Peruvian Jews represent an important part of the economics and politics of Peru.Have the 'dead' Charlie Hebdo staff moved to Peru?
Sandra Barr has exposed: the Charlie Hebdo False Flag
1: If no Charlie Hebdo staff were actually killed in the false flag attack, then where are the alleged victims hiding?
On January 12, 2015, five days after the alleged attack, the UK Independent published a story about one of the alleged victims, Elsa Cayat.
Elsa is a Jewish psychiatrist and psychoanalyst.

Elsa Cayat in Peru 2013
The Independent mentioned that in the summer of 2014, Sophie traveled to Peru with Stephane Charbonnier, and other Charlie Hebdo journalists.

George Wolinski a cartoonist at Charlie Hebdo is Jewish.
According to the Independent:
"Never averse to investigating her own psyche, last summer Cayat flew with Charbonnier and other Charlie Hebdo contributors to Peru, with the intention of ingesting peyote."
Bernard Maris, a top economist, was a journalist at Charlie Hebdo.
Bernard Maris is a member of the Roger Leray freemason lodge in Paris (Grand Orient de France).
He taught microeconomics at the Central Bank of Peru.
Sandra Barr has exposed: the Charlie Hebdo False Flag
2. Addresses given for Charlie Hebdo

Entrance at 10 Rue Nicolas Appert
The address of the Charlie Hebdo office, on the day of the 'shootings', was said to be 10 Rue Nicolas Appert.
Apparently, there have never been any pictures of the Charlie Hebdo staff at 10 Rue Nicolas Appert.

The offices at 44 Rue Turbigo
The Charlie Hebdo staff had an office at 44 Rue Turbigo.
Most of the pictures of the staff were taken at 44 Rue Turbigo.

56-62 Boulevard Davout, after an alleged petrol bomb attack. Full details and photos of this false flag here: Sandra Barr has exposed: the Charlie Hebdo False Flag
Charlie Hebdo allegedly had an office at 56-62 Boulevard Davout.
In 2011, the alleged Charlie Hebdo offices at 56-62 Boulevard Davout were allegedly attacked with a petrol bomb.
Apparently, there have never been any pictures of the Charlie Hebdo staff at 56-62 Boulevard Davout.

26 Rue Serpollet
Reportedly, there was a Charlie Hebdo office at 26 Rue Serpollet.
In June 2014, a French blogger 'Mardi' published a post about Charlie Hebdo sharing the building at 26 Rue Serpollet with offices of the 'Prefecture de Police de Paris'.

On this Paris business directory, the address of Charlie Hebdo (Charlie Hebdo Hara Kiri) was changed on 6 January2015, the day before the 'shootings'.
It would seem that the Charlie Hebdo address was changed, on various Paris business directory sites, on the day before the shooting of 6 January 2015.
The address was changed from Rue Serpollet to Rue Nicolas Appert.
It would appear that Charlie Hebdo was never located at either Boulevard Devout (petrol bombing), or 10 Rue Nicolas Appert (shooting), but, that these addresses were used to stage false flag events.
More documents on addresses here: Sandra Barr: the Charlie Hebdo False Flag

The deeply Satanic and anti-Christian Charlie Hebdo. Jesus sodomizing God.
3: The anti-Christian Charlie Hebdo sold very few copies, was deep in debt, and needed some publicity.
The Charlie Hebdo 'shootings' apparently led to Charlie Hebdo making €21 Million.
The 'non-sheep' have seen through the false-flag attack.
A French website called Panamza reported on (1) the crisis actor girlfriend of Charbonnier, Jeannette Bougrab, and (2) the 'murder' of the Police Inspector on the same day as the alleged attack and (3) the finances of Charlie Hebdo.
Link and Link

RThe Zionist Bernard Henri Levy reading the 2/11/11 issue of Charlie Hebdo.
4. Charlie Hebdo and the Zionist Agenda
Charlie Hebdo published nothing that could have been considered offensive to Jews.
Sandra Barr: the Charlie Hebdo False Flag
Philippe Val was one of the creators of Charlie Hebdo.
In 2008 Val sacked the cartoonist Sine for making what he deemed an anti-Semitic comment in his column.

Charlie Hebdo's Charbonnier - mind control symbolism.
5. Je Suis Charlie Manson
An hour after the attack the Charlie Hebdo website went down, it was back up again and the home page displayed "JE SUIS CHARLIE".
Much more here: Sandra Barr has exposed: the Charlie Hebdo False Flag

You're totally correct and here's proof:
1) France had just helped Muslims; as with The Masonic Norway attack this was the trigger!
2) Hebdo reportedly owned by a Rothschild corp;
3) French investigating police chief suicided;
4) Date/name gematria has JEWISH MASONIC MAFIA written all over!
Cabala Numerology on the "CHARLIE HEBDO ATTACK" on "1/7/2015":
Chaldean: (Jewish-Masonic fingerprint)
Vowels-21(3) Masonic Favorite Number both 2+1(sex magic) and the "3"!
Total-13(4) Anagram of Pi see:
1) Pi Basis of Judaism
2) Weapons of Jewish MAFIA
Consonants-10(1) eloHIM 'gods'/phallus their favorite toy.
Pythagorean: (Jewish-Masonic fingerprint)
Vowels-21(3) eloHIM 'gods'/phallus their favorite toy.
Total-74(11) Does not boad well as its one from "Clocks strikes 12" ( Saturn reaper)
Consonants-10(1) eloHIM 'gods'/phallus their favorite toy.
If you're in the UK or Sweden you'll want to see this video as you're marked with 9/11 style numerology for a 'fall'!
11-"does not boad well as that's one before the Saturn 12 reaper!
UK/Sweden flag falling (See 3 images/half way down blog page)
of the Boston Cabala Bombing Rituals that starred Solomon's Temple at the finish line!
You're totally correct and here's proof:
1) France had just helped Muslims; as with The Masonic Norway attack this was the trigger!
2) Hebdo reportedly owned by a Rothschild corp;
3) French investigating police chief suicided;
4) Date/name gematria has JEWISH MASONIC MAFIA written all over!
Cabala Numerology on the "CHARLIE HEBDO ATTACK" on "1/7/2015":
Chaldean: (Jewish-Masonic fingerprint)
Vowels-21(3) Masonic Favorite Number both 2+1(sex magic) and the "3"!
Total-13(4) Anagram of Pi see:
1) Pi Basis of Judaism
2) Weapons of Jewish MAFIA
Consonants-10(1) eloHIM 'gods'/phallus their favorite toy.
Pythagorean: (Jewish-Masonic fingerprint)
Vowels-21(3) eloHIM 'gods'/phallus their favorite toy.
Total-74(11) Does not boad well as its one from "Clocks strikes 12" ( Saturn reaper)
Consonants-10(1) eloHIM 'gods'/phallus their favorite toy.
If you're in the UK or Sweden you'll want to see this video as you're marked with 9/11 style numerology for a 'fall'!
11-"does not boad well as that's one before the Saturn 12 reaper!
UK/Sweden flag falling (See 3 images/half way down blog page)
of the Boston Cabala Bombing Rituals that starred Solomon's Temple at the finish line!
Labels: Boulevard Davout, Charlie Hebdo, Elsa Cayat, Peru, Rue Nicolas Appert
As far as I am aware you dont get Peyote in Peru. You might find Yage their.
No pissing on the jewish faith from the part of charlie hebdo despite their claim to abhor all religions and treat them equally.
To the contrary actually considering Wolinski's "Merci Hannukah Harry" comic strip advertised in Charlie and targeted at children. The Hannukah Harry character borrows his name from a jewish religious festival and is presented as a benefactor of humanity who gave it the secret of fire and so on...
Not to be confused with the american Hanukkah Harry TV character. They both convey the same kind of pro-jew religious propaganda for children however.
I was thinking that Wolinski might have retired in a yeshiva in Israel instead of being dead as we are told...
Je suis Donbass
No wonder there's something stinking in this charade, who owns the media depicts the future of a society.
Brian's Movie by Monty Python - 1979 - was censored because an actor, impersonating a zealot religious figure, was seen as an antisemitic cliché
The House Of Rothschild (1934) was a megaproduction - maybe the first big movie ever - and depicted the chosen family as a caring, loving enterprise...
Also related:
Zionists linked to “Charlie Hebdo terrorists’ escape” | Veterans Today
PANAMZA | L'info subversive
» Les terroristes de Charlie Hebdo ont changé de véhicule devant un local utilisé par l’armée israélienne
Reference the epidemic of child abuse sweeping the world:
It is difficult for us to deal with it as it is led by the Talmud whose adherents in the upper levels of finance, government, law, media and education believe secretly that it is perfectly acceptable behaviour - and only abhorred by the non-jews who must be managed into accepting it.
'Homosexuality with a male child under the age of nine years and a day is not punishable (Sanhedrin 54b-55a,). Scholar Rabbi Dr. Freedman's clear statement of the doctrine:
Sodomising a boy aged less than nine years and one day is not against Talmudic law; intercourse with a girl less than the age of four is permitted. No guilt is incurred by the adult. Samuel makes three the minimum age for a girl to be a 'concubine' or 'wife' for sex.
— Rabbi Dr. Freedman (21)
Moses set this precedent by urging the killing of all the adults captured by the Hebrews, but they could keep the children for themselves.
Our problem in most places is that pederasty and sex with children is considered wrong, by our ways. But the Talmudic and Kabala jews permit it and spread it wherever they can get away with it.
That explains the sexualisation of children in jew-controlled places, eg entertainment, the media, education, and the advance of the Paedophile Information Exchange in Britain under Thatcher's jew dominated government, eg Brittan and others - and the Labour Party under the likes of known boy rapist, Labour peer Greville Janner, Vice President of the World Congress of Jews and President of the British jew Board of Deputies when he was at the height of his offending in Britain, by British law - but perfectly acceptable to his Talmudic law.
remember this alleged phone interview:
(scroll down)Full transcript: Cherif Kouachi to BFMTV
Journalist: Do you intend to kill again in the name of Allah. Or not?
Kouachi: Have we killed other people in the last few days when you were looking for us? Go on. Tell me.
Journalist: You killed journalists.
Kouachi: Wait. Did we kill civilians when you were looking for us in the last two days?
Journalist: Have you killed anyone this morning?
Cherif: We are not killers...
BFM journo, Sarah-Lou Cohen, in a Vox interview: "They explained as well that they deny having killed civilians," Cohen said, paraphrasing from parts of the call that were not played on-air. "That's important, because for them, the journalists at Charlie Hebdo were not civilians, they were targets"
i still have no evidence the Kouachi's were doing anything but running, as they knew they were dead men walking, once their names were put out re the ID found in the car.
so French Security didn't hold him on his return, even with the name Coulibaly? LOL.
Daily Mail: Three French soldiers stabbed during patrol outside Jewish
community centre 'by suspected jihadist who was intercepted trying to reach
ISIS the week before'
Was arrested in Turkey last week, thought to have been set to join ISIS
Moussa Coulibaly, 30, was arrested at Istanbul airport and deported back to
France after border control became suspicious, a security source has said.
His shares the last name of Amedy Coulibaly, who took hostages in a kosher
supermarket in Paris and gunned down a policewoman last month.
The surname is relatively common among families of Malian descent, but
anti-terrorist police have confirmed they are 'investigating a link' between
the pair.
Coulibaly was detained after the attack, near the Galeries Lafayette
department store, and a second man has since been arrested by police.
The attack took place in central Nice around 2pm this afternoon, after
Coulibaly had been fined for travelling on the tram without a ticket.
He 'paid the fine without flinching and then rushed at the soldiers,' The
Local reports.
Coulibaly then pulled an eight-inch blade out of a bag and set upon one of
the soldiers, injuring him in the chin, police said.
Coulibaly then swiped at two other soldiers - injuring one in the cheek, and
the other in the forearm - before being apprehended by riot police stationed
near the building.
Charlie Hebdo part doesn't begin til approx 1hr 38 mins, but all 2 hrs 51 mins are enthralling:
SevenGate: Analysis of Charlie Hebdo as a SevenGate false flag to start WWIII - Next Steps
says who?
French knife attack suspect says he ‘hates military, Jews’
Moussa Coulibaly, the 30-year-old man arrested for attacking three French soldiers outside a Jewish community centre in Nice with a knife, has told investigators of his hatred of Jews and the military, a source close to the investigation said.
Coulibaly was already known to the police at the time of the attack, having been questioned just days before after he was turned away from Turkey last week...
Between long bouts of silence during questioning the suspect said he believed Muslims were persecuted throughout the world, the source added...
Anti-terrorist police were focusing their investigation on whether Coulibaly had known that the soldiers were protecting a Jewish centre, tucked away in a courtyard in the French Riviera city, and what his motives were.
A rabbi, Franck Teboul, visited the Jewish centre Wednesday and said: "It is likely the centre was not targeted."...
French intelligence services were then alerted to the fact that he was trying to enter Turkey – a key entry point for jihadists seeking to go to fight in Syria – and asked the country to expel him.
However he was released as there was not enough evidence to press charges...
Jarrod Ramos in the law suit and twitter account, is not the same Jarrod Ramos that was arrested after the shooting!
The tweet supposedly from just before the shooting, was actually posted almost 3 hours after the shooting, at 12:48 p.m. Eastern Time, you can see the time stamps and proof on GAB.AI
See more on the web archive, and that the real Jarrod Ramos feared for his life from Charlie Sondervan, who had been mailing things to Jarrod Ramos's house, and Jarrod Ramos shows that Sondervan had PTSD and was a Vietnam Vet, and a few months later Ramos disappeared off the face of the Earth after 1-21-2016, until some one tweeted from his account ---> nearly 3 hours after the shooting on 6-28-2018, at 12:48 p.m. Eastern Time! <--- Less than one hour after this evidence was posted on GAB.AI his twitter account was suspended.
This was a FALSE FLAG event to cover up his murder on or just after the evening of 1-21-2016.
Maryland's Democrat politicians are involved, before during and after the fact. The evidence of their guilt has been spread around for all to see.
The real Jarrod Ramos was older on January 21, 2016, than the fake Jarrod Ramos arrested after the shooting on June 28, 2018! See the pictures and proof on GAB.AI
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