The analysis, carried out by an international forensic science company, which has worked for police forces across Britain, suggests camera trickery and slick post-production techniques.
Major oddities in the video have made the forensic analysts decide that the alleged execution is phony.
According to the international forensic science company:
According to the international forensic science company:
Foley’s words appear to have been scripted.
According to the international forensic science company:
There is no blood shed while 'several cuts' are made to the neck of Foley.
No incision can be seen.
The sounds made by Foley are not consistent with beheadings.

According to the international forensic science company:
The analysis highlights a blip in the imagery that could indicate the journalist had to repeat a line.
Sounds made by Foley do not appear consistent with what might be expected.
The video begins with a clip of President Barack Obama. This footage appears to have been downloaded directly from the White House website.
Sounds made by Foley do not appear consistent with what might be expected.
The UK Times
Ah, and this is very interesting reading too:
James Foley false flag fake
Busted: Foley Beheading done with CPR DOLL
So, the mainstream media has been forced to take note of the alternative media's comments on the fake Foley video.
BUT, the mainstream media is still claiming, wrongly, that Foley was executed by ISIS.

"The audio sounds like it was filmed indoors." "A different knife was shown before and after 'the beheading'."
NorthernTruthSeeker Notes:
There are so many things wrong with this "beheading" that I figure I would give some details here:
Journalist James Wright Foley
(1) The knife being used by the so called "IS" terrorist is ridiculous and could not possibly even cut through a person's neck…
Journalist James Wright Foley
(1) The knife being used by the so called "IS" terrorist is ridiculous and could not possibly even cut through a person's neck…
"Notice how the "terrorist" is making rapid back and forth motions against the neck with no actual cutting? The knife definitely appears to be plastic.

(2) Where is the anguish by the "victim" as the terrorist starts cutting? Some may say that Foley may have been heavily drugged or has suffered from massive amounts of torture.

But all indications from his own "speech" shows clarity and therefore not the telltale signs of a man who has endured torture…
No fatigue, slurring, stuttering, or slowness of speech….. Therefore he should be screaming if it was a real knife hitting and cutting into his neck.

Journalist James Wright Foley
(3) The "IS" "terrorist" is absolutely ridiculous and speaks with an almost perfect British accent. How is that possible? (I suspect a perfect English speaking Mossad operative)
(4) The initial cutting by the laughable knife… No blood spurting out anywhere which would be shooting out all over both the "terrorist" and the victim himself..

Where Elliot Rodger 'shot himself'. where's the blood?
Journalist James Wright Foley
(3) The "IS" "terrorist" is absolutely ridiculous and speaks with an almost perfect British accent. How is that possible? (I suspect a perfect English speaking Mossad operative)
(4) The initial cutting by the laughable knife… No blood spurting out anywhere which would be shooting out all over both the "terrorist" and the victim himself..

No sign of blood in the false flag 'attack on a soldier' at Woolwich in London. JEWISH CONTROLLED JIHADIS
(5) The cutaway of the video showing the "head" on top of the body in the final segment… The body and the head do not even appear to be human but are most probably parts of those dummies used for CPR training.
(6) The blood on the ground.. Why is there only blood above the neck line and on the orange uniform? Considering an average human body contains some 5-6 pints of blood, the desert area around the "body" should have large amounts of blood as well….There should be blood everywhere.
Continued here: Journalist James Wright Foley

"Isis victims" - "Shirt color bleedover, and a cut off color by a photoshop layer mistake.
"Hair color on man in green shirt has been fully altered / added.
"Mistake tinge of blue on the grey striped mans belt!
"Referee sports jersey in the middle…"

It was alleged that the above photo showed women who were going to be sold by ISIS.
In fact the photo shows a protest against the Muslim Brotherhood by women in Egypt in 2013.

15 Anomalies Surrounding the 'Death' Of Nick Berg.
James Foley was anti-Assad.
James Foley was used for anti-Assad propaganda.
Reportedly Foley was captured and imprisoned by Assad's forces.
"We have obtained multiple independent reports from very credible confidential sources … that confirm our assessment that Jim is now being held by the Syrian government in a prison … under the control of the Syrian Air Force Intelligence service."
So, how could the anti-Assad ISIS have got hold of James Foley?
And why would the anti-Assad ISIS want to kill Foley?

The US public does not want to send troops into Syria.
The fake Foley story is all about preparing the Western public for a US-led invasion of Syria.
James Foley beheading baits America to intervene

The US public does not want to send troops into Syria.
The fake Foley story is all about preparing the Western public for a US-led invasion of Syria.
James Foley beheading baits America to intervene

Foley, like ISIS, is anti-Assad.
According to TheSlog: the beheading of James Foley is a fake.
I've read reports on murders where the victim has been decapitated... It can take anywhere between 45 mins and 6 hours to hack through a neck with a knife like that!
I've punched people in the throat in self defence... and they made more of a scene than that!

There was this picture at the beginning of the ISIS campaign, showing a long line of white dressed men on the left and black dressed ones on the right..
- Caveman

There's also a video analysis of the 'beheading video' which mentions the use of blood packs, and a photo shopped 'still' image at the end.

The whole ISIS 'brand' smacks of a very slick advertising assignment.

After the Obama speech addressing the "beheading" CNN went to a "live" interview with Foley's parents.
According to TheSlog:
1.The alleged executioner is from South London, and probably of West Indian genetic origin
2. Mr Foley does not display any fear consonant with imminent death
3. The ‘beheading’ is faked.

i. The knife his captor uses could no more sever a head than than my little finger could punch a hole in the Hoover Dam.
1.The alleged executioner is from South London, and probably of West Indian genetic origin
2. Mr Foley does not display any fear consonant with imminent death
3. The ‘beheading’ is faked.

According to TheSlog:
i. The knife his captor uses could no more sever a head than than my little finger could punch a hole in the Hoover Dam.
It is far too small….and far too small to have produced the cleanly-guillotined appearance of head and body at the end of the film.
ii. The universally advertised ‘gruesome gore’ has been hugely overdone by the media.
ii. The universally advertised ‘gruesome gore’ has been hugely overdone by the media.
There is no blood at all in the movie-action…and that’s precisely when the director cuts. But I don’t believe the knifeman cuts anything.
iii. We see (very briefly) knifeman sawing away at Mr Foley’s neck – but zero blood.
iii. We see (very briefly) knifeman sawing away at Mr Foley’s neck – but zero blood.
That is medically impossible: when you sever the left and right common carotid arteries, the spray of huge volumes of blood is quite incredible.
That’s probably why we cut to a still of head and body at the end.
iv. If James Foley has been beheaded, then he certainly was not killed at the spot and with that implement. Again, there simply isn’t enough blood.

Foley probably works for the CIA or Mossad.
Comments from readers on James Foley:

"It is in front of a green screen with two actors and nobody died nobody got hurt...
"Good but not great green screen keying with blurred lines around the edges.
"Perfect hd quality complete with shirt mics, but despite shirt billowing in breeze no wind noise and no Sand blown about.
"Starts off with super baggy around the arms but on the headless dummy sleeves are taught.
"Despite these people being 'terrorists' they seem to forget the terror part by only showing him take several swipes at his neck, and that of course produces no blood or cut whatsoever...
"The headless dummies neck is missing most of it and the cut is perfectly straight like he had a laser; also not real blood or enough of it.
"Piss poor acting on both parties...Actor is delivering his bullshit lines calm and cool as a cucumber for someone about to be killed. Complete with breaks for added drama...

iv. If James Foley has been beheaded, then he certainly was not killed at the spot and with that implement. Again, there simply isn’t enough blood.

Foley probably works for the CIA or Mossad.
Comments from readers on James Foley:

"It is in front of a green screen with two actors and nobody died nobody got hurt...
"Good but not great green screen keying with blurred lines around the edges.
"Perfect hd quality complete with shirt mics, but despite shirt billowing in breeze no wind noise and no Sand blown about.
"Starts off with super baggy around the arms but on the headless dummy sleeves are taught.
"Despite these people being 'terrorists' they seem to forget the terror part by only showing him take several swipes at his neck, and that of course produces no blood or cut whatsoever...
"The headless dummies neck is missing most of it and the cut is perfectly straight like he had a laser; also not real blood or enough of it.
"Piss poor acting on both parties...Actor is delivering his bullshit lines calm and cool as a cucumber for someone about to be killed. Complete with breaks for added drama...

I've read reports on murders where the victim has been decapitated... It can take anywhere between 45 mins and 6 hours to hack through a neck with a knife like that!
I've punched people in the throat in self defence... and they made more of a scene than that!

There was this picture at the beginning of the ISIS campaign, showing a long line of white dressed men on the left and black dressed ones on the right..
Obviously exactly aligned as some Hollywood Jew goon would fancy a dangerous group of fighters in their "Parade-outfit" to look like..
- Caveman

James Foley “beheading” fans the war flames - Problem, Reaction, Solution
James Foley “beheading” fans the war flames

The terrorists are posing like models or actors, changing watches in different pictures, having make-up, wigs, having brand new shoes, perfect clean ironed clothes, choreography...
James Foley “beheading” fans the war flames

The terrorists are posing like models or actors, changing watches in different pictures, having make-up, wigs, having brand new shoes, perfect clean ironed clothes, choreography...
When looking for ISIS on Google Images, the movie Isis Rising catched my eye. Such a coincidence, made in 2013...
"Experts" are paid by the Zionists to make a terror reality show for the media while they are really killing in Palestine.

There's also a video analysis of the 'beheading video' which mentions the use of blood packs, and a photo shopped 'still' image at the end.

The whole ISIS 'brand' smacks of a very slick advertising assignment.
It doesn't 'feel' Middle Eastern at all, more New York/ London/ L.A.

After the Obama speech addressing the "beheading" CNN went to a "live" interview with Foley's parents.
The parents are known crisis actors!

Who would believe that a couple, just knowing their son was beheaded would give an endless interview to the press as if nothing happened, even with eventual smiles?
No genetic resemblance.
Labels: conspiracy, fake, false flag, ISIS, James Foley
It's 'Back to the Future,' as in the so-called beheading of that journo in Afghanistan, Berg back in 2004 to get Americans mad as hell and on board with the coming 'Wars for Wall Street and Israel.'
Israel needs to keep the USA bogged down in the ME for the next 40 years, warring against its enemies, and that will give Israel the time needed to 'wipe Palestine off the map.'
I this video struck me as strange and bizarre...
But most of all, why when they had the chance of quality production values, unlike previous ones this video cut short when the had the chance to shock in full technicolor.
If it was to be faked, this would have been difficult to simulate without Hollywood special effects. Instead, just fade to grey. I am a novice at editing and photoshop/GIMP, but I think that I could do a similar 'beheading' video.
Notice how the media and politicians maintain the possibility of plausible denial of involvement by using words like "apparent" and "unverified" yet the media stocks up the fear/anger.
WMB = Weapon of Mass Beheading.
You might be interested in this comment I read elsewhere:
"Oh for fucks sake, it is in front of a green screen with two actors and nobody died nobody got hurt. That's how fucking utterly dumbed down society is, you just accept anything the all mighty tv tells you. Let's review the facts since nary a person has the ability to critically think and analyze.
Good but not great green screen keying with blurred lines around the edges.
Perfect hd quality complete with shirt mics, but despite shirt billowing in breeze no wind noise and no Sand blown about.
Starts off with super baggy around the arms but on the headless dummy sleeves are taught as fuck.
Despite these people being " terrorists" they seem to forget the terror part by only showing him take several swipes at his neck, and that of course produces no.blood or cut whatsoever...
The headless dummies neck is missing most of it and the cut is perfectly straight like he had a fucking laser, also not real.blood or enough of it.
piss poor acting on both parties...piss poor. Shitty actor is delivering his bullshit lines calm and cool as a cucumber for someone about to be killed. Complete with breaks for added drama....I died that day...And scene...
I mean I shouldn't even have to spell it out for anyone, how can people see that and not tell it's bullshit acting in front of a green screen? What the fuck is the world coming to? All somebody has to do is put it on tv and have the shills in the zio cia msm talk about it and your brain will convince you it's real, regardless of what you see and hear...God help us all."
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a69_1408615973#2vMtAAAzh3TRPCU8.99
@Greg Bacon
40 years to 'wipe Palestine off the map.?' That long? I would have thought a week would suffice, even at a leisurely pace.
The "british accent" bit is surely over emphasid in order to kick things off over here. Don't let it happen people. Spread the word.
Al Qaida has been advertised for years and released bad quality videos. ISIS got a huge part of territory in ME and delivers a video that's clearly professional.
2004 Berg video: http://marc.perkel.com/archives/000233.html
I've seen real videos of people being beheaded... and as James pints out... THAT VIDEO IS FAKE!
I've read reports on murders where the victim has been decapitated... it can take anywhere between 45 mins and 6 hours to hack through a neck with a knife like that!
I've punched people in the throat in self defence... and they made more of a scene than that!
there was this picture at the beginning of the ISIS campaign, showing a long line of white dressed men on the left and black dressed ones on the right.. obviously exactly aligned as some Hollywood jew goon would fancy a dangerous group of fighters in their "Parade-outfit" to look like..\
There was this picture at the beginning of the ISIS campaign, showing white clad men in a line on the left, black clad ones in a line of the right… obviously exactly aligned and dressed as some Hollywood Jew goon would fancy a dangerous group of fighters in a “Parade-Outfit” to look like..
James Foley “beheading” fans the war flames-Problem, Reaction, Solution
I told this already: most of the pictures of ISIS look like made by an amateur photograph, the terrorists are posing like models or actors, changing watches in different pictures, having make-up, wigs, having brand new shoes, perfect clean ironed clothes, choreography...This makes you wonder if they have on one side just a fake scenario for the media and a real one with killers. I am not able to get lists of names of death people from Syria and some say the people killed were not even in a census. The pictures of bombed mosques and churches look real. The pictures of some behadings look real, so, it's difficult to know what is going on.
When looking for ISIS on Google Images, the movie Isis Rising catched my eye. Such a coincidence, made in 2013. The movie seems to be pure rubbish according to reviews but it would make sense that people like Ted Chalmers (see other titles like Afghanistan...Nazi Dawn...) or other similar with make-up "experts" are payed by the Zionists to make a terror reality show for the media while they are really killing in Palestine.
By the way the movie Isis... has other chilling facts like the story of the protagonist, an orphan adopted by an american couple ends up making x rated movies, a co writer (Annie T. Conlon) who does not exist -just the grave- and of course the many jewish surnames in these films.
Like the comment above I am amazed how easy it is to fool people with clearly fake videos or pictures. What scares me is that they could in the future pay good movie industry professionals and not amateurs like we have seen in other false flag events or here with the journalist. I am sure Mr Spielberg would do that for Israel.
I've pretty much just nicked from above... and The Slog... but there's also a video analysis of the 'beheading video' (which pertains it to be faked, with the use of blood packs, and a photo shopped 'still' image at the end)
The whole ISIS 'brand' smacks of a very slick advertising assignment. It doesn't 'feel' Middle Eastern at all, more New York/ London/ L.A.
I especially like their logo, it's very cool looking, especially the hand drawn quality. The logo is the only part of ISIS, so far, that looks in any way 'rough', but, I would imagine, it was specifically designed to look like that.
Nice job someone.
nice explanation in Italian
Have you seen the rope coming out of the body without head. It comes straight out of the blood from head. If you do the photo with photoshop inverse you see very much differences with the head an the arm.
After the Obama speech addressing the "beheading" CNN went to a "live" interview with Foley's parents. The parents were known crisis actors!
Total fascismus and non-sense:
Foley is for fooling the masses. Who would believe that a couple, just knowing their son was beheaded would give an endless interview to the press as if nothing happened, even with eventual smiles, ....? Look at the faces of the people in Gaza, the terror, the pain makes unfakeable marks and gestures. I fear for really good actors in the future. And something else : no genetic resemblance. What is the big ring? Some sort of masonic or secret society ring? The whole story looks all false. John Foley is the 9/11 for implementing more censorship on Internet ...
watch the parents interview, observe the gestures with the hands,...
A deliberately p*ss poor faking effort. Hollywood-type special effects available but not used.
It's not sure if it's the same actor but it looks like a so called cloning effect or split screen for movies. The look is very similar.
In Youtube are homemade kake beheadings clone murdering his clone. Imagine this made by a professional.
I'm a vet and have cut the head off of dozens of dogs for rabies testing. It bleeds a lot and they are already dead. There is some blood pooling beneath the body but I mean a lot. Also, the soft tissues are easy to get through but the spine is impossible without breaking it...of course we don't see that part. With a sharp knife, 5-6 cuts would produce blood, period. The thing I also don't get is why there is blood on the face at all...the face in the picture should be pretty clean because if they were cutting front to back then the blood would be on the back of his head and in general nobody wants blood on their hands so I feel it is set up.
The interview with the siblings on yahoo is relatively (excuse the pun) convincing - at least in terms of appearances. Not sure what that picture falling off the wall was all about... a message?? (see James Foley’s Brother: The U.S. Could Have Done More for Jim)
...this one (picture falling off the wall) at ±19h30 katie-couric-interviews-siblings-of-slain-journalist-james-foley-070857840.html
And to think Obama and all the puppets are following the jew mantra crap. There is a jew behind everything...........every stinking rotten thing. Hollywood, behind everything you see. Hollywood scriptwriters, behind everything coming from your network news. Jew publishers, behind everything you read.
These are the people who need to be eliminated from among us. There ought to be a "LAW" !!!
Holonet? Locked Out from Facebook + Censored Mails / The ISIS Beheading of James Wright Foley is FAKE! http://truthsector.wordpress.com/2014/08/23/holonet-locked-out-from-facebook-censored-mails/
So they will send the SAS into Syria to help Assad fight ISIS and look for John and then Assad will get shot murdered by ISIS and the killing was by ISIS not the SAS. maybe.
I like the part when he said " the ship has sailed John" also the body langauage of the terrorist was so great; the speach of both actors was perfect; no pausesor hummm...perfect job.. shame on you who ever made this shit.. We; Arabs never believe this shit but masses Americans do...
Apparently sophisticated voice recognition software has helped the authorities track down and identify the south or east London guy who killed Mr Foley. Do me a favour ! What a pile of steaming effluent. No doubt a fall guy real or imagined will find himself being held in a couple of weeks.... and who will then do a 'Bin Laden' disappearing act.
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