Tuesday 19 May 2015


Communism cannot work if its leaders are atheists.

Communism in China has failed because China's leaders have usually been criminal gangsters with no religious faith.

In many parts of Asia, the Chinese are seen as being the Jews of Asia.

China is famous for manufacturing fake medicines.

China is famous for producing foods that are unsafe to eat.

The Chinese are famous for running many of the child brothels in Asia.

China will eventually go into decline.

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At 20 May 2015 at 00:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bought a,Chinese made headphone amplifier the other day for about a£100 which is total copy of a famous German company one which costs over £1000. It looks different but uses 99% of,the same components . They openly advertise as a,pure copy

I also bought an chinese made electrical tester for about .£100 which is based on a fluke design which costs £450.

It doesn't seem right and how do the Chinese get away it? But anyway, Fluke make their tester in China so it just goes to prove how much they are ripping us off by. And Chances are, the German headphone amp is made in China too. What a huge mark up.

At 20 May 2015 at 01:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Communism cannot work if its leaders are atheists."

LOL, what BS is this? And if its leaders are religious, it can work? China is in decline anyway, its been for some time.

At 20 May 2015 at 01:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sigmund Freud got cancer of the jaw and became a recluse. He really disliked mankind when he saw the horror of the First World War along with torture.

Can man be a happy creature? We are capable of so much,and yet despair and poverty is rife.

I'm not in the slightest bit religious, but I might become a Buddhist and retreat from it all.

We are driven to always want more. A better job, a bigger house, to get better sex, to want a,bigger car, to be better looking, ect. . But we can"t satisfy our desire, or not for long. But to always,want more and being dissatisfied is to be in constant pain.

We can't stop the pain or desire, but by pure acceptance of what we think is wrong, the desire diminishes.

An example. Say you have a phobia and you keep thinking of pink elephants all the time. So we try to stop thinking about them. Try it, refuse to think about pink elephants for 5 minutes. Didn't work, did it.

Now accept thoughts of pink elephantswithout resistance. You talk to pretty girl and all you can think of is,link elephants. You try to concentrate on reading a,book but all you can think about is pink elephants. .

But rather than struggle and,fear these thoughts we totally accept then. The after a,while we stop noticing then. After a few months,we might never have, thoughts of pink elephants anymore. In this,way, by acceptance of our suffering and painful unfulfilled desires they can diminish.

There is a new,therapy called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy which is not religious but has similarities to Buddhist radical acceptance . It didn't derive from Buddhism, but cane about through scientific research where it found the same principles.

At 20 May 2015 at 01:59 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Communism cannot work if its leaders are atheists.
Duh This must be one of the dumbest blog I have read on this site.
First what is your definition of Communism
Second what is your definition of working
Third why can Communism not work if its leaders are atheists.

Fact China has a form of Communism
Fact some but not all of its leaders are atheists
Fact it is working at least to some degree. No it is not perfect far from it.
Question would it become more perfect if non of its leaders were atheists?.
Answer we do not know.

Please put some thought into your blogs.

At 20 May 2015 at 04:43 , Blogger Steve said...

No doubt the Chinese have zero MORAL principles. But THAT is the problem, not atheism. Are you suggesting we need to be Christians (maybe Muslims) to run an ethical shop? But it's not true. Judaism is a major religion, but the worship of Mammon has always been present. So you note Jews of Asia. Weber wrote of the protestant ethic and capitalism, now a reeking cesspool of worker exploitation and theft. Calvin noted that the predestined elect were the rich people and the poor were going to Hell. Nice. It's not religion; it's ethics. As in the Golden Rule, which all countries have in some form, but always ignored when convenient--which is always.

At 20 May 2015 at 05:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

All countries "eventually go into decline"..but that certainly does not apply to China right now!.
America and Britain are in decline that is for sure....but way ahead of schedule thanks to the Jews.What nation in its right mind shifts all its manufacturing to another country and knowingly ruins it economy and society by doing so?.
This is what had happened in the US...they have severly damaged their own country and benefitted China in the process.It is sheer lunacy.
Jews have no loyalty to any country except Israel.....Jews are infact destroying western nations around the world.
Take New Zealand for example...at the last election both main parties were led by a Jew.The jew John Key (who has donated $150,000 to an Israeli hospital but nothing to NZ hospitals) won.Over half the cabinet is jewish!.
Outcome:"Watties" was formerly an iconic brand name in NZ.The company provided jobs for NZers etc etc.It was then sold off to the giant jewish owned company Heinz...

Just recently "Watties" ... has been selling foodstuff under the Watties brand name...for example "Watties twin pack pizza sauce"...made in ISRAEL!!!!!.
If China allows the Jews to take over their country....the fiends are working on it...then China will go into decline.One thing the Chinese won't do is follow America's example.....or more accurately the example of the Jews who control America....and who select the candidates for the Americans to vote for.
Canada is suffeting the same fate....make absolutely no mistake...Harper is a Jew.

At 20 May 2015 at 09:25 , Blogger Vincenzo Ferraro said...

Communism cannot work if its leaders are atheists ?

Communism is the concept of atheism.

At 20 May 2015 at 10:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

China is on the rise not decline.Their feats vof engineering amazing.

Qinghai–Tibet Railway

At 20 May 2015 at 11:15 , Blogger Vincenzo Ferraro said...



At 20 May 2015 at 18:58 , Anonymous CanSpeccy said...

The basic Chinese ethical system is Confusianism, rather than one based on belief in a deity. There seems no obvious contradiction between Communism and Confusian ethics. Moreover, it is not obvious that Confusianism is inferior to say Roman Catholicism as a basis for a good society. Therefore, I cannot see why atheistic Communism is necessarily worse than any other political system. Of course a political system can be horrendous, whatever it's supposed ethical basis, and Communism, as under Lenin, Stalin and Mao, has generally turned out badly. But so has American capitalism under the leadership of supposed Christians such as George W. Bush.

At 20 May 2015 at 19:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had no idea that the Aangirfan folk might be religious, they always strike as very rational people, like me. I have a very scientific rational mind, which tends to make me a liberal.

I joined an evangelical Christian church once, as a very young lad. As a young boy I sort of believed in God, probably because by I had had many thousands of hours of Christianity drilled into me by then. When I joined I was not particularly religious, but there was some very nice girls there.

We used to have house groups during the week where we would meet up and chat. The people in this church tended to be middleclass and very well educated. Many had degrees and had top jobs, or were in management. These house meetings would be very religious and we would pray and read from the Bible.

Often someone would be troubled and the group would soon come to the conclusion that a demon had possessed that person. They would all then get into a bit of a frenzy and crowd around the person shouting, 'Satan, get out' over and over again. They would demand Satan to leave, and everyone would be shouting. Some spoke in tongues, which always sounded very devilish to me, really spooky and scary. I never believed in the Devil, but I sometimes wondered whether he might have existed during these house meetings.

Most of these people were highly intelligent and had gone to the best universities, Oxford, Cambridge, Leads, etc. But for me, in this frenzied madness, which was very tribal and primitive, the only thing missing was someone with a loin cloth on with a bone through their nose playing the bongos.

After one of these meetings once someone once asked what do demons look like? And the group leader, an elder, who earned a fortune as a manager in an insurance company, and had this massive house, said that they are small things, about the size of babies, who hang around your neck. Apparently, this is in the Bible, somewhere.

I soon left the church after that and the experience turned me into a complete atheist. When I thought about it, believing in God was utterly mad. How could God, a man so they said, live in eternity? If there is no beginning, then a point in time could never occur when God would decided to create the world. And why did God want people to love him, because living in eternity must have meant he needed nothing, because that was all there ever was, for eternity? And why be a conscious being living in eternity without any beginning and so was always there, wow, that must of been really fucking boring?

Perhaps starting up a World full of wars, with lots of sin, and with lots of misery, made things a bit more exciting for him?

At 20 May 2015 at 20:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wrote the above comment if Aangirfan puts it out. I'm an atheist but I'm keen on mindfulness, and some elements of Buddhism. I think Aangirfan's point, or at least the way I would interpret it, is that if we are just material creatures, then things could become nothing more than just about consumption and what's in it for us. With empathy and a spiritual side, there is much more to our world than status.

When I was young, the world was a magical beautiful place. The stars, the moon, the Sun, the seaside, the foggy weather, the rain (I loved the rain and fog), the beautiful early mornings, the fabulous sunsets. No amount of possessions or status was going to make me more happier than that.

The monsters that rule this world have no contact with their humanity, where it is all it is about is self gratification and status. I think this is what Aangirfan meant, that we go nowhere without enlightenment, forgiveness, love, empathy, and compassion. Then the Chinese leaders would be building things that really enhance people's lives. A society that is long lasting, is safe for our children and their children, and brings fulfilment and happiness to as many people as possible.

At 21 May 2015 at 01:36 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 21 May 2015 at 10:13 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

China is the world's most ancient civilization. It has gone into decline many times, but it never learned from its declines and always followed the same mistakes. At the start civilization would come out of primitive state and this would be the golden age, where a large middleclass would develop. Women would get more rights and people would get good education. Businesses would prosper.

Then a mega rich would emerge and gain too much power over the government or the Chinese rulers. They would then shift all the tax burdon onto the middle classes, as well as use their monopoly power to bring wages down and increase prices. Corruption would be rife destroying all the hard work that ordinary people have put in . Then the economy would suffer and the Chinese civilization would go into decline. Eventually there would be a revolution and the rich would get executed, their vast amassed fortunes could not save them.

A primitive China would then come about but out of that a new civilization would begin to emerge, and a new benign ruler would come to power who will be good for the Chinese society and then a new middleclass would emerge again and the whole thing would start all over once more..

It sounds like what is happening to the West right now, and the exceptionally greedy rich are unable to stop what will eventually be the loss of everything they have illegally accumulated.

At 21 May 2015 at 10:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to Canada, it was once a liberal country that felt more European than north American? Now it has been taken over by right wing hawks. Big money can buy and destroy anything, enriching only a few. The public gets conned because they are never told the truth.

At 21 May 2015 at 10:56 , Blogger Vincenzo Ferraro said...

China never decline.

At 21 May 2015 at 11:19 , Anonymous No More Myths said...

Behind Communism
circa 1953
By Frank L. Britton
with special 1994 update by Lawrence Patterson

— To understand the total problem of Communism, it is necessary that we trace the course of the movement from its beginning to the present. We must understand who and what its originators were, and gain some idea as to the forces which influenced and shaped their philosophy.

. . . . Unfortunately, any deep down discussion of Communism and Marxism involves the Jewish question. We cannot honestly discuss the subject without revealing - and commenting on - the fact that the founders of Russian Communism were Jewish. Neither can we ignore the fact that all but a few of the top leadership of the American Communist party - including the recently convicted spies - are of the same race. These are facts of history over which we have no control. But we are faced with the very serious problem of how to reveal these facts without being labeled - and treated - as "anti-Semites."



Jewish Faces in Chinese Government


At 21 May 2015 at 12:41 , Anonymous Gracie said...

Communism and every other "ism" works the way it is supposed to, the way its been designed by the the psychopaths in charge. Their religion is power and money.

Most politicians at the top fit this category, with the exceptions at this time being some of the Latin American leaders. Unfortunately, these good leaders are too often deposed by the US.

A Tale of Politicians & Psychopaths

...Jim Kouri [right], vice president of the National Assn. of Chiefs of Police, has assembled a group of traits that define psychopathic personalities -- like serial killers -- and has discovered that these trait also apply to many of today's politicians.

Traits such as superficial charm, an exaggerated sense of self-worth, glibness, lying, lack of remorse, manipulation of others, and sexual obsession are the hallmark of both groups.

Kouri notes that these types of psychopaths are psychologically capable of committing their dirty deeds free of any concern for social, moral or legal consequences and with absolutely no remorse, save getting caught.

"While many political leaders will deny the assessment regarding their similarities with serial killers and other career criminals, it is part of a psychopathic profile that may be used in assessing the behaviors of many officials and lawmakers at all levels of government."

Are Politicians Psychopaths? More Often Than You Might Imagine, Says NY Times Bestselling Expert

At 21 May 2015 at 12:55 , Anonymous No More Myths said...

Posted on December 5, 2013 by horse237

The following article by Arnold Leese is reprinted from Gothic Ripples, No. 49, dated 28th February, 1949. It shows that the seeds of Bolshevism were planted in China by Jews, who also tended and trained the growth that resulted. The corruption of the regime of Chiang Kai‑Shek caused many of the masses in China to turn to Communism for relief, since Chinese Communism is mixed with Nationalism and discourages the old Chinese curse of official corruption; but Communism in China has the same de­humanising effect on the people as it has elsewhere.


It was the Sassoon family which turned the normal Chinese dislike and distrust of foreigners into hatred. David Sassoon made the Opium Trade in China from 1832 until he died in 1864. His family carried on the Trade under our Flag and made huge fortunes. The British took the blame, and now the Chinese loathe us; just as we took the blame for the Jewish atrocities at Nurem­berg, Spandau and elsewhere in Germany, so that the Germans now hate us.

Backed by the Sassoons, the Shanghai Opium Monopoly existed until 1917 under the Jew Edward Ezra, its Managing Com­mittee being composed entirely of Jews and Indians. Not only did the British Flag protect the Sassoons in this abominable trade which the Manchus did all they could to prevent, even to the extent of war, but also these Jews were welcomed in England instead of being ostracised. Royalty petted them and they intermarried with Aryan aristocrats. Some became Baronets and one a Minister of the Government.

When the Freemason, Sun Yat‑Sen, began his revolutionary movement at Canton, the Jew Morris Cohen, a British subject, be­came his aide‑de‑camp and was sent by Sun around the globe to get military experts for his revolutionary army. On Sun Yat‑Sen’s death bed this Jew was commended to Chiang Kai‑Shek and he was employed as liaison officer between the Canton Government and all foreign Consulates‑General. Cohen became known in China as Moi‑Sha, and was made Military Counsellor to the Cantonese Forces, and a General, although still a British subject.



At 21 May 2015 at 20:01 , Anonymous Gracie said...

I'll try this again. I'm not an avid consumer and my old computer doesn't always play nice with the newer technology. If this works then at least I figured out the bug that stops my posts from getting to you.

I think Communism and every other "ism" works the way it is supposed to, the way its been designed to work by the the psychopaths in charge. And I think they do have a religion which is Themselves, Power, and Mammon.

Most politicians at the top fit this category, with the exceptions at this time being some of the Latin American leaders. Unfortunately, these good leaders are too often deposed by psychopathic leaders from stronger countries.

A Tale of Politicians & Psychopaths

...Jim Kouri [right], vice president of the National Assn. of Chiefs of Police, has assembled a group of traits that define psychopathic personalities -- like serial killers -- and has discovered that these trait also apply to many of today's politicians.

Traits such as superficial charm, an exaggerated sense of self-worth, glibness, lying, lack of remorse, manipulation of others, and sexual obsession are the hallmark of both groups.

Kouri notes that these types of psychopaths are psychologically capable of committing their dirty deeds free of any concern for social, moral or legal consequences and with absolutely no remorse, save getting caught.

"While many political leaders will deny the assessment regarding their similarities with serial killers and other career criminals, it is part of a psychopathic profile that may be used in assessing the behaviors of many officials and lawmakers at all levels of government."...

Are Politicians Psychopaths? More Often Than You Might Imagine, Says NY Times Bestselling Expert

At 21 May 2015 at 22:25 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Ghost cities have been built to accomodate all the independent minded country people who are going to be driven off their land at gunpoint,so they can be controlled & watched.It's China's contribution to Agenda 21.

At 21 May 2015 at 23:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At school I was made to read Animal Farm and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. I think it was meant to put me off communism and it might have worked, but I still didn't like capitalism all that much.

Those books were turned into films and everyone knew about them, but Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn book, 200 Years Together, documenting Jewish holocaust crimes in Russia at the time of the revolution against ethnic Russians has been completely ignored in the West and have never been printed in English. .

In the US the anti-Semitic white supremacists have translated most of his book to English on-line. But these right wing Nazi loving anti Semitic loons are psycho's too.

At 22 May 2015 at 03:26 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only way forward is to learn the Israel Truth.

We are the Tribes and we are His people. Praise Be!

At 22 May 2015 at 06:24 , Blogger Vincenzo Ferraro said...

China is the real alternative to Washington and Tel Aviv.

At 22 May 2015 at 08:36 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Library of Political Secrets #4 - Chinese Communism and Chinese Jews (1969)
by Itsvan Bakony


At 2 July 2016 at 08:28 , Blogger SwordofCreation said...

What's s/he's suggesting is some sense of the fact we're not here on a sort of material holiday.

ALL religions are for control and corrupted, top to bottom, with an internal fifth column of 'feathered serpents'. [Tribe of DAN(1+9/10/1), aka 91/1.] Most from inception and by design, contain only pieces of our spiritual puzzle!

If our primary, if not only, concern is ourselves then we are nothing more than mere 'eaters'; spiritually, we and our culture generally, will decline. [See Carl Jung's "Seven Sermons to the Dead"; Jung knew what was going on and was blessed with real knowledge at a very early age.]

At 2 July 2016 at 08:31 , Blogger SwordofCreation said...

This is why they first take over the fiat currency and must "JFK" anyone who gets in the way.

Locker envelopes are what makes the Jewish world go round and make certain evidence that might get in the way is sanitized. (Even that is only their first layer of protection.)

At 2 July 2016 at 08:40 , Blogger SwordofCreation said...


Search "Computer Programmer testifies of Chinese treason NASA" or watch this:

Chinese advances came from the same source as the primary Jewish supremacists, aka 'communists', in Russia: Jewish traitors in America, UK and Israel!

Why do you think they called their moon probe the Jade rabbi-T? ("T" is for TAV 22.)

"Their[Chinese] feats of engineering amazing."


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