Portsmouth has links to the security service MI6. (Portsmouth, New Forest, MI6)
Transgender Steven, also known as Alizon Bonner Pink, was sexually abused by Ralph.

Ralph and Rita Bonner Pink.
Ralph Bonner Pink was linked to a paedopile ring which included Sir Jimmy Savile and Sir Cyril Smith.

Savile, Thatcher and the NSPCC
Steven's adopted Mother Rita worked for the NSPCC, the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
Rita also abused Steven.

Alizon Bonar Pink, who is now called Steven George.
Steven George, under the name Janella, has written a memoir called Heartless.
This book describes Steven's life of early sexual abuse by a pedophile ring.
It also describes her imprisonment, at her father's request, in government institutions.
Heartless by Janella / Cathy Fox
Steven started life as Alizon.
The 'child abuse and murder island' of Jersey is easily reached from Portsmouth.
There have been allegations of a large child abuse ring, involving top people, in the Portsmouth area.
Police announced on 25 February 2008 that they were investigating claims that the Jersey child abuse case was linked to abuse at the Children’s Cottage Home in Portsmouth.
Cathy Fox writes:
Portsmouth City Council minutes show that Ralph Bonner Pink placed superintendents in The Childrens Cottage Homes.
He placed Peter Prosser, who had been investigated 3 times previously for sexual abuse of children in his care, in charge of a holiday home in Talgarth Wales.
Alizon was left several times in his care.
Ralph Bonner Pink, when he was a member of the Portsmouth City Council, also worked with Freddie Amery Wallis, who was convicted of 2 specimen charges of serious child abuse in 2001.

Jimmy Savile and UK Prime Minister Edward Heath both liked to visit Jersey.
Cathy Fox writes:
A superintendent from a cottage home, in Cosham, visited Haut de la Garenne in Jersey, taking a teenage girl who states she was sexually assaulted over a 3 day period.
Boy victims at the Jersey home were told they would be put in a mental hospital if they told on the MP now deceased who was allegedly abusing them regularly.
He also had access to boats and travelled to France on one occasion.

Jimmy Savile in Broadmoor High Security Hospital.
Cathy Fox writes:
The Institutions that Janella was in were, approximately
Rookesbury Park School, Wickham 1959-66? Sexual abuse / West Preston Manor School (closed 1979) Sexual abuse / Knowle Hospital for several weeks in 1966, 3 days in 1969, / Knowle Secure Unit 1985-7
Broadmoor 1968,1970-1980 / Rampton 1980, 1987-89 / Zulu Road Hostel 1989.

There have been allegations of a large child abuse ring, involving top people, in the Portsmouth area. Police announced on 25 February 2008 that they were investigating claims that the Jersey child abuse case was linked to abuse at the Children’s Cottage Home in Portsmouth.
Cathy Fox writes:
Alizon published these comments about Jimmy Savile in Broadmoor 1999, way before he died and the revelations of his paedophilia became public:
"Jimmy Savile started visiting in the 1970s...
"After a while was given his own keys..."
Alizon was given drugs and Electroconvulsive therapy.
At Broadmoor the medical personnel were
Dr Patrick Mcgrath Medical Superintendent / Dr Levin Medical Officer / Dr Le Couter Consultant Psychiatrist.

Alizon Pink as a child
Reportedly Ralph had Alizon locked up in an institution where she was sexually abused by Sir Jimmy Savile.
MP daughter sexually abused.

The late Ralph Bonner Pink with his wife Rita. Ralph Pink was at one time the mayor of Portsmouth and a magistrate. Rita is a former chairwoman of Portsmouth NSPCC, a child protection organisation allegedly linked to pedophile rings and child abuse.
Alizon says she was sexually abused by Ralph when she was under 10 years of age.
Alizon remembers that at the age of three she was taken to hospital to receive stitches for a wound to her genitalia.
Alizon's mother Rita used to force seven-year-old Alizon to dress in adult underwear, including suspenders.
At the age of 15, Alizon ran away from home and set fire to a property.
When Ralph thought that Alizon might report him, he apparently arranged for her to be locked up.
At the age of 16, Alizon found herself in Broadmoor, a high security mental hospital.
Sir Jimmy Savile sexually abused Alizon while she was at Broadmoor.
MP daughter sexually abused / Broadmoor: The Mansion for Monsters

Thatcher, who had Savile stay with her several Christmases in a row.
The task force which oversaw the management of Broadmoor was chaired by Sir Jimmy Savile.
The child rapist Sir Jimmy Savile ran a pedophile ring which supplied children to the elite.
One of the people who appointed Savile to his post at Broadmoor was a politician who allegedly abused a young boy in the UK parliament building.

There have been allegations of a large child abuse ring, involving top people, in the Portsmouth/Hampshire area.
Police announced on 25 February 2008 that they were investigating claims that the Jersey child abuse case was linked to abuse at the Children’s Cottage Home in Portsmouth.

The late Michael Colvin MP, friend of Prince Charles. Colvin died in a mysterious fire at his home in Hampshire.

Ralph and Rita Bonner Pink.
Ralph Bonner Pink was linked to a paedopile ring which included Sir Jimmy Savile and Sir Cyril Smith.

Savile, Thatcher and the NSPCC
Steven's adopted Mother Rita worked for the NSPCC, the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
Rita also abused Steven.

Alizon Bonar Pink, who is now called Steven George.
Steven George, under the name Janella, has written a memoir called Heartless.
This book describes Steven's life of early sexual abuse by a pedophile ring.
It also describes her imprisonment, at her father's request, in government institutions.
Heartless by Janella / Cathy Fox
Steven started life as Alizon.

The 'child abuse and murder island' of Jersey is easily reached from Portsmouth.
There have been allegations of a large child abuse ring, involving top people, in the Portsmouth area.
Police announced on 25 February 2008 that they were investigating claims that the Jersey child abuse case was linked to abuse at the Children’s Cottage Home in Portsmouth.
Portsmouth City Council minutes show that Ralph Bonner Pink placed superintendents in The Childrens Cottage Homes.
He placed Peter Prosser, who had been investigated 3 times previously for sexual abuse of children in his care, in charge of a holiday home in Talgarth Wales.
Alizon was left several times in his care.
Ralph Bonner Pink, when he was a member of the Portsmouth City Council, also worked with Freddie Amery Wallis, who was convicted of 2 specimen charges of serious child abuse in 2001.

Jimmy Savile and UK Prime Minister Edward Heath both liked to visit Jersey.
Cathy Fox writes:
A superintendent from a cottage home, in Cosham, visited Haut de la Garenne in Jersey, taking a teenage girl who states she was sexually assaulted over a 3 day period.
Boy victims at the Jersey home were told they would be put in a mental hospital if they told on the MP now deceased who was allegedly abusing them regularly.
He also had access to boats and travelled to France on one occasion.

Jimmy Savile in Broadmoor High Security Hospital.
Cathy Fox writes:
The Institutions that Janella was in were, approximately
Rookesbury Park School, Wickham 1959-66? Sexual abuse / West Preston Manor School (closed 1979) Sexual abuse / Knowle Hospital for several weeks in 1966, 3 days in 1969, / Knowle Secure Unit 1985-7
Broadmoor 1968,1970-1980 / Rampton 1980, 1987-89 / Zulu Road Hostel 1989.

There have been allegations of a large child abuse ring, involving top people, in the Portsmouth area. Police announced on 25 February 2008 that they were investigating claims that the Jersey child abuse case was linked to abuse at the Children’s Cottage Home in Portsmouth.
Cathy Fox writes:
Alizon published these comments about Jimmy Savile in Broadmoor 1999, way before he died and the revelations of his paedophilia became public:
"Jimmy Savile started visiting in the 1970s...
"After a while was given his own keys..."
Alizon was given drugs and Electroconvulsive therapy.
At Broadmoor the medical personnel were
Dr Patrick Mcgrath Medical Superintendent / Dr Levin Medical Officer / Dr Le Couter Consultant Psychiatrist.
Alizon Pink as a child
Reportedly Ralph had Alizon locked up in an institution where she was sexually abused by Sir Jimmy Savile.
MP daughter sexually abused.
The late Ralph Bonner Pink with his wife Rita. Ralph Pink was at one time the mayor of Portsmouth and a magistrate. Rita is a former chairwoman of Portsmouth NSPCC, a child protection organisation allegedly linked to pedophile rings and child abuse.
Alizon says she was sexually abused by Ralph when she was under 10 years of age.
Alizon remembers that at the age of three she was taken to hospital to receive stitches for a wound to her genitalia.
Alizon's mother Rita used to force seven-year-old Alizon to dress in adult underwear, including suspenders.
At the age of 15, Alizon ran away from home and set fire to a property.
When Ralph thought that Alizon might report him, he apparently arranged for her to be locked up.
At the age of 16, Alizon found herself in Broadmoor, a high security mental hospital.
Sir Jimmy Savile sexually abused Alizon while she was at Broadmoor.
MP daughter sexually abused / Broadmoor: The Mansion for Monsters

Thatcher, who had Savile stay with her several Christmases in a row.
The task force which oversaw the management of Broadmoor was chaired by Sir Jimmy Savile.
The child rapist Sir Jimmy Savile ran a pedophile ring which supplied children to the elite.
One of the people who appointed Savile to his post at Broadmoor was a politician who allegedly abused a young boy in the UK parliament building.

There have been allegations of a large child abuse ring, involving top people, in the Portsmouth/Hampshire area.
Police announced on 25 February 2008 that they were investigating claims that the Jersey child abuse case was linked to abuse at the Children’s Cottage Home in Portsmouth.
Policed reopen Hampshire child home investigation
Fort Monckton, adjacent to Portsmouth, is used for the training of MI6 agents.
Fort Monckton, adjacent to Portsmouth, is used for the training of MI6 agents.

The late Michael Colvin MP, friend of Prince Charles. Colvin died in a mysterious fire at his home in Hampshire.
Connected to Hampshire are a number of top Conservatives - Derek Laud, Julian Lewis, Ian Greer and Michael Colvin.
Michael Colvin was "associated closely with Julian Lewis who is said to be involved with a number of international right wing 'covert' groups linked with high finance, and arms dealing.
"Colvin was also associated with two allegedly corrupt and discredited former Parliamentary Lobbyists, Ian Greer (cash for questions) and Derek Laud.
Michael Colvin was "associated closely with Julian Lewis who is said to be involved with a number of international right wing 'covert' groups linked with high finance, and arms dealing.
"Colvin was also associated with two allegedly corrupt and discredited former Parliamentary Lobbyists, Ian Greer (cash for questions) and Derek Laud.
Sex Offenders / ARE IN POSITIONS OF POWER / Derek_Laud (Cash for Knighthoods aka Cash for Rentboys).

The Bryn Estyn home in Wrexham in Clwyd was the scene of child abuse
"During a major scandal around the abuse of children in care in Bryn Estyn, both Laud and Greer's names were mentioned by alleged victims in connection with organised sexual abuse involving VIP's including, allegedly, members of the UK Government."
During that scandal a fire in Hove, near Brighton, killed five alleged victims of abuse.
Many people believe the fire was deliberately set.
"With the five young people who died was a Health Visitor from Hampshire where Laud has a home and where Colvin lived."
The Bryn Estyn home in Wrexham in Clwyd was the scene of child abuse
"During a major scandal around the abuse of children in care in Bryn Estyn, both Laud and Greer's names were mentioned by alleged victims in connection with organised sexual abuse involving VIP's including, allegedly, members of the UK Government."
During that scandal a fire in Hove, near Brighton, killed five alleged victims of abuse.
Many people believe the fire was deliberately set.
"With the five young people who died was a Health Visitor from Hampshire where Laud has a home and where Colvin lived."

Michael Colvin died at a fire in his magnificent Hampshire home.
"He had been speaking to Derek Laud days, if not hours, previously.
"There have been many allegations that Hampshire County Council, through the influence of Derek Laud and his friend Julian Lewis, is a central player in a national paedophile ring supplying young boys from care systems to VIP's.
"The Crest hotel in Wrexham and an Hotel on Hove seafront have specifically been mentioned...
"It has been alleged that officials and councillors in a number of local authorities may be receiving payments for identifying 'appropriate' young people in care and introducing them to the ring..."
Former Leader of Hampshire Council and Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, Freddie Emery Wallis was convicted in 2001 of molesting young boys.

David Cameron's friend Derek Laud, who allegedly pimped his classmates to wealthy and influential adults while still at school.

Michael Colvin died at a fire in his magnificent Hampshire home.
"He had been speaking to Derek Laud days, if not hours, previously.
"There have been many allegations that Hampshire County Council, through the influence of Derek Laud and his friend Julian Lewis, is a central player in a national paedophile ring supplying young boys from care systems to VIP's.
"The Crest hotel in Wrexham and an Hotel on Hove seafront have specifically been mentioned...
"It has been alleged that officials and councillors in a number of local authorities may be receiving payments for identifying 'appropriate' young people in care and introducing them to the ring..."
Former Leader of Hampshire Council and Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, Freddie Emery Wallis was convicted in 2001 of molesting young boys.

David Cameron's friend Derek Laud, who allegedly pimped his classmates to wealthy and influential adults while still at school.
Scallywag alleged that Derek Laud was a sadist, who was particularly violent and without mercy in his treatment of boys.
The magazine alleged that on regular occasions his victims would end up in casualty wards.
He was a leading political fixer and adviser to Margaret Thatcher
"Diana Princess of Wales opposed the whole culture to which Laud aligns himself and challenged arms dealing with which Julian Lewis is closely linked.
"Deceased investigative journalist Simon Regan challenged both Laud and Lewis frequently and died 'after a short illness' soon after his final tirade against Laud and Lewis.
"The alleged victims of VIP abuse who died in the fire in Palmeira Avenue Hove in 1991 had also linked Laud, Lewis, and Greer, to the circumstances of the abuse they said they had suffered in care."

Michael Portillo, former UK Defence Minister, resigned as the result of a homosexual incident.
"Michael Portillo, Peter Lilley, Ian Hamilton, and other Thatcherite politicians of the 1980's were all associated with Laud and Lewis.
"All were alleged to have been guests at paedophile parties in London at which boys from care in a number of local authorities, including North Wales, Shropshire,Hampshire, Dorset, Brighton and Hove and others, were allegedly 'ferried in' with the co-operation of social workers to provide sexual entertainments for the guests.
"It has also been alleged that Portillo freuqently took 'kinky holidays' in North Africa with his friend Derek Laud.
"Portillo insists that Laud was a guest on these holidays of him and his wife, but it has been alleged that hotel records do not confirm that Portillo's wife was there at all.
"Finally there have been specific allegations that the main aim of this ring is not to provide jollies for kinky MP's and others, but to exert influence over them in their work by blackmail."
"Diana Princess of Wales opposed the whole culture to which Laud aligns himself and challenged arms dealing with which Julian Lewis is closely linked.
"Deceased investigative journalist Simon Regan challenged both Laud and Lewis frequently and died 'after a short illness' soon after his final tirade against Laud and Lewis.
"The alleged victims of VIP abuse who died in the fire in Palmeira Avenue Hove in 1991 had also linked Laud, Lewis, and Greer, to the circumstances of the abuse they said they had suffered in care."

Michael Portillo, former UK Defence Minister, resigned as the result of a homosexual incident.
"Michael Portillo, Peter Lilley, Ian Hamilton, and other Thatcherite politicians of the 1980's were all associated with Laud and Lewis.
"All were alleged to have been guests at paedophile parties in London at which boys from care in a number of local authorities, including North Wales, Shropshire,Hampshire, Dorset, Brighton and Hove and others, were allegedly 'ferried in' with the co-operation of social workers to provide sexual entertainments for the guests.
"It has also been alleged that Portillo freuqently took 'kinky holidays' in North Africa with his friend Derek Laud.
"Portillo insists that Laud was a guest on these holidays of him and his wife, but it has been alleged that hotel records do not confirm that Portillo's wife was there at all.
"Finally there have been specific allegations that the main aim of this ring is not to provide jollies for kinky MP's and others, but to exert influence over them in their work by blackmail."
Labels: Bonner Pink, Child Abuse, Freddie Amery Wallis, Heartless, Janella, JERSEY, Jimmy Savile, MI6, pedophile rings, Portsmouth, Prosser, Steven George
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