI6, Michael Horgan, Rochdale, Scarborough, teams, Whitby, William Armstrong
Lord Janner not at court to face child sex abuse charges
Butler-Sloss testifies in child abuse case
What, another cop out.
Arrest Janner give no quarter hold him in custody until he is next due to appear !
What action should you take if you have missed the court date on your summons?
Blatant disregard for a court summons will be looked on unfavourably by the court. If you are the defendant in a criminal case and have missed the court date on your summons, i.e. failed to attend for trial, you should hand yourself in to the authorities immediately.
If your court summons was in relation to a crime of a serious nature and you failed to attend court on the required date, the court may issue a warrant for your arrest. Once you have either surrendered yourself or have been arrested, you may be taken into custody and held there until your next court date and possibly until the case goes to trial (if your bail is withdrawn). If you are in the process of an appeal, you may be able to pay a fee in order to avoid being kept in prison whilst you are awaiting the outcome of your appeal.
Janner finally shows up at court.
Greville Janner has arrived at court in person to face child abuse allegations after his lawyers failed in a final attempt to prevent him being forced to attend.
The former Labour peer arrived at Westminster magistrates court in central London on Friday afternoon in a silver car – hours after he was initially due to appear.
"Sir Jimmy Savile was close to the leaders of the UK military, the leaders of Israel, the British and other Royal Families and top UK politicians."
Lets not forget the police also, although you do get into this later. He is also said to have associated with gangsters in his nightclub days.
"Savile's everyday drinking companions were known gangsters and high-ranking policemen. By his own account he was close to some of the north's most nefarious underworld faces, not least members of Manchester's infamous Quality Street Gang, a close parallel to London's Krays."
(But supposedly JS didn't drink, at least in later life.)
Interesting that the QSG had links to the underworld in Holland (now, I'm not saying they were kiddy-diddlers).
"In his autobiography 'Undesirables', Manchester United football hooligan Colin Blaney has claimed that members of the Quality Street Gang had links to a criminal element within Manchester United's football hooligan gang, which was known as the Inter City Jibbers, and carried out armed robberies together in Holland.[7] The photos page within the book includes a picture that claims to show a Quality Street Gang member at the wedding of Inter City Jibbers member John 'The Grid' McKee, who Blaney alleges was also heavily involved in the Dutch underworld,[8] substantiating the link between the two groups."
Savile's police & gang connections are discussed in the biography by Davies and mentioned in the North Yorks Enquirer article "Police Corruption and Organised Crime":
Here's Savile in a policeman's helmet with a top police officer (from your blog):
We at last have a name for one of the Westminster rings, "The Untouchables", although it's not clear if they called themselves that, or the police did:
"Retired Scotland Yard detectives back up claims that paedo MPs murdered boys at sex orgies"
Thanks to:
"North Yorks Enquirer Vindicated Again: Jaconelli and the Westminster Vice Ring"
The following article rekindled my interest in Savile. Lots of information new to me, although I wonder: not reported, did I miss it, or did I already read it and forgot it?
Warning: this site specializes in gross, juvenile humor and gratuitous anti-gay/women/Jewish remarks. Not for sensitive viewers; I can't endorse this site! Yet the article itself appears well researched with facts that seem to check out (scroll down for the more interesting stuff). Warning: some of the links are just joke links, however:
Leeds was an important base too- police offers et al. met in the Saville Roundhay Penthouse near the site where ripper victim found. Saville thought to be involved in satanic action linked with a gothic shop in Leeds
Over a period of time I have visited the seaside town of Bridlington, East Yorkshire and recall -
1] Geographically it boarders Scarborough / Hull and surrounding communities
2] Amusements, Icecream parlours, Marina - www.ryyc.org.uk/
3] Burton Agnes Hall, daughter of the late Lord Willie Whitelaw is the chatelaine - www.burtonagnes.com/Press.html
4] Sledmere House - Sykes family - www.livingnorth.com/yorkshire/people-places/sledmere-house
4] Childrens Home - The Red House - Children Have Rights in Society [C.H.R.I.S] - the ukdatabase.com/
5] David Hockney recently exhibited artwork of Wold Gate, Bridlington - www.yocc.co.uk/woldgate-and-david-hockney
6] Rudston Monolith - www.stone-circles.org.uk/stone/rudston.htm
A comment in https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Jimmy_Savile gives an intriguing Peter Sutcliffe/Leon Brittan connection:
"Sutcliffe had been moved to Broadmoor in March 1983 after Thatcher's then-Home Secretary (and Sav's fellow Yorkie, being a sitting Yorkshire MP at the time) Leon Brittan decided that Sutcliffe was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia under Section 47 of the Mental Health Act (1983)."
I couldn't find any articles on LB's direct involvement in this decision, but it seems he would have ultimate responsibility for it. It gets even more interesting, I found:
"Peter Sutcliffe was arrested on Leon Brittan's last day in office."
by @BankersDidIt at http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1skn1gt .
"By-the-by. Leon Brittan was married the same day he became a Cabinet Minister. ... Which, coincidentally, was the same day The Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe’s arrest was announced in the media. He got nabbed on the Friday, 2 January, 1981. Did So-vile throw LB his corsage? ... Satan’s little helpers were real busy on 5 January 1981."
by Troyhand, March 22, 2014 9:09AM https://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2014/02/25/the-laboratory-strikes-again-westminster-adopts-jeremy-hunt-approach-on-paedophile-connections/
So actually it was Brittan's wedding reception at 11 Downing St. to a Diana Clemetson on the same day the MP from Whitby became Chief Secretary to the Treasurer.
Here's some critical discussion of the Ripper investigation http://www.upsd.co.uk/yorkshire-ripper/ . It talks about a "locked police control box from where two crucial CCTV tapes were stolen"! But even more interesting for this discussion:
"There is a huge concern in some quarters that Peter Sutcliffe was convicted of nine murders he didn’t commit and that there were, in fact, two Rippers. Sutcliffe being a copycat of another murderous assailant who began the attacks on women some time before Sutcliffe claimed his own first victim. The arguments, facts and evidence supporting the copycat proposition are well rehearsed on Noel O’Gara‘s comprehensive Yorkshire Ripper website."
That website is http://www.yorkshireripper.com/ . Here's a page about Sutcliffe's arrest http://www.yorkshireripper.com/the-arrest/ . Note that O'Gara names "Billy Tracey, the real Ripper" but of course Savile was also considered as a suspect, both officially and in the blogosphere. Given Savile's proclivities and his amazing 'Teflon coating', one has to wonder.
Here's another Ripper link, not working for me at the moment http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2006/09/352106.html .
(More from @BankersDidIt on twitlonger: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rl6fq4 )
Is there any links between Savile and Co and Scarborough college?
"locked police control box from where two crucial CCTV tapes were stolen"!
Was there CCTV in 1980?.We're talking here of 35 years ago.As far as I'm aware,video camera size didn't begin to approach the size for CCTV as we know it now until the very late 1980's - 1990's,If I'm wrong,so be it.I'm not a CCTV expert - just remembering Britain of that time.Can't recall any mention then of CCTV.
I believe that all vulnerable individual's who go into 'care' via the Social Services route have an insurance policy taken out on them by the relevant Authority. This is not disclosed to the individual / families / relatives.
Any vulnerable individual who is 'self funding' does not fall into this criteria - but it might be worth families / relatives looking into taking out their own insurance policy to protect their loved one as it would appear no one is immune from this dreadful 'disease in society'.
If this is correct the 'flood gates' are open to any vulnerable individual who has suffered abuse while in the care of a Social Services Authority to lodge a claim. This is more prominent if there has been a public acknowledgement by Senior Officers/ Regularoty Bodies -
From the accounts of vulnerable individuals who were abused majority of them reported these serious allegations to Police, NHS Medical Personal and Social Workers, Politicians - where was the inter agency working / reporting to safeguard these individuals.
For example
And more recently the recommendations of Sir Rober Francis QC
Would be interesting to know if Jaconelli was a Govenor. I believe that Jaconelli was a Trustee of The Cambridge Centre in Scarborough.
Worth looking at these links
It was odd to me that they just mentioned this in passing (I couldn't find more information) as it might imply a police accomplice. Good catch, though, it seems unlikely for the times, but it's not impossible:
While "In 1985 the first open-street CCTV surveillance system was erected in the seaside town of Bournemouth" CCTV was available since the 60's and used in retail. "The first permanent and systematic use of CCTV outside the private retail sector came in
1975" in select London Underground stations. Also "by 1974, in an attempt to speed the flow of traffic on London’s streets, 145 cameras were deployed to monitor the major arterial roads of the capital".
As far as recording, "The United Kingdom later received its first VHS-based VCR – the Victor HR-3300EK in 1978" which would have been capable of recording around 4-6 hours: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VHS
...I posted to say it was technically feasible. Apparently this was the largest criminal manhunt of its time, the killer only struck on weekends, could they have been CCTV monitoring & recording part of the red-light district? Still does seem unlikely.
That last link should be https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2015/02/23/citizen-journalists-gagged-by-north-yorkshire-police-court-action/ . It's the story behind the Real Whitby and North Yorkshire Enquirer web sites.
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