Dr Walter Masocha (above) founded the Christian church called the Agape for All Nations International Ministries.
Walter has dozens of churches in Scotland, but he also has ministries in France, Ireland, Canada and the US, as well as Nigeria, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Walter's main base is in Stirling, in Scotland.
Walter's PhD is from Strathclyde University, which may or may not have connections to the CIA and its friends.
Walter has received more than £3.3million in donations from its followers in the last four years.
Reportedly, members of Walter's church go in for Black Magic.

Scott Chirashi
In April 2015, Walter was found guilty of groping a 14-year-old schoolgirl.
Walter kissed and caressed the schoolgirl as he groped her underwear.
Walter told her that he was trying to remove demons.
Walter has been accused of indulging in sexual activity with a 13-year-old girl.

Walter and a church service.
Walter claims to have heard the 'audible voice of God' and to have spoken with the Lord on Mount Sinai, Egypt.
A former deaconess says: "It is a cult and he is brainwashing people."
The father of five-year-old Scott Chirashi was a member of Walter's church.
Members of the church used to come to Scott Chirashi's house to hold Bible studies
Scott's mother, Farai Chirashi, was not keen on Walter's church.
At the time when Scott was murdered, Scott's mother, Farai Chirashi, sent a text message to a friend which read: "The Kingdom of God is near. Repent and return to God and give your life to Jesus."
According to the police, Scott was murdered by his mother.

Scott Chiriseri's father (front) at Scott's funeral.
Scott Chirashi had his heart ripped out by an individual or by a gang.
Scott lived in Alva in Scotland, not so very far from Kirckaldy, where the body of young Mikaeel Kular was found butchered.
Alva (red dot), almost next door to Dunblane.
According to the official version, Scott's mother knifed Scott to death and cut out his heart.
A judge ruled that Farai Chirashi, 32, was insane when she killed her five-year-old
son, Scott.
The judge acquitted her of murder and ordered her to be detained in a secure mental hospital without limit of time.

Mikaeel and Rosdeep.
Rosdeep, the mother of Mikaeel Kular did not face a murder trial.
"Some local people claimed the decision to avoid a murder trial had been taken to protect the police and social services, whose failings were never heard in court as a result...
"Five thousand local residents have signed a petition protesting at the failure of prosecutors to pursue a murder charge..."

Caylee Anthony
R Kae comments:
"To me, this really carries the same stink as the Caylee Anthony murder.

Caylee Anthony
R Kae comments:
"To me, this really carries the same stink as the Caylee Anthony murder.
"Partying mom is purported to be the lone killer, but the air of a cult surrounds it.
"In the Anthony case there was the suspicious guy who "found" the body in the woods.
"The dad of the murdering mom who was a creepy cop.
"Like a cult that was maybe ritually torturing the kid, who accidentally died, so the mom becomes the scapegoat? I dunno."
Scott Chirashi's body was found at his home in Alva.
Scott was killed at his home in Alva, Clackmannanshire, on December 4 or 5 2014.
Scott, his mother and sister had lived in Alva for at least seven years but had only moved to their new home earlier in 2014 after Chirashi and her husband Tichakunda Chiriseri split up.
The Stirling-based Agape For All Nations Ministries Internationals church is headed by Dr Joseph Masocha, from Zimbabwe, who claims he is a prophet 'annointed by God'.
Masocha has carried out exorcisms in his back garden.

Alva is almost next door to DUNBLANE, which is linked to a top child abuse ring and the murders of 16 young childrend.
The unofficial story is that Thomas Hamilton was supplying pornography and young boys to top people, including policemen and politicians; and Thomas Hamilton may have been murdered, to shut him up.

Mikaeel and Rosdeep.
On 25 August 2014, we learnt that Rosdeep Adekoya, who pleaded guilty to killing her son Mikaeel, may be out of jail in seven years time.
Rosdeep was involved with a top gangster and with cocaine.
And possibly with a pedophile ring; and possibly with the security services?

"Mikaeel and his twin sister were twice taken into foster care by social workers in Fife, but were handed back to their mother.
"Authorities were repeatedly warned about her neglect, including that she was leaving them home alone while she partied for days at a time with drug dealers."
Mohammed Omar Abdi and Rosdeep Kular.
In May 2013, Mohammed Omar Abdi, a Pakistani originally from Kenya, was arrested after a major drug seizure in the Edinburgh area.

In May 2013, Mohammed Omar Abdi, a Pakistani originally from Kenya, was arrested after a major drug seizure in the Edinburgh area.
Abdi's father Omar is an Imam at the Edinburgh Central Mosque.
Abdi was released on bail and then shot dead.
Ali Hussein Mohammed was arrested in Kenya in connection with the killing of Abdi.
Samantha Lewthwaite stayed at the home of a Musa Hussein Abdi.

ReplyDeleteWhat's So Bad About Killing Children?
But Those Weren't REAL Christians!
ReplyDeleteSome Christians say that their predecessors-- the Christians of ages past who burned heretics, hanged witches, tortured blasphemers, hunted and killed runaway slaves, and butchered infidels-- performed all those horrible deeds because of their own human failings, because they had misinterpreted the bible. Modern believers point out that the bible should not be blamed for the deeds of the past, and that human judgment, zeal, bias, greed, etc., are to blame.
One of my correspondents writes: "I do not deny that far too many Christians have committed crimes and sins in the name of God, and I in no way excuse or condone that. But as an atheist you must remember this is no reflection on the fundamentals of Christianity, it is a reflection of the weaknesses and failings of human nature."
No. It may be true that some people will use the bible as justification to do the horrible things they have in mind. But if the BIBLE itself is the source of the evil, how can we blame Humanity?
Justice Denied... AGAIN!
ReplyDeleteWhat's it goin 2 take B4 we get truth
& Justice 4 victims & survivors?
Masocha Spared Jail (16/06/2015)