Small turnout for the vote on Palestine in the UK parliament.
George Galloway, who allegedly works for MI6, did not vote to recognise Palestine as a state.
Palestine state vote in UK parliament: George Galloway abstains.
Less than half of the members of the UK parliament turned up to vote.

Conservative MP Robert Halfon, who is Jewish, said that a Palestinian state "already exists in Jordan."
Robert claims to be the Member of Parliament for Harlow.

Robert Halfon (left) and former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar
Conservative MP Robert Halfon, who is Jewish, said that a Palestinian state "already exists in Jordan."
Robert claims to be the Member of Parliament for Harlow.
The Scottish National Party voted to recognise Palestine as a state.
Are some of the people who did not vote to recognise Palestine as a state members of Mossad-run pedophile rings?
"The Peoples Mandate".
EU to lose €40bn as result of Russia sanctions in 2014 ...
Richest 1% now own half of world's wealth..
"The Peoples Mandate".
EU to lose €40bn as result of Russia sanctions in 2014 ...
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Richest 1% now own half of world's wealth..
Labels: George Galloway, Halfon, Harlow, Palestine, SNP
Galloway is a buffoon, probably a well-paid one.
The real litmus test is 9/11 and Galloway fails that miserably, since he trumpets the official line.
Lord Rothschild ran a pedophile ring for high flying homosexuals back in the 1930 s when he wanted to get W W II underway the same plan is being used recently to blackmail our MPs to fight more jewish wars
Meet the ‘Beast of SAVAK’
Tuesday Oct 14, 2014 By Wayne Madsen
The Jewish Holocaust industry is fond of sounding their shofars every time an aging German or Eastern European low-level concentration camp guard is discovered in South America or a small German or Austrian village. However, these self-appointed genocide avengers remain hypocritically silent when a Jewish prison commander and torturer is discovered, not hiding out in Argentina, but in the swank environs of Orlando, Florida.
Meet Parviz Sabeti, aka Peter Sabeti, a one-time director of Department III of the feared pre-Revolution Iranian secret service, known as the Sazeman-e Attela'at Va Amniat-e Keshvar (Organization for information and protection of the country) or simply, SAVAK. Acting as the Shah of Iran's eyes and ears in Iran, SAVAK agents received training from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), British MI-6, and Israel's Mossad in all forms of intelligence tradecraft, including electronic snooping, counter-intelligence, and - Sabeti's chief specialty - torture.
As can be seen from his last name, Sabeti is an Iranian "Jew" ("Sabeti" is derived from the Sabbatean crypto Jews of the Ottoman Empire who are also known by the Turkish name "Dönmeh") who not only served as the chief interrogator for the Shah in Tehran's infamous circular Ebrat prison, built by Germany's Nazi government in 1937, but was also on the payroll of the Mossad and CIA.
Sabeti fled Iran after the Islamic revolution in 1979 and found sanctuary first in Israel, where he became an officer of Mossad, and eventually, in Florida. Today, Sabeti lives in Orlando, where he owns a building and development company called Paris Enterprises, Inc. ...
Among Paris Enterprises's officers is Pardis Sabeti, Parviz's daughter who is also an evolutionary geneticist at Harvard University specializing in the human genome, specifically, the migration of the Ebola virus from an animal genetic reservoir into humans...
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Jewish involvement in the promotion of 'hate speech' laws, multiculturalism, mass immigration, denationalization, subversion of traditional values, and related items.
The present and pretty extreme gagging law known as 'The Race Relations Act', formerly known as 'The Group Libel Law' was drafted by 'The Board of Jewish Deputies', and passed in 1965 by the Jewish Interior Minister (Home Secretary) in the Labour Government Sir Frank Soskice. Frank Soskice was not even British born; he came to Britain as a Russian immigrant, and he was not the only Jewish immigrant to play such a role. (See Jewish Laws.)
The so-called Public Order Act of 1986 was placed before parliament by the purported Conservative Home Secretary, a Jewish immigrant from Lithuania, Leon Brittanisky, also known as Leon Brittan, (now an alleged pedophile child abuser just as Lord Greville Janner) assisted by his cousin, another Lithuanian Jew, Malcolm Rivkind, also know as Malcolm Rifkind.
'The illegal Act of Parliament called the Public Order Act is intended to prevent subjects of the Crown from discussing and revealing the Jewish takeover of our country. It is a law which has been made by traitors - in other words, criminals - to prevent their exposure'.
Now, on top of a Public Order Act which penalises not only the distribution of literature critical of them, but also the possession of it, sanctioning the ransacking of homes in this connection, they are seeking and securing the promise of yet further limitations on our freedom.
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Tracking militarists’ efforts to influence U.S. foreign policy
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