Friday 26 July 2024


 Sadunkal  comments on TRUMP, DUTERTE, MURDERED KIDS

The first video seems to have been removed. 

Sorry, I do not have another link.


Kamala Is Brat | Charli XCX

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post 'These babies do not exist, as confirmed by Haaretz and Israeli police records. ':

Biden, Israel and Kamala

The 'Joe Biden' seen now seems several inches taller than a few days before, even Microsoft news is covering this ... yet another double?

'Did Biden's Height Increase After Covid?'

Kamala Harris has proven a more appealing candidate than expected, the Obamas have capitulated and now endorse her

What was previously seen as 'silly and unprofessional' in Kamala, has taken off as girlish and likeable, her mistakes seem now just 'being human' to many young people. Kamala will turn age 60 in October but she seems younger due to her frequent giggling and so on. 

The super-popular British pop star, Charli XCX, with hundreds of millions of views on her videos, has endorsed Kamala as a 'brat', and young people love this -

'Kamala Is Brat - Charli XCX - What Is The Viral Pop Meme That’s Driving The Harris Campaign?'

Kamala's limited expressions of sympathy for Palestinians, also do well with voters ... this may end up an empty promise like 'Trump building the wall', with Israeli interests perhaps feeling that in the end, with Kamala's Jewish husband Doug Emhoff, President Kamala will also 'do what is needed' ... it is more clever to advance Israeli interests this way, rather than with someone like Trump

These babies do not exist, as confirmed by Haaretz and Israeli police records.


Here is Netanyahu saying that two babies in an attic were killed by Hamas on October 7. 

These babies do not exist, as confirmed by Haaretz and Israeli police records. 

This entire story is fabricated. 

And the Congress applauded him for it.

Thursday 25 July 2024

'Israel’s lawyers tell lie after lie'

CRAIG MURRAY: ‘The Zionist project is evil — and that evil is manifested by Benjamin Netanyahu’

“… When I sat in the International Court of Justice and heard Israel’s lawyers tell lie after lie to justify or excuse the Gaza genocide, I could feel I was palpably in the presence of evil …

“Yesterday that same evil, and the same lies, was manifested in the US Congress by Netanyahu, to an audience which glorified, reflected and amplified that evil …

“The Zionist project per se is evil.

“To steal another people’s land and subject them to long and progressive genocide is about as evil a deed as can be imagined.

“There is no such thing as a moderate or progressive Zionist.

“Apartheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide are fundamental to the entire Zionist project …” more

Thousands of Brave Protesters Surround Capitol for Palestine

"Israeli" settlers attack American woman

HUMAN GEOMETRY - Sadeck Waff for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games