Friday 5 July 2024

Who won?

Who won the UK election?

Who put Boris into power? 

Who put Starmer into power?

Most of the media, including the Guardian's many Jewish journalists, have helped Starmer. 


CRAIG MURRAY: ‘The rejection of Starmerism — the fact they are trying to hide’

“Millions fewer people turned out to make Keir Starmer Prime Minister than turned out to attempt the same for Jeremy Corbyn.

“That is the most important fact of this election, and the one the mainstream media works hardest to hide.


Corbyn 2017: 12,877.918

Corbyn 2019: 10,269,213

Starmer 2024: 9,634,399

“I don’t think any Prime Minister has ever come to power with less popular enthusiasm than Keir Starmer …”


At 6 July 2024 at 00:13 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vaping and testosterone

At 6 July 2024 at 03:07 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Britain is ... a poor country with some very rich people.

More than a third of people in Britain spend over half their income on rent, 80% spent over a third.

Millions of younger people now exist in precarity around housing, forced into overly expensive privately rented accommodation with no hope of affording a home.

Although Britain has many wealthy, the average person is not very well off compared to other developed countries ... the lowest-earning bracket of households in Britain were 20% worse off than their counterparts in Slovenia.

Britain's economy is highly London-centric. Without the capital, the UK would be poorer per head than [the USA's poorest state] Mississippi.'

At 6 July 2024 at 10:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poorest state?

Hell nah!
And we have a Hebrew at the Helm Head of State Governor after promoting our Transsurgeon General to the Federal level.
Y'all gotta come to Pennsylvania.
London sounds like the few Engorged Ticks named UPMC (black-legged tick), AHN (dog tick) and the 3 variants of the groundhog tick, the Pirates, Penguins and Steelers feasting on an already depleted host


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