Saturday 22 November 2014


According to a former Special Branch officer and a former Scotland Yard detective, top people in the UK Parliament murdered young boys at sex orgies.

The Sunday People.

The retired detectives say that they were ­ordered NOT to investigate the powerful pedophile group involved in the orgies.

The former Special Branch ­officer has now given a statement to the police in which he says: "There was a significant paedophile group in Parliament who were untouchable."

The two retired detectives have ­provided information to the police about the identities of members of the paedophile ring.

Sir Peter Hayman

Sir Peter Hayman, the former deputy director of MI6, has been linked to the UK Parliament paedophile ring.

A former government minister, reponsible MI5, has been linked to this pedophile ring.

The two ­retired detectives have linked Jimmy Savile to this pedophile ring.

Sir Jimmy Savile

Sir Jimmy Savile was a close friend of the military.

Sir Jimmy Savile was a close friend of the UK's royal family.

Sir Jimmy Savile was a close friend of Margaret Thatcher.

Sir Jimmy Savile was a close friend of the Israeli cabinet.


Regina Louf (above) mentioned a number of girls that she had witnessed being murdered.


Jimmy Savile abused children on the Island of Jersey, which is linked to the Dutroux affair in Belgium, which is linked to the top-level child abuse in Portugal, the Netherlands and the USA...


Michel Caignet, a neo-Nazi pedophile, said that NATO's Gladio network was linked to powerful pedophile rings.

French shocked about Geoffrey Dickens, the Elite Paedophiles

Aquino. In 1986, San Francisco police began investigating claims of sexual abuse centering around the Army's Child Development Center at the Presidio of San Francisco. In 1987, a girl identified Lt.-Col. Michael Aquino as the person who had had abused her.

"Every weekend, groups of vulnerable boys from local care homes were being smuggled to an address in Dolphin Square, Pimlico, in London... 

"There, after being plied with alcohol, they suffered sickening sexual assaults...

"The group was 'very organised' and included leading members of the judiciary, military, and security services, along with politicians."

The pedophile ring killed at least three children.

"Nick recalled seeing one small boy murdered in the presence of a former Tory Cabinet Minister, and another asphyxiated by a Conservative MP at a central London townhouse...


    Jason Swift

"In a notorious 1989 court case, Sidney Cooke and three other members of a paedophile gang dubbed The Dirty Dozen were convicted of killing 14-year-old Jason Swift, who had been gang-raped."


Jason was from a children's care home in Islington, apparently linked to the worldwide child abuse network.

Jason Swift; Islington children's home; hundreds ... / Jersey child abuse link to Islington / Elm guest house; missing boys; leon brittan / BABY PETER COVER-UP; TOP CHILD ABUSE ...

"The idea that grown men might have killed small boys for sexual gratification might sound outlandish, but it’s not without precedent..



"Some sort of Establishment paedophile ring existed ... And it seems increasingly likely many of its members were protected by the security services.


"Kids were brought to Dolphin Square, and often partied there, but were sometimes also ferried to the Dorchester, or the Ritz, or addresses in central London...

"Past tenants of Dolphin Square include Harold Wilson, Christine Keeler, Princess Anne...

"By the late 1980s, it housed 51 MPs, 16 peers, 12 generals and six admirals.

"More recently, such noted Parliamentarians as William Hague, Alastair Darling, Malcolm Rifkind, Menzies Campbell and Mo Mowlam called it home..."

UK Prime Minister Edward Heath (left). Reportedly, UK Liberal Party leader Jeremy Thorpe and UK Conservative Party leader Edward Heath both used rent boys. POLITICIANS

Scallywag magazine quoted a Dolphin Square resident as saying of the flats: "We often have underage boys wandering around, totally lost, asking for a particular flat."

Scallywag suggested that the Dolphin Square pedophile ring was being run by the late former Conservative party treasurer Lord McAlpine.


Who were the friends of Sir Jimmy Savile?

1. Sir Jimmy Savile is known to have had dinner with Admiral Sir Michael Boyce, Chief of the UK Defence Staff at the time of 9 11. (

Admiral Sir Michael Boyce and General Tommy Franks

2. Savile visited Israel in 1975 to advise Israel's President Ephraim Katzir on a matter of security. Savile addressed the cabinet of Menachem Begin. Savile was also a friend of President Sadat's wife.


Begin, Sadat, Katzir

3. Savile spent 11 consecutive Christmases at the home of Margaret Thatcher.

Margaret Thatcher with Skye McAlpine (centre) daughter of Lord McAlpine. THATCHER'S PEOPLE

4. Savile was invited to dinner with Tony Blair.


Savile and Blair.

5. Savile was a friend of Haroon Kasir, who organised a brothel which supplied young boys to top people including, reportedly, a top cabinet minister.

(Detectives told of Jimmy Savile's link to Elm Guest House)

Haroon Kasir.


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At 23 November 2014 at 01:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Belgian X Files link-the video link didn't work for me, this is the video on YT, Belgian X Files this is whole thing but it is also available in 3 parts. The Belgium section of Gladio by Richard Cottrell also covers the Regina Louf story quite well too I thought.

At 23 November 2014 at 01:34 , Blogger Anon said...

Many thanks. Text now edited.

At 23 November 2014 at 01:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was used by a gang of homosexual rapists when I was aged 10, I then ran away from the care home in luton, I ended up in the depths of depravity
kings lynn in Norfolk, what I did not know was that this is one of the centred in the UK for boy trafficking, at age 27 I go ta job as a postman and was delivering loads of gay magazines, until I saw naked photos of me taken when I was aged 12. I had the mick taken out of me in work so I moved to bury st Edmunds where I work as a gay masseur now
I still have nightmares about what was done to me
david lambert

At 23 November 2014 at 02:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If back in the Sixties, the Labour government had had the balls to abolish the British public school system: Eton, Harrow, etc, there wouldn't have been half the amount of paedos in government we've had to put up with. Once someones sexuality is ruined, for whatever reason, that's that. These people are 'set' in a certain way during adolescence, and very little can change that. That's who they are. The fact that after a brief period of Oxbridge processing they're put straight into positions of power is pretty tough on the rest of us and very tough on whistleblowers.

At 23 November 2014 at 03:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leon Britten. 1967. Vile….

FSB Major General Konstantin Petrov: The Jewry, Circumcision, Mind Control and The Rothschilds….

At 23 November 2014 at 04:00 , Anonymous Mike said...

"There WAS a significant paedophile group in Parliament who WERE untouchable."

Is this more subtle nudging towards the idea of this stuff being "historic" rather than ongoing?

At 23 November 2014 at 04:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 23 November 2014 at 08:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 23 November 2014 at 08:57 , Blogger Anon said...

Many thanks!

- Aangirfan

At 23 November 2014 at 12:19 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 16 December 2015 at 04:11 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

......a year later and you'd struggle to find any mention in British MainStream Media of those ongoing police investigations into Westminster Paedophile rings. Even more telling is the SILENCE and the apparent lack of 'concerned interest' on the subject by Cameron & his government when, in fact, the behaviour of 'Those we vote into Positions of Power' REALLY DOES concern & affect 'us'.
Does he even have a dedicated dept. working with the police to establish how deep/far the allegations go - or is it their idea that we Plebs remain apathetic and thus let them carry on regardless of their double-standards & dealings? Although it's an utter disgrace they can get into power with only one-third of the votes under the present voting system.


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