Friday 16 August 2024

Stunning Message For the World from Japan from Professor Masayasu Inoue.

Unknown commented on "Stunning Message For the World from Japan from Professor Masayasu Inoue."

And so it begins......... It looks as though mRNA vaccines are a bit last year Aang.

 A message to the world from our Japanese friend. The new vaccines are now a different type of technology from the CONVID of yesteryear.

After specifically 'putting the boot in' to Tronald Dumps Operation Warp Speed, Dr. Inoue was scathing with regards the untested nature of mRNA vaccines. 

The dire warning is the saRNA technology that awaits us is the new frontier in all things genetically modified for our benefit. 


He mentioned Self-Replicon Vaccines (saRNA). 

A self-replicon vaccine is a type of mRNA vaccine that has the ability to replicate itself within the body. 

This unique characteristic sets it apart from traditional mRNA vaccines, which rely on the cells machinery to produce the desired protein through reverse transcription.

However, Self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) contains genetic instructions for both the target antigen (the part of the virus that triggers an immune response) and the necessary components to replicate itself. Once delivered into the body, the saRNA enters cells and begins to make copies of itself. 

No doubt will be told that the payload stays in the deltoid and is localised.

Clownworld will be encouraged by self-replicon technology despite the abject 'failure' of mRNA. 

Encouraged by the possibility of curing cancer and reanimating the dead, all you'll need is a mobile disco and free doughnuts and they'll be queuing around the block.

Self-Replicon Vaccines do not use reverse transcription (unlike mRNA) technology - which was largely denied at the time. 

Self-replicon vaccines use self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) to produce multiple copies of the target antigen within the body. 

This process relies on the cell's machinery to replicate the RNA, similar to how it replicates its own RNA.

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Despite the passage of time, it was vehemently denied that mRNA uses reverse transcription. 

This process used by the like of retroviruses (like HIV) to convert their RNA genome back into DNA, which is then integrated into the host cells genome. 

A mere suggestion of this would have seen you branded as a heretic and science denier (at the time). 

Self-replicon vaccines operate at the RNA level, while reverse transcription involves converting RNA to DNA. A distinct difference between the two rather than scientific 'hair splitting' or nuance.

Dr Inoue should be listened to carefully and his dire warning heeded. 

Anyone putting themselves in the public domain as he has is an example of selflessness of the highest degree. I suppose the clue is in the title (again).......Repli-CON.


At 15 August 2024 at 20:14 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBC removes Miriam Margolyes comment about ‘Jewish and vile’ Dickens character

‘I didn’t know Jews like that then — sadly I do now’

“The BBC said on Wednesday that it edited out a comment by Jewish actress Miriam Margolyes about the fictional Charles Dickens character Fagin being ‘Jewish and vile’ from a recording of the BBC Radio 4 show ‘Front Row’ …

“The British-Australian actress … made the comment …during a live talk at the 2024 Edinburgh Fringe Festival …

“Margolyes then added, ‘I didn’t know Jews like that then — sadly I do now’ …

“Margolyes has been a vocal critic of Israel’s ongoing war ...

“In April, she said Israeli military actions during the war have left her ‘so ashamed of Israel’ …

“‘To me, it seems as if Hitler has won’, she added.

“‘He’s changed us Jews from being compassionate and caring and do unto others as you would have them do unto you into this vicious, genocidal nationalist nation, pursuing and killing women and children …’”

At 15 August 2024 at 20:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

LUKE JOHNSON: ‘I wonder if DNA is on the side of Jews’

Luke Johnson is chairman of Bread Holdings, owners of Gail’s

“… [Israel] is an astonishing country, buzzing with energy and confidence …

“Of course, the question that really fascinates me is this: what is the magic [Jewish entrepreneurs] possess that means so many do well in business? …

“… [No other ethnic minority] can claim such an extraordinary economic impact, despite a British population of only about 300,000 Jews …

“I wonder if DNA is on their side.

“The earliest agricultural societies settled in the Levant, in about 10,000 BC … these Neolithic farmers were probably the world's first entrepreneurs.

“They established the principle of deferred gratification for greater gain …”

At 16 August 2024 at 00:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And so it begins......... It looks as though mRNA vaccines are a bit last year Aang. A message to the world from our Japanese friend. The new vaccines are now a different type of technology from the CONVID tripe of yesteryear.

After specifically 'putting the boot in' to Tronald Dumps Operation Warp Speed, Dr. Inoue was scathing with regards the untested nature of mRNA vaccines; the dire warning is the saRNA technology that awaits us is the new frontier in all things genetically modified for our benefit. BUYER BEWARE!!!!!!

He mentioned Self-Replicon Vaccines (saRNA). A self-replicon vaccine is a type of mRNA vaccine that has the ability to replicate itself within the body. This unique characteristic sets it apart from traditional mRNA vaccines, which rely on the cells machinery to produce the desired protein through reverse transcription. However, Self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) contains genetic instructions for both the target antigen (the part of the virus that triggers an immune response) and the necessary components to replicate itself. Once delivered into the body, the saRNA enters cells and begins to make copies of itself. No doubt will be told that the payload stays in the deltoid and is localised.

Clownworld will be encouraged by self-replicon technology despite the abject failure of mRNA. Encouraged by the possibility of curing cancer and reanimating the dead, all you'll need is a mobile disco and free doughnuts and they'll be queuing around the block.

Self-Replicon Vaccines do not use reverse transcription (unlike mRNA) technology - which was largely denied at the time. Self-replicon vaccines use self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) to produce multiple copies of the target antigen within the body. This process relies on the cell's machinery to replicate the RNA, similar to how it replicates its own RNA.

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Despite the passage of time, it was vehemently denied that mRNA uses reverse transcription. This process used by the like of retroviruses (like HIV) to convert their RNA genome back into DNA, which is then integrated into the host cells genome. A mere suggestion of this would have seen you branded as a heretic and science denier (at the time). Self-replicon vaccines operate at the RNA level, while reverse transcription involves converting RNA to DNA. A distinct difference between the two rather than scientific 'hair splitting' or nuance.

Dr Inoue should be listened to carefully and his dire warning heeded. Anyone putting themselves in the public domain as he has is an example of selflessness of the highest degree. I suppose the clue is in the title (again).......Repli-CON.

At 16 August 2024 at 09:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought life was just a dream. Last night's quantum wave ripples transposed through the egoic projection falsely assuming an identity with memories of trauma and the desire for more materials. Then I realized that every single human being is targeted for vaccine death and Eckhart Tolle believes the syringes are illusions.


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