Friday 9 August 2024

Henry Mancini - "The Thorn Birds" Theme



Compare with this TV theme, the dark and foreboding tone of which reflects the transformed culture and psychic atmosphere post 9-11, post Afghanistan, Iraq, David Kelley, Jimmy Savile, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell…

Guess who starred in this series?


  1. UK mulls social media regulation

    “The British government is considering changes to the Online Safety Act designed to regulate social media companies …

    “The act, passed in October but not set to be enforced until early next year, allows the government to fine social media companies up to 10 per cent of global turnover if they are found in breach …

    “At present, companies would only face a fine if they fail to police illegal content, such as incitements to violence or hate speech.

    “Proposed changes could see Ofcom sanction companies if they allow ‘legal but harmful’ content such as misinformation to flourish …

    “Cabinet Office minister Nick Thomas Symonds said on Friday the government would revisit the law’s framework …”

  2. US Democrats are building an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth’

    “… [The] academic complex studying and allegedly fighting ‘misinformation’ has exploded …

    “[In 2021] LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman and George Soros launched a company that aimed to ‘tackle disinformation’ by propping up partisan local news outlets …

    “During a congressional hearing held by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Missouri’s current attorney general confirmed to Congressman Brad Wenstrup that ‘the Biden White House attempt[ed] to strong-arm big tech companies to censor free speech’ …

    “… [The] First Amendment, a once universally revered cornerstone of the American system, is under attack in a way never before seen in American history. 

    “In China, we have seen what a system of government looks like when ‘private’ technology companies are co-opted … to control the flow of information.

    “A question we all must ask ourselves is whether or not we will allow the current trend to continue and whether we are doing what we must to secure freedom.”

  3. ‘Misinformation’ is a nebulous word used to camouflage the desires of those in power

    By Silkie Carlo, Big Brother Watch Director

    “The Orwellian collection of secretive units across Government departments that claim to counter misinformation has been found to in fact monitor and record critics of the Government and its policies.

    “The units were practically hyperactive during the pandemic, scribbling down any divergent utterance by anyone with an audience online — from journalists to world-leading experts and even MPs.

    “Civil servants in the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport lead the government’s shadowy truth enforcement service, supported by officials in the Cabinet Office.

    “Perhaps the most disturbing aspect is the involvement of the highly secretive 77th Brigade of the British Army …

    “A video of [MP and ex-minister] David Davis’ speech against vaccine passports was scrubbed from YouTube;

    “[Journalist] Peter Hitchens believes a video in which he criticised lockdowns was suppressed from search results;

    “[Oxford Professor Carl Heneghan] was temporarily suspended on Twitter and articles about his academic studies on Facebook marked as ‘false’ …

    “… [We] need to properly account for this damage …

    “The hangover has left us with a now permanent Counter Disinformation Unit stationed in DCMS …

    “It should be suspended immediately and subjected to a full investigation.

    “But the bigger questions … are precisely what governments mean when they talk about combating ‘misinformation’, and how much control they should have over the information we’re allowed to see, hear, read and share …

    “… [Misinformation] is an uncomfortably nebulous word referring to ‘wrong information’ that seems to be used to camouflage the desires of those in power …

    “If we exchange our faith in a free and open exchange for a reliance on state or technological information control … we abandon the very premise of free speech, and the free society it promises.”

  4. The EU, online censorship, and cancelling the presumption of innocence

    “The EU’s Digital Services Act has recently come into effect.

    “It requires internet platforms to remove what the EU calls ‘illegal content’ proactively or immidately after it has been flagged, or face dire financial consequences …

    “This is, in fact, the largest and most far-reaching online censorship program ever implemented.

    “Of course, the EU maintains that … only ‘illegal’ content is to be removed.

    “… [But the] rules that only ‘illegal’ content will be removed can be swept aside at a moment’s notice …

    “… [Having] witnessed the world’s reaction to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, we now know how easy it is to manufacture the appearance of a crisis.

    “One just has to get the Press … and everything else falls into place …

    “… [The] EU wants to enable the people in power in its bureaucratic apparatus — and those of its member states — to silence any information that is inconvenient to them.

    “They aren’t simply fighting thoughtcrime.

    “They are fighting thought-precrime …

    What Is ‘Illegal Content” Anyway?

    “In a democratic state, under the rule of law, there is but one institution that decides if an act — whether it be by hand, by mouth or by keyboard does not matter — is illegal: THE COURTS …

    “If the rule of law still holds, how can a ‘trusted flagger’ report someone for ‘illegal content’?

    “If we still adhere to the presumption of innocence, would not a court have to decide if the act of speech that produced that content was illegal in the first place?

    “Either the content they are talking about is in fact not illegal at all, or they are trying to eliminate the presumption of innocence …”

  5. Remember the hope that was betrayed?

    Remember the optimism of the 1990s, before it was murdered on the killing fields of the 9-11 false flag and spurious War on Terror? (TM).

    The hope, the (relative) innocence, that still prevailed through the 1990s, until the Blair-W. Bush horror show and everything subsequent to that, was also reflected on British TV, with Eastenders using this, rather uplifting, version of its theme:

  6. Another 1990s tv theme tune that embodied the sense of things getting better, or about to, and the real hope of better times ahead for everyone:

  7. Compare with this TV theme, the dark and foreboding tone of which reflects the transformed culture and psychic atmosphere post 9-11, post Afghanistan, Iraq, David Kelley, Jimmy Savile, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell…

    Guess who starred in this series?
