Sunday 13 April 2014


How do you score on the masculinity-femininity scale?

Here are some questions from the the Terman-Miles test:

+ indicates a masculine response

- indicates a feminine response

0 indicates a neutral response

1. Look at the word in capital letters, then choose one of the four words that follow it.

Choose the word that seems to you to go best or most naturally with the word in capitals.


a. kind -

b. loving -

c. meat +

d. sore 0


a. cover 0

b. paper +

c. print +

d. read -


a. good -

b. milk +

c. water -

d. white 0

2. In each sentence, choose the word that makes the sentence true.

1. We should drink tea from the

a. cup -

b. saucer +

c. spoon +

2. The earth moves around the sun in

a. 7 days -

b. 30 days 0

c. 180 days -

d. 365 days +

3.  Beethoven is known as a

a. composer -

b. painter +

c. poet +

d. singer -


4. Eggs are best for us when

a. deviled -

b. fried +

c. hard-boiled +

d. soft-boiled -

5. Marco Polo was a famous

a. king 0

b. philosopher -

c. traveler +

d. warrior -

6. Tokyo is a city of

a. China -

b. India -

c. Japan +

d. Russia 0

3. Below is a list of things that sometimes cause anger. 

Choose one of the following - VM means VERY MUCH; M means MUCH; L means A LITTLE; N means NONE - to show how much anger it causes you.

1. Being blamed for something you have not done

VM -

M 0

L +

N 0

3. Being called stupid

VM -

M 0

L +

N 0

4. Being called a thief

VM 0

M 0

L +

N -

5. Seeing boys make fun of old people

VM -

M +

L +

N 0

6. Seeing a person laugh at a cripple

VM -

M +

L 0

N +

4. Below is a list of things that often cause fear. 

Choose VM, M, L, or N to indicate how much fear it causes you. VM means VERY MUCH; M means MUCH; L means A LITTLE; N means NONE

1.  End of the world

VM -

M -

L -

N +

2. Negroes

VM -

M -

L -

N +

5. Below is a list of acts of various degrees of wickedness of badness. Choose 3, 2, 1, or 0 to show how wicked or bad you think it is.



1. Making fun of cripples

3 -

2 +

1 +

0 -

2. Going to bed without saying your prayers

3 -

2 -

1 +

0 +

3. Being a Bolshevik

3 +

2 -

1 0

0 0

4. Not standing up when the “Star-Spangled Banner” is played

3 -

2 +

1 +

0 -

5. Shooting rabbits for fun

3 -

2 0

1 +

0 +

Back in 1936, if you were male and answered too femininely, you were considered to be gay.

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At 13 April 2014 at 05:05 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The US Navy appears to have achieved the Holy Grail of energy independence – turning seawater into fuel:

At 13 April 2014 at 06:19 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why has your blogspot been blocked since April 2nd on my machine?I have to go to other sites to find you.

At 13 April 2014 at 06:54 , Blogger Anon said...

We got locked out of our other blogs.

- Aangirfan

At 25 April 2014 at 10:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Water for fuel has been around. The Navy is NOT the innovator in this respect. Just about every inventor/researcher into this fuel system has been murdered or silenced. Check out Stan Hill water car for one.
OH, Japan announced a couple of years back they had a water fueled car ready for line production and gee, nuke induced tsunami happens.


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