Tuesday 3 September 2024

Ukraine black hole

Is there a £22bn 'black hole' in the UK's public finances?

'The £21.9bn figure was in an audit published by the Treasury at the end of July

, external – just a few weeks after Labour came to power.

'The document looked at areas of public spending which are set to go over budget this year, including:

  • Military assistance to Ukraine


At 3 September 2024 at 23:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot to add £6.4 billion for Dinghy Clowns. Which, according to the article is part of the 'black hole'.

Therefore, if that was an unknown financial deficit - do we add that figure to the amount we already pay that has been accounted for?

We also have Public Sector pay rises too. Police, Doctors, Nurses, Military etc. I wonder what value they added, particularly in recent years.

Police thugs and their two tier policing (which was a clear policy during COVID) or maybe 'our angels' working every hour God sends in the overflowing hospitals (particularly during the scamdemic). What about the absence of our GPs - do they deserve a pay rise????

Wether it be flotsam washing up on our shores (sponsored by Serco) or the DNR brigade that sneak around hospitals in the dead of night preying on the weak and vulnerable, there seems to be no limits what new and exciting taxes raised could be used for.

Another day in Clownworld where we can add two-tier taxation to two-tier policing. Just think, the money spent on the Boat Clowns (illegal migrants) could be spent re-instating the 'winter fuel payment', 'removing the child benefit cap' and removing the VAT on school fees. From a personal perspective I don't have kids, however I'd rather see the money better spent at home on 'our own' than wasted on trash washing up on our shores who have no right to be here.

It's about getting your priorities right. Clearly, we are so far away from that it is truly terrifying - I know away to fix it, just keep putting up taxes.

At 3 September 2024 at 23:55 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all linked to the UN Security Council seat. If UK stopped funding USA/Israel's wars, the calls would be for the UK to be removed from the SC .

To be frank I couldn't care about that. It's just an ego trip. We couldn't stop the Russians, the Chinese, the Americans in any war they wanted to commit to.

So why waste our own money on stupid wars forced upon us by f***wit Yanks?

At 3 September 2024 at 23:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

UK budget for illegal immigrants. Zero benefit to the UK taxpayer.

£4.3 billion accounted for.

£6.4 billion unaccounted for.

Every single clown in a boat is 100% an illegal immigrant and has no right to be here whatsoever. Every boat leaves from a safe country called France. To get to France you would need to pass through several other safe countries en-route (anyone of which you could easily claim asylum).

So, what legal basis is there to accept ANY boat clowns on the basis they are nothing more than illegal immigrants invading our country.

In a time where financial wellbeing of the country and its people are under serious strain, I'd love to hear a valid argument for paying illegal immigrants to live here free of charge.

Charge them with immigration offences (which they have committed) then deport them without any hesitation. Watch how quickly the problem stops.

Anyone else sick to death of scum 'taking the piss' whilst hard working people have to pay 'through the nose' for the benefit of an increase in crime, disorder and many other social disadvantages that come with allowing boat loads of young men to arrive unmolested day after day.

11 Billion and rising with no end in sight. Do also bear in mind that, despite the headline figure of 11 Billion, the true cost is much, much higher.

Market rents will increase due to supply and demand. Pressure on local services such as GP appointments, hospital waiting times, schools, Social Services etc. Prisons and remand services being stretched due to the high levels of crime which is well documented.

Then there are hidden problems like drugs, weapons, people smuggling and other transnational problems too.

Apparently we're not supposed to discuss the elephant in the room......your just meant to pay for it and shut up.

At 4 September 2024 at 03:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Migrants are sacred. They have supranational rights to NGO-funded transport, and to live in hotels and enjoy buffets, wifi, slothful luxury, spending money, and immunity from our rules at our expense. It's very well organized, occurs worldwide, and it's beyond all governments to stop it. We never knew our satanic puppet leaders could be so irrevocably charitable to the family of mankind.

At 4 September 2024 at 12:28 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 4 September 2024 at 12:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...



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