The children of Michael Jackson have worked for the Jehovah's Witnesses by knocking on strangers' doors and encouraging them to convert!
Michael Jackson was brought up as a Jehovah's Witness.

"It is a pedophiles dream.
"These men with absolute power over vulnerable young women with children are then in a position to abuse those children all they want and the mothers will do nothing to prevent it."
The Jehovah's Witnesses (the members of the Watch Tower Society) have been associated with child abuse.
Jehovah's Witnesses sex abuse scandal: Church accused of cover-up.
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the destruction of the world at Armageddon is imminent, and that the establishment of God's kingdom over the earth is imminent.

Russell believed that Christ had returned invisibly in 1874.
In 1918, in Los Angeles, Rutherford gave a talk entitled: "The World Has Ended - Millions Now Living May Never Die."

The Pew Research Center found that Jehovah's Witnesses in the United States tend to get no further than high school graduation.
Like many Christian cults, the Jehovah's Witnesses are associated with child abuse.
Some victims of sexual abuse have said that they were ordered by 'elders' to remain silent.[356][357][358][359]
In June 2012, the Superior Court of Alameda, California, ordered the Watch Tower Society to pay $21 million in punitive damages, in addition to compensatory damages, after finding that the Society's policy to not disclose child abuse history of a member to parents in the congregation or to report abuse to authorities contributed to the sexual abuse of a nine-year-old girl.[364][365]
Troy @Snowfaked
Napier, oops, I mean Dorset man, 67, released on police bail following Westminster ‘paedophile ring’ arrest.
The Jehovah's Witnesses (the members of the Watch Tower Society) have been associated with child abuse.
Jehovah's Witnesses sex abuse scandal: Church accused of cover-up.
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the destruction of the world at Armageddon is imminent, and that the establishment of God's kingdom over the earth is imminent.
The brains behind the Jehovah's Witnesses were two eccentrics - Charles Taze Russell, in the late 1870s, and Joseph Franklin Rutherford, in later decades.

Russell believed that Palestine belonged exclusively to the Jews.
In 1903 Russell's wife filed for legal separation on the grounds of mental cruelty.
Mrs. Russell's lawyer said that Mr. Russell had engaged in "improper intimacy" with Rose Ball, a 25-year old woman whom the Russells had previously cared for as a foster daughter after claiming to be an orphan.
Mrs. Russell's lawyer said that Mr. Russell had engaged in "improper intimacy" with Rose Ball, a 25-year old woman whom the Russells had previously cared for as a foster daughter after claiming to be an orphan.

Rutherford took over from Russell.
In 1918, in Los Angeles, Rutherford gave a talk entitled: "The World Has Ended - Millions Now Living May Never Die."
Rutherford was 'anti-war'.
Jehovah's Witnesses refuse military service.
In May 1918, Rutherford was charged under the 1917 Espionage Act of attempting to disrupt the war effort.
Rutherford was sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment. In 1920 all the charges against Rutherford were dropped.[72]

In a 1931 book Rutherford linked the rise of women's movements that encouraged equality of the sexes with satanic influence.[192]
In the 1930's, Rutherford discarded the teaching that the Jews would be restored to Palestine.
Rutherford said that prominent Jewish business leaders were "arrogant, self-important and extremely selfish", and would have no role in God's Kingdom.

Jehovah's Witnesses in paradise.
Rutherford married Mary Malcolm Fetzer in 1891 and separated from her in 1917.
"Rutherford had exclusive use of 'luxurious' and 'expensive' residences in Brooklyn, Staten Island, Germany, and San Diego, as well as two Cadillacs.[211][212][213]
Rutherford reportedly had a drink problem and had occasional difficulties getting to the podium to give public talks due to inebriation.[218]
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only certain souls (ie Jehovah's Witnesses) are immortal.
Jehovah's Witnesses tend to avoid mixing with non-members of their faith.
But, Jehovah's Witnesses will come to your door, often accompanied by children.

Michael Jackson was brought up as a Jehovah's Witness.
Jehovah's Witnesses believe:
Homosexual activity is a serious sin.
The family structure must be patriarchal.
One should not marry a non-believer.
One should refuse blood transfusions.

Jehovah's Witnesses in paradise.

Jehovah's Witnesses in paradise.
The Pew Research Center found that Jehovah's Witnesses in the United States tend to get no further than high school graduation.
The Jehovah's Witnesses are said to be a mind-control cult, in which the leaders exercise total control.
Like many Christian cults, the Jehovah's Witnesses are associated with child abuse.
Some victims of sexual abuse have said that they were ordered by 'elders' to remain silent.[356][357][358][359]
In June 2012, the Superior Court of Alameda, California, ordered the Watch Tower Society to pay $21 million in punitive damages, in addition to compensatory damages, after finding that the Society's policy to not disclose child abuse history of a member to parents in the congregation or to report abuse to authorities contributed to the sexual abuse of a nine-year-old girl.[364][365]
Troy @Snowfaked
Napier, oops, I mean Dorset man, 67, released on police bail following Westminster ‘paedophile ring’ arrest.
Napier - Aangirfan

11-year-old boy sexually abused and burnt by army / Boy set on fire by Army in Hyderabad dies ...
LINKS.Napier - Aangirfan

11-year-old boy sexually abused and burnt by army / Boy set on fire by Army in Hyderabad dies ...
Labels: Charles Taze Russell, Child Abuse, cult, Jehovah's Witnesses, Joseph Franklin Rutherford, Michael Jackson, mind control, sex
When the jehovah's come around to my door I tell them I am a druid and worship stones. It works everytime. There used to be a Buddhist around here and he would tell them he will give them an hour but then he gets an hour to explain Buddhism to them .... he never had any takers.
All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.
— Thomas Paine
things worsening for Amanda
Jehovah Witnesses Australia Part 1 of 3 Sex Abuse Cover-Up!
There are an estimated 80.000-150.000 Jehova's Witnesses in Finland. I don't know why the number is an estimate because we are usually very pedantic over calculating people - yet, I can't but wonder wether it has something to do with the fact that they have a lot of children who they also often homeschool, that might not be registered anywhere.
In the last two years two major researches have come out in popularized form in Finland. These are both academic research that are based on tens if not hundreds of interviews of people who have been, or are members of the cult. The first book (Taivaan taimet) studied abuse experiences in the cult, particularly sexual abuse. The second (Usko, toivo ja raskaus) studied pregnancy in the cult.
Jehova's witnesses also believe:
1. In absolute male patriarchy. The man in the family is the head of the family in a very literal sense. Divorce is not allowed. If a woman divorces her man, she has to leave the community. Divorce even after the spouse has been found quilty of crimes such as sexual abuse does not change this. There are no female priests in the community even tough Finland is a lutheran country where female priests are as common as men.
2. Any form of contraception is considered equal to murder. Having sex only on "secure days" like menstruation is also considered contraception. One woman told how she had been doing this, counting days - her husband's reaction? He invited three elders over who told the woman how she was sinning and breaking against God. The man of the family has the right to have sex with his wife whenever. If the woman declines, it can be consireded as a form of contraception. In Usko, Toivo ja Rakkaus, women were describing their experience in the cult, which for many had been a life spent pregnant. One had had 10 kids in 10 years. The constant physical stress, mental exhaustion over having to run a family of many kids and being unaware of how many more children "God" had intended for her to have in the future drives many to sever depression.
3. Jehova's Witnesses in Finland don't trust the legal system, social securty or schooling system of the "nonbelievers". This means that in the case of, say, sexual abuse, the issue is discussed with the "elders" in the community and they decide what to do. Some ex-witnesses came out a couple of years back in the media, telling how their childhood abuse was covered up by the elders. In "Taivaan taimet" a woman described her memories from a summer camp, where the camp-master abused several of the kids and was caught midway to the camp. He was made to publicly ask forgiveness from God and the community, and left to run the camp to the end. The woman telling the story was abused after this plead to God and the community. Needless to say no real investigation followed.
I have one anecdote of Jehova's Witnesses of my own. Some years ago, around noon one day the doorbell rang. I was just having breakfast after a long night of clubbing. I opened the door to see two shortish elderly ladies in the hallway with broschures in their hands, and I immediately knew they were cultists.
"Good day, Mam. We are from the Jehova's Witnesses. Would you have time to talk? We are here to tell you about God."
As I respect all people equally, I answered very politely "We have to do this some other day. I have had a very long night and I am very tired."
"But, Mam, this is very important. Everybody needs to know about God. Particularly people who have a dangerous profession such as yours need to know these things."
"Profession?" I noticed an assumption the lady speaking had no right to have. How would she know my profession? "What do you mean my profession?"
"You are a policewoman, right?"
I guess it was all the fun and games of the night before and the very un-policey behavior of kids like me in those days that got me laughing. I laughed, and closed the door without saying a word.
Take a gander of Russell's grave marker. Really, there's not one more telling in all the universe.
This is completely false. It's true there are no priests -male or female.
Otherwise all ridiculous. This was one of the few sites that told the truth, before. I regret sending people here.
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