Mysteriously, the above identity card was found on the body of 'the dead Seifeddine'.
"Police found Rezgui's student registration card in his blood-soaked clothing."

"Seifeddine ... was shot dead by security forces on the beach in Sousse, according to the Daily Mail.
"New images of the gunman's body after he was shot dead show he was carrying a bag, reportedly filled with explosives, and had a bomb vest also on his person."
Tunisia attack gunman was high on COCAINE and took pictures | Daily Mail / Seifeddine 'was carrying unexploded bomb'....
"Seifeddine was cornered and shot dead in a car park at the back of the Imperial Marhaba hotel, in Port el Kantaoui."

Seifeddine (right)
So, here are some of the various versions:
1. Seifeddine Yacoubi (Rezgui) was shot
(A) in an alley at the back of the Imperial Marhaba hotel or
(B) on the beach.
2. He was shot in
2. He was shot in
(A) Port el Kantaoui or
(B) eleven miles away in Sousse.
3. He was shot dead by
3. He was shot dead by
(A) A lone policeman, using two bullets, after snipers on roofs repeatedly failed to hit him or
(B) he was shot dead by security forces (plural) or
(C) he was shot dead by Mossad before or after being driven in a car to Port El Kataoui and dumped in a back alley.

Reportedly, the above photo is of Seifeddine.
Many of the mainstream media reports have been scripted by Mossad and its friends, and, Seifeddine has a Mossad double.

There was the friendly, liberal, decent Seiffedine who was liked by his university and by his family and friends.

There was the friendly, liberal, decent Seiffedine who was liked by his university and by his family and friends.
Then there was the 'Mossad Seifeddine' who lived with his fellow 'Mossad assets' in one part of Kairouan.
These 'Mossad assets' have recently been giving interviews to the media.

According to staff at l'Institut Superior des Sciences Appliquees et de Technologie (Issat) in Kairouan, where Seifeddine studied, Ministry of Interior officials and police officers had said that they had no knowledge that Seifeddine was a member of a jihadist network.
Tunisia hotel attack.
The 'Mossad Seifeddine' lived with six young men in a rented house in Kairouan's Sidi Belkhacem district.
The 'Mossad Seifeddine' lived with six young men in a rented house in Kairouan's Sidi Belkhacem district.
This 'Mossad group' "led secretive lives and avoided talking to local people.
"The group suddenly disappeared a month before the murders."
The real Seifeddine was not studying aviation engineering, but network management.
Reportedly, around the beginning of June 2015, Seifeddine traveled to Sousse, in the hope of finding a student holiday job.
Labels: body double, identity card, Imperial Marhaba, Kairouan, Mossad, Seifeddine, Sidi Belkhacem, Sousse, Tunisia
Excellent research!
BBC news saying all bullets from same gun
Hi Aaang. On the article you write: ''Reportedly, the above photo is of Seifeddine.''
Now, wait... Earlier another photo was shown, where the alleged lone gunman hadn't the face hidden with Photoshop Median filter.
That was another man, longer hair, similar clothes and different location. Also, the previous location was a road - allgedly - behind one of the hotels involved with the operation.
The first photo was identical to the scene you can see here @ 0:50
Ah yeah. I always trust Pedophile British Broadcast.
Inconsistencies such as the ones cited in this article were conspicuous in the media's reporting of the shooting at Parliament in Ottawa, Canada last October 22nd. It appears as if professional (?) journalists and commentators simply make stories up. Whatever the motive--incompetence, pressure to say something, a policy of instilling cognitive dissonance in the public, or something else--the conflicting commentaries demonstrated that the MSM are totally unreliable chroniclers of events.
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