What part in the disappearance of MH370 may have been played by A. Israel B. the USA?
MH370 Revisited - Rense
According to Yoichi Shimatsu:
1. Israel has likely kidnapped the 20 Freescale Semiconductor experts on board MH370, in order to steal America's most advanced defense technology.
2. The Israelis likely confined and murdered Philip Wood, the American aboard MH370, who is most likely an agent for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
3. Israel wanted to steal the Freescale Kinetis KL02 and KL03 techology, rather than waiting to pay for licensing rights, because the micro-controller is urgently needed for Israel's upcoming military assault on Iran.
The new technology allows tiny flying robotic weapons, launched from Dolphin submarines, to attack underground military facilities.

4. Wood was transferred to Kuala Lumpur and Beijing following an IBM contract signing with Freescale Semicondutor.
Austin-headquartered Freescale is heavily dependent on Asian programmers.
Austin-headquartered Freescale is heavily dependent on Asian programmers.
Freescales latest micro-controllers were being produced on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur.
5. No air force unit has as much air-hijacking expertise as the Special Surface-Air Designation Team Unit 5101, Israel's most secret special forces group, which is known by the Hebrew term for "kingfisher" or Shaldag.

Nevatim Air Base

Nevatim Air Base
6. In cooperation with the Mossad station in Singapore and Beijing, the Israeli Air and Space Wing's special operations group devised the operational plan to seize the Freescale programmers and their hard drives aboard MH370.
MH370 flew likely flew to Nevatim Air Base south of Beersheba and close to the Dimona Nuclear Weapons Reactor.
See also: Role of Israel andSoros Exposed by MH370
However, if the attack on MH370 is like the attack on the USS Liberty, then both the USA and Israel may be to blame for the disappearance of the Malaysian plane.
However, if the attack on MH370 is like the attack on the USS Liberty, then both the USA and Israel may be to blame for the disappearance of the Malaysian plane.

It would appear that it was both Israel and the USA that tried to sink the USS Liberty in 1967.
The objective of this false flag operation was to provide an excuse to attack Egypt.
The following appeared in MILITARY HISTORY BOOK REVIEW MH-122, December 2003
"President Lyndon B. Johnson and some key officials, seeing the increasingly Soviet-leaning Egyptian President Gamel Abdel Nasser as a threat, made secret arrangements to help Israel in its coming June offensive with the intention of toppling Nasser.
"As part of Operation Cyanide, USS LIBERTY was sent to operate off the Sinai coast, where it was to be sunk with all hands by unmarked Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats, after which the United States would blame the attack on Egypt and launch carrier airstrikes against Cairo...
"The stubborn refusal of LIBERTY'S crew to die or let their ship sink after 75 minutes of air and sea attack - in spite of two American carrier sorties to aid her being inexplicably called back - led to the cancellation of Operation Cyanide, Israel's apology and offer of restitution for a 'tragic mistake,' the Johnson Administration's swift acceptance of that explanation and an equally quick, reassuring 'hot line' telephone call to Soviet premierAlexei Kosygin."
MILITARY HISTORY BOOK REVIEW MH-122 December 2003 Edited 7/23/2003 ...
Information about Operation Cyanide has been uncovered by former BBC investigative journalist Peter Hounam.
9 11 was not just the work of the Israelis. It was an operation that involved many governments.
Information about Operation Cyanide has been uncovered by former BBC investigative journalist Peter Hounam.
Reportedly, the American plan was to sink the Liberty and blame Russia and Egypt.
According to an article in American free Press, "It now it appears that American political, intelligence and military persons played a key role in setting up the Liberty...
According to an article in American free Press, "It now it appears that American political, intelligence and military persons played a key role in setting up the Liberty...
"The plan... was to sink the defenseless, unarmed American ship sailing in international waters off the coast of Egypt. The Soviets and their Arab allies (in particular Egypt) would then be blamed for the event."
American Free Press ,Liberty Attack Part Of Grand Scheme
OPERATION CYANIDE: Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World WarIII, by Peter Hounam, Vision, a division of Satin Publications, Ltd, London,2003, $24.95

OPERATION CYANIDE: Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World WarIII, by Peter Hounam, Vision, a division of Satin Publications, Ltd, London,2003, $24.95

The US government has denied claims that MH370 landed at its military base on Diego Garcia.
A spokesman for the U.S. embassy in the Malaysian capital said: "There was no indication that MH370 flew anywhere near the Maldives or Diego Garcia.
"MH370 did not land in Diego Garcia."
MH370 search: MH370 did not land in Diego Garcia, says US spokesman
That's not what some radar analysts say.
And, Maldives islanders reported seeing a plane that could have been MH370.
The US government has a history of kidnapping innocent people and imprisoning them on Diego Garcia.
New Chilling MH370 Diego Garcia Links
Prince William arrived in the Maldives the day MH370 went missing.
Royal Couple’s MH370-Crisis-Diego Garcia-Area Luxury Holiday
Prince William’s 3-Wk MH370-Diego Garcia SAR Military Tour?
A spokesman for the U.S. embassy in the Malaysian capital said: "There was no indication that MH370 flew anywhere near the Maldives or Diego Garcia.
"MH370 did not land in Diego Garcia."
MH370 search: MH370 did not land in Diego Garcia, says US spokesman
That's not what some radar analysts say.
And, Maldives islanders reported seeing a plane that could have been MH370.
The US government has a history of kidnapping innocent people and imprisoning them on Diego Garcia.
New Chilling MH370 Diego Garcia Links
Prince William arrived in the Maldives the day MH370 went missing.
Royal Couple’s MH370-Crisis-Diego Garcia-Area Luxury Holiday
Prince William’s 3-Wk MH370-Diego Garcia SAR Military Tour?

On 12 April 2014, the New Straits Times reported that the co-pilot of MH370 made a call from his mobile phone as the aircraft flew over the west coast of Malaysia, near Penang.
The New Straits Times said it had been told that checks on Fariq's phone history showed that the last person he spoke to was 'one of his regular contacts (a number that frequently appears on his outgoing phone logs.'
Call traced to co-pilot's phone

James R comments:
I guess that the co-pilot's use of mobile phone implies radio communications were unavailable.
The Malaysian Transport Minister alludes to Remote Hijacking in an interview with China's CCTV.
Interview with the Malaysia Acting Minister of Transport ...
'Stunning revelations' from Yoichi Shimatsu re MH 370
Jeff Rense & Yoichi Shimatsu - Flt 370...Israeli Double-Cross
James R comments:
I guess that the co-pilot's use of mobile phone implies radio communications were unavailable.
The Malaysian Transport Minister alludes to Remote Hijacking in an interview with China's CCTV.
Interview with the Malaysia Acting Minister of Transport ...
Begins at 3 min 45 second mark .
James Chau: "That sudden left turn, that turn back, that obviously appears to be a critical missing element. That period of time and why? "
Hishammuddin Hussein: "There was now very clear deliberate air turn back.
"And now for whatever reason, we are trying to establish- the plane actually ended in Indian Ocean.
"So all that seems to indicate that efforts to look at how that could have happened without somebody in the plane doing that must be revisited."
James R comments:
'Stunning revelations' from Yoichi Shimatsu re MH 370
Jeff Rense & Yoichi Shimatsu - Flt 370...Israeli Double-Cross

Intelligence agencies: MH370 hijacked. Московский комсомолец Moskovsky Komsomolets
According to the source:
"The plane was hijacked by unknown terrorists.
"The name of the terrorist who gave instructions to the pilots is 'Hitch'.

Lots of US military garrisons around Kandahar (Qandahar)
"The plane is in Afghanistan not far from Kandahar near the border with Pakistan".
"The plane is on the road near a mountain range. It has a broken wing.
"The plane is on the road near a mountain range. It has a broken wing.
"All the passengers survived; they live in shacks almost without food.
"Twenty Asian specialists were captured. There is one Japanese among them."

Sarah Bajc and Philip Wood
Sarah Bajc believes that the authorities are lying about MH370.
CNN’s Erin Burnett spoke to Sarah Bajc who is the partner of Philip Wood, the only American adult on MH370.
According to Sarah Bajc, a family member claims that Flight 370 had fighter jets accompanying it on it’s route
She says this family member said there were witnesses.
The Malaysian military claims that they saw an unidentified blip heading for Butterworth Air Force Base.
Sarah says: "From all the Malaysian people I’ve talked to, with some connection to the military, believe this was a Malaysian military operation of some sort".
Family to CNN: Military involved, passengers alive (Video) allvoices / Sarah Bajc “Flight 370 tailed by fighter jets / 'They have told us all lives are lost,' says relative of Malaysia Airlines CNN

Sarah Bajc believes that MH370 was kidnapped and is still intact.
She discounts the 'investigative skills' of the authorities who say they have cleared the other passengers and crew members on board of having any indication or motive to hijack the plane.
Plane Was Abducted, Passengers Still Alive

Malaysia's opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim says that the Malaysian government may be involved in the disappearance of MH370

Victims of the US military. FLOODS AND STORMS EXPLAINED.
In December 2004, the US military at Diego Garcia knew that a tsunami was heading towards Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and India.
Yet the US military chose not send out a warning.
In 2014, we see the same situation with MH370.
The US military at Diego Garcia has technology which must have tracked MH370.
Yet the US military is refusing to say where MH370 is located.
Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 Center for Research on Globalization-31 Mar 2014

James R reports
Reportedly, Philip Wood, a passenger on MH370, posted a message and photo on a forum, after he disappeared.

Of course this doesn't rule out the fact that a nonce stationed at the base did it for a laugh.
Given the reluctance of the US to help recovery in any meaningful way, at least until every other country had given up its secrets/data, its still the most probable theory.

A senior Malaysian government source has said that, according to further analysis of tracking data from neighbouring countries, MH370 curved north of Indonesia after it dropped of Malaysian military radar.
It apparently avoided Indonesia and its airspace, before turning again towards the southern Indian Ocean. The source told CNN such a route may have been taken intentionally in order to avoid radar detection.

WantaChinaTimes, Taiwan reported:
"The United States has taken advantage of the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight to test the capabilities of China’s satellites and judge the threat of Chinese missiles against its aircraft carriers...
"Erich Shih, chief reporter at Chinese-language military news monthly Defense International, said the US has more and better satellites but has not taken part in the search for flight MH370...
"Shih claimed that the US held back because it wanted to see what information China’s satellites would provide."
Disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370: The Trillion Dollar Question to the U.S. and Its Intelligence Services

27 March - a Pentagon operation involving a Boeing 777 flying from Asia to Seattle.

Yoichi Shimatsu, former editor of The Japan Times Weekly, writes that A Tiny Microchip Was The Likely Motive For Pentagon Hijack Of MH370
(Link from John Alan)
According to Yoichi Shimatsu:
Freescale Semiconductors, based in Texas, has design centres in Kuala Lumpur and in China.
In February 2013, Freescale unveiled the Kinesis KL02, a tiny device that is the key to next-generation warfare.
"The target group for the hijack is narrowing down to 20 tech employees working for Freescale" who were on board MH370.
"Twenty Asian specialists were captured. There is one Japanese among them."

Sarah Bajc and Philip Wood
Sarah Bajc believes that the authorities are lying about MH370.
And she is coming under attack from certain 'alternative' news sources.
Sarah Hamil Bajc 31 March 2014
Dear Friends,
Sarah Hamil Bajc | Facebook.

Sarah Hamil Bajc 31 March 2014
Dear Friends,
Someone has attempted to hijack my personal Facebook presence. The profile "Sarah Bajc" is not me. It has been reported to Facebook as being an impostor. Thank you to Sandy for catching this. Please let me know if you see this again.

CNN’s Erin Burnett spoke to Sarah Bajc who is the partner of Philip Wood, the only American adult on MH370.
According to Sarah Bajc, a family member claims that Flight 370 had fighter jets accompanying it on it’s route
She says this family member said there were witnesses.
The Malaysian military claims that they saw an unidentified blip heading for Butterworth Air Force Base.
Sarah says: "From all the Malaysian people I’ve talked to, with some connection to the military, believe this was a Malaysian military operation of some sort".
Family to CNN: Military involved, passengers alive (Video) allvoices / Sarah Bajc “Flight 370 tailed by fighter jets / 'They have told us all lives are lost,' says relative of Malaysia Airlines CNN

Sarah Bajc believes that MH370 was kidnapped and is still intact.
She discounts the 'investigative skills' of the authorities who say they have cleared the other passengers and crew members on board of having any indication or motive to hijack the plane.
Plane Was Abducted, Passengers Still Alive

Malaysia's opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim says that the Malaysian government may be involved in the disappearance of MH370
He says that MH370 would have been tracked by Malaysia's sophisticated radar system.
He says that, in 1994, when he was the Malaysian finance minister, he authorised the installation of the radar system.
He says that, in 1994, when he was the Malaysian finance minister, he authorised the installation of the radar system.
He says the Malaysian government is hiding information.
MH370 Malaysia Airlines: Anwar Ibrahim says government purposefully concealing information - Telegraph
Anwar says the Marconi radar system covers the Malaysian mainland and its coastlines, from its base in the South China Sea.
He says the radar would have instantly noticed when the plane turned west away from its planned route.
'The government has the authority to instruct the air force … or Malaysia Airlines,' Anwar told The Daily Telegraph.
Anwar says that the government should not have allowed the international search teams to search the South China Sea as they would have known the plane was not there.

MH370 Malaysia Airlines: Anwar Ibrahim says government purposefully concealing information - Telegraph
He says the radar would have instantly noticed when the plane turned west away from its planned route.
'The government has the authority to instruct the air force … or Malaysia Airlines,' Anwar told The Daily Telegraph.
Anwar says that the government should not have allowed the international search teams to search the South China Sea as they would have known the plane was not there.

2005 : William Cohen, Anwar Ibrahim and Paul Wolfowitz
Anwar used to be seen as being one of the CIA's chief assets in Malaysia.
Anwar used to be seen as being one of the CIA's chief assets in Malaysia.
But now it seems that the Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak could be a CIA asset.

US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel and Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak 2013.
In the 2013 election, Anwar's 'pro-democracy' group of parties won more than 50 per cent of the popular vote, but lost the election - leading to allegations of corruption.
The day before MH370 went missing, Anwar was sentenced to five years in jail for 'a second sodomy offense', preventing him from running in a by-election in late April 2014.

A Malaysian journalist Ismail Amsyar tweeted the Malaysian Defence Minister, Hishammuddin Hussein, saying: 'MH370 is a blessing in disguise for all of us.'
Hussein tweeted back: 'Right u are :)'

US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel and Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak 2013.
In the 2013 election, Anwar's 'pro-democracy' group of parties won more than 50 per cent of the popular vote, but lost the election - leading to allegations of corruption.
The day before MH370 went missing, Anwar was sentenced to five years in jail for 'a second sodomy offense', preventing him from running in a by-election in late April 2014.

Hussein tweeted back: 'Right u are :)'

Victims of the US military. FLOODS AND STORMS EXPLAINED.
In December 2004, the US military at Diego Garcia knew that a tsunami was heading towards Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and India.
Yet the US military chose not send out a warning.
In 2014, we see the same situation with MH370.
The US military at Diego Garcia has technology which must have tracked MH370.
Yet the US military is refusing to say where MH370 is located.
Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 Center for Research on Globalization-31 Mar 2014

Philip Wood and Sarah Bajc.
Reportedly, Philip Wood, a passenger on MH370, posted a message and photo on a forum, after he disappeared.

Allegedly, the phone message below was left on March 19th by ‘anonymous’ who later says that his name is ‘Philip Wood’ and he titles his message ‘help’ and goes on to say:
One big problem is that Wood's partner Sarah Bajc clearly does not believe it, neither do his family apparently.
Wood may have sent his message to a phone contact, who opened it in Photoshop to see if he/she could make out what was in the photo, then posted it to 4plebs board.
The GPS coordinates contained in the photo take you directly to a biulding on Diego Garcia (south of the runway and inland from a beach).
"I have been held hostage by unknown military personnel after my flight was hijacked (blindfolded).
"I work for IBM and I have managed to hide my cellphone in my @ss during the hijack.
"I have been separated from the other passengers and I am in a cell. My name is Philip Wood.
"I think I have been drugged as well and cannot think clearly."
Reportedly, the photo is completely black; information encoded in the photo viewed by right clicking the file and selecting Properties and then Details, provides access to a number of details about when and where the photo was taken.
These indicate that the photo was taken at a place with almost identical co-ordinates as Diego Garcia.
This could be faked.
One big problem is that Wood's partner Sarah Bajc clearly does not believe it, neither do his family apparently.
Wood may have sent his message to a phone contact, who opened it in Photoshop to see if he/she could make out what was in the photo, then posted it to 4plebs board.
The GPS coordinates contained in the photo take you directly to a biulding on Diego Garcia (south of the runway and inland from a beach).
Of course this doesn't rule out the fact that a nonce stationed at the base did it for a laugh.
Given the reluctance of the US to help recovery in any meaningful way, at least until every other country had given up its secrets/data, its still the most probable theory.

A senior Malaysian government source has said that, according to further analysis of tracking data from neighbouring countries, MH370 curved north of Indonesia after it dropped of Malaysian military radar.
It apparently avoided Indonesia and its airspace, before turning again towards the southern Indian Ocean. The source told CNN such a route may have been taken intentionally in order to avoid radar detection.

Matthias Chang (above right), political secretary and adviser to former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad (above left), asks:
Was MH 370 weaponised before its flight to Beijing?
If so, what are the likely methods for such a mission – Biological weapons, dirty bombs?
Was Beijing / China the target and if so why?
Was the plane ordered to turn back, if so who gave the order?
Why were no questions asked about whether the flight path of MH 370 was within the geographical parameters of the Intelligence capabilities of Diego Garcia?
Why were no planes deployed from Diego Garcia to intercept the “Unidentified” plane which obviously would pose a threat to the Diego Gracia military base?

WantaChinaTimes, Taiwan reported:
"The United States has taken advantage of the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight to test the capabilities of China’s satellites and judge the threat of Chinese missiles against its aircraft carriers...
"Erich Shih, chief reporter at Chinese-language military news monthly Defense International, said the US has more and better satellites but has not taken part in the search for flight MH370...
"Shih claimed that the US held back because it wanted to see what information China’s satellites would provide."
Disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370: The Trillion Dollar Question to the U.S. and Its Intelligence Services

27 March - a Pentagon operation involving a Boeing 777 flying from Asia to Seattle.

Schwarzman of Freescale.
Yoichi Shimatsu, former editor of The Japan Times Weekly, writes that A Tiny Microchip Was The Likely Motive For Pentagon Hijack Of MH370
(Link from John Alan)
According to Yoichi Shimatsu:
Freescale Semiconductors, based in Texas, has design centres in Kuala Lumpur and in China.
In February 2013, Freescale unveiled the Kinesis KL02, a tiny device that is the key to next-generation warfare.
It also has civilian uses and could make lots of money.
Kinesis KL02 is made in Kuala Lumpur
The Pentagon does not want China or Russia to get its hands on Kinesis KL02.
Freescale Malaysia was preparing to test Kinesis KL02 in China.

Stephen Allen Schwarzman, the chairman and CEO of the Blackstone Group. He and George W. Bush were both in the Skull and Bones society.
Kinesis KL02 is made in Kuala Lumpur
The Pentagon does not want China or Russia to get its hands on Kinesis KL02.
Freescale Malaysia was preparing to test Kinesis KL02 in China.

Stephen Allen Schwarzman, the chairman and CEO of the Blackstone Group. He and George W. Bush were both in the Skull and Bones society.
Freescale has connections to the Carlyle Group, and is financially contolled by Blackstone whose major investors including the Rothschilds.
In November, Joanne Maguire, who has links to the Pentagon, joined the Freescale Board of Directors.
A Tiny Microchip Was The Likely Motive For Pentagon Hijack Of MH370

"On 26 October 2012, we see Malaysia Airlines Boeing 737-4H6 in the UK to end its life.
"It diverted to Gatwick due to fog at its final destination of Kemble."
"We have already heard, first hand, how the plane tracks itself in ways that can’t be turned off.

Cotswold Airport (Formerly RAF Kemble), United Kingdom, 2012.
"It diverted to Gatwick due to fog at its final destination of Kemble."
"Thus, we know the team at Rolls Royce can tell us within 30 yards of where the engines were first turned off yet they have never said a word.
"I accept this as proof that a British intelligence agency is very much a part of the fate of flight 370. This is now 'a given.'"
Malaysia Flight MH370 Missing - Page 120

An article in the media suggests that the MH370 pilot may have committed suicide, but the public are not fooled.
MH370 pilot upset over wife moving out
Comments from the public in the Mail Online:
"I accept this as proof that a British intelligence agency is very much a part of the fate of flight 370. This is now 'a given.'"
Malaysia Flight MH370 Missing - Page 120

An article in the media suggests that the MH370 pilot may have committed suicide, but the public are not fooled.
MH370 pilot upset over wife moving out
Comments from the public in the Mail Online:
1. "This article centers around claims made by "A close friend who wishes to remain anonymous" and "An aviation industry source who wished to remain anonymous".
"While they remain anonymous there is no way to verify if they are telling the truth on who they claim to be, or if in reality they are actually just globalist stooges being paid to spin more disinformation to the media as part of the obvious cover up going on.
2. "Are our tails being wagged? I mean it takes almost a month to mention the pilot had a marriage breakdown before getting on the plane and was `distressed`? Come off it."
3. "There would have been no need to climb to 45,000ft to depressurise the aircraft and disable the occupants.
"The same effect would have been achieved at normal cruising altitude, though hypoxia would have taken several tens of seconds to set in rather than just a few seconds.
"The pilot would have known this, so why bother with the climb?
"Further, as the transponder was switched off, how was the aircraft's altitude measured with any accuracy?"

There are a number of reasons for believing that the pilot of MH370 did not commit suicide.

"The 777/200 is a 'fly by wire' aircraft with controls in place that allow the CIA to remotely pilot the plane...
"The CIA along with joint military commands ... tracked Flight 370, monitoring it continually, monitoring the murder of its passengers, monitoring its landing, monitoring its refueling and know exactly where it is."
Flight 370 The CIA Hoax

In 2006, a former aide to Najib Razak, Abdul Razak Baginda, was accused of abetting the murder of Altantuya, his Mongolian ex-lover.

Abdul Razak Baginda, and three members of the Malaysian Police counter-terrorism unit working for the then Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak, were arrested after the murder.

"While they remain anonymous there is no way to verify if they are telling the truth on who they claim to be, or if in reality they are actually just globalist stooges being paid to spin more disinformation to the media as part of the obvious cover up going on.
2. "Are our tails being wagged? I mean it takes almost a month to mention the pilot had a marriage breakdown before getting on the plane and was `distressed`? Come off it."
3. "There would have been no need to climb to 45,000ft to depressurise the aircraft and disable the occupants.
"The same effect would have been achieved at normal cruising altitude, though hypoxia would have taken several tens of seconds to set in rather than just a few seconds.
"The pilot would have known this, so why bother with the climb?
"Further, as the transponder was switched off, how was the aircraft's altitude measured with any accuracy?"

There are a number of reasons for believing that the pilot of MH370 did not commit suicide.
For example:
1. The lengthy flight path along navigational way points does not tie in with the suicide story.
2. Australian aviation expert Neil Hansford accuses the Malaysian government of being evasive about such matters as boarding procedures and stolen passports.
He says that the evidence points to the plane's crew being involved.
3. Before the flight, passenger Paul Weeks took off his wedding ring and watch and gave them to his wife with strict instructions to pass them to his sons if anything happened to him.
4. "The announcement that MH 370 was still airborne and detected on radar at 8.11am Malaysian time indicates that the whole search in the South China sea has been a farcical waste of time.
"And yet someone had this information, and apparently sat back and let a futile search continue for almost a week."
1. The lengthy flight path along navigational way points does not tie in with the suicide story.
2. Australian aviation expert Neil Hansford accuses the Malaysian government of being evasive about such matters as boarding procedures and stolen passports.
"And yet someone had this information, and apparently sat back and let a futile search continue for almost a week."
In other words, there has been a deliberate attempt by the authorities to mislead the public.

Flight 370 The CIA Hoax

On 24 March 2014, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak (above) announced that, based on satellite data analysis from UK company Inmarsat, Malayian Airlines flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean, and no one on board survived.

Abdul Razak Baginda, and three members of the Malaysian Police counter-terrorism unit working for the then Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak, were arrested after the murder.

Altantuya had worked as Najib Razak's translator on a 'shady deal' involving buying submarines from France.
Altantuya had worked as Najib Razak's translator on a 'shady deal' involving buying submarines from France.
(MURDER IN MALAYSIA) ( Corruption Allegations in the Purchase of Submarines)
Australian aviation expert Neil Hansford accuses the Malaysian government of not telling the full story of what happened.
He told Sky News: "I'm finding in any interviews I'm doing with Malaysians, there is a fair bit of spin, there's a fair bit of denial of the boarding procedures and the manifest checking with the stolen passport list, and inconsistencies all the time."

Neil Hansford (above), chairman of Strategic Aviation Solutions, says:

Tony Ryals (Wolfblitzzer0) alerted us to Paul Weeks (above), a passenger on MH370.
Paul Weeks from MH370
Tony Ryals notes that there is a Paul Weeks who is a Boeing mechanical engineer specializing in Boeing 777's.

Paul Weeks | LinkedIn
And what about the pilot and his wife?

MH370 pilot Zaharie Shah
Reportedly, the wife and three children of MH370 pilot Zaharie Shah vanished from the family home the day before the flight went missing.
Malaysia Airlines MH370 pilot Zaharie Shah

2005 : William Cohen, Anwar Ibrahim and Paul Wolfowitz
MH370 pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah is related to Anwar Ibrahim, who is reportedly an asset of the CIA
Anwar Ibrahim; CIA, GAY BARS.

"Five major technological communications military contractor companies have high-tech employees and executives on the MH370 passenger manifest.
"Combined, they have 26 high-tech experts on the passenger manifest list."
Spies On Malaysia Plane
China Telecom executive Hualian Zhang, network planning vice president for China Telecom Global, is on the passenger manifest.
ZTE employee Li Yanlin, an engineer who is part of the company’s telecom gear installation and maintenance team is on the passenger manifest.
Huawei, the China-based telecom company with military ties, has two employees on the manifest list, but declined identifying them.

On 20 March 2014, an Australian search and rescue official said that planes had been sent to check on two objects possibly related to the missing Malaysia Airlines flight that were spotted on satellite imagery in the Indian Ocean about 2,500 kilometres (1,550 miles) southwest of Perth.
It had been predicted that "The plane’s wreckage would later be carefully deposited by (presumably by air) on a location far away from Diego Garcia..."

MH370: Indonesian Embassy regrets Utusan Malaysia report.

Investigators have discovered that Diego Garcia (above) is one of the 5 airports in the Indian Ocean loaded into Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah’s home-made flight simulator
US military base, South Asian airports in MH370 pilot's simulator
Diego Garcia is a U.S. military base.
Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah's simulator was removed from his home and it was revealed today that information had been deleted from the system.

"It became apparent as I inspected SIA68’s flight path history that MH370 had maneuvered itself directly behind SIA68 at approximately 18:00UTC and over the next 15 minutes had been following SIA68...
"Singapore Airlines Flight 68 proceeded across the Andaman Sea into the Bay of Bengal and finally into India’s airspace...
"It is my belief that MH370 likely flew in the shadow of SIA68 through India and Afghanistan airspace..."
Did Malaysian Airlines 370 disappear using SIA68/SQ68 -
Thanks to: Thirteenth Monkey

On 16 March 2014, British anti-terror expert Dr Sally Leivesley (above) is quoted as saying that, in the MH370 case, there appears to be an element of planning from someone with a very sophisticated systems engineering understanding.
Hackers could have changed MH370's speed, altitude and direction by sending radio signals to its flight management system.
It could then be landed or made to crash by remote control.
Possible culprits include a foreign power.

James R said...
"The announcement that MH 370 was still airborne and detected on radar at 8.11am Malaysian time indicates that the whole search in the South China sea has been a farcical waste of time.
"And yet someone had this information, and apparently sat back and let a futile search continue for almost a week.
"The information released by the Malaysian authorities yesterday indicates that the plane was hijacked remotely.
"People in the cockpit do not have the ability to mask an aircraft from radar.
"Radar does not depend on any equipment on a plane to operate; it cannot be switched off.
"Only very high tech electronic warfare capabilities can make an aircraft disappear from radar over the ocean...
"It is almost certainly the USA or an allied corporation under their supervision (that made the plane disappear."

As reported in the UK Telegraph, evidence has emerged of a possible 9/11 CIA style plot involving MH370.
The possibility of such a plot, hatched by the CIA masterminds of the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York, was bolstered by an admission by Najib Razak, Malaysia’s prime minister, that the Boeing 777’s communications systems had been deliberately switched off “by someone on the plane”.

On 15 March 2014, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak (above) said:

Prime Minister Najib Razak said that although the movements were consistent with deliberate acts, he did not confirm that the plane was hijacked.

An American guided missile destroyer.
In relation to MH370, officials, and others, have made conflicting statements, which suggests that some of them may have something to hide.
1. One theory, put forward on the Professional Pilots Rumour Network, is that MH 370 was hit by missiles and that the surrounding countries are involved in a cover-up or conspiracy.
The Sydney Morning Herald.

Major military bases. 8) Brunei, 10) South Korea, 11) Japan
MH370 could have reached some of the military bases shown above.
(12) on the map is Guam - Andersen Air Force base.
(14) is Diego Garcia.
There is a military base on the Andaman Islands (not shown)

Could MH370 have been forced to land at Guam?
Could Guam have been the target of a terrorist plot using this plane?
In February 2014, on Andersen Air Force base on Guam, more than 1,800 service members and approximately 50 aircraft from the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, Japan Air Self-Defense Force, Royal Australian Air Force and Republic of Korea Air Forces came together for a military exercise.
The field training exercise featured command and control aircraft (AWACS) from the U.S., JASDF, and RAAF
Cope North '14 Commences at Andersen AFB on Guam - 17 Feb 2014

Anderson Air Force Base, Guam - Colonel Charles McMillan, Commander, 36th Contingency Response Group, salutes members of the China Defense Ministry on Andersen, June 19, 2006. More than 40 members from different countries all over the world to include China, Australia, Japan, India, Singapore, Republic of Korea and Russia are observing Valiant Shield, an exercise exhibiting U.S. capabilities and interoperability while working together as a joint force.(U.S. Air Force photo by Miranda Moorer)(Released) Valiant Shield

Diego Garcia
Could MH370 have been forced to land at Diego Garcia?
Could Diego Garcia have been the target of a terrorist plot using this plane?

In 2013, it was reported that the USA had plans for an air force base on the Andaman Islands.
Plans for US Military Bases in Andaman Islands

It is believed that Malaysian airlines flight 377 could have been hijacked by a US air force AWACS plane.
On 9/11 AWACS planes were seen on video observing or controlling the crashes into the twin towers.
Najib Razak was educated at Malvern College, a private school in the UK, and at the University of Nottingham in the UK.

The call involved a phone card bought by a woman using a fake ID.
MH370 pilot received call from mystery woman / MH370: March 23 live - Telegraph / Unknown woman used a fake ID when buying phone

The Malaysian Minister of Defence (above), who is also Transport Minister, in charge of the MH370 crisis, is Hishammuddin Hussein, who is allegedly gay.

The allegedly gay Hishammuddin Hussein is seen above with his friend Chuck Hagel, US Secretary of Defence.

Shortly before take-off, the M370 pilot, Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah (above), received a two-minute phonecall from a mystery woman.
The call involved a phone card bought by a woman using a fake ID.
MH370 pilot received call from mystery woman / MH370: March 23 live - Telegraph / Unknown woman used a fake ID when buying phone
This discovery suggests another possible link between Captain Zaharie and the CIA.
The FBI have grabbed the equipment relating to the deleted files.
Shah is related to 'CIA asset' Anwar Ibrahim.
When buying a pay-as-you-go SIM card in Malaysia you have to fill out a form giving the number of your your identity or passport.
The police have discovered that the SIM card was bought 'very recently' in a shop in Kuala Lumpur.
When buying a pay-as-you-go SIM card in Malaysia you have to fill out a form giving the number of your your identity or passport.
The police have discovered that the SIM card was bought 'very recently' in a shop in Kuala Lumpur.
On 23 March 2014, it is reported that, strangely, Shah's wife, Faizah Khan, has not yet been formally interviewed by the police.

This computer game about to be released involves a passenger plane that crashes on to a desert island in the South China Sea
Shah's flight simulator, seized from his home, had certain programmes deleted. He had a programme allowing him to practise landings on the US air base in Diego Garcia.
This computer game about to be released involves a passenger plane that crashes on to a desert island in the South China Sea
Shah's flight simulator, seized from his home, had certain programmes deleted. He had a programme allowing him to practise landings on the US air base in Diego Garcia.
The FBI have grabbed the equipment relating to the deleted files.

The Malaysian Minister of Defence (above), who is also Transport Minister, in charge of the MH370 crisis, is Hishammuddin Hussein, who is allegedly gay.

The allegedly gay Hishammuddin Hussein is seen above with his friend Chuck Hagel, US Secretary of Defence.

He told Sky News: "I'm finding in any interviews I'm doing with Malaysians, there is a fair bit of spin, there's a fair bit of denial of the boarding procedures and the manifest checking with the stolen passport list, and inconsistencies all the time."
Pouri Nour Mohammadi, 19, and Delavar Seyed Mohammadreza, 29, who boarded Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 with stolen passports. Agents of the CIA?
According to Neil Hansford: "Nothing that I'm hearing is giving me any warmth about the two passengers with the stolen passports," he said.
"If they were heading for Germany, why would they be on a Malaysian aircraft going to China? It just doesn't make sense."
According to Neil Hansford: "Nothing that I'm hearing is giving me any warmth about the two passengers with the stolen passports," he said.
"If they were heading for Germany, why would they be on a Malaysian aircraft going to China? It just doesn't make sense."

1. What had happened to MH370 was not an accident.
2. The evidence points to the plane's crew being involved.
3. The disappearance "has been well structured and well planned."

Tony Ryals (Wolfblitzzer0) alerted us to Paul Weeks (above), a passenger on MH370.
New Zealander Paul Weeks, a mechanical engineer, is based in Perth, Australia.
Before the flight, Weeks took off his wedding ring and watch and gave them to his wife with strict instructions to pass them to his sons if anything happened to him.
Mrs Weeks told has told her son Lincoln aged 3: "You know Daddy has gone away... and on the way Daddy got lost."
The media describes Weeks as an ex New Zealand soldier.
Just before he boarded flight MH370, Weeks sent a text to his wife saying she and their children meant the world to him.
Before the flight, Weeks took off his wedding ring and watch and gave them to his wife with strict instructions to pass them to his sons if anything happened to him.
Mrs Weeks told has told her son Lincoln aged 3: "You know Daddy has gone away... and on the way Daddy got lost."
The media describes Weeks as an ex New Zealand soldier.
Just before he boarded flight MH370, Weeks sent a text to his wife saying she and their children meant the world to him.

Tony Ryals notes that there is a Paul Weeks who is a Boeing mechanical engineer specializing in Boeing 777's.

Paul Weeks | LinkedIn
And what about the pilot and his wife?

MH370 pilot Zaharie Shah
Reportedly, the wife and three children of MH370 pilot Zaharie Shah vanished from the family home the day before the flight went missing.
Malaysia Airlines MH370 pilot Zaharie Shah

2005 : William Cohen, Anwar Ibrahim and Paul Wolfowitz
MH370 pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah is related to Anwar Ibrahim, who is reportedly an asset of the CIA
Anwar Ibrahim; CIA, GAY BARS.

Reportedly the CIA has secret prison facilities on Diego Garcia.
The companies involved are: "China Telecom, Business Machines Corp., Austin-based Freescale, International Business Machines (IBM), ZTE Corp., and Huawei Technologies Co.
Spies On Malaysia Plane

China Telecom executive Hualian Zhang, network planning vice president for China Telecom Global, is on the passenger manifest.
ZTE employee Li Yanlin, an engineer who is part of the company’s telecom gear installation and maintenance team is on the passenger manifest.
Huawei, the China-based telecom company with military ties, has two employees on the manifest list, but declined identifying them.
Spies On Malaysia Plane
The USA's National Security Agency (NSA) created “back doors” into networks maintained by the Chinese telecommunications companyHuawei, according to a report.
The report comes from a document provided by the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and disclosed by the New York Times and Der Spiegel.
And, Huawei spied for China, claims ex-CIA head Michael Hayden.

Reportedly, "the 20 technology nerds aboard, who happen to work for China designing 'classified' leading edge computer/internet control software, are carrying the matching hardware with them on the plane...
"The jet lands by wire at Diego Garcia, and the appropriate hardware and software is offloaded as are the nerds."
Malaysia Flight MH370 Missing - Page 83 - David Icke
The USA's National Security Agency (NSA) created “back doors” into networks maintained by the Chinese telecommunications companyHuawei, according to a report.
The report comes from a document provided by the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and disclosed by the New York Times and Der Spiegel.
And, Huawei spied for China, claims ex-CIA head Michael Hayden.

Freescale Semiconductor, a US technology company, had 20 senior staff on board Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.
Twelve were from Malaysia, while eight were Chinese nationals.
On 3 March 2014, just five days before MH370 went missing, Freescale launched a new electronic warfare gadget for military radar systems.
Freescale's shareholders include the Carlyle Group of private equity investors whose past advisers have included ex-US president George Bush Sr and whose past investors have included the bin Laden family.
Freescale's shareholders include the Carlyle Group of private equity investors whose past advisers have included ex-US president George Bush Sr and whose past investors have included the bin Laden family.
Malaysian plane: 20 on board worked for ELECTRONIC WARFARE ... -
Reportedly, "the 20 technology nerds aboard, who happen to work for China designing 'classified' leading edge computer/internet control software, are carrying the matching hardware with them on the plane...
Malaysia Flight MH370 Missing - Page 83 - David Icke
It had been predicted that "The plane’s wreckage would later be carefully deposited by (presumably by air) on a location far away from Diego Garcia..."

From Diego Garcia to the USA?
"If suppose we are to assume that the plane was indeed diverted to Diego Garcia, it is reasonable to assume that the plane and its passengers would not be kept there indefinitely."
Was Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Redirected to Diego Garcia and then South carolina?

SC Air National Guard plans coastal exercise - SFGate.

"If we are to follow the logic of some devoted conspiracy theorists who are pursuing this on other forums, the plane and its passengers would be flown to the Eastern mainland of the United States, over the Atlantic Ocean to escape scrutiny (and comparatively less distance than the other way around).
"Of course, the plane’s livery would be painted over.
"The plane’s wreckage would later be carefully deposited by (presumably by air) on a location far away from Diego Garcia..."

"Four days after the disappearance of MH370, a curious military exercise took place on the Southern-Eastern part of the United States coastline.
"Fighter jets were reportedly 'escorting' a plane."

To quote:
"Members of the South Carolina Air National Guard are conducting an air defense exercise along the coast.
"Members of the South Carolina Air National Guard are conducting an air defense exercise along the coast.
"Guard Senior Master Sergeant Edward Snyder says people might see fighter jets escorting a civilian aircraft Thursday over the North Charleston and Myrtle Beach areas."

Investigators have discovered that Diego Garcia (above) is one of the 5 airports in the Indian Ocean loaded into Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah’s home-made flight simulator
US military base, South Asian airports in MH370 pilot's simulator
Diego Garcia is a U.S. military base.
Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah's simulator was removed from his home and it was revealed today that information had been deleted from the system.

"It became apparent as I inspected SIA68’s flight path history that MH370 had maneuvered itself directly behind SIA68 at approximately 18:00UTC and over the next 15 minutes had been following SIA68...
"Singapore Airlines Flight 68 proceeded across the Andaman Sea into the Bay of Bengal and finally into India’s airspace...
"It is my belief that MH370 likely flew in the shadow of SIA68 through India and Afghanistan airspace..."
Did Malaysian Airlines 370 disappear using SIA68/SQ68 -
Thanks to: Thirteenth Monkey

On 16 March 2014, British anti-terror expert Dr Sally Leivesley (above) is quoted as saying that, in the MH370 case, there appears to be an element of planning from someone with a very sophisticated systems engineering understanding.
Hackers could have changed MH370's speed, altitude and direction by sending radio signals to its flight management system.
It could then be landed or made to crash by remote control.
Possible culprits include a foreign power.

"The announcement that MH 370 was still airborne and detected on radar at 8.11am Malaysian time indicates that the whole search in the South China sea has been a farcical waste of time.
"And yet someone had this information, and apparently sat back and let a futile search continue for almost a week.
"The information released by the Malaysian authorities yesterday indicates that the plane was hijacked remotely.
"People in the cockpit do not have the ability to mask an aircraft from radar.
"Radar does not depend on any equipment on a plane to operate; it cannot be switched off.
"Only very high tech electronic warfare capabilities can make an aircraft disappear from radar over the ocean...

As reported in the UK Telegraph, evidence has emerged of a possible 9/11 CIA style plot involving MH370.
British-born Saajid Muhammad Badat (above), a 'CIA-MI6-al Qaeda operative', recently told a court that four to five Malaysian men had been planning to take control of a plane, using a bomb hidden in a shoe to blow open the cockpit door.
Saajid Muhammad Badat said that he had met the Malaysian CIA-MI6-al Qaeda operatives - one of whom was a pilot - in Afghanistan and given them a shoe bomb to use to take control of an aircraft.
Saajid Muhammad Badat said that he had met the Malaysian CIA-MI6-al Qaeda operatives - one of whom was a pilot - in Afghanistan and given them a shoe bomb to use to take control of an aircraft.
The possibility of such a plot, hatched by the CIA masterminds of the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York, was bolstered by an admission by Najib Razak, Malaysia’s prime minister, that the Boeing 777’s communications systems had been deliberately switched off “by someone on the plane”.

Badat is having everything from his rent to his mobile phone costs paid by the UK taxpayer.http://www.dailymail.
Sajid Mahomed Badat's parents Muhammad Badat and Zubeida Patel came to Britain after quitting Malawi, where they had been part of the Asian community brought there to help run the country when it was the British colony of Nyasaland.
His father became a newsagent and still runs a corner shop.
Badat attended the Crypt Grammar School in the UK, where he gained four A-levels.
His father became a newsagent and still runs a corner shop.
Badat attended the Crypt Grammar School in the UK, where he gained four A-levels.

On 15 March 2014, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak (above) said:
1.Flight 370 was likely steered off course by someone on the plane
2. Flight 370 was airborne for more than seven hours, and may have traveled as far as Kazakhstan.

Prime Minister Najib Razak said that although the movements were consistent with deliberate acts, he did not confirm that the plane was hijacked.

An American guided missile destroyer.
In relation to MH370, officials, and others, have made conflicting statements, which suggests that some of them may have something to hide.
1. One theory, put forward on the Professional Pilots Rumour Network, is that MH 370 was hit by missiles and that the surrounding countries are involved in a cover-up or conspiracy.
The Sydney Morning Herald.
However, US satellites reportedly found no blast.
2. There were rumours that MH370 had landed in China, at Xian or Nanning

Email From Worker Saying He Saw MH370 go down.
3. Malaysia Airlines initially said MH370 lost contact with air traffic control at 2:40 a.m.
Malaysia Airlines later said that contact was lost at 1:30 a.m., as data on flight tracking websites had been showing.
4. The Malaysian government said, on the day of MH370's disappearance, that there were indications the plane 'attempted to turn back'.
Days later, a military official reportedly said that the military had spotted images of what might be the plane on air defense radar recordings indicating that the plane might have headed to the Strait of Malacca.
These rumours were denied by Malaysian Airlines.

Email From Worker Saying He Saw MH370 go down.
3. Malaysia Airlines initially said MH370 lost contact with air traffic control at 2:40 a.m.
Malaysia Airlines later said that contact was lost at 1:30 a.m., as data on flight tracking websites had been showing.
4. The Malaysian government said, on the day of MH370's disappearance, that there were indications the plane 'attempted to turn back'.
Days later, a military official reportedly said that the military had spotted images of what might be the plane on air defense radar recordings indicating that the plane might have headed to the Strait of Malacca.
Malaysia's Gen Rodzali Daud later said he "did not make any such statements".
5. Malaysian officials initially said that four or five passengers had checked in for the flight but did not board, and their luggage was taken off the plane.
Days later, Malaysian officials said no baggage was removed.

6. Malaysian Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi initially described the two passengers with stolen passports as having Asian features.
A day later, Malaysia's civil aviation chief, Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, appeared to indicate that one of these passengers was black.
The two men were later identified by Interpol as Iranian.
The photos of the two men released by the Malaysian police had identical legs, which turned out to be digitally manipulated.
Malaysian Response To Missing Flight MH370
7. The Wall Street Journal said U.S. aviation investigators and national security officials believed that the plane, after it disappeared, flew on for a total of five hours, based on data automatically downloaded from the plane's engines.
However, on 14 March 2014, Rolls-Royce reportedly said that it agreed with the Malaysian government that reports that MH370 may have flown on for hours after it vanished were not true.
5. Malaysian officials initially said that four or five passengers had checked in for the flight but did not board, and their luggage was taken off the plane.
Days later, Malaysian officials said no baggage was removed.

6. Malaysian Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi initially described the two passengers with stolen passports as having Asian features.
A day later, Malaysia's civil aviation chief, Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, appeared to indicate that one of these passengers was black.
The two men were later identified by Interpol as Iranian.
The photos of the two men released by the Malaysian police had identical legs, which turned out to be digitally manipulated.
Malaysian Response To Missing Flight MH370
7. The Wall Street Journal said U.S. aviation investigators and national security officials believed that the plane, after it disappeared, flew on for a total of five hours, based on data automatically downloaded from the plane's engines.
However, on 14 March 2014, Rolls-Royce reportedly said that it agreed with the Malaysian government that reports that MH370 may have flown on for hours after it vanished were not true.

Above, we see the minimum distance - around 2,500 miles - MH370 may have traveled, after it 'disappeared'.
However, on 14 March 2014, Rolls-Royce said it agreed with the Malaysian government that reports that MH370 may have flown on for hours after it vanished were not true.
The Wall Street Journal said U.S. aviation investigators and national security officials believed the plane flew for a total of five hours, based on data automatically downloaded from the plane's engines.
However, on 14 March 2014, Rolls-Royce said it agreed with the Malaysian government that reports that MH370 may have flown on for hours after it vanished were not true.
The Wall Street Journal said U.S. aviation investigators and national security officials believed the plane flew for a total of five hours, based on data automatically downloaded from the plane's engines.

Major military bases. 8) Brunei, 10) South Korea, 11) Japan
MH370 could have reached some of the military bases shown above.
(12) on the map is Guam - Andersen Air Force base.
(14) is Diego Garcia.
There is a military base on the Andaman Islands (not shown)

Could MH370 have been forced to land at Guam?
Could Guam have been the target of a terrorist plot using this plane?
In February 2014, on Andersen Air Force base on Guam, more than 1,800 service members and approximately 50 aircraft from the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, Japan Air Self-Defense Force, Royal Australian Air Force and Republic of Korea Air Forces came together for a military exercise.
The field training exercise featured command and control aircraft (AWACS) from the U.S., JASDF, and RAAF
Cope North '14 Commences at Andersen AFB on Guam - 17 Feb 2014

Anderson Air Force Base, Guam - Colonel Charles McMillan, Commander, 36th Contingency Response Group, salutes members of the China Defense Ministry on Andersen, June 19, 2006. More than 40 members from different countries all over the world to include China, Australia, Japan, India, Singapore, Republic of Korea and Russia are observing Valiant Shield, an exercise exhibiting U.S. capabilities and interoperability while working together as a joint force.(U.S. Air Force photo by Miranda Moorer)(Released) Valiant Shield

Diego Garcia
Could MH370 have been forced to land at Diego Garcia?
Could Diego Garcia have been the target of a terrorist plot using this plane?

"The last plot on the military radar's tracking suggested the plane was flying toward India's Andaman Islands, a chain of isles between the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal."
Exclusive: Radar data
Exclusive: Radar data
India has a naval base in the Andaman Islands.
Plans for US Military Bases in Andaman Islands

The Malaysian ambassador to China has received confirmation from the Malaysian military that it detected a rogue jet just an hour after flight MH370 vanished.
Rogue jet
Rogue jet
It is believed that Malaysian airlines flight 377 could have been hijacked by a US air force AWACS plane.
AWACS means 'Airborne early warning and control'.

Two men with 'stolen passports'. Malaysia Airlines and the case of the missing legs.

Two men with 'stolen passports'. Malaysia Airlines and the case of the missing legs.
The Wall Street Journal reported that U.S. investigators suspect the missing Malaysian jetliner flew on for four to five hours once it lost contact with air traffic controllers.
This is based on data from the plane's engines that are automatically downloaded and transmitted to the ground as part of routine maintenance programs.
Missing Malaysia Airlines plane 'flew on for 4 hours' after it disappeared from radar ...
On 13 March 2014, the Malaysian authorities said that there was no evidence that a jetliner flew for hours after losing contact with air traffic controllers and continued to transmit technical data.
Malaysia says no evidence missing plane flew hours after losing contact

"The Royal Malaysian Air force has now rejected a report from the Berita Harian newspaper in which an air force commander was quoted as saying that he believed the plane had turned back on itself, crossed over Malaysia and flown west over the Malacca Strait."
MH370 revealed
On 11 March 2014, three days after the plane disappeared,Malaysia's air force chief, Gen. Rodzali Daud, was quoted in a Malaysian newspaper as saying the military received "signals" that after the aircraft stopped communicating with ground controllers, it turned from heading northeast to heading west, lowered its altitude and flew hundreds of miles across Peninsular Malaysian and out over the Strait of Malacca before the tracking went blank.

"It changed course after Kota Bharu and took a lower altitude.
"It made it into the Malacca Strait," the senior Malaysian military officer told Reuters.
That would appear to rule out sudden catastrophic mechanical failure, as it would mean the plane flew around 500 km (350 miles) at least after its last contact with air traffic control.
Malaysian authorities had previously said flight MH370 disappeared about an hour after it took off from Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysia military tracked missing plane to west coast - source
The radar return was last seen near Pulau Perak in the Straits of Malacca.
Local Police at the city of Bharu confirmed a number of locals reported lights and a low flying aircraft at Bharu.
Aviation Herald

The International Business Times suggests that Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has been kidnapped.
20 passengers on the missing plane are 'world-class electronic scientists' for Austin-based Freescale Semiconductor.

In 1988, the United States Navy guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes shot down Iran Air Flight 655, an Iran Air civilian passenger flight from Tehran to Dubai.
The attack took place in Iranian airspace, over Iran's territorial waters in the Persian Gulf, and on the flight's usual flight path. The aircraft, an Airbus A300 B2-203, was destroyed by SM-2MR surface-to-air missiles fired from the Vincennes.
All 290 on board, including 66 children and 16 crew, died.[1]

Abu Nidal was a US agent.
This is based on data from the plane's engines that are automatically downloaded and transmitted to the ground as part of routine maintenance programs.
Missing Malaysia Airlines plane 'flew on for 4 hours' after it disappeared from radar ...
On 13 March 2014, the Malaysian authorities said that there was no evidence that a jetliner flew for hours after losing contact with air traffic controllers and continued to transmit technical data.
Malaysia says no evidence missing plane flew hours after losing contact

Malaysia's air force chief, Gen. Rodzali Daud
MH370 revealed
Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad, spokesman for the prime minister's office, said in a telephone interview that he had checked with senior military officials, who told him there was no evidence that the plane had recrossed the Malaysian peninsula

"The government and the airline have released imprecise, incomplete and sometimes inaccurate information, with civilian officials sometimes contradicting military leaders."
General Tan Sri Rodzali Daud, the Chief of the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), has now made the following official statement:
"The last time the plane was detected by the air control tower was in the vicinity of Pulau Perak in the Strait of Malacca at 2.40 in the morning before the signal disappeared without any trace".
I wish to state that I did not make any such statements as above.
Berita Harian's report on search and rescue –Rodzali Daud.
General Tan Sri Rodzali Daud, the Chief of the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), has now made the following official statement:
"The last time the plane was detected by the air control tower was in the vicinity of Pulau Perak in the Strait of Malacca at 2.40 in the morning before the signal disappeared without any trace".
I wish to state that I did not make any such statements as above.
Berita Harian's report on search and rescue –Rodzali Daud.
The air force commander had (reportedly) said that, according to Malaysian military radar, Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 turned and flew hundreds of kilometres to the west after it last made contact with civilian air traffic control.
The air force commander had (reportedly) said that, according to Malaysian military radar, Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 turned and flew hundreds of kilometres to the west after it last made contact with civilian air traffic control.
"It changed course after Kota Bharu and took a lower altitude.
"It made it into the Malacca Strait," the senior Malaysian military officer told Reuters.
That would appear to rule out sudden catastrophic mechanical failure, as it would mean the plane flew around 500 km (350 miles) at least after its last contact with air traffic control.
Malaysian authorities had previously said flight MH370 disappeared about an hour after it took off from Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysia military tracked missing plane to west coast - source
Local Police at the city of Bharu confirmed a number of locals reported lights and a low flying aircraft at Bharu.
Aviation Herald

Various newspapers report that, long after the plane disappeared, several of the passengers' mobile phones were connecting when called by relatives.
But the calls were not picked up.
The sister of one of the Chinese passengers reported: "This morning, around 11:40 am, I called my older brother's number twice, and I got the ringing tone"
The sister of one of the Chinese passengers reported: "This morning, around 11:40 am, I called my older brother's number twice, and I got the ringing tone"
At 2pm, she called again and again heard it ringing.
A Chinese man called his missing brother on the plane, and reported that the phone connected three times and rang before appearing to hang up.
Read more at International Business Times

A Chinese man called his missing brother on the plane, and reported that the phone connected three times and rang before appearing to hang up.
Read more at International Business Times

20 passengers on the missing plane are 'world-class electronic scientists' for Austin-based Freescale Semiconductor.
There is a theory that these scientists may know how to make planes appear to disappear.

French teenagers Zhao Yan and Hadrien Wattrelos reportedly on board MH 370.
Pattaya, in Thailand, is a major base for the CIA and its friends.
A travel agent in Pattaya has said that, on 1 March 2014, an Iranian business contact, 'Mr Ali', asked her to book tickets for the two men who turned out to have stolen passports.
She had initially booked them on other airlines but those reservations expired.
So on March 6, she to booked them again onto the Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370.
Read more:

In 1955, it is believed that an airport cleaner at Hong Kong International Airport managed to place a bomb on an Air India flight to Jakarta in the anticipation that Chinese premier Zhou Enlai (above) would be on board.
Zhou did not travel, but the aircraft was destroyed.
Pattaya, in Thailand, is a major base for the CIA and its friends.
A travel agent in Pattaya has said that, on 1 March 2014, an Iranian business contact, 'Mr Ali', asked her to book tickets for the two men who turned out to have stolen passports.
She had initially booked them on other airlines but those reservations expired.
So on March 6, she to booked them again onto the Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370.
Read more:

In 1955, it is believed that an airport cleaner at Hong Kong International Airport managed to place a bomb on an Air India flight to Jakarta in the anticipation that Chinese premier Zhou Enlai (above) would be on board.
Zhou did not travel, but the aircraft was destroyed.
On March 7, 2008 (almost six years to the day before the loss of MH370), a 19-year-old woman called Guzalinur Turdi allegedly attempted to destroy a China Southern flight en route from Urumqi, in Xinjiang Province, to Beijing.
Read more:

Malaysia's civil aviation chief Azharuddin Abdul Rahman has said that the two men who boarded the plane were not of 'Asian appearance'.
A reporter asked what they looked like 'roughly'.
Azharuddin Abdul Rahman replied: 'Do you know of a footballer by the name of (Mario) Balotelli? He is an Italian. Do you know how he looks like?'
A reporter then asked, 'Is he black?'
Azharuddin Abdul Rahman replied, 'Yes'.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.
Read more:

Malaysia's civil aviation chief Azharuddin Abdul Rahman has said that the two men who boarded the plane were not of 'Asian appearance'.
A reporter asked what they looked like 'roughly'.
Azharuddin Abdul Rahman replied: 'Do you know of a footballer by the name of (Mario) Balotelli? He is an Italian. Do you know how he looks like?'
A reporter then asked, 'Is he black?'
Azharuddin Abdul Rahman replied, 'Yes'.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.

Reportedly, the CIA and its friends brought down PanAm 103 over Lockerbie.
The attack took place in Iranian airspace, over Iran's territorial waters in the Persian Gulf, and on the flight's usual flight path. The aircraft, an Airbus A300 B2-203, was destroyed by SM-2MR surface-to-air missiles fired from the Vincennes.
All 290 on board, including 66 children and 16 crew, died.[1]

Abu Nidal (above) reportedly carried out the Lockerbie bombing.
Abu Nidal was a US agent.
Former UK Labour MP Tam Dalyell and Edinburgh law professor Robert Black "have long believed Abu Nidal, who died in Iraq in 2002, and his PFLP-GC, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command, were responsible for co-ordinating the bomb that blew up Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie on 21 December, 1988 with the loss of 270 lives."
Dalyell and Black have urged the Scottish and UK governments to answer reports that Abu Nidal was a US agent.
(Was Lockerbie suspect working for US? - News ) (Abu Nidal - Mossad terrorist) (Abu Nidal, notorious Palestinian mercenary, 'was a US spy') LOCKERBIE IS ABOUT HEROIN

The two passengers travelling on stolen passports on Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 are reportedly Iranians.
Dalyell and Black have urged the Scottish and UK governments to answer reports that Abu Nidal was a US agent.
(Was Lockerbie suspect working for US? - News ) (Abu Nidal - Mossad terrorist) (Abu Nidal, notorious Palestinian mercenary, 'was a US spy') LOCKERBIE IS ABOUT HEROIN

The two passengers travelling on stolen passports on Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 are reportedly Iranians.
An Iranian friend of one of the men told BBC Persia he hosted the pair in Kuala Lumpur after they arrived from Iran in the days before their flight to Beijing.
The source, who claimed he knew one of the men from his school days in Iran, said the two had bought the fake passports because they wanted to migrate to Europe.
They had bought the passports in Kuala Lumpur as well as tickets to Amsterdam, via Beijing.
The correspondent told BBC Persia that one of the Iranians was heading for Frankfurt, Germany, where his mother lives, while the other wanted to travel to Denmark.
BBC Persia's UN correspondent told The Telegraph that the two Iranians were "looking for a place to settle".
We do not necessarily trust the BBC or the Telegraph. There appear to be lots of red herrings being produced by the spooks.

On 9 March 2014, a group called the Chinese Martyrs' Brigade claimed responsibility for the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.
The group, unheard of before now, sent an email to journalists across China that read: "You kill one of our clan, we will kill 100 of you as pay back."

An Iranian friend of one of the men told BBC Persia he hosted the pair in Kuala Lumpur after they arrived from Iran in the days before their flight to Beijing.
The source, who claimed he knew one of the men from his school days in Iran, said the two had bought the fake passports because they wanted to migrate to Europe.
They had bought the passports in Kuala Lumpur as well as tickets to Amsterdam, via Beijing.
The correspondent told BBC Persia that one of the Iranians was heading for Frankfurt, Germany, where his mother lives, while the other wanted to travel to Denmark.
BBC Persia's UN correspondent told The Telegraph that the two Iranians were "looking for a place to settle".
We do not necessarily trust the BBC or the Telegraph. There appear to be lots of red herrings being produced by the spooks.

On 9 March 2014, a group called the Chinese Martyrs' Brigade claimed responsibility for the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.
The group, unheard of before now, sent an email to journalists across China that read: "You kill one of our clan, we will kill 100 of you as pay back."

The burden of empire.
Malaysia’s Civil Aviation Chief Azaharuddin Abdul Rahman said officials had reviewed surveillance tape of the plane’s boarding and are now saying the pair were not Asian, as they had originally indicated.
“We confirmed now they are not Asian-looking males,” Rahman said, adding that one of the men was black.
One had been identified, officials said, though they refused to release a name or nationality.
A telephone operator on a China-based hot line for KLM airlines confirmed Sunday that the passengers traveling with the stolen passports had booked one-way tickets on the same KLM flight from Beijing to Amsterdam on Saturday.
Chinese group claims responsibility for missing jet

Malaysia’s acting transport minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, told reporters he doubted the claim’s legitimacy.
Other officials said the claim could be a hoax aimed at increasing ethnic tensions between Uighurs and Han Chinese in the wake ofthe recent knife attack in the southwestern city of Kunming on March 1 that left 29 people dead and injured about 140 others.
Chinese group claims responsibility for missing jet

The Pentagon's Operation Northwoods. Aircraft were to be brought down and the incidents blamed on Cuba. WHO DID 9 11?.
Other officials said the claim could be a hoax aimed at increasing ethnic tensions between Uighurs and Han Chinese in the wake ofthe recent knife attack in the southwestern city of Kunming on March 1 that left 29 people dead and injured about 140 others.
Chinese group claims responsibility for missing jet

The Pentagon's Operation Northwoods. Aircraft were to be brought down and the incidents blamed on Cuba. WHO DID 9 11?.
Malaysia’s Civil Aviation Chief Azaharuddin Abdul Rahman said officials had reviewed surveillance tape of the plane’s boarding and are now saying the pair were not Asian, as they had originally indicated.
“We confirmed now they are not Asian-looking males,” Rahman said, adding that one of the men was black.
One had been identified, officials said, though they refused to release a name or nationality.
A telephone operator on a China-based hot line for KLM airlines confirmed Sunday that the passengers traveling with the stolen passports had booked one-way tickets on the same KLM flight from Beijing to Amsterdam on Saturday.

PanAm 103, Lockerbie. LOCKERBIE .
The South China Morning Post said that Taiwan's spy chief had received warning of "planned attacks on Beijing airport and the city’s subway system" on March 4, three days after a knife attack on Kunming railway station in China left 29 civilians dead.
"Security chiefs were believed to have received the alert from China Airlines, following a phone call to the company earlier in the day, from a man speaking in French who claimed he wanted to warn of possible terrorist activity."

Malaysia's interior minister said two passengers who used stolen passports to board the Malaysia Airlines plane that went missing had "Asian facial features", according to a report.
Read more at:
Rupert Murdoch tweets that jihadis are behind the Malaysian Airlines incident.
Murdoch sees this as an opportunity for the USA to become more friendly with China.
Are 'terrorists' behind Malaysian Airline crash?
"Security chiefs were believed to have received the alert from China Airlines, following a phone call to the company earlier in the day, from a man speaking in French who claimed he wanted to warn of possible terrorist activity."

Malaysia's interior minister said two passengers who used stolen passports to board the Malaysia Airlines plane that went missing had "Asian facial features", according to a report.
Read more at:
Rupert Murdoch tweets that jihadis are behind the Malaysian Airlines incident.
Murdoch sees this as an opportunity for the USA to become more friendly with China.
Are 'terrorists' behind Malaysian Airline crash?
Fears grow after it emerges two passengers were using stolen passports.
"A European official said he was surprised that it had been possible to check in with stolen passports at the Kuala Lumpur airport and that an alert should have popped up on the airline agent’s computer."
Passport Theft Adds to Mystery of Missing Malaysia Airlines
"Five passengers booked on the flight did not board."
"The BBC has confirmed that a man falsely using an Italian passport and a man falsely using an Austrian passport purchased tickets at the same time, and were both booked on the same onward flight from Beijing to Europe on Saturday."
Missing Malaysia Airlines plane 'may have turned back'
An unnamed American government official told the New York Times that the Pentagon had reviewed its surveillance system that looks for flashes around the world, and saw no evidence of an explosion.
Counter-terrorism agencies alerted over missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370

"A European official said he was surprised that it had been possible to check in with stolen passports at the Kuala Lumpur airport and that an alert should have popped up on the airline agent’s computer."
Passport Theft Adds to Mystery of Missing Malaysia Airlines
"Five passengers booked on the flight did not board."
"The BBC has confirmed that a man falsely using an Italian passport and a man falsely using an Austrian passport purchased tickets at the same time, and were both booked on the same onward flight from Beijing to Europe on Saturday."
Missing Malaysia Airlines plane 'may have turned back'
An unnamed American government official told the New York Times that the Pentagon had reviewed its surveillance system that looks for flashes around the world, and saw no evidence of an explosion.
Counter-terrorism agencies alerted over missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370

Some of the 'CIA planning' for the 9 11 attacks in the United States was done in Malaysia.
'The main planner' of the 'CIA bombings' on the Indonesian island of Bali in 2002, Riduan Isamuddin, is Malaysian
The CIA in Malaysia and Indonesia; Hambali / BALI BOMB - inside job.

Authorities probing possible foul play after 'missing' passport claim - MARCH 09, 2014
Some of the 'CIA planning' for the 9 11 attacks in the United States was done in Malaysia.
Malaysia and 9 11
'The main planner' of the 'CIA bombings' on the Indonesian island of Bali in 2002, Riduan Isamuddin, is Malaysian
The CIA in Malaysia and Indonesia; Hambali / BALI BOMB - inside job.

In the case of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, the Malaysian authorities are probing possible foul play after a missing passports claim.
Authorities probing possible foul play after 'missing' passport claim - MARCH 09, 2014
Reports have emerged that two passengers - one Italian and one Austrian - listed on the flight manifest never boarded the plane.
Italian Luigi Maraldi and Austrian Christian Kozel had their passports stolen some time ago.
Malaysia's Deputy Transport Minister, Datuk Aziz Kaprawi, said the authorities are probing the matter for possible foul play.
Italian Luigi Maraldi and Austrian Christian Kozel had their passports stolen some time ago.
Malaysia's Deputy Transport Minister, Datuk Aziz Kaprawi, said the authorities are probing the matter for possible foul play.
According to the UK's The Telegraph, the 37-year-old Maraldi told his parents he was in Thailand and never boarded the flight, after his name turned up on the manifest.
In a report in The Guardian, Austria's foreign ministry spokesman Martin Weiss was quoted as telling media that the Austrian citizen listed on the manifest is safe in Austria and had his passport stolen some years ago in Thailand.
9/11 Hijackers Passports were issued by the CIA – Whistleblower Michael Springmann

In a report in The Guardian, Austria's foreign ministry spokesman Martin Weiss was quoted as telling media that the Austrian citizen listed on the manifest is safe in Austria and had his passport stolen some years ago in Thailand.
9/11 Hijackers Passports were issued by the CIA – Whistleblower Michael Springmann

China's President Xi Jinping (R) and Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak in Kula Lumpur, October 2013.
In October 2013, "China and Malaysia agreed to strengthen mutual ties and to almost double bilateral trade to $160 billion by 2017.
"Observers believe that the arrangement underscores the growing influence of China in the region at a time when the U.S. is struggling to cope with its own internal political and fiscal crisis.
"Both countries' leaders announced plans to boost economic cooperation and defense ties and Chinese President Xi Jinping told a news conference in the Malaysian administrative capital, Putrajaya: 'We have agreed to strengthen our partnership with naval defense, joint military exercises to combat terrorism, transnational crime and promote security.'
China, Malaysia To Boost Defense Economic Ties
In October 2013, "China and Malaysia agreed to strengthen mutual ties and to almost double bilateral trade to $160 billion by 2017.
"Observers believe that the arrangement underscores the growing influence of China in the region at a time when the U.S. is struggling to cope with its own internal political and fiscal crisis.
"Both countries' leaders announced plans to boost economic cooperation and defense ties and Chinese President Xi Jinping told a news conference in the Malaysian administrative capital, Putrajaya: 'We have agreed to strengthen our partnership with naval defense, joint military exercises to combat terrorism, transnational crime and promote security.'
China, Malaysia To Boost Defense Economic Ties
Labels: CIA, conspiracy, false flag, inside-job, MH370
That was great work you did/continue to do in regards to MH370, I must say.
Theres more to Sarah Bajc than what the media are portraying!!! (Tescom, Tel Aviv)
I did try contacting you on your old blog. I understand you do try and refrain from identifying yourselves, but Im interested in whether yourselves, or anyone you may know or be in contact with may be interested in the following.
I am wanting to put together an investigation, detailed report and possibly a documentary film into the fate of missing MH370.
I myself am wishing to take a back seat in documentary/publicity side... but I am wanting to produce or help produce a professional and detailed investigation for the alternate media.
This will include interviews with possible witnesses (Maldives), victims families, air traffic operatives, possible Malaysian military sources, employees of Freestyle Semiconductors and other electronic companies, verifying their roles and the technologies, the patents. A detailed look into US military activity in the area at the time of the disappearance, the role of British Satellite company Inmarsat. This will include interviews with experts in the related fields who are willing to state their reputations and state the 'impossibilities' of what the authorities/MSM are attempting to state in regards to MH370. The possible links of some Malaysian officials to CIA... Im sure you get the idea.
I am still open to the possibility that this was a tragic accident, or human error, and the authorities are actually at a loss to what has happened. (THOUGH WE ALL KNOW THIS IS NOT FUCKING LIKELY!)
Obviously, an investigation into this event (which may now go down as the biggest mystery in aviation history), takes planning, organisation, research, finance and expenses, expertise in certain fields of aviation, radar, military, satellite imagery and intelligence etc. I am wondering (rather hoping) yourself and/or others at Aangirfan (readers/contacts) may be interested in such an endeavour, and/or you may have contacts (media, intelligence, law enforcement etc) that may be willing to be a part of such a project.
As I've stated, I am quite happy to take a back seat in terms of documentary making, so I am also looking for someone to put a human face to it, and I am (as I would know you are) looking to discover and expose the truth as what has happened to MH370.
Please reply if you think you may interested in provided assistance, expertise into the project, or you know of anyone who may... If not, keep up the good work and good luck.
Kind regards
Daniel Hurley
Welcome back Shirlz007!
- Aangirfan.
I'll look into Sarah Bajc.
And Daniel Hurley.
- Aangirfan
This is the idea I've proposed to many 'alternative' media outlets...
I've got an idea!!! I THINK IT'S A BRILLIANT ONE!!!
The alternate media is fragmented, it viciously attacks and discredits itself... and to put it simply... it's f****d! (and TBTB luuurve it!)
The work of Aangirfan on MH370, the contributions made by many their readers, and watching as updates and the 'investigation' continually brought in new theories, and lead in new directions, got me thinking...
'how best to expose an event like this?'
Im proposing an 'alternative media' platform, an investigation team, with people from the main 'alternative media' sources (Alex Jones, Icke, Peoples Voice, VT, Tap, 21stCentury, Global Research etc)... EVERYONE of significance within the alternate media SHOULD be down with this!
When an event like this happens, EVERYONE should immediately do a live podcast (TOGETHER) and discuss possible theories/scenarios and directions for an investigation.
-The initial investigation should be broadcast live, and different sources should decide whether to part of a JOINT, PUBLIC, LIVE investigation, or opt out.
-The public will ALWAYS have the opportunity to contribute, and live podcasts with new details and theories should be broadcast once/twice a day.
-Individuals from different sources should always be in contact, and discuss which direction to take the investigation.
- Different sources apply their expertise and knowledge.
-An investigation could end up in many different places around the globe (in regards to MH370, Inmarsat - London, victims relatives - Beijing, possible witnesses - Maldives, Freescale - Austin, Tx)
At the end of each day, EVERYONE, log on and discuss their new findings, possible new theories, with contributions from public...
THINK ABOUT IT!!! Aangirfan blog blew MH370 out of the water (literally)... and I honestly think it made the Zios think twice about using it in a 'false flag' to be blamed on Iran.
I've had no replies!
I contacted Icke and The Peoples Voice, The Tap, 21st Century Wire, Veterans Today, Alex Jones... it seems when someone attempts to unite the 'alternate media', and bring them together to share their resources, contacts, expertise and 'pursuit of truth'... their left with a deafening silence!
off topic: so glad to have found you
after 6 days without, the mind wanders from "a much needed holiday?" to dark things
although I should now know how to use the internet better
Dear Shirlz007,
I think you will find it difficult, but best wishes.
- Aangirfan
Dear All,
Very many thanks for all the comments.
Dear dognamedblue,
Good to see you.
- Aangirfan.
the thread with Afghanistan is as convincing as Snow White and 7 Dwarfs. To Shirlz007 I would advise to start his investigation first with contacting the Vietnamese Authorities who had sufficient evidence of the flight crashing offshore Vietnam to scramble boats and planes to search the sea during several days. The observer on an oil-rig in the same area witnessing the crash would be another interesting contact. Understand, neither the Vietnamese nor the observer were ever properly approached by the Malaysian government and their Zio-NATO cronies..
The photo of Sarah Bajc (in black) and Phillip Wood above is Photoshopped. He is wearing a watch on both wrists and his right hand does not match his arm. He also appears to have a thumb missing.
MH 370 Make It The Last False Flag - Matthias Chang
When you meet Saint Peter gents... you send him this link!!!! ;)
On one of your blogs you had a map of a 5 hour circle in which was shown several military bases. The one glaring omission was Pine Gap. I have a video filmed for the record of a link that was redacted on its way by email to 'friends'. The Pentagon reporter Barbara Starr says: "the latest information is that the plane has gone south EAST for some distance South EAST. (not west). 5 hours south EAST is Pine Gap. Also a few days prior to this 'flotsam' of a 777 arriving on Reunion Islands - TPTB removed screen shots I had on file of Pine Gap. Also an entire blog was 'emptied' in the blog it had videos and stills of advanced aircraft flying in/out of Pine Gap. It is what is not shown and/or removed that is relevant.
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