Anonymous has left a new comment on 'LIFE - AN ILLUSION?':
The new sciences of biophotons (particls of light in the ultraviolet and low visible light range that are produced by a biological system. ) and torsion (twisting) fields provide a bridge between two views of life: the old twentieth century view of an organism as a chemical machine and the emerging view of life as communication and energetic flows.
In the new paradigm, DNA is the source of biophotons, governing cellular machinery, communications and behavior.
It governs growth and metabolism, with high energetic efficiency. The coherent biophoton field forms a hologram throughout the body, telling each DNA molecule where it fits in the overall blueprint, and governing cell differentiation and specialisation.
With the creation of each biophoton there is also a torsion wave. Torsion is a widespread and important form of radiation which couples particle spins together and propagates through space as a twisting wave in the metric.
It results in a variety of new phenomena. These effects have been studied extensively for the past forty years at multiple research centers in Russia. Their most important conclusion is that this torsion force is exactly the same as subtle energy. Equations can predict torsion behavior, and inventions and practical devices have been developed using it. Although the biophotons carry electromagnetic energy and are contained mostly within the body, torsion waves easily penetrate tissue and form the primary holographic pattern outside the body.
This includes the subtle structure of the aura and chakras, and also the long range signals used in distance energy healing.
The torsion field has been shown to couple to consciousness. It is a higher dimensional field, describing additional degrees of freedom absent in Western science.
Torsion fields obey Yang-Mills gauge equations, can alter the rate of time and produce stable energy forms without the need for matter.
These fields can explain many kinds of “spiritual” phenomena ignored so far by mainstream physics.
Torsion appears to be the missing ingredient which makes it possible to develop a true science of consciousness and understand the nature of life. Hence it may truly be called the “life force.”

The son learns to be part of 'God' rather than an individual selfish self.
As Jesus said: "I and the father are one".
3. p3ndulum (If everything is just an illusion) refers to our possible illusions about our 'loved one'.

4. There is a belief that if we can detach ourself from our sense of being an individual self, then we are detached from physical and emotional discomforts.

Everything is made out of tiny things called particles.
A particle called the Weyl fermion has no mass.
It is empty of matter.
It is a basic building block of matter, even more fundamental than the electron.
The Weyl fermion can act as matter and anti-matter simultaneously.
0 = +X -X

Stav Strashko can be both nothing and something at the same time.
Stav Strashko can be both male and female at the same time.

Everything has its opposite - left and right, happy and sad, love and hate, inside and outside...
In other words, the scientists have observed a particle that is its own antiparticle.
Particle observed, both matter & antimatter

Matter is a mirror image of antimatter.
There is a belief that it is our minds that create matter.
'0' can become something.
How might things come into existence?
A mathematical equation shows us how it may work.
0 = +X -X
+X is matter (particles)
-X is anti-matter (anti-particles)
Think of the TAOIST idea of YIN and YANG.
Let us say that YIN represents mainly minus numbers and YANG represents mainly the plus numbers.
The Buddhists say that you cannot have Nirvana without Samsara.
A good game of golf involves a LITTLE bit of Nirvana and a LITTLE bit of Samsara?
Photo from Photobucket
10. Let's look at Taoism.
1. The Force
Consider Luke Skywalker and how Obi-wan Kenobi taught him about "the Force".
Luke had to avoid being distracted by things like fear and anger.
On one occasion, Luke was trying, without success, to avoid laser blasts from a 'remote'.
When Obi-wan Kenobi placed a helmet on Luke's head so he couldn't be distracted, he easily deflected the remote's laser blasts.
The idea is that when you are aware of the 'Tao' and feel 'the force', you can flow with it, and the right action appears for itself, spontaneously.
(More here: / http://www.belief )

The economy does not work when things are out of balance.
2. What are the essentials of Taoism?
( / Http://
Some Taoists and Christians and others believe that bliss can be achieved when:
1. One is compassionate
2. One is moderate (Avoid large numbers?)
3. One is humble (Avoid large numbers?)
4. Everything is in balance (+ X - X rather than +X - 1000X?)
5. One is in tune with the Holy Spirit or the Tao or whatever one wants to call it. One goes with the flow.
6. One avoids the use of force; one avoids pitting one's will against the universe.
The Christians talk about God’s spirit.
The Taoists talk about the Tao being a force that flows through everything.
3. The Tao and Yin and Yang:
When the Tao is in balance one can be happy. (+ X - X rather than +X - 1000X?)
There is Yin and there is Yang (just as there is black and white, up and down, male and female).
'The Tao surrounds everyone and one must listen to find enlightenment.'
True Taoism does not get bogged down with theology. "The Tao that can be named is not the true Tao."
Taoists love their enemies. "I am good to the man who is good to me, likewise, I am also good to the bad man."

The USA's Phoenix programme (left) involved torturing and killing civilians. The USA's ISIS force is also going to extremes.
4. Wu wei is action through inaction; ‘a practice of minimal action, particularly minimal violent action’.
Don't force yourself or others to be compassionate. Be spontaneous.
Genuine love is spontaneous love.

The USA is out of balance.
"The Master does not see evil as a force to resist, but simply as an opaqueness, a state of self-absorption that is in disharmony with the universal process, so that, as with a dirty window, the light can't shine through.
"The Tao regulates natural processes and nourishes balance in the Universe.

5. Henry C K Liu wrote in the Asia Times about Taoism.
Where does evil come from?
There can be no ‘good’ without ‘evil’.
"Controlled quantities of the bad can be good.
"To employ poison to attack poison is a Taoist principle."

Americans carrying out torture in Vietnam.
How should we act?
We should avoid producing unintended consequences.
"Not taking premature or unnecessary actions keeps all of one's options open, so that the most appropriate action remains available.
"To follow the dao (path) of life is to go with the natural flow of life and to avoid going against it.
"The ethical theories of Taoism lean toward passive resistance, believing that evil, by definition, will ultimately destroy even itself without undue interference.
"Yet it would be a mistake to regard Taoism as fatalistic and pessimistic, instead of the ultimate sophistication in optimism that it is.
"Only by not applying effort can one achieve that state in which nothing is not attainable effortlessly.
"A little ambition is a good thing. Total elimination, even of undesirables, is an extreme solution, and it is therefore self-defeating.
"Life is a prison from which one can escape only if one does not try to escape. It is the desire to escape that makes a place a prison, and the desire to return that makes it a home. Home is not where one is, it is where one wants to return."

6. Taoism and other religions.
The following comes from:
From Taoism: happiness comes from helping others; wealth comes from giving to others.
From Buddhism: "Set your heart on doing good. Do it over and over again, and you will be filled with joy."
From Islam: "There is a reward for your treatment of every living thing." Muhammad also said: "None of you is a believer until you like for others what you like for yourself."
From Christianity: "Do unto others as you would have them do to you."
Veritopian refers to Yin & Yang Mathematics.

Robert Lanza from North Carolina
11. Professor Robert Lanza believes that Death is an illusion.
He believes that it is our minds that create space and time.
He believes that Life creates the Universe.

Robert Lanza and Deepak Chopra, in an article entitled Evolution Reigns, but Darwin Outmoded write:
"Darwin's theory of evolution is an enormous over-simplification.
It's helpful if you want to connect the dots and understand the interrelatedness of life on the planet - and it’s simple enough to teach to children between recess and lunch.
"But it fails to capture the driving force and what’s really going on."

Lanza believes that until you observe the sky as blue and the girl as pretty, everything exists in a state of probability.
Some people would say that the sky would exist even if no one was observing it.
Some people would say that our universe existed before people came into existence.
So, some people will not like Lanza's ideas.
Biocentrism Demystified: A Response to Deepak Chopra and Robert Lanza.

Lanza believes that there are many universes.
Lanza explains that everything which can possibly happen is happening at some point across these multiverses.
So, you may think you have died in one universe, but you are still alive in another?
Lanza says that that when we die our life becomes a 'perennial flower that returns to bloom in the multiverse.'
By maria dupovkina
Lanza writes: 'Life is an adventure that transcends our ordinary linear way of thinking.
"When we die, we do so not in the random billiard-ball-matrix but in the inescapable-life-matrix.'
Lanza refers to the famous double-slit experiment involving a particle and two slits in a barrier.
When the scientist is watching, the particle goes through one slit or the other.
But, if the scientist is not watching, the particle acts like a wave and can go through both slits at the same time.
This suggests that the behaviour of the particle is decided by the mind of the scientist.
Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe.

By Valery Titievsky
Lanza's Answers to Basic Questions:
What created the Big Bang?
Answer : No ‘dead’ universe ever existed outside of mind (“Nothingness” is a meaningless concept)
Which came first, rocks or life?
Answer: Time is a form of animal intuition.
What IS this universe?
Answer: An active life-based process

2nd Principle: Our external and internal perceptions are inextricably intertwined. They are different sides of the same coin and can’t be divorced from one another.
3rd Principle: The behavior of matter is inextricably linked to the presence of an observer.
4th Principle: Without consciousness, “matter” dwells in an undetermined state of probability.
5th Principle: The structure of the universe is explainable only through biocentrism. It’s fine-tuned for life; life creates the universe, not the other way around.
6th Principle: Time doesn’t have a real existence outside of animal intuition.
7th Principle: Space, like time, isn’t an object or thing that has an independent reality.
Robert Lanza, M.D. – BIOCENTRISM » Religion vs. Science
They can't be divorced; split them and the reality is gone...
How can entangled particles be instantaneously connected on opposite sides of the galaxy as if there's no space or time between them?
Recently, scientists sent particles into an apparatus and showed they could retroactively change something that had already happened in the past
Biocentrism says these phenomena occur because space and time aren't just "out there," but are tools of our mind...
Robert Lanza, M.D.: Biocentrism and the Existence of God
Harris speech fails to win over critics in Democrats' biggest rift, Gaza
“Disappointed Pro-Palestinian activists said Kamala Harris' speech to close the Democratic convention in Chicago failed to demonstrate any break from the status quo, after a week in which the most divisive issue facing the party was mostly ignored.
“… [The] vice president … said she supported Israel's right to defend itself …”
“A campaign spokesperson declined to explain the decision not to schedule a speech by a Palestinian speaker at the DNC.
“Party insiders fear the Gaza war could cost Harris needed votes in battleground states such as Michigan …
“Prior to Harris' remarks, only a handful of speakers even addressed the war …
“One major Harris campaign donor … said they worried that … campus protests could flare again when universities resume classes in coming days.
“‘We need every vote’, the donor said.”
Kamala & Gaza: ‘All words and no deeds’
“… [The] DNC platform [recognizes] America's ‘ironclad’ commitment to Israel.
“The Harris/Walz ticket, reads the platform, is dedicated ‘to Israel’s security, its qualitative military edge, its right to defend itself …’”
“As antiwar activist and author Norman Solomon has noted, Harris ‘has toed President Biden’s war line, while at times voicing sympathy for the victims of the Gaza war that’s made possible by policies that she supports.
“‘Her words of compassion have yet to translate into opposing the pipeline of weapons and ammunition to the Israeli military as it keeps slaughtering Palestinian civilians’ …
“[Meantime], the carnage in Gaza continues.”
Kamala Harris says she will 'stand strong with Ukraine and NATO’
“Vice President Kamala Harris … proclaimed her support for Ukraine, saying she would ‘stand strong with Ukraine and our NATO allies’ …
“‘Five days before Russia attacked Ukraine, I met with President Zelensky to warn him about Russia's plan to invade. …’, Harris said.
“‘And as president I will stand strong with Ukraine and our NATO allies’ …
“At Ukraine's … summit in Switzerland in June, Harris represented the U.S. and announced over $1.5 billion in additional support for Ukraine.
“The summit also marked her sixth meeting with President Volodymyr Zelensky …”
The new sciences of biophotons and torsion fields provide a bridge between two views of life: the old twentieth century view of an organism as a chemical machine and the emerging view of life as communication and energetic flows. In the new paradigm, DNA is the source of biophotons, governing cellular machinery, communications and behavior. It governs growth and metabolism, with high energetic efficiency. The coherent biophoton field forms a hologram throughout the body, telling each DNA molecule where it fits in the overall blueprint, and governing cell differentiation and specialisation. With the creation of each biophoton there is also a torsion wave. Torsion is a widespread and important form of radiation which couples particle spins together and propagates through space as a twisting wave in the metric. It results in a variety of new phenomena. These effects have been studied extensively for the past forty years at multiple research centers in Russia. Their most important conclusion is that this torsion force is exactly the same as subtle energy. Equations can predict torsion behavior, and inventions and practical devices have been developed using it. Although the biophotons carry electromagnetic energy and are contained mostly within the body, torsion waves easily penetrate tissue and form the primary holographic pattern outside the body. This includes the subtle structure of the aura and chakras, and also the long range signals used in distance energy healing. The torsion field has been shown to couple to consciousness. It is a higher dimensional field, describing additional degrees of freedom absent in Western science. Torsion fields obey Yang-Mills gauge equations, can alter the rate of time and produce stable energy forms without the need for matter. These fields can explain many kinds of “spiritual” phenomena ignored so far by mainstream physics. Torsion appears to be the missing ingredient which makes it possible to develop a true science of consciousness and understand the nature of life. Hence it may truly be called the “life force.”
Some thoughts from A I
Biophotons: The Light Within
Biophotons are extremely weak, ultraweak photons emitted by living organisms. These photons are produced by a variety of biochemical processes within cells, including metabolic activities, enzyme reactions, and even the interactions of molecules with DNA.
Key characteristics of biophotons include:
* Ultraweak intensity: They are billions of times weaker than the light we can see.
* Broad spectrum: They cover a wide range of wavelengths, from the ultraviolet to the infrared.
* Coherent emission: In some cases, biophotons can be emitted in a coherent manner, similar to laser light.
Potential roles of biophotons:
* Cellular communication: Biophotons may play a role in cell-to-cell communication, providing a means for cells to exchange information and coordinate their activities.
* Energy transfer: They could be involved in the transfer of energy within cells, aiding in metabolic processes and other functions.
* Biomedical applications: Research suggests that biophotons may have potential applications in medical diagnostics and therapy. For example, measuring biophoton emissions from the body could provide insights into the health of tissues and organs.
While the field of biophoton research is still relatively new, the discovery of these fascinating particles has opened up exciting avenues for exploring the fundamental processes of life.
Would you like to learn more about a specific aspect of biophotons, such as their measurement techniques or potential applications?
Holographic DNA
Holographic DNA: A Controversial Theory
Holographic DNA is a controversial theory that proposes that DNA functions not only as a biological blueprint but also as a holographic storage device. This idea suggests that DNA contains information beyond the genetic code, storing a holographic record of the organism's entire life history, experiences, and even its consciousness.
Key aspects of the holographic DNA theory:
* Information storage: DNA is seen as more than just a sequence of nucleotides. It's believed to store a vast amount of information in a holographic format, similar to how holograms can store three-dimensional images.
* Consciousness: Some proponents of this theory suggest that consciousness itself is a holographic projection created by the interaction between DNA and the organism's environment.
* Cellular memory: DNA might store memories and experiences, allowing organisms to pass on information to their offspring through more than just genetic inheritance.
Just a thought - or was that a holographic projection
RFJ Jr endorses Trump
“ … [Here’s] a look back at a few of his past quotes on the former president:
“… Kennedy recently wrote in a text message to someone that Trump is ‘a terrible human being’, adding, ‘The worse president ever and barely human. He is probably a sociopath.’
“In April … Kennedy posted: ‘When frightened men take to social media they risk descending into vitriol, which makes them sound unhinged …’
“In 2020, Kennedy said, ‘He is a bully …
“I think, in many ways, he’s discredited the American experiment with self-governance …’”
Carol Vorderman: ‘Trust in the BBC is declining, people are turning to social media’
Fewer than half of young people watch live television in an average week
“Presenter Carol Vorderman has said the television industry is full of ‘snobbery’ and working-class people have increasingly turned to social media.
“In her … lecture at the Edinburgh TV Festival … she said they feel the industry does not represent them.
“[Vorderman] said social media was ‘decimating’ the TV industry ‘with good reason’ …
“Research … last month found that less than half of young people watch live television in the average week …
“She said … the ‘filter of the news, the filter through which they get their information is one which isn't recognised by them’.
“Vorderman … also said: ‘Our industry is an industry of snobbery: regional snobbery, class snobbery and educational snobbery, and don't even get me started on the political issues’ …
“The maths expert said trust in the BBC is ‘declining’ …”
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