On 12 April 2014, the New Straits Times reported that the co-pilot of MH370 made a call from his mobile phone as the aircraft flew over the west coast of Malaysia, near Penang.
The New Straits Times said it had been told that checks on Fariq's phone history showed that the last person he spoke to was 'one of his regular contacts (a number that frequently appears on his outgoing phone logs.'
Call traced to co-pilot's phone

James R comments:
I guess that the co-pilot's use of mobile phone implies radio communications were unavailable.
The Malaysian Transport Minister alludes to Remote Hijacking in an interview with China's CCTV.
Interview with the Malaysia Acting Minister of Transport ...
'Stunning revelations' from Yoichi Shimatsu re MH 370
Jeff Rense & Yoichi Shimatsu - Flt 370...Israeli Double-Cross
James R comments:
I guess that the co-pilot's use of mobile phone implies radio communications were unavailable.
The Malaysian Transport Minister alludes to Remote Hijacking in an interview with China's CCTV.
Interview with the Malaysia Acting Minister of Transport ...
Begins at 3 min 45 second mark .
James Chau: "That sudden left turn, that turn back, that obviously appears to be a critical missing element. That period of time and why? "
Hishammuddin Hussein: "There was now very clear deliberate air turn back.
"And now for whatever reason, we are trying to establish- the plane actually ended in Indian Ocean.
"So all that seems to indicate that efforts to look at how that could have happened without somebody in the plane doing that must be revisited."
James R comments:
'Stunning revelations' from Yoichi Shimatsu re MH 370
Jeff Rense & Yoichi Shimatsu - Flt 370...Israeli Double-Cross
Labels: MH370
Very interesting Aangirfan, I guess that the co-pilot's use of mobile phone implies radio communications were unavailable.
These also seemed interesting.
Malaysian Transport Minister Alludes to Remote Hijacking in interview with China's CCTV.
CCTV Interview with Malaysian Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein {March 30th approx]. Begins at 3 min 45 second mark .
CCTV/James Chau: "That sudden left turn, that turn back, that obviously appears to be a critical missing element. That period of time and why? "
Hishammuddin Hussein. " There was now very clear deliberate air turn back. And now for whatever reason, we are trying to establish- the plane actually ended in Indian Ocean. So all that seems to indicate that efforts to look at how that could have happened without somebody in the plane doing that must be revisited."
Stunning revelations from Yoichi Shimatsu re MH 370
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