Sir Cliff Richard's villa in Barbados.
Cliff Richard, who is said to be worth $75 Million, has a villa on Barbados.
Among the people who enjoy staying on Barbados are Simon Cowell, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Elton John.
Ian Fleming used to bring his gay friends to Jamaica.
A UNICEF study warns of pedophile rings operating in Barbados.

Cliff Richard in Israel
Cliff Richard loves Israel.
The daughter of Cliff's close friend Billy Graham is going to Israel "next week as a part of the Christians in Solidarity with Israel trip."
American Evangelical Christian Leaders Plan Solidarity Trip to Israel

Cliff Richard has been spotted in Las Olas Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, in Florida
How safe is Florida?

Roger Dean Kiser-Founder of "The Whitehouse Boys" (
In Florida, at the Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys, children were sexually abused, tortured and murdered.
Florida School for Boys / US CHILDREN RAPED

Green Isle Boys Ranch
Young boys were reportedly raped at the Green Isle Boys Ranch which operated in Clermont Florida.
Green Isle Boys Ranch was run by a large organisation called Bridges of America.
Sexual Abuse Allegations Lead to Shut Down of Green Isle ... / Bridges of America

Melvin Floyd Sembler, former United States Ambassador to Italy, founded Straight Inc., which ran drug treatment centres for children.
According to Dr. Bruce K. Alexander of Simon Fraser University: "I believe that Straight's treatment can be fairly compared with 'brainwashing'..."
Mel Sembler's Unauthorized Biography
"This was torture - there was deliberate degrading and humiliating treatment, sexual abuse..."
Melvin Sembler's Legacy of Abusing Children

Paul Bonacci in front of the ranch where, reportedly, Johnny Gosch, and other boys were held captive. Paul was kidnapped by the US military and tortured and mind-controlled to turn him into a sex slave.
1. Reportedly, there are "pedophile farms and ranches like .... Green Isle Ranch in Central Florida - operated by ... Bridges of America...
"Rick Scott, Charlie Crist, Jeb Bush and his father and brother have taken money from Mel Sembler (founder of Straight, Inc.,) who is the grand daddy of organized children's abuse facilities...
"'Officials' work so hard to lie and cover up the sex abuse reports of children in these so called facilities like Dozier School; Green Isle Boys Ranch; and, YSI (Youth Services International)."
Dozier Second Grave Site Theory Gains Traction April 15, 2014
A UNICEF study warns of pedophile rings operating in Barbados.
Cliff Richard in Israel
Cliff Richard loves Israel.
The daughter of Cliff's close friend Billy Graham is going to Israel "next week as a part of the Christians in Solidarity with Israel trip."
American Evangelical Christian Leaders Plan Solidarity Trip to Israel

Cliff Richard has been spotted in Las Olas Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, in Florida
How safe is Florida?

Roger Dean Kiser-Founder of "The Whitehouse Boys" (
In Florida, at the Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys, children were sexually abused, tortured and murdered.
Florida School for Boys / US CHILDREN RAPED

Green Isle Boys Ranch
Young boys were reportedly raped at the Green Isle Boys Ranch which operated in Clermont Florida.
Green Isle Boys Ranch was run by a large organisation called Bridges of America.
Sexual Abuse Allegations Lead to Shut Down of Green Isle ... / Bridges of America

Melvin Floyd Sembler, former United States Ambassador to Italy, founded Straight Inc., which ran drug treatment centres for children.
According to Dr. Bruce K. Alexander of Simon Fraser University: "I believe that Straight's treatment can be fairly compared with 'brainwashing'..."
Mel Sembler's Unauthorized Biography
"This was torture - there was deliberate degrading and humiliating treatment, sexual abuse..."
Melvin Sembler's Legacy of Abusing Children

Paul Bonacci in front of the ranch where, reportedly, Johnny Gosch, and other boys were held captive. Paul was kidnapped by the US military and tortured and mind-controlled to turn him into a sex slave.
1. Reportedly, there are "pedophile farms and ranches like .... Green Isle Ranch in Central Florida - operated by ... Bridges of America...
"Rick Scott, Charlie Crist, Jeb Bush and his father and brother have taken money from Mel Sembler (founder of Straight, Inc.,) who is the grand daddy of organized children's abuse facilities...
"'Officials' work so hard to lie and cover up the sex abuse reports of children in these so called facilities like Dozier School; Green Isle Boys Ranch; and, YSI (Youth Services International)."
Dozier Second Grave Site Theory Gains Traction April 15, 2014

According to the former Nebraska senator John DeCamp, the charityCovenant House was used to acquire children for the purposes of child abuse. COVENANT HOUSE
2. "Researchers say ... the Green Isle Boys Ranch was owned by the Don Brown Family who control numbers of Florida Department of Corrections vendors under various Bridges of American corporations...
"The locals around the old Green Isle Ranch have claimed for years to have heard about boys being taken by well connected men to Lake Louisa State Park’s cabins on Lake Dixie..."
Dozier Second Grave Site Theory Gains Traction April 15, 2014

Throughout the UK, children's care homes have reportedly been used as child brothels by the security services. CHILD ABUSE; EARLS SCHOOL; KINCORA ...
3. "APRIL 7, 2014 - Last week, Governor Rick Scott held a fundraiser at the home of Pinellas County based developer Mel Sembler.
"Over the course of the past two decades Sembler, his family and his companies have donated over a $1,000,000 to the coffers of various Florida Republicans or the RPOF...
"In 1976 Mel Sembler founded Straight, Inc. which evolved into a nationwide ring of houses of horror - sex abuse of the children."
Dozier Second Grave Site Theory Gains Traction April 15, 2014
2. "Researchers say ... the Green Isle Boys Ranch was owned by the Don Brown Family who control numbers of Florida Department of Corrections vendors under various Bridges of American corporations...
"The locals around the old Green Isle Ranch have claimed for years to have heard about boys being taken by well connected men to Lake Louisa State Park’s cabins on Lake Dixie..."
Dozier Second Grave Site Theory Gains Traction April 15, 2014

Throughout the UK, children's care homes have reportedly been used as child brothels by the security services. CHILD ABUSE; EARLS SCHOOL; KINCORA ...
3. "APRIL 7, 2014 - Last week, Governor Rick Scott held a fundraiser at the home of Pinellas County based developer Mel Sembler.
"Over the course of the past two decades Sembler, his family and his companies have donated over a $1,000,000 to the coffers of various Florida Republicans or the RPOF...
"In 1976 Mel Sembler founded Straight, Inc. which evolved into a nationwide ring of houses of horror - sex abuse of the children."
Dozier Second Grave Site Theory Gains Traction April 15, 2014
"Frist was (seen) entering and exiting the whorehouse. It is strange
to have (this) guy entering that whorehouse in the Ritz-Carlton,
that's where the homosexual whorehouse is. The heterosexual side is
the Watergate and the Sheraton (hotels)," said Heneghan.
"New developments on these fronts continue to come out. Another
individual that frequented the whorehouses included on his visits to
the U.S. , (were) the current U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair; Doug
Alexander, the former British Minister of E-Commerce; Mel Sembler,
the former ambassador to Italy ," said Heneghan.
Blair, Alexander, Sembler and Abramoff have also been tied to the
fraudulent 2000 Presidential election along with Congresswoman
Katherine Harris (D-Florida) through a company known as MZM, Inc.
Hours before a car accident involved three of his relatives, POPE FRANCISCUS talked about an incoming third world war.
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