There is a belief that Fred West, a freemason, provided girls for some of the UK's Satanic elite.

Fred and family.
In 1973, 21-year-old Lucy Partington, cousin of the novelist Martin Amis, set off from a friend’s house in Cheltenham, in England, to catch a bus.
She took a lift from Fred West, and was later murdered.

Fred West, Jimmy Savile and the child killers Peter Tobin and Robert Black all lived in Scotland at the same time.
In Scotland, Jimmy Gallogley was a friend and neighbour of Fred West.
Gallogley was a church elder.
Gallogley has been accused of murdering the 12-year-old schoolgirl Moira Anderson.

Moira Anderson.
Gallogley was a church elder.
Gallogley has been accused of murdering the 12-year-old schoolgirl Moira Anderson.

Moira Anderson.
Reportedly, Gallogley and West were involved in a child abuse ring.
According to The Sunday Times, 23 April 2006, Strathclyde Police have a dossier listing members of a child-abuse ring linked to the death of Moira Anderson..
The dossier is said to implicate senior public figures, including senior police officers and members of the Crown Office and former Scottish Office.
The Scottish child killer Ian Brady worked for the top Scottish drugs gangster Arthur Thompson, who was an associate of the Kray Twins.
Arthur Thompson reportedly worked for the British security service MI5.

In Scotland, Scott Chirashi (above) had his heart ripped out by an individual or by a gang.
Scott lived in Alva in Scotland, not so very far from Kirckaldy, where the body of young Mikaeel Kular was found butchered.

The official version is that Fred West and his wife Rosemary (both above) tortured, raped and murdered at least 12 young women and girls.
Most of the murders occurred between May 1973 and September 1979 at their home in Gloucester.

Ball and Prince. On 27 march 2014, it was reported that Peter Ball, the former bishop of Gloucester and Lewes, had been charged with sexually assaulting a young boy. Church of England bishop charged with indecently assaulting young boys
Jimmy Savile abused children Parklands Children’s Home in Gloucestershire.

Fred West
Fred West was born into a family of farm workers in England.West married Catherine Costello and then Rosemary Letts.
Numerous murders took place.
Fred West was arrested in 1994 and very shortly died in mysterious circumstances.
He was found hanged at Winson Green Prison, in Birmingham.
Fred West's brother John West also died soon after in mysterious circumstances.
In 1996, the Wests' house, along with the adjoining property,
was demolished.
Among those who were murdered were:
Carol Ann Cooper who was living in a children’s home in Worcester when she disappeared.

Fred West may have supplied girls to Satanist groups.
Fred West: Caterer to a Coven?
In Fred West's property, bodies that were found beneath the cellar, the back patio and the garden.
Professor Bernard Knight, who oversaw the operation, noted that finger and toe bones were missing from all of the bodies.

In the 1943, a body had been found at Hagley Wood, part of the Hagley Hall estate belonging to Lord Cobham [2][3] (Lyttelton family) in Worcestershire.
Small bones had been removed from the body, and buried nearby.
Professor Margaret Murray, an archaelogist, a professor of Egyptology and a leading authority on witchcraft, believed that that the crime was linked to Satanism.
In Satanism, finger bones are buried near the sacrificed victim.
Fred West had a bar in his home which was called The Black Magic Bar.
Rose West had a fascination with Satanism - an interest shared by one of her victims, nanny Lynda Gough.

Posters advertising a Church of Satan gathering have appeared in Worcester.
Fred West told a journalist that "he was covering for others."
According to Professor Margaret Murray, the Satanists "come mainly from the professional classes."
Fred West swore that he did not remove any bones from the bodies.
He also, eventually, swore that he never killed the women found under the grounds of his house.
Fred West: Caterer to a Coven?
Did Fred West Murder to Order? /TheFredWestMurders.htm
Professor Margaret Murray, an archaelogist, a professor of Egyptology and a leading authority on witchcraft, believed that that the crime was linked to Satanism.
In Satanism, finger bones are buried near the sacrificed victim.
Fred West had a bar in his home which was called The Black Magic Bar.
Rose West had a fascination with Satanism - an interest shared by one of her victims, nanny Lynda Gough.

Posters advertising a Church of Satan gathering have appeared in Worcester.
Fred West told a journalist that "he was covering for others."
According to Professor Margaret Murray, the Satanists "come mainly from the professional classes."
Fred West swore that he did not remove any bones from the bodies.
He also, eventually, swore that he never killed the women found under the grounds of his house.
Fred West: Caterer to a Coven?
Did Fred West Murder to Order? /TheFredWestMurders.htm
Labels: Fred West, freemason, Gloucester, Jimmy Savile, Lucy Partington, Margaret Murray, Mikaeel Kular, Moira Anderson, Satanism
According to BBC News, Clarence Mitchell was closely involved with the Fred and Rosemary West case.
Theodore Dalrymple starts his essay, A Horror Story, 'In the psychotherapeutic worldview to which all good liberals subscribe, there is no evil, only victimhood.' And ends on, 'All that is necessary for evil to triumph, said Burke, is for good men to do nothing; and most good men nowadays can be relied upon to do precisely that. Where a reputation for intolerance is more feared than a reputation for vice itself, all manner of evil may be expected to flourish.'
No danger of this on Aangirfan whilst additionally insisting we keep, keep, keep on... turning the lights on any relationship these crimes might have with the unseen (perceived or otherwise). Kooky Christians, (a rare one or two non-ones aside), muddy the waters, discouraging progressive investigation and dialogue. On the other side, satan-debunkers say, those who shout S have their eyes wide shut from evidence of hype. Truth? We don't 'know'. We think we might but the stakes are high and the secrecy deep and old. As/when/if revealed through firmer documentation and testimony (the lid's blown off), we'll need to reconsider people's capacity to believe in, and interact with - real or imaginary - forces beyond nature.
No significant amounts/less, satanic stuff, through to widespread ritualistic gatherings of abuse and murder (the spectrum). I expect most of us rightly move positions with new insights, remaining open and guarded from a definitive understanding of who and why.
If more, much more, is brought home to our sanitised yet superstitious society, the reaction is bound to be berserk and – from my perspective – a kind of reverse-psychology demonic stir-up. I won't be celebrating and whooping it up for Jesus, aside from thanks and praise for the stopping of suffering and – God willing – some genuine justice. Paul (NT one) spoke of exposing such darkness but a question mark around speaking of their hidden ways. A paradox, resolved through tears of compassion, right-type anger and calling on God.
What we shouldn't be doing is pushing in one direction or another depending on our underlying beliefs about the non-material. (I shudder to think what 'believers' will come out with if it's more, much more, than less). In many ways, more-'real'-satanic, could be a signpost for some to real God, although Pagan friends ('Green Dragon' – yonks back), would remark in our sharing and caring together; 'Satan' is obviously a Christian notion and those (rightly or wrongly) dubbed with it may have an entirely different take or utterly reject the label and associated narrative and ideas.
'There is a belief that Fred West, a freemason, provided girls for some of the UK's Satanic elite...'
On you go... please, someone ought-er/got-er and with your openness and ...conviction.
International Satanism is a fact. From Zodiac Killer to Florence Monster, someone in-the-know goes in a killing spree. Others keep a low profile while importing kids from 'underdeveloped' countries for the sick fun of rich men. The fact that Masonrie is a charade, starting from the portico (*) of the Lodge up to the B'nai B'rith Chosen Masons, leads to the obvious: the light of Masonry is negatively centered on matter. A materialistic world where the abuse of a body/corpse is nothing than a simple drill for those who try to attain an improbable illumination, or some wicked sort of it.
(*) See: Albert Pike.
The Home Office pathologist in the 25 Cromwell St murder cases (featured in the posted YT vid) was Professor Bernard Henry Knight. Bernard Knight undertook national service from 1956 to 1959, specialising as a medical officer in pathology, & then transferred from the regular army to the reserve force. He ceased to belong to the reserve on 12 September 1964.
Bernard Knight has been a writer since before 1963, when his first crime novel was published. Since then, he has written about thirty books, including contemporary crime fiction, historical novels, biography, non-fiction popular works on forensic medicine, twelve medico-legal textbooks and the Crowner John Mysteries series of 12th-century historical mysteries. In addition, he has written scripts for radio and television dramas and documentaries
In the 1993 Queen's Birthday Honours, Knight was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE). It was 24th February 1994 when police first arrived at Cromwell Street, Gloucester to intervene.
A wee bit more about Clarence Mitchell….
The True Story of Madeleine McCann - Buried By Mainstream Media - Full Documentary
Martin Amis' cousin eh? Would he even mind, being a slavish admirer of Nabokov's Lolita?
Excellent article and great testimonies by the panel. Interestingly, most people remain unaware that over 3,000 children are yearly missing in LA, CA as a direct result of Cult related abductions for human sacrifices, combined with the on-going demand for sex-trade and human trafficking. Unfortunately, the mainstream news media refuses to announce such epidemic of horrors in order not to create a possible social pandemonium.
Nonetheless, the bizarre facts remains that the clandestine and underground group of the Mexican Covenant known as "LA SANTA MUERTE", is to also be directly link to such gruesome and malicious tragedies, since their ritual involves the drinking of human blood (from which they claim that it provides them with supernatural powers) combined with the gruesome slaughtering of their captives bodies! Ask any psychologist and they will tell you that clearly some of these people suffer from some serious mental illnesses, combined with other un-diagnosed perceptual disorders, or as I’m inclined to declare…they are just being dedicated evil worshippers!
As such, the necessities for human-bodies are as a result of the atrocities of the drug Cartels of Juarez-Mexico across El Paso, Texas, which requires human sacrifices to satisfy their Black Sabbath rituals (demonology). Amazingly, the border crossing traveling into Juarez, Mexico from El Paso, Texas is notorious for contraband, since no one inspects any of the in-coming cargo from USA! With such brewing, people are still gullible and thinking that the Church Of Satan in Ca actually just lights up black candles and dress in black satin ropes for fun while chanting “Hail Satan”? Priceless...
In contrast, we also need to properly identify hundreds of malevolent and vogue organizations that are maliciously profiting from these cult crimes by requesting funds from gullible concern citizens in order to finance search-rescue-extractions; which they obviously don’t! Some even claim to be former Navy Seals, FBI and CIA operatives, while marketing and selling you “fairy tales” themes of cult crimes. These unscrupulous foundations profit from the suffering and misery of others like vultures and carnivorous Hyenas!!!
Sadly, as an expert Cult Investigator, I see many of these unfortunate cases go unfounded; since it’s my understanding that Law Enforcement is quite restricted in infiltrating as under-covers into such surreptitious evil worshiping groups. In statistical comparison, in the State of Florida alone, there are over (30) thousand registered pedophiles which are not monitored, therefore this can also attribute to the sexual exploits of such perverts who later commit murder of their victims in order to conceal the abduction’s (evidence).
On another note, the lack of emotional closure and psychological suffering of the victims’ families is beyond description, while simultaneously the lack of Law Enforcement funds to investigate these felony crimes; does actually contributes indirectly to these disappearances, which are a nightmare to the victim’s family group. As an Author and Private Detective who specializes in Cults, it doesn't take a criminologist or an academic anthropologist to figure out what is actually going on here!
Also, I clearly advocate that we must create awareness on all social media outlets and provide better safeguard measures to parents, contrary to the censorship of broadcasting these events for fear of causing a tabloid media frenzy. Thus, the “Achilles Heel” weakness of these in-human monsters is media exposure! Like so, sometimes the struggle for the truths converts into a paradox, since in these malevolent circumstances many times reality becomes stranger than fiction.
Big true crime follower here, has anybody but me noticed that Ro West wore a Rosemary Baby dress, red dress with white Peter Pan collar, same one Santanic Kate Middleton wore in her Lindo Wing appearance with new P Louis?? Satanic Rosemary West is shown in a photo with her adorable deplorable hubby Freddy the Prince, most likely Queen Blab's true heir.
Why is the photo of Rosemary West channeling Satanic Mia Farrow kept hidden???
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