Jeffrey Epstein got the land for his palatial house in New Mexico from former New Mexico Governor Bruce King.
Governor King lived next to Epstein's ranch, in Stanley.

Governor King presided over a police force who were allegedly 'drug runners, murderers, blackmailers and participants in various sex clubs."

In Albuquerque in New Mexico, "Linda Lee Daniels was abducted for use in porno films, raped, tortured, and then shot to death.
"James Scartaccini, the one of Linda’s abductors, that evidence indicated was her killer, was allowed to plea bargain and served no time at all."

Kaitlyn Arquette, 18, was murdered in Albuquerque on July 16, 1989.
Reportedly she knew too much about the criminal activity of the top people in New mexico.
Who Killed Kait Arquette?
Bill Richardson, a former Governor of New Mexico, and a member of Bilderberg, was a frequent visitor to Stanley.
Alan Dershowitz reportedly visited Stanley.

Reportedly human traffickers use New Mexico when they bring sex slaves into the USA from such places as Eastern Europe, Mexico and Africa.
The CIA are suspected of being involved. The sex trade is closely linked to the drugs trade.
Reportedly, Timothy Wyllie of the Satanist Process Church lives on a compound in Mountainair in New Mexico similar as Epstein's. Wyllie is said to be linked to the CIA and MI6.
(Many thanks to anonymous for the links.)

Tara Calico, aged 19, disappeared on 20 September, 1988, near Belen, in New Mexico.
Girl in the photograph..
In 1989, in Port St. Joe, in Florida, a woman found the above photo outside a Junior Food Store.
The photo appears to show Tara and a missing boy named Michael Henley.

Jeffrey Epstein has a palatial home in STANLEY, which is near BELEN.
Jeffrey Epstein also has a home in Florida.

Michael Henley, Jr., disappeared in April 1988, in the same area where Tara disappeared.
Witnesses spotted a girl resembling Tara, with a group of men who seemed to be restraining her, on a South Florida beach just days before the photo was found.

Epstein lives in what is reputed to be the largest private dwelling in New Mexico, on an $18 million, 7,500-acre ranch which he named Zorro.
Jeffrey Epstein's palatial New Mexico home is relatively near to a top military base.
The Epstein home is in Stanley in New Mexico.

Albuquerque now has a variety of Jewish synagogues and a Chabad house.
Mossad sex party, according to former Mossad case officer Victor Ostrovsky
There were about 25 people in and around the pool and none of them had a stitch of clothing on.
The second-in-command of the Mossad — today, he is the head — was there.
Hessner. Various secretaries. It was incredible. Some of the men were not a pretty sight, but most of the girls were quite impressive. I must say they looked much better than they did in uniform! Most of them were female soldiers assigned to the office, and were only 18 or 20 years old.
Mossad sex party, according to former Mossad case officer Victor Ostrovsky
Some of the partiers were in the water playing, some were dancing, others were on blankets to the left and the right having a fine old time vigorously screwing each other right there...
It was the top brass all right, and they were swapping partners. It really shook me. That's sure not what you expect. You look at these people as heroes, you look up to them, and then you see them having a sex party by the pool.
—Ostrovsky, Victor, By Way of Deception, (1990), pg. 96

Mega Group was launched in 1991 by Seagrams Corp. director Charles Bronfman and Victoria's Secret owner Leslie Wexner.
`Mega-Maniacs' Steering Sharon's Mideast War Drive - Rense
Alan M. Dershowitz's first wife Sue Barlach apparently died in mysterious circumstances.
Alan Dershowitz has a skeleton in his cupboard

—Ostrovsky, Victor, By Way of Deception, (1990), pg. 96

Mega Group was launched in 1991 by Seagrams Corp. director Charles Bronfman and Victoria's Secret owner Leslie Wexner.
`Mega-Maniacs' Steering Sharon's Mideast War Drive - Rense
Alan M. Dershowitz's first wife Sue Barlach apparently died in mysterious circumstances.
Alan Dershowitz has a skeleton in his cupboard

Labels: CIA, EPSTEIN; TARA CALICO; JOHNNY GOSCH; CHABAD; DERSHOWITZ; BUSH, human traffickers, Kaitlyn Arquette, KING, Linda Lee Daniels, Mossad, NEW MEXICO, Richardson, Stanley
George BUSH's good friend was Joseph Paterno, Head Football coach and the boss of Convicted pedophile, Jerry Sandusky. Parerno hosted Bush and introduced him to the university student body for a campaign rally in 1991. Paterno twice effectively washed his hands of news that Sandusky had been accused of molesting children from his charity, The Second Mile (TSM). TSM served as a pipeline of specifically profiled, disadvantaged youths.
Paterno, as he head of a large source of revenue for Penn State, acted as anGod unchecked, and was reported candidly by one former player to have secretly been contrary to the values he personified in his public image; he was a ruthless make-your-own-rules, win-at-any-cost individual.
For example to flout the NCAA rule that college players aren't allowed to be paid, Penn State alumni backers stuffed crumped up hundred dollar bills in the tips of plays shoes in thenlockerroom, while they were out on the field.
The investigator of the original molestation charges against a Jerry Sandusky, District Attourney Ray Gricar, declined to file charges. Then, several years later disappeared mysteriously, leaving behind no trace except his laptop recovered from a river bank, too badly damaged to retrieve any data from.
So we have potential for high level pedophile rings on both sides of the Bush-Paterno equation, along with a lot of wealthy donors who are friends of both.
Spot on material Aang-Irfan! This just throws an entirely different light on Epstein's activities as a high level wheeler and dealer who had his hands in quite a lot. Although this current expose leaves plenty of room for serious inquiry and I believe your clues are uncanny (which happens quite a lot), in any direction the Tara/Michael abduction clues may lead at least we know that NM is a hub of some very nasty crime of the sort we have come to expect from these types. I'm curious to see how many official flight tower clearances were made for not only Prince Andrew and his entourage but Epstein's private jets coming in from LSJ at that local military base you mentioned?
And more on Cosby and and Co-Star on The Cosby Show Felicia Rashad:
Phylicia Rashad Goes on Defensive After Backlash Over Bill Cosby Remarks: I Never Said ‘Forget’ Accusers (Video)
And my comment to Mrs. Rashad on Yahoo News:
No, Mrs. Rashad. YOU are still minimizing the suffering of victims, Apatow already cleared that mess up and tweeted that the only reason you are acting in defense of Cosby is because you are afraid that your SAG (Screen Actor's Guild) Residuals will dry up, truly shameless. Seems you might have had more than a few of Old Bill's cocktails yourself, and liked them. Ah, hey, it's no secret that the best of the best, the brightest, and even the most beautiful (or 'respectful' looking) of the Hollywood Elite, are proving to be snakes-in-the-grass. From Charlie Chaplain the pedo to Shirley Temple victim, Bob Hope and his sex slave Bryce Taylor, to the good old freak shows of late night orgies of Aretha Franklin and LA Baptist ministries, Hollywood's a flocked up town. You never here how Cosby, AND Hefner, drove a young Playboy model named Paige Young to a brutal satanic suicide claiming Hef as 'The Devil' do you? No, you don't, because it's shielded from the Mainstream Media.
There is no 'Something else' Mrs. Rashad, the suffering of those victims, after YEARS of silence through threat, duress, and coercion to keep their mouth's shut or suffer the wrath of the Great Bill Cosby is the only 'agenda'. These people are women, and they deserve to heard, at a time in history when we all say we want equality and respect for all people, at a time when they can finally be heard. Too many women have come forward to deny, regardless if there are any legal outcomes, that these allegations have strong merit.
I mean, come on Felisha, Old Bill was an OB/GYN, Practicing OUT OF HIS BASEMENT Licensed to PRESCRIBE PILLS... and YOU WERE A LAWYER. Hahahaha.
Does art imitate life or does life imitate art?
Even the outward appearance of the shows theme suggests Old Bill was running a candy van through his show, and you didn't know about it.
'I might be a born again christian, but I wasn't born again yesterday'-Cartman, South Park
Joke, I'm not a christian.
Good find on Cryptos in NM. Speaking of the CIA,
Epstein.... there goes Hillary 2016
This story goes to the center of the earth and will have massive impact on both candidates of 2016 election in US.
Epstein has own private landing strip and small plane hangar on his ranch. Many victims trafficked there. I-40, I-25, I-70 are major human trafficking routes. I-25 is also connected to mass Ciudad Juarez snuff/murders and is a major human trafficking route through Texas, New Mexico and Colorado. Recently a Texas state judge demonstrated DHS complicity in 72% increase in child trafficking along Texas border over last 2 years. All these routes are connected to military bases both above ground and alleged secret bases underground in New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Nevada. One reputedly underground base is located in the Manzano Mountains near Belen. Witness accounts in court documents say Epstein trafficked girls from Mexico to or through his NM ranch. Epstein has also been seen trafficking girls to the Hollywood elite and in Las Vegas. Another oddity - apparently Bill Cosby has a residence directly across from Epstein's townhouse in NYC.
Operation Mockingbird has never been terminated despite claims to the contrary that had been made in the past.
bookmarked!!, I like your website!
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