Determined not by our DNA, but largely by: (a) Practice and (b) Opportunity.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post 'GENOCIDES - Ja wohl, Aryan Brueder':
In all seriousness, ‘Whites’ are NOT genetically disposed to being more imperialist/murderous/rapacious than other skin colours! :-)The cultures or subcultures stereotypically associated with EVERY ‘racial’ and ethnic group have their wretched defects.
Every ‘racial’ or ethnic culture and subculture has its cultural aspects of ‘brokenness’. To be a human on Earth living within an inherited culture, as opposed to a mythical saint or an angel who is beyond history, is to be fallible and in some ways corrupted and broken.
Whether *you* or *I* are especially violent and/or rapacious is determined not by our DNA, but largely by: (a) Practice and (b) Opportunity.

The more any individual or any group PRACTICES being broken (that is, being murderous, violent, or rapacious), the more *NORMALIZED* and *HABITUAL* this mode of behaviour comes to seem for them and their descendants.
The reverse is also true.
Just as ‘brokenness’ or ‘mistakenness’ is *LEARNED* & *PRACTICED* behaviour, so too is ‘whole-ness’ — what we can also call ‘holiness’.
Which is just, in other words, the state of being ‘not broken’.
Holiness — or as close to it as it’s possible for a human to get — is Practice, Practice, Practice.
Good is practice!

Additionally, the greater the extent of opportunity/number of *OPPORTUNITIES* that you and I have for living in a whole-ly / wholesome / ‘holy’, fashion — as opposed to a ‘broken’ or ‘mistaken’ fashion — the more likely you & I are to leverage some of those opportunities do so.
It’s easier to act ‘good’ when good is made super-easy.
Conversely, the greater the extent of opportunity/number of opportunities that you and I have for living in a broken, divided, mistaken fashion, the more likely we are to do so.
It’s easier to act ‘bad’ when bad is made super-easy.
We exist in context.

In summary, we all have to PRACTICE being good.
And we want to build societies and cultures & subcultures where the OPPORTUNITIES are few and limited for humans individually or in groups to make catastrophic moral errors or ‘break’.
We want to build societies and culture in which the OPPORTUNITIES are abundant for being and staying whole(y) and intact and ‘unbroken’.
(I have not discussed ‘Free Will’, such as it is, which is certainly an important thing, but not more important than Practice and Opportunities.)
NADINE DORRIES: ‘The UK Civil Service is packed to the rafters with spooks. Even Keir Starmer’s chief of staff could be one’
Keir Starmer’s chief of staff, Sue Gray, is “the woman at the heart of Government now generating more headlines than any elected politician …
“Intriguingly, Sue Gray gave up her Whitehall job to briefly run a pub in rural County Down in what was known as ‘bandit country’ during the Troubles, and there has long been speculation that she was a spook.
“That's not unusual.
“Whitehall is packed to the rafters with former security agents now working in senior Civil Service roles …”
Except one rose up in response to the other.
I enjoy formulas like most chemists do.
Formulaic on the other hand just doesn't cut it
David Fagen
Some men can't be moved off their spot deapite the conditioning no matter who gives the orders.,and%20key%20leaders%20were%20either%20captured%20or%20surrendered.
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