Leon Brittan was reportedly a visitor to the Elm Guest boy brothel, run reportedly by MI5.
Brittan, who has Lithuanian Jewish origins, was at one time the government minister responsible for the spy service MI5

Malcolm Rifkind is related to Charles Rifkind, who has been a governor, and parent, at Arnold House School.

The West London Synagogue memorial service for Lord Leon Brittan was attended by:
1. Sir Malcolm Rifkind (above), the cousin of Leon Brittan.
Rifkind is linked to Dov. S. Zakheim, alleged to be the mastermind of 9 11.

2. Sir Simon Jenkins (above), formerly a parent at Arnold House School.
Journalist Jenkins was married to the American actress Gayle Hunnicutt.
3. Stanley Johnson (above), a former spy, former Conservative MEP and father of cabinet minister Boris Johnson.
4. Lord Lamont, a former employee of the Rothschilds, a former cabinet minister, former chairman of Le Cercle.
A key figure in Le Cercle has been Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin who has been linked to the terrorist activities of Operation Gladio and the child abuse ring organised by Marc Dutroux.
LOLITA; THE CIRCLE. / Le Cercle - Wikispooks / Belgian X-Dossiers.
4. Lord Lamont, a former employee of the Rothschilds, a former cabinet minister, former chairman of Le Cercle.
A key figure in Le Cercle has been Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin who has been linked to the terrorist activities of Operation Gladio and the child abuse ring organised by Marc Dutroux.
LOLITA; THE CIRCLE. / Le Cercle - Wikispooks / Belgian X-Dossiers.

The West London Synagogue memorial service for Lord Leon Brittan was attended by:
5. Kenneth Clarke, who allegedly groped the child actor Ben Fellows.
6. William Hague, who reportedly slept in the same room as his male driver. Hague succeeded Leon Brittan as MP for Richmond in Yorkshire.
7. Lord Lawson, one of THATCHER'S PEOPLE
11. David Mellor, who went from toe job to no job.
Cynthia Roberts, Agent Hammer, Markus Wolf ....
12. Lord Patten, former Chairman of the BBC.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.

A top paedophile ring, which included UK politicians and police, abused Esther Baker (above), and other children.
The Staffordshire police force has interviewed Esther Baker who says that police officers and a top politician were part of the abuse ring.
Esther says she was attacked from the age of six at homes around Staffordshire and in woodland on 'Cannock Chase' in Staffordshire.
Esther says that a Lord and a judge may also have been among her abusers.
Esther described a well-known politician as: "One of the core members. He was there quite often - I was one of his favourites."
"I used to play the piano, and he was quite taken with that ... there were different houses.
"I would sit on his lap and he would want me to play."
The politician is not from Staffordshire but is from the present political era.
Esther says she only recently realised who the man is.
The child abuse was often filmed.
Politician Abused Me Regularly, Survivor Says
A former child abuse detective pled guilty to inciting a 15-year-old girl to engage in sexual activity. Andrew Rowe, who befriended his victim's family during his work with Staffordshire Police's child abuse investigation unit, admitted five sexual offences. staffordshire-detective-admits-child-sex-charges

Tran’s nurses explain how he spends hours each day crying out relentlessly, rocking himself back and forth in his cot.
Labels: Arnold House, Dutroux, Esther Baker, Gladio, Leon Brittan, police, Rifkind, Simon Jenkins, Staffordshire, Stanley Johnson
Horrific is how you could describe the devastating impact of chemicals on Vietnamese......strange virtually no mention in the media.....Depleted uranium is having a similar effect in Iraq....
At least one of the "benefits" of the Vietnam war was to take attention away from Israel.(Netanyahoo actually suggested attacking gaza while the worlds attention was diverted elsewhere on some major incident).
The jews are a monstrous people while claiming to be more or less the exact opposite.
Question...why did the Nazi's allow the French to set up Vichy France....when the south of France has very high concentrations of them (not in camps).Once you understand that these monsters were running both sides...then it makes perfect does Hitlers stop order.
The British elite intermarried with jews who now control the country 100%.The wife of the president of Botswana is a jewess...same strategy different much "progress"have the fiends made in China?!.(numbers of "jewish refugees" fled to China last century...which was an odd place to seek could speculate they have intermarried with Chinese and have now become virtually unidentifiable as Jews...that is their proven formula is up and running.Naturally they will receive help from outside China which will give them a competative advantage against real Chinese.
Good comment. Just add in the fact that they are not the real Hebrews, we are, and you are home and dry.
an interesting case
Anonymous at 1:20
Once I stumbled upon this:
Do some research on the Sassoon bankers and the Opium War so you may understand for how long they have been in China.
As a (ex??)jewish friend of mine once said 'The jew never sleeps. He works around the world 24/7/365. When he goes to bed in China he starts his day in Europe.'
Off topic but you may be interested in a not-so-surprising twist in the shake-out of Sydney's Lindt cafe siege. It seems that the police and coroner both are refusing to release evidence.
What a giveaway. Clearly the guy was a spook protected by ASIO and the Feds.
A description not far off that of cancer by the way it spreads and eventually infects all the main organs of the human body, using the body's system against itself as it does so. It is indeed a good comment.
Here's some more details of their plan to genocide the goyim;!topic/money-morning-refugees/WA402RCqhJg
I contend the "good jew (actually khazar)/bad jew" (actually khazar) paradigm is illusory at best as there is no real opposition to the evil these self-appointed "chosen ones" do to the goyim......
Do the police investigate or do they gather intelligence for the use of blackmail?
In my experience it is 50-50 and entirely dependent on whether the suspect is an insider or not. That is simply now the only criterion.
Have you seen the letters Murrin and I have been putting together?
Jews are believed to have entered China as long ago as around 200 AD.It seems they worked their way steadily along the Silk Road & when they reached China,began intermarrying with the locals.Thus,within a few generations they were indistinguishable from the locals.But naturally they all knew who was who & kept up their clannish behaviour.
some times these stories break my heart, this night that we are in is dark and full of terrors.
Coleman has gone quiet again, when this happens i do fear for you guys...
Stay safe
Was Coleman bonafide upon returning?
Maybe. He never used to swear.
I miss that site. I do hope all is not lost.
Fuck the cabal.
Found the video producer site interesting as well ( - Thanks
Wot a World!
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