Monday 12 August 2024

55% of all the murders.


Unknown commented on "Genetics - criminal activity 2"

Blacks in the US (males) represent just over 6% of the population. However commit 55% of all the murders.

This figure is also similar to all violent crime committed too and reflected in many other countries around the world.

A small sub set that is clearly more violent and prepared to commit more violent crime and murders than all other ethnic groups combined.

So, "Most Jews are lovely. Most Americans are lovely. Most Italians are lovely"......yeah, I agree.

However, let's also not ignore most murders are committed by blacks. A very inconvenient truth,sorry, a poor diet or low educational attainment doesn't adequately explain that - does it?

Interesting to see if this passes the editorial .


Anonymous - 

Blacks commit 55% of all US murders. More than all others combined.

6% of the population more than half of all homicides. I guess unconscious white bias and latent racism has a lot to answer for.

Or, maybe it's something else........


At 12 August 2024 at 13:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think it was blacks that have been committing all the murders in Gaza right now. Nor do I believe that those committing them are poor and under-privileged.

200,000 dead enacted by rich, Caucasian Jews?

Worth pointing out, don't you think?

At 12 August 2024 at 15:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about all the murders that are committed by the white elite? Who steals the many millions kids that go missing each year…Nobody is counting them right? It’s all ones and zeroes so let’s all start doing the Math or the Math will do you Einstein

At 13 August 2024 at 00:07 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely. Some people on this earth are murderous by design. It's how they are. It's baked in to their DNA

At 13 August 2024 at 00:25 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

See comment above for a better explanation. Caucasians often get mixed up with white - sorry they're no more white than Latinos.

Furthermore looking at the Elites..... they're not exclusively white are they??? Most are of a Caucasian ethnicity, again, the earlier comment above better describes who they are. Many of whom are also black.

Most of the so called whites who run Hovelwood, Government, Military are of a Caucasian lineage. Cauc-Asian absolutely not White European descent.

The same types that are responsible for all wars Atlantic Slave Trade, Arab slave trade, Trans Sahara slave trade, fake medical interventions (remember the Vax)??? Plenty whites as well as blacks 'rubbed out' with that.

The Elites are not exclusively white. Whites are an extremely targeted minority from blacks and Caucasians. They seem to get blamed for everything.

I've attached a video of what Caucasians done in Germany during WW2 to actual ethnic whites. Not the fake whites like you find in US and the Elites (who are of some type of Mongol-Asian)

At 13 August 2024 at 01:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ja wohl, Aryan Brueder, we are the Herrenrasse.

With our beneficent genocides of Arabs, Africans, American Indians, the Indigenous of South America, the Indigenous of the Caribbean, Aboriginal Australians, Indigenous Canadians, Romani, and others we deemed non-White, we secured much-deserved Geld and Lebensraum for the most peace-loving, intelligent, spiritually-evolved and noble Race this world has ever known: White people.

But far more importantly than that (and this was in actuality our true motive), we lifted up all of Humanity: by improving the political, material and spiritual conditions of life for the millions of lucky survivors & their lucky descendants who now live better lives thanks to the vast wealth and societies WE WHITES created.

We Whites are the most law-abiding, noble, generous, empathic, and just of all Races, and for that we have to thank our superior DNA.

But there is much for us still to do, Aryan Brueder, and so our work continues with genociding Arabs in Palestine.

Again, our primary motive, deriving from our superior DNA, is to raise up, not only Arabs in Gaza and elsewhere, but all of Humanity! Bestowing political, material, and spiritual blessings on the lucky survivors & those who will be their lucky descendants.

May they bless us forever, and recognize in their hearts all we have ever done — for our love of the law, of morality, of democracy, and of peace — for the lower species.


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