Hitler found Eva interesting.
Hitler's maid, Pauline Kohler, wrote that "Hitler is not strongly sexed."
According to some psychologists, those who are not highly sexed usually prefer their partners to be very youthful.
Eva Braun first met Hitler when she was aged 17 and he was a 40-year-old aspiring politician.
At the end of an evening out, Hitler would pass her an envelope of money.
Eva made several suicide attempts.
What Hitler's sex life was really like

Renata Müller
One of Hitler's lady-friends was the actress Renata Müller.
Renata claimed that sex for Hitler involved 'self-abasement'.
Hitler would kneel at her feet and she would kick him.
Renata fell to her death from a window in 1937.

Geli Raubal
The Nazi Party's Otto Strasser said that Hitler forced his niece Geli to urinate and defecate on him.
Geli died in mysterious circumstances in Hitler's apartment.
Stories that Hitler liked boys appeared in the early Twenties and were repeated in Munich newspapers.
What Hitler's sex life was really like

Pathe News has film of Hitler being extremely affectionate towards a young boy.
It was in 1919 that Ernst Rohm, the boy-loving Nazi, became close friends with Adolf Hitler.
Ernst Rohm was the only man Hitler called by the familiar 'du.'
Rohm, also known as Black Emma, was allowed to call Hitler 'Adolf', rather than 'Mein Fuhrer'.

The Nazi party was founded in "a tavern frequented by homosexual roughnecks....a gay bar."
Mein Kampf was dedicated to Rudolf Hess.
Hess liked to appear in gay bars dressed as 'Black Bertha'.
THE PINK SWASTIKA byJudith A. Reisman, Ph.D.
Apparently, Hitler surrounded himself with 'butch' homosexuals, some of whom were sadists.
The butch Nazis did not like effeminate homosexuals ('Femmes')
(The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams.)

Hitler "had been a male prostitute in Vienna at the time of his sojourn there, from 1907 to 1912, and ... practiced the same calling in Munich from 1912 to 1914"
The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams.
And what about the folks in the US Congress?

Adonis by Henry Oliver Walker - Library of Congress
In the USA, the Library of Congress is the research arm of Congress.
Henry Oliver Walker (1843–1929) was an American painter.
His works include a series of paintings honouring various poets for the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.

Ganymede by Henry Oliver Walker - Library of Congress

Adonis by Henry Oliver Walker - Library of Congress
Reportedly, boys have always been popular with the folks in the US Congress.
(Congressional Sex Scandals in History)
In 1973, Rep. Gerry Studds (D-Mass.) had sexual relationships with a teenage congressional page. Studds acknowledged he was gay.
In 1978, Rep. Fred Richmond (D-N.Y.) was arrested in Washington for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old boy.
In 1980, Rep. Jon Hinson (R-Miss.) announced that in 1976 he had been accused of committing an obscene act at a gay haunt in Virginia.

Musa Regina by Henry Oliver Walker
In 1980, Rep. Robert Bauman (R-Md.), a leading "pro-family" conservative, pleaded innocent to a charge that he committed oral sodomy on a teenage boy in Washington.
Rep. Barney Frank, Massachusetts Democrat, hired a male prostitute who ran a prostitution service from Frank’s residence in the 1980s.

The following is from Chapter -XXI- Omaha (Bush book: Chapter -21- ):
"On the morning of June 29, 1989, pandemonium erupted in the corridors of power in the nation's capital.
"Homosexual Prostitution Probe Ensnares Official of Bush, Reagan, screamed the front-page headline of the Washington Times with the kicker Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House.
"The Times reported, 'A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with close ties to Washington's political elite'....
"Rumors circulated that a list existed of some 200 Washington prominents who had used the call boy service."

Abraham Lincoln
"The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln", By C. A. Tripp, edited by Lewis Gannett, refers to Lincoln's sexual interest in young males.
Trip argues that Lincoln's relationships with women were not deep.
In 1831, when he was 22, Lincoln moved to New Salem, Illinois, and met Billy Greene.
Lincoln shared a bed with Greene.
Greene said of Lincoln's body: ''His thighs were as perfect as a human being could be.''
When Lincoln moved to Springfield, Illinois, he became close friends with Joshua Speed, a young store owner.
Earlier biographers, Nicolay and Hay, described Speed as the only intimate friend that Lincoln ever had.
Lincoln and Speed shared a double bed in Speed's store for four years.

Eros et Musa by Henry Oliver Walker
In 1990, the American Historical Association presented a panel on "Gay American Presidents? — Washington, Buchanan, Lincoln..."

John Amery
Ronald Harwood, in the Daily Mail, 5 March 2008, told us about John Amery, a Jewish member of the English upper class.
( Why the son of a Churchill cabinet minister became a mouthpiece ...)
John Amery was the son of British government minister Leo Amery.
Leo was Secretary of State for India in Winston Churchill's Cabinet.
Leo's mother came from a Jewish-Hungarian family.
John was a diamond smuggler, gun-runner, fascist, bisexual, and a bigamist through his marriages to two prostitutes.
In 1942, John Amery made a Nazi propaganda broadcast from Berlin.

As a boy, John Amery attended a school in Switzerland. When he got syphilis, he told his tutor that he had caught it by acting as a prostitute with men.
John married Una Eveline Wing, a prostitute.
Una reported that John was still earning money as a male prostitute. John also enjoyed masochistic sex with female prostitutes.
John travelled to Spain to fight for the fascists in the Spanish Civil War.
John was invited to Germany by Hitler.
In Berlin, in 1942, John began a series of nine broadcasts of Nazi propaganda to Britain.

The Warren Cup, portraying a man and youth
The Romans were bisexual.
Cato the Censor complained about 200 B.C.E. that a handsome slave boy cost as much as a farm.
Handsome slave boys were much in demand.

Eros and Silenus
Of Julius Caesar, Suetonius wrote:
"When Thermus sent Caesar to Bithnyia, he wasted so much time at King Nicomedes' court that a homosexual relationship between them was suspected, and suspicion gave way to scandal when, soon after his return to headquarters, he returned to Bithynia: ostensibly collecting adebt incurred there by one of his freedmen."
(The Twelve Caesars, Book 2, Pengiun Classics version).
Suetonius describes ten of the twelve emperors that he writes of as being bisexual.
Hadrian loved Antinous, a young ex-slave who was famous for his beauty. In 134 A.D. Antinuous died at the age of 21 under mysterious circumstances.
The 58-year-old Hadrian was so upset over Antinuous' death that he declared him a god, built a temple for him, and named an Egyptian city after him.
"Tiberius, who spends most of the later years of his reign as emperor – from AD 26 to 37 – on the island of Capri, is said to have a special penchant for his spintriae (groups of young boys), with whom he surrounds himself and indulges in all manner of promiscuous behaviour.
The walls of his bedrooms at Capri are reported to be decorated with various sexual acts and positions 'in case a performer should need an illustration of what [is] required'...
Nero's reported sexual activities range from being seduced by his mother Agrippina to forcing his unwanted attentions on married women and boys.
Famously, he takes two homosexual lovers, Pythagoras and Sporus, in 'marriage'. Nero is said to behave as the wife to Pythagoras and husband to Sporus, whom he has had castrated.
Taken together with his 'artistic' performances when he will often take on a female part and dress accordingly, Nero's behaviour scandalises Rome and plays an important part in his downfall.
Commodus emperor from AD 180 to 192, is said to have had a harem of 300 girls and the same number of boys and is said to have put on great orgies.
But for sheer shock value, none can compare with the Syrian, Elagabalus, emperor from 218 to 222, who believes himself to be a living god.
Elagabalus is remarkable not only for being only 14 years old when he becomes absolute ruler of the Roman empire but also for his sexual activities while holding that office... shocking in the eyes of respectable Roman society is his 'marriage' to a slave named Hierocles.
Elagabalus likes nothing better than to dress as a woman and go around with his 'husband', who is even encouraged to beat the emperor as if he is his real wife.
Sometimes Elagabalus plays out scenes in which Hierocles finds him with another man and punishes him for his 'infidelity'."
Louis Crompton wrote:
The Romans condoned sex with captured or purchased slaves of either sex.

Bisexual Africa?
Stephen O. Murray has written about sex in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Murray explains that Africa is, like the rest of the World, bisexual.
Murray points out that most of what we know about traditional African societies was written in the last decade of the nineteenth century or later.
There are reports of homosexuality across every region of the continent.
The colonial era reports are reviewed in Murray and Roscoe's 'Boy-Wives and Female Husbands'.

'Mugabe has had sex with two male politicians'. 'Mugabe gay' - BBC
A few examples:
In the central African Zande culture, before European conquest, it was regarded "as very sensible for a man to sleep with boys when women are not available or are taboo."
English anthropologist E. E. Evans-Pritchard was told that some Azande men had sex with boys "just because they like them."
The adult males paid the families of boy wives, just as they paid for female brides. The two slept together at night, "the husband satisfying his desires between the boy's thighs.
When the boy grew up he joined the company and took a boy-wife in his turn.
It was the duty of the husband to give his boy-wife a spear and a shield when he became a warrior.
He then took a new boy-wife."
One commander, Ganga, told Evans-Pritchard that there were some men who, although they had female wives, still married boys.
"When a war broke out, they took their boys with them... If another man had relations with his boy, the husband could sue the interloper in court for adultery."

The South African Thonga provide another particularly well-documented instance of a boy-wife role.
A number of southern and western African societies also had female husbands, though whether these husbands had sexual relations with their wives is unclear in what has been written.
Gender-crossing homosexuality has been discussed as common in the (Nigerian) Hausa bori cult (and in Afro-Brazilian offshoots of west African spirit-possession religion).
Among the Maale of southern Ethiopia, some males crossed over to feminine roles. Called ashtime, these (biological) males dressed as women, performed female tasks, cared for their own houses, and apparently had sexual relations with men, according to Donald Donham.
One gave Donham a clear statement of the "third gender" conception: "The Divinity created me wobo, crooked. If I had been a man, I could have taken a wife and begotten children. If I had been a woman, I could have married and borne children. But I am wobo; I can do neither."

Glee’s Chris Colfer “never had to come out”
Among Swahili-speakers on the Kenya coast, particularly in the port of Mombasa, mashoga are transgendered prostitutes who have all the liberties of men and are also welcome in many contexts in which men are prohibited.
The paid partner usually takes the receptive role during intercourse, but it is likely that his inferiority derives from the fact that he is paid to provide what is asked for, rather than from his undertaking a particular sexual role.
The one who pays is called the basha (derived from "pasha," a high-ranking official and the local term for the king in packs of playing cards).
Among the Fon, the predominant people in Dahomey (now Benin), Melville Herskovits in the 1930s reported that, after the age at which boys and girls may play together, "the sex drive finds satisfaction in close friendship between boys in the same group . . . .
A boy may take the other 'as a woman,' this being called gaglgo, homosexuality. Sometimes an affair of this sort persists during the entire life of the pair".
Most of the reports of homosexual relations not involving differences in age or gender status involved young, unmarried men's sexual relationships with each other.
Kurt Falk wrote about an especially intimate bond of association, soregus, among the southeastern African Naman that included sex both between men and between women (with mutual masturbation the most common form of sex, but also males taking turns at anal penetrations and females using dildoes on each other).
An "exceptionally reliable" Nykakyusa (a people living around what is now the Tanzania/Zimbabwe border) reported to Monica Wilson in the early 1930s that male friends, who live in villages of age-mates when not out herding cattle, generally sleep together.
The Nykakyusa accepted that male friends who danced together would have sexual relations.
"Even if people see them in flagrante delicto, they say it is adolescence (lukulilo), all children are like that: they say that sleeping together and dancing is also adolescence," according to Wilson's elder. He reported that interfemoral intercourse is "what boys mostly do" and also reported anal and oral sex, ("some, during intercourse, work[ing] in the mouth of their friend, and hav[ing] an orgasm").
An Ovimbundu (in Angola) informant, told an ethnographer, "There are men who want men, and women who want women. . . . A woman has been known to make an artificial penis for use with another woman."
Among the Tswana (in addition to homosexuality among the men laboring in the mines), it was reported that back home "lesbian practices are apparently fairly common among the older girls and young women, without being regarded in any way reprehensible."
Use of artificial penises was also reported among the Ila and Naman tribes of South Africa.
There are reports of age-differentiated roles in Lesotho. Relationships are initiated voluntarily by one girl who takes a liking to another and simply asks her to be her mummy or her baby, depending on their relative age, according to Judith Gay.
"The most frequently given reason for initiating a particular relationship was that one girl felt attracted to the other by her looks, her clothes, or her actions. . . . Sexual intimacy is an important part of these relationships."
Over time, a Sotho may undertake both roles (with different partners) or play the same role with different partners.
Murray concludes:
With reports from hundreds of sub-Saharan African locales of male-male sexual relations and from about fifty of female-female sexual relations, it is clear that same-sex sexual relations existed in traditional African societies, though varying in forms and in the degree of public acceptance.
Much of this same-sex activity was situational or premarital, though there were long-term relationships, too.
The special Christian opposition toward homosexuality was carried to Africa by Europeans and stimulated denials that "the sin not named among Christians" existed among "unspoiled" Africans.
Pathe News has film of Hitler being extremely affectionate towards a young boy.
It was in 1919 that Ernst Rohm, the boy-loving Nazi, became close friends with Adolf Hitler.
Ernst Rohm was the only man Hitler called by the familiar 'du.'
Rohm, also known as Black Emma, was allowed to call Hitler 'Adolf', rather than 'Mein Fuhrer'.
The Nazi party was founded in "a tavern frequented by homosexual roughnecks....a gay bar."
Mein Kampf was dedicated to Rudolf Hess.
Hess liked to appear in gay bars dressed as 'Black Bertha'.
THE PINK SWASTIKA byJudith A. Reisman, Ph.D.
Apparently, Hitler surrounded himself with 'butch' homosexuals, some of whom were sadists.
The butch Nazis did not like effeminate homosexuals ('Femmes')
(The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams.)
Hitler "had been a male prostitute in Vienna at the time of his sojourn there, from 1907 to 1912, and ... practiced the same calling in Munich from 1912 to 1914"
The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams.
And what about the folks in the US Congress?

Adonis by Henry Oliver Walker - Library of Congress
In the USA, the Library of Congress is the research arm of Congress.
Henry Oliver Walker (1843–1929) was an American painter.
His works include a series of paintings honouring various poets for the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.

Ganymede by Henry Oliver Walker - Library of Congress

Adonis by Henry Oliver Walker - Library of Congress
Reportedly, boys have always been popular with the folks in the US Congress.
(Congressional Sex Scandals in History)
In 1973, Rep. Gerry Studds (D-Mass.) had sexual relationships with a teenage congressional page. Studds acknowledged he was gay.
In 1978, Rep. Fred Richmond (D-N.Y.) was arrested in Washington for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old boy.
In 1980, Rep. Jon Hinson (R-Miss.) announced that in 1976 he had been accused of committing an obscene act at a gay haunt in Virginia.

Musa Regina by Henry Oliver Walker
In 1980, Rep. Robert Bauman (R-Md.), a leading "pro-family" conservative, pleaded innocent to a charge that he committed oral sodomy on a teenage boy in Washington.
Rep. Barney Frank, Massachusetts Democrat, hired a male prostitute who ran a prostitution service from Frank’s residence in the 1980s.

The following is from Chapter -XXI- Omaha (Bush book: Chapter -21- ):
"On the morning of June 29, 1989, pandemonium erupted in the corridors of power in the nation's capital.
"Homosexual Prostitution Probe Ensnares Official of Bush, Reagan, screamed the front-page headline of the Washington Times with the kicker Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House.
"The Times reported, 'A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with close ties to Washington's political elite'....
"Rumors circulated that a list existed of some 200 Washington prominents who had used the call boy service."

Abraham Lincoln
"The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln", By C. A. Tripp, edited by Lewis Gannett, refers to Lincoln's sexual interest in young males.
Trip argues that Lincoln's relationships with women were not deep.
In 1831, when he was 22, Lincoln moved to New Salem, Illinois, and met Billy Greene.
Lincoln shared a bed with Greene.
Greene said of Lincoln's body: ''His thighs were as perfect as a human being could be.''
When Lincoln moved to Springfield, Illinois, he became close friends with Joshua Speed, a young store owner.
Earlier biographers, Nicolay and Hay, described Speed as the only intimate friend that Lincoln ever had.
Lincoln and Speed shared a double bed in Speed's store for four years.

Eros et Musa by Henry Oliver Walker
In 1990, the American Historical Association presented a panel on "Gay American Presidents? — Washington, Buchanan, Lincoln..."

John Amery
Ronald Harwood, in the Daily Mail, 5 March 2008, told us about John Amery, a Jewish member of the English upper class.
( Why the son of a Churchill cabinet minister became a mouthpiece ...)
John Amery was the son of British government minister Leo Amery.
Leo was Secretary of State for India in Winston Churchill's Cabinet.
Leo's mother came from a Jewish-Hungarian family.
John was a diamond smuggler, gun-runner, fascist, bisexual, and a bigamist through his marriages to two prostitutes.
In 1942, John Amery made a Nazi propaganda broadcast from Berlin.
As a boy, John Amery attended a school in Switzerland. When he got syphilis, he told his tutor that he had caught it by acting as a prostitute with men.
John married Una Eveline Wing, a prostitute.
Una reported that John was still earning money as a male prostitute. John also enjoyed masochistic sex with female prostitutes.
John travelled to Spain to fight for the fascists in the Spanish Civil War.
John was invited to Germany by Hitler.
In Berlin, in 1942, John began a series of nine broadcasts of Nazi propaganda to Britain.

The Warren Cup, portraying a man and youth
The Romans were bisexual.
Cato the Censor complained about 200 B.C.E. that a handsome slave boy cost as much as a farm.
Handsome slave boys were much in demand.

Eros and Silenus
Of Julius Caesar, Suetonius wrote:
"When Thermus sent Caesar to Bithnyia, he wasted so much time at King Nicomedes' court that a homosexual relationship between them was suspected, and suspicion gave way to scandal when, soon after his return to headquarters, he returned to Bithynia: ostensibly collecting adebt incurred there by one of his freedmen."
(The Twelve Caesars, Book 2, Pengiun Classics version).
Suetonius describes ten of the twelve emperors that he writes of as being bisexual.
Hadrian loved Antinous, a young ex-slave who was famous for his beauty. In 134 A.D. Antinuous died at the age of 21 under mysterious circumstances.
The 58-year-old Hadrian was so upset over Antinuous' death that he declared him a god, built a temple for him, and named an Egyptian city after him.
"Tiberius, who spends most of the later years of his reign as emperor – from AD 26 to 37 – on the island of Capri, is said to have a special penchant for his spintriae (groups of young boys), with whom he surrounds himself and indulges in all manner of promiscuous behaviour.
The walls of his bedrooms at Capri are reported to be decorated with various sexual acts and positions 'in case a performer should need an illustration of what [is] required'...
Nero's reported sexual activities range from being seduced by his mother Agrippina to forcing his unwanted attentions on married women and boys.
Famously, he takes two homosexual lovers, Pythagoras and Sporus, in 'marriage'. Nero is said to behave as the wife to Pythagoras and husband to Sporus, whom he has had castrated.
Taken together with his 'artistic' performances when he will often take on a female part and dress accordingly, Nero's behaviour scandalises Rome and plays an important part in his downfall.
Commodus emperor from AD 180 to 192, is said to have had a harem of 300 girls and the same number of boys and is said to have put on great orgies.
But for sheer shock value, none can compare with the Syrian, Elagabalus, emperor from 218 to 222, who believes himself to be a living god.
Elagabalus is remarkable not only for being only 14 years old when he becomes absolute ruler of the Roman empire but also for his sexual activities while holding that office... shocking in the eyes of respectable Roman society is his 'marriage' to a slave named Hierocles.
Elagabalus likes nothing better than to dress as a woman and go around with his 'husband', who is even encouraged to beat the emperor as if he is his real wife.
Sometimes Elagabalus plays out scenes in which Hierocles finds him with another man and punishes him for his 'infidelity'."
Louis Crompton wrote:
The Romans condoned sex with captured or purchased slaves of either sex.
Bisexual Africa?
Stephen O. Murray has written about sex in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Murray explains that Africa is, like the rest of the World, bisexual.
Murray points out that most of what we know about traditional African societies was written in the last decade of the nineteenth century or later.
There are reports of homosexuality across every region of the continent.
The colonial era reports are reviewed in Murray and Roscoe's 'Boy-Wives and Female Husbands'.
'Mugabe has had sex with two male politicians'. 'Mugabe gay' - BBC
A few examples:
In the central African Zande culture, before European conquest, it was regarded "as very sensible for a man to sleep with boys when women are not available or are taboo."
English anthropologist E. E. Evans-Pritchard was told that some Azande men had sex with boys "just because they like them."
The adult males paid the families of boy wives, just as they paid for female brides. The two slept together at night, "the husband satisfying his desires between the boy's thighs.
When the boy grew up he joined the company and took a boy-wife in his turn.
It was the duty of the husband to give his boy-wife a spear and a shield when he became a warrior.
He then took a new boy-wife."
One commander, Ganga, told Evans-Pritchard that there were some men who, although they had female wives, still married boys.
"When a war broke out, they took their boys with them... If another man had relations with his boy, the husband could sue the interloper in court for adultery."
The South African Thonga provide another particularly well-documented instance of a boy-wife role.
A number of southern and western African societies also had female husbands, though whether these husbands had sexual relations with their wives is unclear in what has been written.
Gender-crossing homosexuality has been discussed as common in the (Nigerian) Hausa bori cult (and in Afro-Brazilian offshoots of west African spirit-possession religion).
Among the Maale of southern Ethiopia, some males crossed over to feminine roles. Called ashtime, these (biological) males dressed as women, performed female tasks, cared for their own houses, and apparently had sexual relations with men, according to Donald Donham.
One gave Donham a clear statement of the "third gender" conception: "The Divinity created me wobo, crooked. If I had been a man, I could have taken a wife and begotten children. If I had been a woman, I could have married and borne children. But I am wobo; I can do neither."

Glee’s Chris Colfer “never had to come out”
Among Swahili-speakers on the Kenya coast, particularly in the port of Mombasa, mashoga are transgendered prostitutes who have all the liberties of men and are also welcome in many contexts in which men are prohibited.
The paid partner usually takes the receptive role during intercourse, but it is likely that his inferiority derives from the fact that he is paid to provide what is asked for, rather than from his undertaking a particular sexual role.
The one who pays is called the basha (derived from "pasha," a high-ranking official and the local term for the king in packs of playing cards).
Among the Fon, the predominant people in Dahomey (now Benin), Melville Herskovits in the 1930s reported that, after the age at which boys and girls may play together, "the sex drive finds satisfaction in close friendship between boys in the same group . . . .
A boy may take the other 'as a woman,' this being called gaglgo, homosexuality. Sometimes an affair of this sort persists during the entire life of the pair".
Most of the reports of homosexual relations not involving differences in age or gender status involved young, unmarried men's sexual relationships with each other.
Kurt Falk wrote about an especially intimate bond of association, soregus, among the southeastern African Naman that included sex both between men and between women (with mutual masturbation the most common form of sex, but also males taking turns at anal penetrations and females using dildoes on each other).
An "exceptionally reliable" Nykakyusa (a people living around what is now the Tanzania/Zimbabwe border) reported to Monica Wilson in the early 1930s that male friends, who live in villages of age-mates when not out herding cattle, generally sleep together.
The Nykakyusa accepted that male friends who danced together would have sexual relations.
"Even if people see them in flagrante delicto, they say it is adolescence (lukulilo), all children are like that: they say that sleeping together and dancing is also adolescence," according to Wilson's elder. He reported that interfemoral intercourse is "what boys mostly do" and also reported anal and oral sex, ("some, during intercourse, work[ing] in the mouth of their friend, and hav[ing] an orgasm").
An Ovimbundu (in Angola) informant, told an ethnographer, "There are men who want men, and women who want women. . . . A woman has been known to make an artificial penis for use with another woman."
Among the Tswana (in addition to homosexuality among the men laboring in the mines), it was reported that back home "lesbian practices are apparently fairly common among the older girls and young women, without being regarded in any way reprehensible."
Use of artificial penises was also reported among the Ila and Naman tribes of South Africa.
There are reports of age-differentiated roles in Lesotho. Relationships are initiated voluntarily by one girl who takes a liking to another and simply asks her to be her mummy or her baby, depending on their relative age, according to Judith Gay.
"The most frequently given reason for initiating a particular relationship was that one girl felt attracted to the other by her looks, her clothes, or her actions. . . . Sexual intimacy is an important part of these relationships."
Over time, a Sotho may undertake both roles (with different partners) or play the same role with different partners.
Murray concludes:
With reports from hundreds of sub-Saharan African locales of male-male sexual relations and from about fifty of female-female sexual relations, it is clear that same-sex sexual relations existed in traditional African societies, though varying in forms and in the degree of public acceptance.
Much of this same-sex activity was situational or premarital, though there were long-term relationships, too.
The special Christian opposition toward homosexuality was carried to Africa by Europeans and stimulated denials that "the sin not named among Christians" existed among "unspoiled" Africans.
Labels: Africa, BUSH, Eva Braun, gay, Geli, Henry Oliver Walker, Hitler, John Amery, Lincoln, Rohm, Romans, US Congress
That Nazi film shown on Pathe is dated 1937. Rohm had been brown bread for three years by then....
You are correct. I have altered the text. Many thanks.
- Aangirfan
No problem - I enjoy your blog and support its aims
why do you put up the nonsense that m amis writes as somehow credible?
he has a book to plug and "knows" F' all about Hitlers sex life,
I don't get it , supposed to be all about "truth"on this blog nicht war?
what have the imaginings of amis got to do with anything........
You have misunderstood. I do not quote Amis. I quote Jane Thynne who disagrees with Amis.
- Aangirfan
apologies......went off half cocked!
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