Saturday 25 October 2014



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At 25 October 2014 at 13:59 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 25 October 2014 at 15:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 25 October 2014 at 15:28 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 25 October 2014 at 15:28 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 25 October 2014 at 17:10 , Anonymous Siddharth said...

EBOLA – CIA Project Codename MKNAOMI & Hi-Tech Assassinations

In 1948, Henry Kissinger, a 23-year-old American intelligence officer, recruited Nazi expatriates to serve in top positions in American military, aerospace, and biological science and medicine. Twenty years later, he left Harvard’s esteemed faculty and resigned a lucrative position as Nelson Rockefeller’s foreign policy attache’ to become President Nixon’s closest advisor and director of the National Security Council. Seeking alternatives to tactical nuclear weapons to bolster America’s “diplomacy” abroad, the paranoid and egomaniacal Kissinger quickly ordered the Army’s Chief of Staff to requisition $10 million from Congress for the development and testing of EBOLA & AIDS-like viruses. Within ten years, the AIDS and Ebola epidemics erupted coincidentally in the regions of Africa ravaged by CIA military covert operations also ordered by Kissinger.

In 1984, Dr. Robert Gallo, of the National Cancer Institute, claimed credit for discovering the AIDS virus. He announced it most likely originated from a monkey virus which spontaneously mutated and naturally jumped species. Dr. Gallo was a biological weapons contractor for the CIA’s top secret “Project: MKNAOMI,” and was paid to produce and test EBOLA, AIDS-like viruses as early as 1970.

EBOLA – CIA Project Codename MKNAOMI & Hi-Tech Assassinations

At 26 October 2014 at 22:15 , Anonymous Greg Pearson said...

An excellent contribution from RINF- so now Amnesty Int'l, Sinn Fein, and other organizations are commenting on the egregious exclusion of Kincora, smacking of a huge conspiratorial coverup, turning the int'l eye onto the subject- most auspicious. This should be a goal of all those who care/know- so much of the UK system is compromised by the entire affair, external comment/atention may be the easiest way to bring more, much more pressure to bear. But imagine sending a compilation of articles found here on Aangirfan, -possibly the best site on the entire web- and/or other pertinent documents- to embassies of countries such as Italy, Bolivia, Greece, Venezuela, Ecuador, Mexico, Hungary, Japan, etc., or the headquarters of organizations such as Doctors Without Borders, the BDS movement, churches of various denominations, anti-war/veterans groups,-let your imagination run wild- tell them that if they would like to help save children, bring horrible monsters to justice, prevent further rape, torture, and murder of innocent children, root out government corruption, etc., etc., would they please issue an official statement on the importance of including Kincora, and the need for true justice, not a cover-up, in this investigation, and have a press release, etc., to spread the news far and wide, bringing this subject into as many minds across the globe as possible- make it a household subject of discussion for as many people as possible-. Bring in all those who attest a moral nature, all who have an axe to grind with the UK/ and/or it's gov't/crown/foreign policy, etc.- smother them with as much attention as possible. And as an aside, mark those who fail to assist- some NGO's are complicit- sending them the info and request will give them food for thought, especially if pressured as to why they don't think stopping the rape, torture, and murder of innocent children is important......Just a thought. Keep up the excellent work! Cheers!

At 26 October 2014 at 23:36 , Blogger Anon said...

Many thanks.

- Aangirfan


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