Why is the boss of the NSPCC on the child abuse island of Jersey? He was at a private event organised by a friend.
Is the UK's National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) run by a spook?
There is a belief that the Kosher Nostra has taken over all the top UK charities.
Charity bosses pocket six-figure salaries / Sevenoaks charity boss slammed for "sky-high salary and luxury ... / Charity bosses pocket huge salaries
The NSPCC chief Peter Wanless earns £162,000 a year.
In July 2014, Wanless was appointed to lead the 'whitewash' investigation into the disappearance of files handed to the Government in the 1980s that related to organised child sex abuse at Westminster.
Read more: http://www.sevenoakschronicle.
The NSPCC chief Peter Wanless earns £162,000 a year.
In July 2014, Wanless was appointed to lead the 'whitewash' investigation into the disappearance of files handed to the Government in the 1980s that related to organised child sex abuse at Westminster.
Read more: http://www.sevenoakschronicle.
Wanless lives in Sevenoaks, a centre od spook activity.

Peter Wanless and the notorious Esther Rantzen. Ken Clarke, Esther Rantzen, Kray Twins.
Peter Wanless was Principle Private Secretary to Michael Portillo, whose name has been linked to child abuse.
The 'review' was not led by Sir Jimmy Savile, as he was no longer available, but by Peter Wanless.
Wanless "is to lead a review of historical child sex abuse allegations..." Wanless "will look at how police and prosecutors handled information given to them". May asks NSPCC boss to head child abuse review - BBC News
Wanless has been:
1. The boss of a lottery business.
2. A government civil servant.
3. The Chief Executive Officer of the notorious National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC).
Wanless lives in the Sevenoaks area, which is connected to MI5 and MI6.

Note the Jimmy Savile connection to the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
Chris Spivey has written about the UK's National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
In 2012, Chris Spivey sent an E-mail to the NSPCC in connection with its employment of "a former terrorist" called Hein /Heinrich Grosskopf.

In the late 1980′s Grosskopf "was responsible for at least 7 murders".
Grosskopf reportedly blew up innocent people in South Africa.

Savile with Princess Anne, president of Save the Children. aangirfan: SAVE THE CHILDREN - FRONT FOR CIA?
"Despite not being qualified, Grosskopf was inexplicably registered as a Social Worker with the General Social Care Council (GSCC) and given a senior management post at the NSPCC."
The NSPCC Employed Hein Grosskopf between 1999 and 2005 as a Child Protection Officer at management level.

Mandelson (right), Rothschild (left) "Lord Mandelson (Mandelson's rent boy and Lord Browne) is one of the NSPCC's leading patrons. Reportedly Mandelson has links to MI6
Grosskopf "was moved under a cloud from the Blackburn branch of the NSPCC, to become the manager of the NSPCC’s Blackpoolteam."
(The suspicion is that Grosskopf, like Nelson Mandela, has worked for MI6 - Aangirfan)

Note the Jimmy Savile connection to the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
The former Chairman of the NSPCC, Sir Christopher Kelly, is, reportedly, a Freemason.
"At the time of the Grosskopf cover up the CEO of the NSPCC was Dame Mary Marsh. Marsh went on to become – and still is - the founding Director of the new Clore Social Leadership Programme, a major new initiative to develop and encourage emerging talent in the third sector. So, Common Purpose by any other name then."

Peter Wanless
aangirfan: WE COLLUDED WITH 'CHILD ABUSER'. 1, 2012 – "A pivotal organisation for childcare in Britain is the NSPCC. ...aangirfan: WHERE THE MONEY IS; BIN LADEN AND CHILD ABUSE ...aangirfan: SAVILE; DONCASTER; EDLINGTON; YORKSHIRE 2, 2012 – More than half of all calls made to the NSPCC about child abuse are not... "In the light of Edlington,the NSPCC trotted out the never-ending ...aangirfan: CHILD ABUSE LINKED TO GOVERNMENTS WORLDWIDE 11, 2012 – The notorious NSPCC (a charity supposed to protect children; linked to Esther Rantzen .... This is important work you are doing here, Aangirfan.
Labels: JERSEY, Jimmy Savile, NSPCC, Sevenoaks, Wanless
More proof the result was fixed, Labour were never meant to win, still too much austerity to be placed on the citizens and far too much profit left untapped. They chose the worst of the two brothers to lead the party but no matter exit polls revealed the people feared another Conservative term and had voted accordingly.
Harriet Harman interview: Even Labour supporters were glad we didn't win the election, says interim leader
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "CHILD CHARITIES RUN BY THE BAD GUYS?":
esther rantzen....jewess ....still in the public eye.Just another part of the jewdocracy running Britain.From Parker the MI5 boss to the darling of the media Princess Kate.
Question:Does the British public have an overwhelming fascination with her baby producing activities OR....does the Jew controlled media tell them they do.
For anyone with 'alf a brain,at least in the case of the Middletons it is obvious they are Jewish...particularly the appearance of her siblings...then of course there is the surname of the mother.
In 15th century Spain the average Dago was onto them...converso's,new christians and Morrano's...were the names they gave them...and they are still at it.
Britain is in the final throes of advanced jewosis....the first world war where so many able Britons died in the filth of the trenches...put the boot in on Britains future.
Note:If you look at TV series produced in the US in the 60's there are always a few non jews who had every damn one of them (actors) are Jews.Its a good example of what has happened to the US overall.
If the Jewess Clinton wins the next election this could means big trouble internationally!.....anyway,since when do properly functioning democracies elect family dynasties to run the country...this is more like something you would find in tinpot third world countries.
If there was a shortage of food the fat bastard Americans may feel inclined to do something about it....other than that,they won' which case are they not the authors of their childrens misfortune,which seems to be just around the corner.
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