Thursday 8 August 2024

The Birthplace of Peter Pan


Moat Brae, Dumfries.

'It is with a heavy heart that we announce the imminent closure of the Peter Pan Moat Brae Trust and Visitor Centre from Friday 23rd August 2024.

'Every possible effort and option have been explored by the Trustees and staff of the Moat Brae Peter Pan Trust, therefore it is with deep sadness that we announce the end of operations.'

Comments -

Croft Smith

It can be saved. 

Make the ship in the garden 100 times more interesting for kids.

Improve the cafe, to attract families and kids. 

Forget about the story telling and have more kids' attractions. 

The current Moat Brae seems to have been designed by boring adults with no imagination, rather than by kids? 

Act quickly!

Don't sell the house to some Freemasons!

Constituency: Dumfries and Galloway

'The SNP are looking likely to win this seat.'

The MPs set to lose their seats in bombshell MRP election model

The Tory MPs set to lose their seats in bombshell MRP ...

BUT, the Conservative, John Cooper, 
edged out Tracey Little of the SNP 
by less than 1,000 votes.


Comments - 

Moat Brae

Moat Brae

Moat Brae garden

Corrina Madden

This is devastating news - however had the trust been more flexible in helping schools within D&G to visit this could have been another source of revenue. My first visit with an S1 year group was fantastic - the pupils had the best time, the staff were wonderful and worked with us to create a magical day for these young people. The following year staffing and management had changed and there was no interest at all. A very sad situation.

Ross Hyslop

2 adults and 2 kids would cost you around £35, in comparison to about £10 at a soft play which always seems to be very busy within the town in comparison to the 2/3 other people that have been there when we’ve visited inside the house. The garden is a magical play area for kids and a reasonable £3 but the poor weather will have left a gap in this footfall, meaning a lesser return in the cafe and shop. 

I hope that this beautiful building can be outsourced to small business that would struggle with the cost of high street leases, incorporating creative community groups, a place for kids play areas and classes, lease out the cafe space, incorporate some upstair space with art galleries, library areas, office space and ensure that these are all affordable options but will ensure the maintenance of the building and gardens after all the hard work that has been put into the restoration.

Good luck for the future and thank you again to the wonderful staff 

Cath Nesbitt

I wish it could be taken over by the National Trust. 

Gemma O'Toole

This is very sad. I have so many happy memories of coming here with my daughter when she was younger. It ignited a love of literature and in the story of Peter Pan. She listened to Peter Pan on audible for 4 years most nights. When it first opened we were there many sundays. I loved the cafe and the breakfast brunch menu and the arts and crafts sessions. I am grateful for the memories and sad that other local children won't get to experience what we did.

Kevin Somerville

Not convinced “every possible effort and option has been explored” Could have made public aware of financial issues before now and sought community involvement to support the centre.

Moat Brae

Lorelei Lynn

So sad to hear this My children and I absolutely love coming to Moat Brae. Such a magical place I’ve also enjoyed bringing classes over the past couple of years for school trips and all of the children have had a wonderful time visiting.

Irene Rodgers

My husband and I took our two grandchildren there just yesterday and they had a fabulous time! They've been several times and just love it! We had a lovely lunch, the children enjoyed reading in the little library in the cafe, spent a couple of hours outside in the grounds and then another hour or so exploring the house and chasing Tinkerbell! Absolutely gutted to hear it has to close, especially as the new Ice Room only opened a few weeks ago - thought it was doing really well when I saw this had just opened. Wish the public had been made aware of this imminent closure and we could have possibly organised a fundraising event where residents paid £1 each as a community fund. Is there a way this could still happen somehow? So sorry for all the lovely staff

Gabrielle Taylor Harrington

Given all the comments below, including suggestions about involving the schools and upgrading the catering, it sounds to me as if there’s room for a rethink. Some of our “closed” tourist information offices have kept going staffed by volunteers. Surely something could be worked out.

DG Unlimited ·

We are so sorry to read this. It will be a huge loss to Dumfries and to Children's Literature in Scotland.

Scotland with Sam & The Wee White Dug ·

This is such sad news. Moat Brae is a special place and one of Scotland’s best visitor attractions. Such a terrible loss for D&G and Scotland.

Carly Elise

Scottish National Party (SNP) is there anything that can be done to help keep this amazing, vital and thriving centre for Children’s Literature open and running? It brings so much vitality and joy to children and families every day and would be a terrible loss to a region already feeling left behind and forgotten by the rest of Scotland.






    Jay Slater new revelations as the dead man,s tale keeps getting stranger than fiction

  6. Democracy Manifest

    Maybe the last of the great Australian 'larrikins' (charming rebel bad boys) has passed away

    Here, the famous, hilarious 1 minute video of Jack Karlson being arrested outside the Brisbane Chinese Sea restaurant in 1991

    Daily Mail -

    "It was not his guilt or innocence in the matter that made him famous, though, it was his theatrical response to his arrest, which he hammed up for the TV crew who were there because they had been tipped off by the police - a tip off the police were soon to regret.

    'Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest!' he said in a deep, mellifluous, Shakespearean actor's voice.

    'What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?

    'Have a look at the headlock here. Get your hand off my penis!' he roared with gusto.'

    also BBC
