Two teachers held by Indonesian police: Ferdinant Tjiong (left) and Neil Bantleman. Photo: Michael Bachelard
Two teachers at the Jakarta International School (JIS), who have been accused of child sexual abuse, are in police custody in Indonesia.

Obama at the Jakarta International School
Three young children have made statements about sexual abuse at JIS.
According to the police transcripts there were secret underground rooms on the school grounds and one of the teachers, Neil Bantleman, used a drug to anaesthetise one boy prior to abuse.
Jakarta School Rape Scandal: Claims Emerge of 'Secret ...

Jean and William Vahey, who may have been working for the CIA and its friends. William James Vahey, an American, drugged and sexually abused large numbers of boys in the many international schools in which he taught. Vahey taught at JIS. spooky teachers abusing kids at international
The Wall Street Journal tells us more about Bantleman and his friends:
"Statements to police by a 6-year-old alleged rape victim and his mother assert that the boy was attacked by staff members in 'secret rooms' at the Jakarta International School and was partially anesthetized by a 'magic stone' that a suspect conjured from thin air.
"The police documents, which were reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, identify eight other boys who were allegedly abused earlier this year by staff members at the prestigious school.
"The statements allege that the attacks took place during the school day in a glass-walled office, restrooms, an open kitchen area and two secret, windowless rooms that the accusers say have since been 'hidden.'"
Jakarta School Rape Scandal: Claims Emerge of 'Secret ...
Jakarta School Rape Scandal: Claims Emerge of 'Secret ...
The evidence in the case comes largely from three young boys who say they were regularly taken from their classes during the school day and anally raped by large groups of up to six people at a time.
One of the boys alleges that school deputy principal, American Elsa Donohue, mixed a blue-coloured drink to drug the children, then videotaped sex attacks.
Read more:
On June 6, 2012, the New York Times Magazine published an article by former student Amos Kamil, class of 1982, describing multiple instances of sexual abuse of students by teachers at the school.
Those who have attended Horace Mann include:
The CIA's Roy Cohn who ran a pedophile ring (Roy Cohn)
The CIA's James Schlesinger.
The CIA's Roy Cohn who ran a pedophile ring (Roy Cohn)
The CIA's James Schlesinger.
John Mulholland taught industrial arts at the Horace Mann School.
The very same day that Allen Dulles approved Project MKULTRA (mind control and sexual abuse of children), Sidney Gottlieb went to see John Mulholland.
John Mulholland went to work for the CIA and MK ULTRA.
The Sphinx and the Spy: The Clandestine World of John Mulholland

The charity Colonia Dignidad (above) was set up in Chile by a 'Jewish Nazi' called Paul Schäfer Schneider.
The very same day that Allen Dulles approved Project MKULTRA (mind control and sexual abuse of children), Sidney Gottlieb went to see John Mulholland.
John Mulholland went to work for the CIA and MK ULTRA.
The Sphinx and the Spy: The Clandestine World of John Mulholland

The charity Colonia Dignidad (above) was set up in Chile by a 'Jewish Nazi' called Paul Schäfer Schneider.
Colonia Dignidad was used by the CIA and its allies to torture and mind control large numbers of children.

Jack Moyer (above) came to Japan in 1951 as 'a scientist' with the U.S. Air Force.
On 20 March 2014, it was reported that The American School in Japan (ASIJ) had admitted that teacher Jack Moyer sexually abused students while employed by the school between 1963 and 2000.

John Mark Karr (above), an American schoolteacher, was involved in child pornography crimes in the United States.
However, spooky John Mark Karr was able to escape from the USA and get jobs at three elite international schools in Bangkok.
Eventually Karr was arrested by Thai police on 'sex charges'.
One of the most famous cases of alleged CIA child abuse, including Satanic Ritual abuse, involved the McMartin Pre-School in the USA.
Archaeological Investigations of the McMartin Preschool site ...

Robert Finnegan was editor of the Jakarta Post at the time of the first Bali Bomb.
(Finnegan clashed with Ralph Boyce, the then U.S. ambassador to Indonesia, and got sacked. Reportedly, Finnegan had produced evidence linking the Bali Bombing to the security services. The Bali Bomb, Ralph Boyce and Robert Finnegan)
"Finnegan said that while he was with the Jakarta Post, he became aware that Boyce, while ambassador in Jakarta, used the services of two known local procurers of child prostitutes and sex slaves.
"They were both Indonesian nationals, one was a CIA asset operating as a businessman and the other was a journalist."
Send shirlz007 a message.
Labels: Bantleman, CIA, Colonia Dignidad, Donohue, Horace Mann, Jakarta International School, MCMARTIN, MK ULTRA, Ralph Boyce, Vahey
I always thought there was more to this case than me the eye..
Whatever became of Barack Obama's,I mean Barry Soetoro's tranvestite,I mean transgender,nannie?It appears that Philip Myers a school teacher at Saint Peter's Catholic School in Jakarta who offered him,her,a job has since become a principal of the school.I doubt Barack,I mean Barry,ever did get in touch with his ex nannie Evie but mostly I'm surprised there has been no follow up by the media as to his I mean her whereabouts since his moment of fame by the media in 2012.Perhaps that wonderful Catholic principal Philip Myers who offered her a job knows of her whereabouts?
An American teacher at Saint Peter's Catholic School in Jakarta, Philip Myers, was so touched by Evie's story that he offered her a job as a cook and maid.
"I really don't care if she wants to come in wearing a dress, or pants. The outward appearance is not the issue. Her heart is what's important," Myers said.
Evie was excited by the idea. But for now, she is too overwhelmed to think about it.
During a break between TV interviews at her home in a tightly packed Jakarta slum on Thursday, she said she hoped he would be patient.
She also said she would love to hear from her former charge – but there has been no contact yet from the White House........
I am delighted to welcome you to the Saint Peter’s International School website. Thank you for considering Saint Peter’s International School for your child’s learning and growing. SPIS is a Catholic School serving the families in Kelapa Gading, Indonesia. We promote high standards and expectations and work in partnership with parents and guardians to achieve the very best for our students.
The young people who attend SIPS today are growing up in a rapidly changing world. It is important that all students become independent learners who are flexible and able to embrace change. It is likely that they will take on many different roles throughout their working lives as the work place changes and the idea of a job for life is replaced by a more modern lifestyle in which many can expect to have different careers throughout working life,etc..... -Peter Myers , Pricipal,Saint Peters Intenational School
Oh, there you are Aangirfan! I've looked for you everywhere then someone mentioned you changed your name! It is you, right?
It is me.
- Aangirfan
Aangirfan as always right out front on this, tenacious, irrepressible. Over a decade of fearless coverage. Thanks for being there.
Robert S. Finnegan
The 5th Estate Asia
Jakarta, Indonesia
Dear Robert,
You make my day!
Very many thanks.
PS Jakarta is a wonderful place to live.
However, the treatment of handicapped children in government institutions is not good.
Jakarta is changing.
Thanks again for your bulldogging this and other reports "MSM" too timid to cover.
Please keep up the good work. Our FOIA in the works.
Robert S. Finnegan
The 5th Estate Asia
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