Charlie Hebdo Footage Called into Question
If Mossad removes this video, you can see it here: ZeeklyTV - Charlie Hebdo Footage Called into Question
False Flag Terror: the Triumph of the Strategy of Tension
False Flags, Charlie Hebdo and Tsarnaev's Trial: Cui bono?
Center for Research on Globalization - 2 hours ago

Charlie Hebdo Paris Attack Was Inside Job, False Flag ...
Who profits from killing Charlie? — RT Op-Edge -
PARIS SHOOTING: Charlie 'Magazine Murders' Reveals ...
BOOM! France False Flag! Charlie Hebdo "terrorist" - YouTube
1 day ago - Uploaded by dutchsinsinati
Yes, the title of the video is correct! One of the supposed French "terrorists" met with THE PRESIDENT OF ...charlie hebdo, terrorism, false flag, inside job, conspiracy
The French Connection – False Flags and the Charlie ...
BDS leaders promote anti-Semitic conspiracy theory linking ... › News › Europe
Charlie Hebdo false flag story goes viral, by Kevin Barrett ...
The French Army does not exist to protect France. No it is there to protect Jews.
Paris: Jewish schools and synagogues will be protected "if necessary" by the French army, a leading figure in the country`s Jewish community said after meeting with President Francois Hollande on Sunday.
"He told us that all the schools, all the synagogues will be protected, if necessary, on top of the police, by the army," said Roger Cukierman, president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France.
Hollande also said he would visit the Grand Synagogue of Paris after a march to mark this week`s jihadist attacks in the capital."
Carol: Boy this is getting real transparent!
Wish they would get on with it then.
Evidence that the referendum in Scotland was rigged begins to mount.
Meanwhile, in the USSA:
Intelligence Banksters: Obama taps Treasury official Cohen as CIA deputy director
President Barack Obama has chosen David Cohen, a top Treasury official specializing in terrorism and financial intelligence, to be deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency, the White House said on Friday.
From the comments:
- Has congress passed a law that states you have to be jewish to be appointed a top level government job by obama?
- Another 2%er in a top position... put there by a "Jew hater". Imagine that.
People need to watch these following videos!! "Ominous Sign! Netanyahu In France, Calls On All Jews In Europe to Flock to Israel!
"The Illuminati ’Synagogue of Satan’-Learn About It! - See more at:
In the UK daily mail they had a photo of the people hidden in the cold room of the Kosher supermarket. How fortunate that both the men were wearing Canada Goose jackets. Average £600 a jacket and in my opinion great for sub zero temperatures but too warm for Paris.
Just an observation
According to WRH, the BBC "Charlie Hebdo Footage Called into Question" video was on a fake BBC site which has now been taken down.
When Hollande is on video blaming the 'illuminis' for the Paris attack in his speech to the nation (watch it and see), then soon after the world is told that a twitter account for the US military is hacked and exposes plans to attack China.
As if the USA would post confidential information on twatter. BS, isn't it.
The nazionists are out of control and out of their inbred, insane minds, scamming virulently, violently. Hating all. Desperate and dangerous.
It should be obvious by now that the Khazar and Ashkenazi inner party are desperate to herd all 'jews' to Israel which is insolvent.
The world is turning against the nazionist freakery.
Most people in the USA are fed up with this shyster nonsense, endless war and bank bailouts.
CONgress has a mere 14% approval rating, the lowest ever.
CONgress is dominated by the zionist lobby, and most Americans know they are being scammed.
Tick tock...
Up with this, they will not put.
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