France tilts toward Palestine
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France tilts toward Palestine

Jean-Luc Mélenchon was born 19 August 1951 in Tangier, Morocco, so he turns age 73 tomorrow, still recalling a happy youth living amidst Maghrebi Muslims.
Mélenchon is becoming hugely popular in France across party lines, as French grab the chance to disengage from Israel and its wars. The way the politically-successful young lady wearing a keffiyeh looks at him in the striking photo above, is the way a lot of French youth feel about him.
Interesting how in both America and Europe, the right wing seems on the way to defeating itself by leaning so heavily into Zionist affiliation, exactly as that begins to sour for the common voter. Youth especially, now sees support for Israel as an odd foible of some of the older generation, who lacked the more humane approach of more interesting older people like Mélenchon, or Palestine-sympathetic American Jew Bernie Sanders.
Maybe you should look at Gemma O'Doherty's view of the war in Gaza, very interesting on her views calling some of the "victims" actors with rubber body parts.
Remember, everything in the
media is out there to get the response they want, whether your left or right
wing or alternative. Also, any politician who is pro-Palestine, is there
because they allow them to be there; it is not genuine. Elections are
Selections. No one's vote really matters cause if it did, they wouldn't allow
Regarding world wide incidents such as the Brazil Plane Crash, Southport
Stabbings leading to riots, Gaza War, they are all controlled narratives to
get that emotional response they want to manipulate everything and everyone
else to their dark agenda's.
As Richard D Hall says, "Believe none of what you hear and only half of
what you see." Yes, it's taken from EAP, but has such an importance now,
especially post covid.
Given that everyone has now forgotten about the death jabs, everyone now moves
on to the next fix they need in their 3rd Dimensional Reality.
The £1.7bn wave of new NHS drugs that can alter our DNA
- beating heart disease, cancer, blindnes ...
Not to mention - reanimate the dead, regrow amputated limbs and help surviving brain donors cope with everyday life.
I thought they might've waited before introducing saRNA as this year's all singing and dancing wonder drug.
I tell everyone who is young and Jewish: 'Every single one of you is responsible for the genocide being committed by Jews in Gaza. Your forebears demanded that every German be blamed for WW II, well now every Jew in your generation can be blamed for Gaza. Too bad if you don't like that: we don't care.'
Jean-Luc Mélenchon was born 19 August 1951 in Tangier, Morocco, so he turns age 73 tomorrow, still recalling a happy youth living amidst Maghrebi Muslims.
Mélenchon is becoming hugely popular in France across party lines, as French grab the chance to disengage from Israel and its wars. The way the politically-successful young lady wearing a keffiyeh looks at him in the striking photo above, is the way a lot of French youth feel about him.
Interesting how in both America and Europe, the right wing seems on the way to defeating itself by leaning so heavily into Zionist affiliation, exactly as that begins to sour for the common voter. Youth especially, now sees support for Israel as an odd foible of some of the older generation, who lacked the more humane approach of more interesting older people like Mélenchon, or Palestine-sympathetic American Jew Bernie Sanders.
Maybe you should look at Gemma O'Doherty's view of the war in Gaza, very interesting on her views calling some of the "victims" actors with rubber body parts. Remember, everything in the media is out there to get the response they want, whether your left or right wing or alternative. Also, any politician who is pro-palestine, is there because they allow them to be there, it is not genuine. Elections are Selections. No one's vote really matters cause if it did, they wouldn't allow it.
Regarding world wide incidents such as the Brazil Plane Crash, Southport Stabbings leading to riots, Gaza War, they are all controlled narrative's to get that emotional response they want to manipulate everything and everyone else to their dark agenda's.
As Richard D Hall says, "Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see." Yes, it's taken from EAP, but has such an importance now, especially post covid.
Given that everyone has now forgotten about the death jabs, everyone now moves on to the next fix they need in their 3rd Dimensional Reality.
Not to mention - reanimate the dead, regrow amputated limbs and help surviving brain donors cope with everyday life.
I thought they might've waited before introducing saRNA as this year's all singing and dancing wonder drug.
British diplomat resigns saying UK may be complicit in war crimes over arms sales to Israel
“A British Foreign Office official has resigned in protest at the continued arms sales to Israel by the UK.
“Mark Smith, a counterterrorism official based in the British embassy in Dublin, said he can no longer ‘in good conscience continue to work with a government which is complicit in war crimes’.
“… Smith said he had worked as a policy advisor in the Middle East and North Africa department for most of his career.
“He added that he was ‘the lead author of the central assessment which governs the legality of arms sales’ in that department, where it was his job to assess international law compliance and information about civilian casualties.
“… Smith said: ‘To export arms to any nation, the UK must be satisfied that the recipient nation has in place robust procedures to avoid civilian casualties and to minimise harm to civilian life. It is impossible to argue that Israel is doing that’ …
“He added … ‘I am also opposed to the UK’s tacit support of Israel’s occupation of Palestine …’”
Diplomat quits as UK ‘is complicit in war crimes’
British diplomat Mark Smith said: “‘Each day we witness clear and unquestionable examples of war crimes and breaches of international humanitarian law in Gaza perpetuated by the state of Israel.
“‘Senior members of the Israeli government and military have expressed open genocidal intent, Israeli soldiers take videos deliberately burning, destroying and looting civilian property and openly admit to the rape and torture of prisoners’ …
“Since 2008, the UK has licensed arms worth more than £576 million to Israel … [It] issued 42 licences between October 7 2023 and May 31 2024 …’”
Fake news, fake weather now fake comedy.
You couldn't make it up.
Gemma O'Doherty about actors with rubber bodyparts long since debunked. Concerned a documentary made in 2017 about Gaza, and indeed actors. Except what Palestinian journalists in Gaza share, no western journalist is allowed in in Gaza at the moment. And who can trust any right wing politician or journalist, which are dictated what to write and what to think. As a german journalist came out a few years ago, they all are. Short time later said german journalist dead. As so many are sharing truths. More interesting are the scholars and researchers debunking the entire bible myths. The great Kingdom of King David f.i. The Exodus which never happened. Professor Ashraf Ezzat. Are we just watching criminal landgrabing based on ancient false narratives, mindprogramms, patiently orchestrated prophesies, slowly executed to gain worldpower or realize the Greater Israel plan. For more than 80 years Palestinian villages were massacred in ways worse than the 7th. Docu Tantury x 500 more. The fear and horror in the eyes of the Palestinian children in Gaza, the trauma, anxiety, the murder of Hind possibly more telling and informative about the Truth than whatever wester MSM and governments, coupled with AI Shadowbanning try to make us believe. Biden, Harris, Trump all Zionists. Christians worldwide complicit in these massacres, genocide of palestinian Semites, 15.000 years present in the levant, the owners of ancient olive orchards and homes of which they still possess the keys. Jewish settlements, illegal, full of IDF combatants. Cults do that to followers, who often become programmed lunatics, that will not stop at whatever heinous crimes they commit, murders of followers. Then again Jonestown knows alternative history. What are lies and what are Truths in this world hard to discern.
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