Infanta Cristina of Spain (above), the sister of Spain's King Felipe VI, is be put on trial.

An elephant killed by Spain's King Juan-Carlos, who has since abdicated.
Cristina and her husband, former handball player, Iñaki Urdangarín, are among 17 people charged with crimes relating to Urdangardin's 'charity', the Noos Foundation.
The charity was reportedly a criminal organisation.

Former King Albert of Belgium (above) was accused of having been part of the Dutroux affair.
The charity was reportedly a criminal organisation.

Former King Albert of Belgium (above) was accused of having been part of the Dutroux affair.
The Dutroux gang kidnapped young girls and supplied them to members of the elite.

Prince Laurent
Wikileaks linked Belgium's Prince Laurent to the Dutroux Affair.

Crown princess Mette-Marit of Norway.
Crown princess Mette-Marit's stepbrother Trond Berntsen 'died in the 2011 Norway attacks.[2]'
Mette-Marit is a former waitress.
At the time of her engagement to Crown Prince Haakon (above), Mette-Marit was a single mother to a son named Marius Borg Høiby (above left).
The father of Marius Borg Høiby is a convicted drug dealer.
Mette-Marit has been linked to 'drug-fuelled' parties.

Sven and Renate.
Mette-Marit's father, Sven O. Høiby, married Renate Barsgård, a former stripper half his age.
The marriage lasted three months.

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was the first president of the Bilderberg Group, which reportedly has Nazi links.
In connection with the Dutroux affair, Regina Louf provided the names of top people who had abused her and who had murdered children during orgies.
Reportedly, Regina Louf visited Prince Bernhard's yacht Jumbo VI.
Sweden's Prince Carl-Philip and Emma, 2001.
The fiancee of Sweden's Prince Carl-Philip is Sofia Hellqvist, a 'glamour model' and reality TV star.

Sofia Hellqvist
In 2012, Prince Carl-Philip went on a drunken rampage in Stockholm.

Major child abuser Sir Jimmy Savile 'would have been vetted by MI5'.
Yet he was able to mix with members of the UK royal family, such as Prince Charles and the Duke of Edinburgh.

In 2014, Norway's Princess Martha-Louise of Norway (above) became involved in a scandal over her connections to a US clairvoyant.
Martha-Louise lives in London with husband Ari Behn.
Martha-Louise has claimed to be able to communicate with animals and angels.
Lisa Williams, a 'medium and healer' who 'communicates with the dead', held a seminar at Princess Martha-Louise's Soulspring School in Oslo.

Crown Princess Mary and Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark
Denmark's Crown Prince Frederik was once close to lingerie model Katja Storkholm and former MP Malou Aamund.

Queen Maxima of the Netherlands.
The father of Queen Maxima of the Netherlands is Jorge Zorreguieta.
Jorge Zorreguieta was a government minister in the murderous regime of General Jorge Rafael Videla, the fascist dictator of Argentina.
The Nazi-like Videla regime executed opponents by throwing them out of planes.

Princess Stephanie of Monaco (above) married her bodyguard Daniel Ducruet and then a Portuguese acrobat called Adans Lopez Peres
Read more: http://www.dailymail.

In 1985 a British paper photographed Princess Michael entering a London house for an alleged overnight rendezvous with Texas billionaire John Ward Hunt.
In 2012, Princess Michael of Kent's Russian 'toyboy', Mikhail Kravchenko, was murdered.
Read more: http://www.dailymail

The cupolas of the Hotel Carlton in Cannes are 'based on her breasts.'

The actor Tim Seely
One of Prince Edward's mistresses was Freda Dudley Ward.
In September 1934, while Wallis Simpson was away on vacation, Edward reportedly had sex with Freda's sister Vera, who gave birth to a boy in mid-1935.
This boy was Tim Seely.
In March 1988 the Daily Express had a front page story naming him the Duke of Windsor's "secret son."
Continued here: ROYAL SEX
Labels: Albert, Bernhard, Carl-Philip, Charles, Cristina, Dutroux, Edward, Frederik, Laurent, Marius Borg Høiby, Martha-Louise, Maxima, Mette-Marit, Michael, scandal, sex, Stephanie
Didn't our very own Nick Clegg channel a load of tax payers funds to his wifes "charity"? An investigation is needed to clarify matters.
The programming is strong!
- Aangirfan
Heather Marsh
Sociopaths, Psychopaths and Death Eaters
"The propaganda arm of this international ring of torturers which attempted to normalize abuse of children and babies as ‘sex’ is still very apparent in the corporate media coverage of the CSA inquiry which depicts the torture and murder of children as “sex attacks on kids”, “child sex” or a “sex scandal”. Sex is not an attack. This is not sex. The fact that these people tortured and murdered children in their recreational hours does not make them simply pedosadists, or what corporate media still likes to call pedophiles in acquiescence to PIE’s demands that they be depicted as ‘child-lovers’. Their recreation may have revolved around torturing children, but their office hours as UK media and government establishment revolved around torture and mass murder of people from all demographics. It is not sufficient to call them psychopaths or sociopaths since very few of those seriously harm others and almost none to this extent. These people who want to be known as child lovers are death eaters. They feed on the agony of others. They torture and murder not because they have to, but because it feeds something in them. The only reason they are attracted to children is the increase in pain, horror, power, and taboo. They are no less attracted to mass slaughter than they are to the torture of children."
Absolutely excellent comment
Aangirfan: What happened to all of the comments on this blog post. There were 3 other comments that have been removed?
Where did they all go?
The comments were from a certain female troll. The trolls have a personality disorder.
Prince Andrew strongly denies 'underage sex slave' allegations after being named in lawsuit filed in U.S. court papers
Court motion in U.S. brought in relation to millionaire Jeffrey Epstein
Epstein, a former friend of the Prince, was convicted of sex crime in 2008
Court papers in motion claim woman had sex with Andrew three times
They claim meetings took place in London, New York and US Virgin Islands
One meeting was 'an orgy with numerous under-aged girls' it is claimed
It is said the woman was approached by the daughter of Robert Maxwell
The royal has issued a strong denial of the 'categorically untrue' claims
PUBLISHED: 14:18, 2 January 2015 | UPDATED: 15:52, 2 January 2015
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