Haze makes the following points about Judge Pauffley's judgement on the Hampstead child abuse case:
1. Justice Pauffley (above) placed a great deal of emphasis on the conduct of Mr Abraham Christie (mother's boyfriend) and not on the father's record of domestic violence resulting in a separation from his wife and a non-molestation order.

Ricky dearman, the father.
Pauffley refers to Ricky Dearman, the father, as "the father whom they love" while calling Abraham Christie "evil" and accusing him and the mother of torture.

Abraham Christie (left)

Abraham Christie (left)
2. Pauffley did not discuss the film made by the Irish chap, without Abraham C present or any duress, where the girl volunteered more information - including her fears about the "bad police" telling her father that they, the children, had reported the father's crime; and her fears about her father coming to kill them, as he had threatened to do.

3. If the children were coached, what's the point of embellishing the account with details about 'Big Sex Wednesday' or the length of a black dildo which the boy estimated with his hands, sex in a disabled toilet, a girl who moved to another school to become the "star of the show," shoes made from baby skin with a hexagram motif... All very elaborate, if purely for spite.

Jason Swift. In 1985, 14-year-old Jason Swift was killed by a child-abuse gang. Jason is believed to have lived in Islington council's Conewood Street children's home. (Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London). Sidney Cooke, Leslie Bailey, Robert Oliver, and Lennie Smith, were imprisoned in 1989 for the manslaughter of Jason Swift. Cooke and his gang had sexually tortured and prostituted a number of boys. The gang is believed to have killed at least nine children.[2] Cooke was sentenced to 19 years in prison. In 1998, Cooke was let out of prison eight years early. There have been allegations that very powerful people have been involved in a child-abuse ring connected to Islington children's homes.( Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London)
Haze continues:
4. The judge's evidence was centered on Detective Sergeant Fernandez and Detective Constable Martin having a cursory glace around the vestry of Christ Church, including the drawers where the priest’s vestments were stored, searching for material to assist in their inquiries.
Haze continues:
4. The judge's evidence was centered on Detective Sergeant Fernandez and Detective Constable Martin having a cursory glace around the vestry of Christ Church, including the drawers where the priest’s vestments were stored, searching for material to assist in their inquiries.
"They found nothing of interest to the inquiry."
They did not raid an address in Islington where the children alleged victims were taken.

Dr. Deborah Hodes, a community pediatrician in the London borough of Camden.
5. The judge dismissed out of hand the evidence of the medical expert (above), whom she calls "over-dogmatic" with a "scientific prejudice" because with no medical background or expertise, Pauffley decided that anal scarring was the result of a "normal varient."
Who would you trust, a doctor who is an authority on child sexual abuse or a woman who is serving the paedophile establishment?

Ella draper, the children's mother.

Ella draper, the children's mother.
6. Dr Hodes said that, 'the current evidence is that prolonged reflex anal dilatation (the finding in P) is associated with anal abuse' and cited the Royal College of Paediatrics 2008 Review.
She stated that both children have physical signs of sexual abuse that support their allegations; they have symptoms of post traumatic stress; and it is her opinion the extensive and detailed accounts given by both children, repeated to different professionals, contain details of sexual acts that such young children would need to have had some sort of direct experience.

The children
7. Pauffley's summary said; 'Neither child has been sexually abused by any of the following – Ricky Dearman, teachers at Christchurch Primary School Hampstead, the parents of students at that school, the priest at the adjacent church, teachers at any of the Hampstead or Highgate schools, members of the Metropolitan Police, social workers employed by the London Borough of Camden, officers of Cafcass oranyone else mentioned by Ms Draper or Mr Christie.'

8. But it has been admitted that Scotland Yard has been covering up sadistic and satanic, serial child sex abuse and murders for the greater part of the 20th Century.

The children
7. Pauffley's summary said; 'Neither child has been sexually abused by any of the following – Ricky Dearman, teachers at Christchurch Primary School Hampstead, the parents of students at that school, the priest at the adjacent church, teachers at any of the Hampstead or Highgate schools, members of the Metropolitan Police, social workers employed by the London Borough of Camden, officers of Cafcass oranyone else mentioned by Ms Draper or Mr Christie.'

8. But it has been admitted that Scotland Yard has been covering up sadistic and satanic, serial child sex abuse and murders for the greater part of the 20th Century.
What makes you think they are going to stop now?
Theresa May says it is endemic in society and worse than we can imagine, in our youth clubs, churches and schools... except for Hampstead, where the children claimed they were subjected to multiple rape and infant sacrifice in a cult led by their father.

Video: Ella and Abe speaking about Pauffley and the Hampstead WhistleblowerKids..
Abraham tells us Judge Pauffley is "Israeli"
James writes:
"While making frank claims against the mother's partner, both children independently expressed the fear that their father would kill them.
"One was scared; one had nightmares about it.
"Two different experiences that speak the same truth.
"They cannot win on this because they are trying to say they are totally coached, completely coerced yet they are making several (in my opinion minor) claims against the mother's partner.
"The poor judge is asking us to believe that the children were utterly under the spell of Abraham etc yet why did that spell not extend to getting them to shut up about about the troubles in Morocco. You cannot be serious, it makes no sense. It is impossible."

Judge Pauffley made her judgement with - "no attendance of those she is now trying to scapegoat, nor attendance of the children, and with no independent witnesses"
Sabine writes:
SatanicJudicialAbuse - Pauffley Judgement
"Her Ladyship's judgement is one of a political nature to sway public opinion such that she will get away with handing custody to the father with a criminal past and two non-molestation orders, while the mother had a residence order in place, when Barnet Police took her children.
"If Mr Christie was the guilty abuser, why did he take the children to the Police?"
James writes:
"While making frank claims against the mother's partner, both children independently expressed the fear that their father would kill them.
"One was scared; one had nightmares about it.
"Two different experiences that speak the same truth.
"They cannot win on this because they are trying to say they are totally coached, completely coerced yet they are making several (in my opinion minor) claims against the mother's partner.
"The poor judge is asking us to believe that the children were utterly under the spell of Abraham etc yet why did that spell not extend to getting them to shut up about about the troubles in Morocco. You cannot be serious, it makes no sense. It is impossible."
Judge Pauffley made her judgement with - "no attendance of those she is now trying to scapegoat, nor attendance of the children, and with no independent witnesses"
Sabine writes:
SatanicJudicialAbuse - Pauffley Judgement
"Her Ladyship's judgement is one of a political nature to sway public opinion such that she will get away with handing custody to the father with a criminal past and two non-molestation orders, while the mother had a residence order in place, when Barnet Police took her children.
"If Mr Christie was the guilty abuser, why did he take the children to the Police?"
Some people think that Judge Pauffley's ruling on the Hampstead incident is somewhat biased.
AkhaldanSolo writes:
"This 'judge' squarely rested ALL blame on the Mother and her partner AC, as well as the entire 'online community' that followed the matter in it's entirety...
"Ms. Pauffley's ruling looks to be similar to the rants provided by ... 'Ricky Dearman'...
"Not a single mention of RD domestic abuse issues and logged police complaints against him.
"Not one mention of the First Degree Sodomy charges Mr. Christie would be facing if he were guilty of the anal scarring in Victim P.
"Not a single mention of police misconduct in trying to apprehend the mother illegally.
"No mention of how the police videos left the possession of the police, no mention of the validity of the retractions and the ominous police approach to these retractions, nay their whole approach to this entire investigation.
"This off-the-cuff ruling from justice Pauffley seems more a poor attempt at quelling public dissent than protecting any children from abuse."
Anonymous writes:
"So another four million people concerned about child abuse go on the 'authorities' list of suspected paedophiles? No tactic will be too low or devious for an Establishment feeling under siege."
Anonymous writes:
To Parents Who Have Had Children Removed By The State: Were ‘Psychiatrists’ Claire Sturge or Danya Glaser, or ‘psychotherapists’ Dr Judith Freedman and/or Mr John Lawrence Involved In Your Case?.
"If she hadn't acquitted the father so quickly I might have thought she was making an effort to give a truthful verdict, but because she immediately condemned the mother and the mother's partner, who uploaded the videos in the first place. My question is why would they upload that if they were the perpetrators?"
"Well what do you know... Look who was involved in Hollie Greig case... Anna Paullfrey no less."
Press Release and summary of events at RCJ 2nd March2012

Anonymous writes:
"Amazing how she can come to all these conclusions with out the slightest wiff of investigation into most of her claims and of course contrary to all the evidence - such it seems is our evil judiciary which refuses to consider the cries of the children whom the medical profession have clearly shown were subject to the abuse they have testified to.
"According to the judge it would appear AC and the mother are responsible for the findings of the medical experts with regard to the rectal examinations which of course is completely inconsistent with the kids testimony.
"And just what medical evidence did she rely upon to come to her conclusions?
"None as far as I can see the medical evidence appears to be ignored.
"Welcome to the United Satanic Kingdom.
"Time for Mum to begin an appeal against the dame's decision."

"The Metropolitan police's sex crime unit, Sapphire, announced a restructuring after a detective admitted 13 counts of misconduct, for failing to investigate 10 rapes and three sexual assault cases. Another Sapphire detective is under investigation for similar offences. Sapphire has already been restructured before, in 2009, after police had failed to stop multiple rapists John Worboys and Kirk Reid." The evil of Jimmy Savile was not his alone - The Guardian
"PAUFFLEY wrote: 'Moreover, senseless assumptions would seem to have been made by Mr Christie and the mother if, in fact, the children had touched the dog and were 'touching each other.'
"'To believe that children who demonstrate curiosity about and touch their own, the dog’s
and their sibling’s genital areas must have, or probably have, been sexually abused is
plainly ridiculous...'
"So this nutty judge thinks it is normal for children to molest each other and dogs - that it's not a sign of abuse ?
"Nowhere in her entire opinion does she mention that the children gave detailed identifying descriptions of the naked bodies and private parts of their abusers - such tattoos etc.
and their sibling’s genital areas must have, or probably have, been sexually abused is
plainly ridiculous...'
"So this nutty judge thinks it is normal for children to molest each other and dogs - that it's not a sign of abuse ?
"Nowhere in her entire opinion does she mention that the children gave detailed identifying descriptions of the naked bodies and private parts of their abusers - such tattoos etc.
"She writes, 'at Mr Christie’s and Ms Draper's instigation, they were able to 'speak to camera' about the stories concocted during the brainstorming. The obvious purpose of the film clips was to provide ‘proof.’ It was part of a deliberate plan by Mr Christie and Ms Draper. The children do as they are told. They do so forthrightly, without inhibition and with apparent conviction.'
"The crazy judge thinks that Mr Christie told the children to fabricate descriptions of tattoos and birth marks as 'proof' - when that would actually DISPROVE the allegations - unless Christie had somehow managed to guess what all the kids teachers looked like naked so as to provide the children with the 'proof'.
"Did anybody examine the bodies of these accused person? She also failed to mention that the children had spoken with their father via Skype prior to their retraction. And she failed to note the suspicious closing of the school and church websites.
"Sad. An outrageously dishonest opinion. The judge needs to be put on a watchlist."
Anonymous writes:
"Paulfry writes, 'Evidence cannot be evaluated and assessed in separate compartments.
"The crazy judge thinks that Mr Christie told the children to fabricate descriptions of tattoos and birth marks as 'proof' - when that would actually DISPROVE the allegations - unless Christie had somehow managed to guess what all the kids teachers looked like naked so as to provide the children with the 'proof'.
"Did anybody examine the bodies of these accused person? She also failed to mention that the children had spoken with their father via Skype prior to their retraction. And she failed to note the suspicious closing of the school and church websites.
"Sad. An outrageously dishonest opinion. The judge needs to be put on a watchlist."
Anonymous writes:
"Paulfry writes, 'Evidence cannot be evaluated and assessed in separate compartments.
"'A judge in these difficult cases must have regard to the relevance of each piece of evidence to
other evidence and to exercise an overview of the totality of the evidence in order to
come to the conclusion whether the case put forward by the local authority has been
made out to the required standard of proof.'
other evidence and to exercise an overview of the totality of the evidence in order to
come to the conclusion whether the case put forward by the local authority has been
made out to the required standard of proof.'
"The Judge pretends that deciding facts entails choosing between two 'all or nothing' packages. So rather than weighing each allegation of the children and determining if even one of them is true, she neatly rejects them all."
Judge Pauffley refers to the UK's Cleveland child abuse inquiry.
The 1987 Cleveland child abuse scandal involved 'falsely accused' adults.
The 1987 Cleveland child abuse scandal involved 'falsely accused' adults.
We now know that the majority of the children had been sexually abused and that many were forced to return to the homes they were abused in.
The Butler-Sloss inquiry into the Cleveland case heard evidence from an American 'child abuse expert' called Ralph Underwager.
He spoke out on behalf of the 'falsely accused' adults.
Underwager reportedly works for the CIA.

The UK government chose Lady Elizabeth Butler-Sloss, aged 80, to chair the inquiry into the handling of child abuse allegations by various UK institutions.
Devon peer to lead huge child abuse probe

2. Elizabeth Butler-Sloss is the daughter of Sir Cecil Havers and is very much part of the Establishment.
3. Until June 2007, she chaired the inquest into the death of Lady Diana, Princess of Wales, and appeared to be part of a cover-up.
Elizabeth Butler-Sloss chaired the Cleveland child abuse inquiry, which some people saw as being part of a cover-up.
5. Lady Butler-Sloss granted life-long anonymity to the killers of toddler James Bulger

5. Lady Butler-Sloss granted life-long anonymity to the killers of toddler James Bulger

6. Lady Butler-Sloss is the sister of the late Sir Michael Havers, who was Lord Chancellor (top legal man) at the time of the Kincora Boys Home child abuse cover-up.
Havers reportedly tried to silence 'the child abuse whistleblower' Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens.
I was warned off asking Brittan what he knew.
Havers opposed the prosecution of child abuser Sir Peter Hayman.
Many of Aangirfan's posts on child abuse are being disappeared by Google, and by various forums.

Internet campaign about satanic cult at Hampstead school. -19 March 2015 / Satanic cult claims dismissed by High Court judge / Claims of satanic cult and child sacrifices in London are baseless, judge rules / 'satanic cult' dismissed by judge • Russian Satanists jailed for 'ritual sacrifice' teen killings
According to the Ham and High newspaper:
Two young children, now in care, who had been forced to take part in a 'baseless' campaign had their innocence stolen by their mother and her partner, top Family Division judge Mrs Justice Pauffley has ruled.
She was giving a fact finding judgment in care proceedings brought by the London Borough of Barnet involving two children, aged nine and eight, who were said to be at the centre of the cult’s abuse.

Lord Boothby with top gangster Ronnie Kray, centre, who reportedly supplied boys to the elite. LORD 'X' SUED, AND WON.
The judge said that in September 2014 'lurid allegations of the most serious kind' were drawn to the attention of the Metropolitan Police suggesting the children were part of a large group of children abused by the satanic cult.
The children's father was said to be the leader of the cult and teachers and a priest were said to be members.
Both children - who can only be identified as P and Q - are now in care.
She said the children had been forced to lie about their alleged abuse by the 'cult' by their mother and her partner...
The judge said: 'My sense was that the children, for the most part, were in the realms of fantasy.'
Referring to the internet claims, she said: 'The assertions were that babies had been abused tortured and then sacrificed.
'Their throats were slit, blood was drunk and cult members would then dance wearing babies' skulls - sometimes with blood and hair still attached – on their bodies.'
She added: 'Both P and Q have suffered significantly. Their innocence was invaded. Their minds were scrambled. Their grip on reality was imperilled.
'They were introduced to sexual practices of which they had no real understanding at a time when they should have been shielded from such things.'

In January 2015, a Welsh couple (above) who went in for Satanic child abuse have at last been jailed for crimes committed in the 1970s. SATANIC CHILD RAPE IN WALES
After a lengthy private hearing when the children themselves were interviewed and examined the judge declared: 'I am able to state with complete conviction that none of the allegations are true.
'I am entirely certain that everything the mother, her partner and the children said about those matters was fabricated.
'The claims are baseless. Those who have sought to perpetrate them are evil and or foolish.'
She said filmed interviews of the children had been uploaded onto the internet with more than four million people worldwide viewing online material about the case.
She added: 'It is inevitable that a large proportion of those have a sexual interest in children. Any rational adult who uploads film clips to YouTube featuring children speaking about sexual activity must be assumed to realise that fact.'
Above we see Edward Paisnel being arrested. Paisnel was a member of a Satanist group on the small island of Jersey, off the coast of Britain. Paisnel was caught by accident in 1971 after jumping a red traffic light and being chased by the police.
She added: 'Both P and Q have suffered significantly. Their innocence was invaded. Their minds were scrambled. Their grip on reality was imperilled.
'They were introduced to sexual practices of which they had no real understanding at a time when they should have been shielded from such things.'

In January 2015, a Welsh couple (above) who went in for Satanic child abuse have at last been jailed for crimes committed in the 1970s. SATANIC CHILD RAPE IN WALES
After a lengthy private hearing when the children themselves were interviewed and examined the judge declared: 'I am able to state with complete conviction that none of the allegations are true.
'I am entirely certain that everything the mother, her partner and the children said about those matters was fabricated.
'The claims are baseless. Those who have sought to perpetrate them are evil and or foolish.'
She said filmed interviews of the children had been uploaded onto the internet with more than four million people worldwide viewing online material about the case.
She added: 'It is inevitable that a large proportion of those have a sexual interest in children. Any rational adult who uploads film clips to YouTube featuring children speaking about sexual activity must be assumed to realise that fact.'

She said the children had been forced by their mother and her partner 'to provide concocted accounts of horrific events'.
She said: 'The stories came about as the result of relentless emotional and psychological pressure as well as significant physical abuse.
'Torture is a strong word but it is the most accurate way to describe what was done to the children by the mother’s partner in collaboration with the mother.
'The children were made to take part in filmed mobile phone recordings in which they relayed a series of fabricated satanic practices.'
Haut de la Garenne. "The expert in the UK who had examined the first bones we sent (which included a piece of child's tibia) said that they were very likely the bones of a juvenile human, they had been burnt shortly after death and buried shortly after burning."
She said the mother took no part in the court proceedings and had now disappeared.
She had not been seen since early February with rumours that she had fled abroad.
The mother's partner took no part either. But the judge found he had physically abused the children.
Former Attorney General Sir Michael Havers: alleged to have been at child sex and drug parties.
She said the parents met in 2003 and there was an 'acrimonious' split up three years later.
The mother then accused the father of the most serious kinds of sexual abuse, with 'grotesque' assertions of repeated interference with them since they were babies.
But the judge completely cleared the children's father of any abuse.
She said she had no doubt but that the physical injuries described by the children as having been inflicted by their mother's partner were indeed caused by him.
She rejected as 'baseless' the mother’s suggestion that instead their father was responsible.

Friends in high places.
She continued: 'The children were made to absorb and repeat on film and in interview grotesque claims against so many blameless people including the father whom they love.'
She added: 'All of the material promulgated by the mother, now published on the internet, is nothing more than utter nonsense.
'The long term emotional and psychological harm of what was done to the children is incalculable. The impact of the internet campaign is likely to have the most devastating consequences for P and Q.'
She said the internet campaign has continued and as fast as online material was taken down it appeared on other websites.
'All the signs are that those responsible for posting material derive a great deal of personal satisfaction from attracting interest to their spiteful work from many thousands of people,' she added.
'It’s akin to the sensation, I imagine, of a Facebook user receiving an indication that some posting or other has been ‘liked’.'
She added: 'The individuals who have watched online film clips, read online articles and believed in the allegations would do well to reflect that ‘things may not be what they seem’, and that it is all too easy to be duped on the basis of partial information.
'There are many campaigning people, sadly, who derive satisfaction from spreading their own poisonous version of history irrespective of whether it is true or not.'
She said: 'The stories came about as the result of relentless emotional and psychological pressure as well as significant physical abuse.
'Torture is a strong word but it is the most accurate way to describe what was done to the children by the mother’s partner in collaboration with the mother.
'The children were made to take part in filmed mobile phone recordings in which they relayed a series of fabricated satanic practices.'

She said the mother took no part in the court proceedings and had now disappeared.
She had not been seen since early February with rumours that she had fled abroad.
The mother's partner took no part either. But the judge found he had physically abused the children.

Former Attorney General Sir Michael Havers: alleged to have been at child sex and drug parties.
She said the parents met in 2003 and there was an 'acrimonious' split up three years later.
The mother then accused the father of the most serious kinds of sexual abuse, with 'grotesque' assertions of repeated interference with them since they were babies.
But the judge completely cleared the children's father of any abuse.
She said she had no doubt but that the physical injuries described by the children as having been inflicted by their mother's partner were indeed caused by him.
She rejected as 'baseless' the mother’s suggestion that instead their father was responsible.

Friends in high places.
She continued: 'The children were made to absorb and repeat on film and in interview grotesque claims against so many blameless people including the father whom they love.'
She added: 'All of the material promulgated by the mother, now published on the internet, is nothing more than utter nonsense.
'The long term emotional and psychological harm of what was done to the children is incalculable. The impact of the internet campaign is likely to have the most devastating consequences for P and Q.'
She said the internet campaign has continued and as fast as online material was taken down it appeared on other websites.
Michael Horgan. Michael Horgan organised and filmed "satanic-themed orgies" at which children were raped. Horgan organised satanic torture and child abuse orgies on Saddleworth Moor, where child killers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley had buried their victims.
'All the signs are that those responsible for posting material derive a great deal of personal satisfaction from attracting interest to their spiteful work from many thousands of people,' she added.
'It’s akin to the sensation, I imagine, of a Facebook user receiving an indication that some posting or other has been ‘liked’.'
She added: 'The individuals who have watched online film clips, read online articles and believed in the allegations would do well to reflect that ‘things may not be what they seem’, and that it is all too easy to be duped on the basis of partial information.
'There are many campaigning people, sadly, who derive satisfaction from spreading their own poisonous version of history irrespective of whether it is true or not.'
disgusting verdict . nice report aang very sardonically done !!
RICKY DEARMAN FILM (first part of series)
Thank you, Aang.
The judge is a Dame
Well, if a high court judge has ruled the allegations are baseless, then they must be true!
This lady gets parents to settle their disputes over a cup of tea –Literally...
Family judge tells warring couple 'settle it over a cup of tea' - and it worked!
She has the fuckng cheak to say that it us who are paedophiles because we take an interest in the case. Any decent person would be horrified by the allegations and only the most callous couldn't care less. A cover up!
So...the judge has effectively said anybody looking into or researching this subject must have paedophile tendencies.
Talk about damage control, she won't the the first judge who has helped cover up child abuse.
DI Forum's back, as the encyclopedic thread, where you get accounts like: rory123
Who posts: I put "What cause anal fissures" in google
And goes in another crappy excuse to NOT see the obvious.
SICKENING. Another major cover-up by one of the Establishment's 'lackeys'.This is becoming increasingly tiresome now and the public have had enough of it. Just WHO are they protecting as it has to go much deeper than a few schools and a Z rated 'actor' and his cronies.
The word "baseless" is in all honesty a 100% proven lie. These people (purveyors of the British justice system) are the most contemptible wicked and disgusting liars who ever walked the earth. The Judge is presumably not of sound mind or utterly corrupt. No other choices. This will not stand and history will record that Justice Pauffley was not an agent of truth or justice but entirely the opposite.in my opinion.This has not even begun yet.
To give some idea of just how psychotic this judgement is, check this message received yesterday (name removed) from a Forensic Linguist.
"I have just read your excellent analysis of G's so-called retraction video. I am wondering if you have or know somebody who has a transcript? I am a Forensic Linguist (currently training FCA investigators in deception detection) and would also like to conduct some analysis on the videos in this case. I have not made time to transcribe them myself so would appreciate it if you could help me with this.
Thanks for your blog and all the links. The truth will come out eventually. I'm thinking that another approach to getting this case out there would be to have a sober academic opinion on the videos. I have access to professors who are experts in this field who may also be interested in this case if I can do a bit of leg work. If I can get one of them to take a look and even comment then that might help."
Mrs Justice Pauffley believes it is normal childish behaviour for siblings to touch their own, the dog’s and their sibling’s genital areas out of curiosity. She claims to suggest otherwise is a distortion of innocent activities which are neither sinister or depraved.
Incest is normal?
If she hadn't acquitted the father so quickly I might have thought she was making an effort to give a truthful verdict, but because she immediately condemned the mother and the mother's partner, who uploaded the videos in the first place. My question is why would they upload that if they were the perpetrators? The woman judge is probably a pure satanist as well. Time to hunker down and pray to the living God for all of this evil .
The judge spoke some truth, intentionally or not - that we should do well to reflect that things may not be what they seem. Someone is lying here and going to some lengths to cover it up. Cui bono? I think she doth protest too much.
Well, this has gone right down the very road I predicted. (Do I win a prize?)
Did the mother and her partner really think that posting those videos would result in anything other than what has occurred? Did they really think those videos were incriminating and unassailable?
Now they've had to flee. And why? Either because the mother and partner are the abusers and their dramatic deflection scheme didn't work, or because they are right and are now fearful of backlash from the cult.
The idiots should have known that they would need more than just sensational monologues from children.
Before announcing to the cult (and the entire world) that you're on to them, why not do some investigating on the sly? Why not stake out the school on Wednesday ("sex day") and see if the kids' father and other adults show up?
Posting those videos without any other corroborating evidence was the dumbest move ever. They tipped their hand before they had anything. Utterly, utterly stupid.
We'll what do you know....look who was involved in Hollie Greig case..Anna Paullfrey no less.....
Another lying, corrupt High Society type. Clawed her way onto the High Court. She has no authority to rule on criminal matter outside her family jurisdiction. Moreover, there has been no investigation upon which to base any decision. Her ruling is has no legal authority.
More on the Judge, seems we know which way her bread is buttered
A couple regarded as too intellectually slow to be parents must give up their two children for adoption, a high court judge as ruled. Mrs Justice Pauffley said they could not keep their four year old daughter and 14-month-old son even though they have never harmed or neglected them.
Amazing how she can come to all these conclusions with out the slightest wiff of investigation into most of her claims and of course contrary to all the evidence - such it seems is our evil judiciary which refuses to consider the cries of the children whom the medical profession have clearly shown were subject to the abuse they have testified to.
According to the judge it would appear AC and the mother are responsible for the findings of the medical experts with regard to the rectal examinations which of course is completely inconsistent with the kids testimony.
And just what medical evidence did she rely upon to come to her conclusions?
None as far as I can see the medical evidence appears to be ignored.
Welcome to the United Satanic Kingdom.
Time for Mum to begin an appeal against the dame's decision.
Royal Justices and its Judges
High court judge and child sex ring http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2576451/High-court-judge-child-sex-ring-Adviser-Queen-founder-paedophile-support-group-offenders-jail.html
THANK YOU from one of the 'evil' or 'foolish' internet campaigners substantiating these 'baseless' allegations...
Here's our next platform for change with lots of references for you - currently on 'Random Page' on www.whistleblowerkids.com
Judges and teachers
Jail term slashed for primary teacher caught with child abuse videos http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2601611/High-Court-judge-links-PIE-paedophile-support-group-sparks-anger-slashing-sentence-primary-school-teacher-hoarded-films-sadistic-child-abuse.html
This is special, beyond all expectation. Three cheers for the best newspaper in the world!
Mother who tortured her two children to lie about satanic child sex cult based at a primary school 'to get back at her ex' in custody dispute | Daily Mail Online
They have not even got the right lie for god's sake! The story is completely inaccurate even within the context of the lie they are telling.
Whenever I got to the Daily Mail today the page reloads every three to five seconds, making almost impossible to open any articles, it only happens on that site so I was just wondering if this is happening to anyone else?
PAUFFLEY wrote: "Moreover,
senseless assumptions would seem to have been made by Mr Christie and the mother
if, in fact, the children had touched the dog and were “touching each other.” To
believe that children who demonstrate curiosity about and touch their own, the dog’s
and their sibling’s genital areas must have, or probably have, been sexually abused is
plainly ridiculous. It either shows alarming ignorance about normal childish
behaviour or, as is much more likely here, wilful determination to distort innocent
activities into something sinister and depraved"
So this nutty judge thinks it is normal for children to molest each other and dogs - that it's not a sign of abuse ??!?
Nowhere in her entire opinion does she mention that the children gave detailed identifying descriptions of the naked bodies and private parts of their abusers - such tattoos etc. She writes,
"at Mr
Christie’s and Ms Draper’s instigation, they were able to ‘speak to camera’ about the
stories concocted during the brainstorming. The obvious purpose of the film clips was
to provide ‘proof.’ It was part of a deliberate plan by Mr Christie and Ms Draper. The
children do as they are told. They do so forthrightly, without inhibition and with
apparent conviction"
The crazy judge thinks that Mr Christie told the children to fabricate descriptions of tattoos and birth marks as 'proof' - when that would actually DISPROVE the allegations - unless Christie had somehow managed to guess what all the kids teachers looked like naked so as to provide the children with the 'proof'.
Did anybody examine the bodies of these accused person? She also failed to mention that the children had spoken with their father via Skype prior to their retraction. And she failed to note the suspicious closing of the school and church websites.
Sad. An outrageously dishonest opinion. The judge needs to be put on a watchlist.
Paulfry writes, "“Evidence cannot be evaluated and assessed in separate compartments. A judge in
these difficult cases must have regard to the relevance of each piece of evidence to
other evidence and to exercise an overview of the totality of the evidence in order to
come to the conclusion whether the case put forward by the local authority has been
made out to the required standard of proof.”
Wrong. Judge pretends that deciding facts entail choosing between two "all or nothing" packages. So rather than weigh each allegation of the children and determine if even one of them is true, she neatly rejects them all.
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Daisy Hurn / Denise Bailey
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2007 Doctors (TV Series)
Mia Lewry
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2007 Benidorm (TV Series)
DSS Inspector
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2004 Feather Boy (TV Series)
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2001-2002 Micawber (TV Series)
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2000 Offending Angels
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1995-1997 Thief Takers (TV Series)
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- Invasion (1995) ... Lady Honoria Marabel
1993-1995 The Bill (TV Series)
Ginnie / Paula Ryan
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Louise Parker
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Louise the receptionist
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Stage Manager
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There's your future PM
yes the kids just made it all up, a very common fantasy heard from children their age all the time, just check the record, happens every day, same details, same themes, all over the world, don't you know.
a fabulous example of jurisprudence, relying on strict procedural doctrine, flawlessly prosecuted by a completely open mind dedicated solely to the search for the truth and the truth alone, unhindered by preconceived notions.
and of course every step-father/male partner who abuses both his girl and boy charges creates a coverup fantasy accusing an entire church staff of cannibalism, blood drinking and baby killing. happens all the time completely mundane check the record.
the conspiracy this "judge" is asking the world to believe ensconces her completely in the realm of the maniacal.
Every obe recipient is a paedo, I am convinced. It is the game.
It is outrageous that anyone can make such claims WITHOUT AN INVESTIGATION INTO VERIFIABLE FACTS. How can we TRUST what the children are saying now they are in the hands of their alleged abusers? WHY would a man who has sexually abused TWO children encourage them to give such evidence on FILM???? WHY? No - this is a COVER UP and I am now even MORE convinced. What utter BASTARDS. have just written to these: http://www.communicourt.co.uk/contact/
I am writing to express deep concern about Mrs Justice Pauffley's judgement regarding the Hampstead case (see link below). This Judge has acted unlawfully in not demanding a police investigation into the children's allegations and for FAILING to reprimand authorities for what amounts to criminal & professional NEGLIGENCE in honouring E.U. Law and legal DIRECTIVES in investigating serious allegations of child sexual abuse, child murder and child trafficking by people in positions of public authority. ALL information regarding the case and outlining of EXACTLY which E.U. Laws have been IGNORED & BROKEN are explained in the aforementioned link which itself is a case-petition against the presently ILLEGAL activities of British Family Courts and is presently, being distributed among E.U. Council & E.U. Parliament.
the comments section for me is on a perpetual state of reload.
I agree with you!!
The upper echelons of the establishment, royalty included. Which she... "The judge" is part of . it`s sickening.
can only assume if you cover this evil up you have submitted to it.
After reading the high court judge's statement, it strikes me that this entire statement is primarily meant to act as a warning to other victims of satanic ritual abuse not to speak out.
It's a warning to shut up about it, or end up worse off than you were before.
The Hampstead children gave eyewitness testimony that can be confirmed or not:
Moles, tattoes, rings, spots, etc. on the adults' genitalia.
The whole case rests on genitalia of the perpetrators. And that genitalia can't be gotten rid of or hidden or buried, unless those involved disappear or are killed and their bodies cremated.
The genitalia must speak.
What a ridiculous claim she makes - spin-doctor classic, blame the victims, the innocent and the concerned; calling the good, evil and the evil, good.
Yeah, I caught that too, since when is it normal for siblings to be engaging in sex play, at any age? Shame on this pathetic judge - she doesn't care about these children, she's other one of them ( a pedo/satanist or has been coerced out of fear of harm to white-wash this case!
Disgusting and extremely offensive statement to make of 4 million viewers! The devil always over plays his hand ....
Well, i spent a lot of time being a kid, and i mixed with hundreds of other kids and i never heard of any kid who fiddled with a dog's privates. And I doubt if the thought ever entered anyone's mind. The ruling class must be very peculiar if this isn't unusual for their kids to do.
The genitalia hold the truth, yes, and as well the documented account of anal scarring, indicative of sodomy and abuse!
I agree, utterly stupid or arrogant like the Mckenzie Friends who helped them i will add.
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Stakeouts? They're not private detectives.
More naïve than stupid, they sensed the establishment would close ranks but thought they could truth bomb and embarrass the system into accepting the truth by letting the world know at the same time.
It didn't work....or did it? The response of the system is nothing one wouldn't expect under any circumstances but by releasing the videos and details of the alleged offenders they have created a generation who will not forget, exposed many shills and trolls in the 'truth movement' and also shown the establishment/media's current campaign of 'truthing' about HISTORICAL child abuse/murders as a limited hangout scam. Not forgetting they got the system to overplay it's hand (as a posted below rightly says) by inducing Pauffley into a ridiculous OTT attack on anyone who cares about allegations made by children anywhere. Very revealing.
It's not over yet and the system looks very bad now. The exiles have landed a punch or two, that's for sure.
my guess is the Freemasons
great support for the truth. if only the crooked judge gave any credibility to academic opinion.
I tend to agree that they should have attempted to get some evidence, perhaps a recording device in the children's bag, or something.. but to call them idiots is unfair. The idiots are the people who believe we have an honourable justice system. This judge would have disregarded all evidence presented to her.
hear hear well said !! second that and thankyou
If you care, those of you must express your disgust to every politician you can think of. I'm in Australia - I have no voice. But politicians rely on your votes. Your votes are their bread and butter and they like their bread well-buttered. They are vulnerable to your opinion, because your opinion dictates your vote. It's the only power you can wield, so please wield it and often. Bend those bastards to YOUR will, to YOUR determination to defend those young victims and all those like them. You can force this loathsome judge down and out, if you unite in purpose. They're relying on your venting online and doing nothing in real life. It's how they win every time. Please prove them wrong and thank you
It is very clear from this so called "judge" Pauffley that her unprofessionalism and sheer ignorance in dismissing all the key elements of this case are due to the fact that she is clearly hiding/concealing the truth in an effort to protect someone, or her hand was manipulated by nefarious forces--related to this cult. Did anyone look into her background and see if she is somehow connected directly or indirectly to the pedophile ring. Of the hundreds of people involved in the henious acts (from all walks of life and professions), what are the chances that she may have been involved? I'm not saying she was, but it's pretty obvious she is not really out to do justice for these kids but protecting someone's interests. Mark my words, she is involved in some way (or got paid off), but you can only run from a lie for so long before it catches up to you!
Here's another fully decoded that's even more blatant and in what appears to be a "Christian" church, no less, except to those who know Qabala! They LOVE to use "Christian" churches to throw off their stench!
"Mamas and the Papas" that's fully Qabala/Tav-22/Saturn encoded!
The judge was a Jew.
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