The Hampstead Judgement Contains Basic Factual Errors.
Anonymous writes:
In France ... the same sick phenomena (Amidlisa, 'Réseau du Var')
Three children denounce their father.
2 brothers and their older sister witness child killings in front of cameras in their dad's hands as well as some of his friends ...
Last time, the children made testimony about the murder of a child, a couple of years ago, the toll was 16 children killed.
As with Alisa and Gabriel's protectors, the three were removed from the mother and protectors really fast.
Last time, the children made testimony about the murder of a child, a couple of years ago, the toll was 16 children killed.
As with Alisa and Gabriel's protectors, the three were removed from the mother and protectors really fast.
They're currently living with the "father".
Meanwhile the mother and grand father are both charged with defamation, without the police even having investigated...
The case is occurring in a region where a lot of 'very influential persons' live - Saint-Tropez area (South of France).
The case is occurring in a region where a lot of 'very influential persons' live - Saint-Tropez area (South of France).
The father builds houses for billionaires; mason and owner of his company ...
“We’re concerned about reports that hundreds of children have been abducted from their families ... and trafficked to the UK, especially London, for religious rituals,” Kirsten Sandberg, head of the CRC and a former Norwegian Supreme Court judge, said Thursday.
UN warns Britain over child voodoo rituals, pedophile sex ....
Allegedly, Christine Ann Sands' job is to infiltrate Ella Draper's supporters and then discredit them.
Reportedly, Ella Draper has advised her supporters to distance themselves from Christine Ann Sands.
Labels: Amidlisa, Ella Draper, Hampstead, police, Var
the woman at the start of this vid is an undercover FBI agent sent to spy on the hampstead activists..http://co-creatingournewearth.blogspot.co.nz/2015/03/ella-and-abraham-message-sat-2pm-uk.html...Christine Ann Sands ...testified in over a 100 cases in USA against protestors..&Belinda mckenzie (MI5)skulking around like she doesn,t know anything.check the shiftyness of this shifter @1.51!!!..Belinda is probably Christines UK handler ..Ella and Abram take note...x
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) urged Britain to do more to stop this brutal form of people trafficking.
“We’re concerned about reports that hundreds of children have been abducted from their families in Africa and trafficked to the UK, especially London, for religious rituals,” Kirsten Sandberg, head of the CRC and a former Norwegian Supreme Court judge, said Thursday.
She said that trafficking for rituals was part of a wider problem where thousands of minors are brought to the UK, who end up being child prostitutes or being sexually exploited.
The CRC advised that Britain should “strengthen the capacity of law-enforcement authorities and judiciary to detect and prosecute trafficking of children for labor, sexual and other forms of exploitation, including for religious rituals.”
There have been numerous cases of children who have been brought to the UK from Africa and suffered torture and abuse, often as part of witchcraft rituals, AFP reports.
Thank you very much for the link Aangirfan.
Let me first say, that I believe the children, and I believe Ella Draper's belief in her children, but I'm quite concerned that some of the Hampstead activists are giving "on a plate", so to speak, reasons to be discredited. Such as . .
At 05:06 in this video - https://youtu.be/n71QX7oCXq0
"I've got the red berry, I will dissect it later and see if its filled with blood"
(and several other examples in this woman's videos)
In fact they already are being singled out, as you can see in this video:
I realise you cannot control the actions of everyone, and a rational person should be able to distinguish between the actual Hampstead SRA case and the actions of those who support it, but anyway . . . it just seems a shame to me.
Rectal injuries? God....
NEW VIDEO: It's a short excerpt from Alfred Lambremont Webre’s interview with Ella and Abraham, combined with that footage of former Detective Sergeant Ray Savage. At the end of the video there’s also a clickable link that takes people straight through to Alfred’s recent interview. Hopefully this will get even more people to hear Ella And Abraham’s side of the story. Check it out:
Ella Draper: "I had no reason to coach my children"
Lot of discussion of this on the Icke forums, mostly supportive of the kids, notable for some subtle and not so subtle shills attempting to discredit the case and belittle those who believe in it
Yeah, I cant even believe these English protesters are letting this woman stick around. In my opinion she is all hopped up on prescription opiates and is a liability to this case, sorry folks, I cant put it a milder way in fact I had to hold my tongue watching this video:
If I was there I would tell her to go to hell in a handbasket, and I'm at 100% for these children, this woman is only a detriment to this cause.
**Despite Medical Reports supporting whistleblower kids testimonies, in both cases Amidlisa & Hamstead, police, courts and medias never take it into account.**
In France ... the same sick phenomena (Amidlisa, 'Réseau du Var')
Three children denounce their father.
2 brothers and their older sister witness child killings in front of cameras in their dad's hands as well as some of his friends ...
Last time the children made testimony about the murder of a child, a couple of years ago, the toll was 16 children killed.
As with Alisa and Gabriel's protectors, the three were removed from the mother and protectors really fast.
They're currently living with the "father".
Meanwhile the mother and grand father are both charged with defamation, without the police even having investigated...
The case is occurring in a region where a lot of 'very influential persons' live - Saint-Tropez area (South of France).
The father builds houses for billionaires; mason and owner of his company ...
The Child witnesses refer to "cellars", that their dad could have built.
Amidlisa whistleblower kids talk about dismembering of children and cannibalism as A & G did.
The mother had complete custody of the three children previously of the revelations her kids did to her as Ella, A & G's mother, had too.
Both mothers recorded on camera the kids making testimony of what they did live with their father and uploaded it on the net, becoming viral, it has been censored.
Amidlisa whistleblower kids also put in accusation social service worker, female teachers of their school, doctor, psy ... as did A & G's of Hamstead's case.
Amidlisa's case for a few years is older than hampstead's one. French whistleblower's kids were first in charge of social services when they've been quickly removed from their mother's custody, then after given to the 'predator' father's responsibility who for years now regularly refuses to let the protective-mother to see her children for the few hours per month court "granted" her.
Both cases when it reached national news, medias were biased, seconding the covering-up ...
Despite Medical Reports supporting whistleblower kids testimonies, in both cases Amidlisa & Hamstead, police, courts and medias never take it into account.
Sorry, I found the links in the body of Aang's article but google translate does such a horrible job at translation but I get the drift. Amazing, another incident almost as exact as the Elisa and Gabriel story. Unbelievably shocking that they are able to suppress these things through the media and courts... keep pressing on for transparency folks! Power To The People!
The Prime Minister – alongside the Home Secretary and Secretaries of State for Health, Justice, Education and Communities and Local Government – met leaders from local authorities, children’s services, health professionals, chief constables and experts in child protection at Downing Street to demand local areas work more effectively to strengthen the systems in place to protect children.
David Cameron said child sexual abuse would be prioritised as a "national threat." According to former Detective Sergeant Ray Savage, one in ten children are victims. That is a national outrage and it is time to take this brutal crime seriously and listen to the children. Cameron admits: "Victims were appallingly let down, disbelieved and even blamed." He promised to "eradicate the culture of denial..."
Well, now he has a chance to prove it. Two Hampstead children have made allegations of ritual sex abuse, perpetrated by a cult and provided a wealth of incriminating details, including secret rooms, built by members of the paedophile ring. This is a recurring theme in child sex abuse cases, from Fritzl and Dutroux to the Wests, with a torture chamber in the cellar of their home on a residential street, full of graves.
Both children were convincing on film and you don't need to be a body language expert to see that their gestures and facial expressions, which are involuntary, correspond to the abuse they described. They repeated these claims in police interviews, revealing further information. The medical report from the UCH corroborated their testament, that sexual abuse had occurred, but the police closed the case anyway.
The children have named the people they accuse of this crime, but they are not being investigated, only the children's guardians who reported the crime, are under investigation. The mother and her partner stand accused of having coerced the children to lie, through torture, by a judge who is reinforcing the "culture of denial" that Cameron vowed to eradicate, by completely ignoring the evidence and the children.
The Red Berry remark was almost certainly an attempt to give out cryptic information about me. I had been listening to the Wonderstuff´s "Red Berry Joy Town" around this time. Cheap precognitive espionage, probably innocently motivated. inevitable in the internet PSI-age.
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