Former UK Prime Minister Edward Heath (left) meets Peter Jaconelli.
Jaconelli was not prosecuted because of his "political connections with the Conservative Party and the police".
Jimmy Savile; Jaconelli; Dr Who; Elm Guest ..

"Leon Brittan at a staff party at Larpool Orphanage, Whitby in 1955. His family were staff."
According to police intelligence reports: "Jimmy Savile had a sexual relationship with Peter Jaconelli".
Jimmy Savile had love affair with 21-stone King of Cornets.

"Leon Brittan at a staff party at Larpool Orphanage, Whitby in 1955. His family were staff."
Former top Conservative politician Sir Leon Brittan comes from Whitby.
Jimmy Savile had love affair with 21-stone King of Cornets.
Savile had a flat in Scarborough.
Jaconelli was mayor of Scarborough and chairman of North Yorkshire's planning committee.
Jaconelli, who died in 1999.
A police report says that Savile "would regularly use taxis and frequented" a venue - the name of which the police have blacked out.
Savile's links to Scarborough reportedly started in his childhood.
According to police intelligence reports, Savile took 'girls of all ages' to his Scarborough flat.

Leon Brittan became the Member of Parliament for Whitby in 1974.
It seems certain that he would have known Peter Jaconelli, who was a prominent Conservative and very well known in the area.
Jimmy Savile operated his child abuse activities openly in Scarborough and Whitby with Peter Jaconelli the Mayor.
Jaconelli and Savile were known to cruise over to Whitby in Savile's pink Rolls Royce in the early 1970’s and to pick up youths of both sexes from the burger bar in full view of Whitby Police Station, then take them away to be abused and paid off.
According to the Daily Mail, in 1984 rumours began to circulate of a senior Conservative figure thought to be a Cabinet Minister who was involved in sexual offences with children.
Private Eye alleged that Lord Brittan was the unnamed senior member of the Thatcher government that was rumoured to have had sexually abused two teenage boys.
One of the victims was alleged to be from the North East, which could appear to indicate North Yorkshire (Scarborough/Whitby), the other victim was alleged to have been still at school.

The Westminster child abuse ring took boys to Amsterdam (above). Amsterdam is linked to the 'Nazi-run' Bilderberg. Alan Williams, the "Welsh Witch", and Londoner Warwick Spinks managed boy brothels in Amsterdam. "Williams boasted of the day in south Wales when he had seen a 10-year-old boy on his bike, grabbed him, raped him, and, when he cried, strangled him. From Boys Clubs 21, he organised the importing of boys from Cardiff and London, inflicting intense violence on any who defied him."
In the UK, top people, including a cabinet minister, 'raped young boys at the Dolphin Square flats in London.'
Some of the children came from children's care homes.
In Pimlico, Dolphin Square has had some interesting residents, including David Steel, William Hague and Harold Wilson. Website for this image
'Nick' has told how "the two well-known politicians raped and physically beat him after he was forced to drink alcohol."
The official story is that Leon Brittan died of cancer, at his home in London, aged 75.
1. Leon Brittan was born to parents of Lithuanian Jewish descent. He is a cousin of Malcolm Rifkind.
Brittan resigned with the rest of the European Commission in 1999 amid accusations of fraud.
1. Leon Brittan was born to parents of Lithuanian Jewish descent. He is a cousin of Malcolm Rifkind.
Brittan resigned with the rest of the European Commission in 1999 amid accusations of fraud.

On 16 January 2015, it was reported that John Stingemore had died, just before going on trial. Stingemore was charged with abusing young boys in the Elm Guest House during the 1980s and was due to appear in court on 2 February 2015. Leon Brittan has been linked to Elm Guest House.
2. Reportedly, someone looking like Leon Brittan was seen in certain a place of entertainment in Haiti....
3. Leon Brittan's name has been linked to the affair of the Elm Guest House boy brothel.

Former child actor Ben Fellows, a whistleblower on child abuse, has been made to disappear. ELITE CHILD SEX IN USA; KEN CLARKE.
4. Allegedly, "the police once raided Leon Brittan's home after a young boy staggered in to the street half naked, and, when police asked what happened, he told them about Brittan and his friends, and took them to the house.
"When they called in to report what happened, they were ordered to take everyone in, and when they got there there were 2 officers from the security service waiting.
"The boys were paid off, and a short time later, Leon Britton was summoned to meet his fellow MP, William Hague on the beach in Brighton at 5.45 in the morning, where he was told that he was to be made EU Commissioner for the UK..."
leon brittan named.

In 1983, Sir Leon Brittan (right) a senior minister in Margaret Thatcher's Cabinet was handed Geoffrey Dickens's dossier on top people's child abuse rings. Asked by The Independent what the dossier alleged and what action, he took, Sir Leon replied by email: "I have no recollection of these matters. Sorry!"
Labels: Brittan, Heath, JACONELLI, Savile, Scarborough, sex, Whitby
Jimmy Savile and his brother were both abused by a homosexual uncle while at primary school. Mecca ballrooms who first employed savile had him listed as a dangerous homosexual and gave hima minder to make sure he was kept away from boys. Police said that many letters going back years were found in saviles scottish home, some were from menachem begin and sir anthony blunt
2 elderly sisters ran a 3 story georgian house in long sutton cambs where men could come with young boys, many of these men were dressed as women, one of these they claim was jimmy saville back in the early 70s the trail of savile often crossed with grevile janner, the initials GJ regularly seen at elm house visitors book are alleged to be greville janner
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